Acoustic sound purity. The Focal Utopia is an open-back full-range speaker driver with a Beryllium dome. Nothing feels cheap or tacky. To read up on other FOcal products reviewed on Headfonics click here. The answer is that Focal has now has done so, ‘releasing the R&D hounds’, so to speak, to develop a stunning new pair of high-end headphones: the upper-echelon Elear (£800, or $999) and the cost-no-object flagship Utopia (£3,400, or $3,999). The Utopia performed very well, but when I moved to Jazz and Classical, they came alive. The Focal Utopia has been out now for some time, and when it first came out there was nothing else like it. As a world first Utopia features the only wide range loudspeaker built within a pair of headphones using pure Beryllium formed in the brand new M shape dome. Focal has been building high-end audio products for decades, and Focal Utopia is a high-end headphone manufactured by Focal. Ces atouts en font le compagnon idéal de vos déplacements avec un mot d’ordre : le plaisir d’écoute, partout ! The Utopia is for sale from many online vendors. “World’s Best Headphone.” This was the proclamation made by the man who gave me my first job doing headphone reviews, my mentor and predecessor at Innerfidelity, Tyll Hertsens.As a young teenager I remember learning a lot from Tyll and Innerfidelity, and the exciting discussions of his reviews and measurements that made their way onto the forums at head-fi and … The acoustic quality of this exclusive solution allowed Focal to avoid the use of any crossover or passive filtering process to achieve a frequency response from 5Hz to 50kHz! Par contre, une mallette de transport existe bien, mais là encore, ajoutez 150 euros à l'addition. Bref, un chef d'oeuvre à la portée des passionnés. Stellia Hi-Fi circum-aural closed-back headphones. Bass. Un câble de 3 m, idéal pour une utilisation domestique sur un amplificateur haut de gamme grâce à sa connectique symétrique XLR 4 points. I see no need to change the cable to an aftermarket option unless you have worn through the ones included. De conception entièrement ouverte, le Focal Utopia ne fournit absolument aucune isolation passive. Ce support est idéal pour mettre en avant les casques haute-fidélité chez soi ou en studio d’enregistrement. The Focal Arche is modern-looking and well-designed — and the sleek black metallic look should help make it look right at home in any audiophile’s setup. The elephant in the room is, of course, the price. Il est sensationnel ! The Focal Utopia headphones are supposed to be the best of what Focal can offer in a pair of headphones — and it’s an ambitious undertaking. Utopia have already become the world reference high-fidelity headphones manufactured in France by Focal. On the top of the Arche, there’s a small grill that can be used to place an included headphone stand in, which is a nice touch. It's surprising to see as most people who buy the Focal Utopia will likely use them at home. £23,350.81. Neuf. However, at home, I have been using my Oppo HA-1 and a few different DAPs like the YnLVMei A1 and Shanling M6Pro. La mousse à mémoire de forme des oreillettes, thermosensible et à très haute résilience, offre un confort optimal. Le câble fournit en scandaleux : pour un casque à 4000 euros, on pourrait s'attendre à l'utilisation d'un cuivre de bonne qualité (OCC) alors que celui qui est utilisé et du banal OFC. Equipped with exclusive technology, they offer striking realism, neutrality, dynamics and clarity, for sound with unrivaled purity. François :-). High street availability will be more respected but some stores dedicated to high-end audio may have them in stock. “How does it compare to the Utopia?” is a common question among audiophiles whenever a new flagship comes out. With the Utopia, the included case comes in a charcoal finish that matches the Utopia’s sleek black and carbon fiber color-scheme. Focal’s Utopia headphones are a bleeding-edge statement from a pedigreed loudspeaker manufacturer that has made the most of its speaker-designing experience. Mon choix serait vite fait. The Utopias are refined and wonderfully smooth performers that still have enough in the way of bite to satisfy. It’s famous for wide soundstage combined with punchy low-end. Equipped with exclusive technology, they offer striking realism, neutrality, dynamics and clarity, for sound with unrivalled purity. La musique se déploie, détails, finesse vont vous surprendre et vous transporter loin... Elear est un casque audiophile ouvert fabriqué en France par Focal. The device measures around 2.4 inches tall, 7.9 inches wide, and 11.7 inches long. Le casque disparaît totalement et la retranscription du signal audio est d’une pureté sans équivalent. They are all-around fantastic performers who deliver on that high-end premium experience many people are looking for. Utopia est le casque haute-fidélité de référence fabriqué en France par Focal. They are the result of more than 35 years of innovation, development and manufacturing of speakers and loudspeakers in France. The cables are excellent quality and have a nice feel to them that flows well when moving around. Casque parfait mais mériterait d’être livré avec un second câble avec prise audio 3,5mm et avec sa mallette de transport en lieu et place de sa superbe boîte dans laquelle il est livré mais qui est, après déballage, encombrante et inutile. They are futuristic yet all class, and you can probably tell I think they look fantastic. Focal is known for its high-end equipment, but it obviously has to seriously impress to warrant the price tag of an eye-watering $4,000. I believe the Utopias sound like a 2,500-3,000 headphone in balanced mode. Focal has done a great job with that drive unit. People spend a lot of cash on many things, but if this gives you the satisfaction you seek, if you will get hours and hours of listening pleasure, then ultimately, I say yes. Finishing on them makes you want to keep looking at them as much as listening. The open back grilling gives sight of the driver to tease the 50mm diaphragm lurking beneath, and to top it all of, there is just a tasteful small Focal logo on each earcup so as not to get too pretentious and shouty. Casque Audio Filaire Focal Spirit One S. D'occasion. Le Focal Utopia embarque un transducteur à dôme en M ultra léger de 40 mm en pur Béryllium bénéficiant d’un châssis et d’un moteur sur mesure, le tout logé dans des oreillettes conçues pour offrir un positionnement optimal afin d’assurer la meilleure image stéréo possible. They are expensive, at $3999.99, but if you can afford it and appreciate highly detailed music listening, you should drop everything right now and buy these headphones. We recommend the Il est couplé avec un baladeur questyle QP2R la combinaison est parfaite. In the box, the Utopia comes bundled with a lightweight rigid carrying case that’s similar to cases included with other headphones by Focal. “How does it compare to the Utopia?” is a common question among audiophiles whenever a new flagship comes out. Ses technologies exclusives, offrent une écoute saisissante de réalisme, de neutralité, de dynamique et de transparence pour une pureté sans équivalent. Looking at the Utopia, images of Batman’s sophisticated devices in gunmetal black come to mind. There is no need to be shouty, the design language of all Focal's headphones has become well known to audiophiles, and I can easily spot a set of these from the opposite side of a trade show in a matter of seconds. Well, it depends entirely on how you want to spend your money. Audiophile On is a review site for high-end audiophile headphones and earphones. I have had hours and hours of pleasure listening to the Utopia on almost every source setup imaginable. Temps restant Il reste 11 h 28 min. Design : Focal Utopia. Focal has never made headphones as pricey as these, or anything that even hinted at so much ability. is a review site for high-end audiophile headphones and earphones. La nouvelle collection Casques a été lancée en juin dernier aux États-Unis et cet automne en Europe dans le monde entier. The midrange is smooth and extremely detailed. With each impact, a cloud of wasps rose from the nest. The generous covering of perforated leather on the headband and ear-pads are both internally padded with thick memory foam and combined with the perfect clamping force delivers a wonderfully comfortable listen. Vous voulez le transporter ? Even the cable connectors on each side of the Utopia give a satisfying click when a cable is inserted. The Focal Utopia Headphones have these little drivers, with otherwise such a nice headphone surface, perfect for a flat membrane, so they beam sound at you. Casque magnifique en tant qu'objet et à l'écoute, je redécouvre la musique. Famed for making quick tempo music with hard-hitting basslines, IM sounded terrific. Utopia are unique: they are the world’s first audiophile headphones … Focal has always been at the top of the game when it came to high-end audio products, but before 2012 I had only ever had experience with HiFi speakers. Purchase Here! Design : Focal Utopia A traditional dynamic headphone driver has a plastic basket with a flat magnet. Du plaisir qui en vaut pleinement le prix. £19.90. Acoustic sound purity, everywhere. Listen offre ainsi un son extrêmement dynamique, un grave tenu. ARE They THE BEST? Pour 4000 euros, on aurait pu espérer nettement mieux, l'Audèze LCD-4 justifie, lui totalement son prix. These have to be one of the coolest looking headphones I have ever seen. We are offering you an exceptional ($1000) reduction redeemable against the purchase of this DAC amplifier, allowing you to fully enjoy your high-fidelity headphones. Equipped with exclusive technology, they offer striking realism, neutrality, dynamics and clarity, for sound with unrivalled purity. Focal Utopia Headphones These previously loved Focal Utopia Headphones include all the original packaging. Typically when doing cable reviews, I usually have a definite preference and gravitate towards certain cables immediately. Focal’s flagship dynamic headphone has only existed for about two years, and yet ask most headphone devotees to name the headphone that sits right at the top of the tree and many, if not most, would say Utopia. They cannot be plugged into a portable device such as an iPhone or android smartphone. That was when I turned to EDM and chose, of course, being Infected Mushroom's standout album Vicious Delicious. And so in this review I’m going to ask the question of whether the F… Le casque audio Listen combine tous les atouts d’un casque nomade Premium, pour des heures d’écoutes intenses ! To say I was intrigued would very much be an understatement as my hopes were high that the engineers at Focal could bring something truly revolutionary to a traditional dynamic headphone. Covering headphones, IEM, amps, dacs, cables & DAP's. 60,00 EUR. Le casque lui-même bénéficie bien évidemment d'une qualité de fabrication irréprochable. Tolerances are high, and everything glides and pivots in just the right way. Headphones are in Excellent condition.We have some … Read more. P&P: + £269.43 P&P . Every note picked from stringed acoustic instruments has just so much more to it that is often lost on a lesser headphone. Utopia Casque hi-fi circum-aural ouvert. En poursuivant votre navigation, vous acceptez l’utilisation de ces cookies. There is a reason why these headphones are so well-loved. We were giving up on finding the new exciting listening experience we sought. The stand is perfect for Focal’s own headphones, but will work great for othe… Bref, Focal reproduit, en bien plus grave, l'erreur de l'OPPO PM-1 (corrigée pas OPPO avec le PM-2). Cette mallette constitue un complément idéal à l’achat de votre casque, pour le transporter dans un bagage ou un sac de volume réduit ou le ranger discrètement chez vous. There are other options at a lower price like the Sennheiser HD820s, which I own, the sound is indeed close, but the Utopia feels special. The Utopia incorporates a whole host of performance features directly descended from Focal’s large room speakers, some of which can run up into the $200,000 mark. The box sports a similar design to the Elear box which stores the headphone nicely. You have two options to connect to your source components. They are the result of 35 years of innovation, development and manufacturing of high-end speaker drivers and loudspeakers. Chris Shaw from Focal walks through a unique bundle of their Utopia headphones and the ARCHE DAC Amplifier. Listen a été conçu en France par les ingénieurs acousticiens Focal, avec 35 ans d’expérience et de recherche. Typically when doing cable reviews, I usually have a definite preference and gravitate towards certain cables immediately. Are you the proud owner of a pair of Focal Utopia, Stellia or Clear headphones? The Focal Utopia has an RRP of $3999 at the time of writing. There are nuances and transitions within the decay of such notes that many people miss. C'est un très bon casque, mais qui ne supporte pas la comparaison avec ses concurrents. Everything about this headset remains premium as well. Le son est une pure merveille, le produit est superbement fini et Français de surcroit, je recommande vivement ce casque. A pair of Focal Utopia headphones next to a Pathos InPol Ear headphone amplifier. Un équilibre tonal remarquable. The driver is similar to their voice coil. The headphones slam into action delivering a big smashing of sub-bass delight. Un grand merci à l'équipe Focal pour cette création hors norme. Now, in 2019, there are a lot more flagships on the market to choose from, and the Utopia is often used as a comparison for new headphones. Pour la première fois, un casque audiophile est équipé d’un haut-parleur dans son oreillette. Ce casque est une pure merveille ! Recently Focal announced the release of two new statement products, the Elear (priced at $999US) and their new flagship, the Utopia headphones (priced at a whopping $3999US). It’s obvious Focal … As a world first Utopia features the only wide range loudspeaker built within a pair of headphones using pure Beryllium formed in the brand new M shape dome. Upscale Audio High Fidelity 6,412 views. Does that justify a purchase? Et addictif ! Enfin, sa large capsule de 40 mm intègre des matériaux à l’origine de ses performances audio. 900€ Clear Casque circum-aural ouvert. 24 avr. 25/05/2020. Focal a conçu l'Utopia comme un porte-étendard donnant à voir toute l'étendue de son savoir-faire sonore, et le moins que l'on puisse dire est que la démonstration est concluante. Le casque audiophile propose des matériaux nobles et raffinés. Achat immédiat +4,09 EUR (livraison) Résultats correspondant à moins de mots. It is about the size of a ruble coin, and around it is a voice coil and a … High End Cable for Focal Utopia Headphone Pure Silver Wire Carbon Plug 3.5mm. 0 enchères . They look, feel, and sound incredible. UN CASQUE BLING BLING Sublime. This wasn’t quite the case with the Utopia. I believe there is a noticeable improvement . Détenteur d’un casque Focal Utopia, Stellia ou Clear ? Focal’s flagship dynamic headphone has only existed for about two years, and yet ask most headphone devotees to name the headphone that sits right at the top of the tree and many, if not most, would say Utopia. Pivots in just the right pair of Focal Utopias qui s'est le plus accorder à mon d'écoute. Glides and pivots in just the right way offre ainsi un son extrêmement dynamique, un bon. Way of bite to satisfy not include the 3-meter Utopia headphone Pure Silver Wire Plug... Entre Focal Utopia has an RRP of $ 3999 to choose the right pair Focal. 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