Hey guys. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. If anyone wants to port this to LE or make any modifications to me, all I ask is sharing it here too for everyone else too. {Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide HDT}. We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. Close second would be combat overhauls. SOS addon sliders supportet by this mesh too. BDOR Mueburus was released a while back, and while it's female only, it's very good for a warrior type of character. I'm using vortex but i use bodyslide from the skyrim data folder, not through vortex. I believe that Spain has Commission. it looked amazing but i forgot to save it. I used to use Killer Keo's, but this one has won me over. Breast … just thought it would be cool if you had a plaid version of the guard armor. I was just wondering if any of you had any HDT-enabled armor (I mean serious armor, not skimpy bullshit). Everybody else has already recommended eskyrim. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. PsiKotics Necromancy Mod SSE. Looks like it's simply an SOS body replacer with HDT-SMP bones + xml (using full body collision detection instead of collision meshes). SSE ONLY! RaceMenu High Heels. It belongs to a race of warrior elves who combine both their intuition and the strength of most humans from Skyrim. Team TAL will occasionally release a smp mod on their patreon. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Posted by 10 months ago. If I remove the armor then collisions do work on the naked body. Credits : Major props to @Den987 for letting me uses his pieces from his armor replacer set. I've recently downloaded the Bloodborne armor pack on Lovers Lab and I cannot let go of how I gorgeous and swoopy the cape and fabrics are on the Hunter Armor, and I'm yearning for more stuff like that, However, most of the SMP armors in Nexus are slooty mods which, while I enjoy some of that risqué content in my game, I play with a mix of male and female characters, and I'd like some nice stuff for everyone too. The physics are working with the CT77 Remodeled Armor, but collisions are not. Followers and Adoptables. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Welcome to /r/SkyrimMods! ... For me its armor and weapons replacers. General Tulius & Carius' armors. I have heard that converting Oldrim HDT-PE mods to SMP isn't particularly hard. This is a Texture REPLACER These are modfied 2 K textures but look larger because of the way I made them Whats people lookup in this blog: Genitals could be seen through retiform chain of the undy so his refitted one was unbelievable sexy. Cbbe saysbit comes with vanilla armor and clothes replacer. I appealed for kreiste to make a patch for the undy to attain my desire and he consented willingly then I upload the patch here. View File https://eskrimmods.blogspot.com/search/label/HDT+, There are some risqué armor but there's a few that are good too. ... View File SSE - Artifacts The Breton Paladin SAM Light patch Artifacts - The Breton Paladin ... DX Emfy Cleric Outfit + HDT 1.0.0 which was refitted by kreiste, especially its undy. HDT SMP Wind by nexusid1234 https://www. :), Press J to jump to the feed. 2.20 Daedric female armor replacer for Skykids; 2.21 Children+SoulGemsSkykids 1.5 child patch; 2.22 Skykids armor conversions by pieeater; 2.23 Shota Trap Race; 2.24 Skykids Child NPC Replacer Faces; 2.25 Female Facial Animations for Skykids; 2.26 SkyKids Armor Swapper - Missing Armors Pack; 2.27 Skykids HDT Vagina and Bellyscaling For Armors SFW HDT-SMP Armor Mods? 16. 4. Futa characters support for SOS- Addon - Futanari CBBE SSE: additional thongs mesh with cock support, uses slot 61 for now. in the presence of U.S. Secre- still, whose only armor was a hidalgo did not project his spirit been wise to erect this Spanish Archbishop Joseph P. Burley tary of the Interior Stewart friar's robe." Edited May 23, 2020 by mikaakim, i love your work! Birds of Skyrim SSE Edition (LINK). This is a vanilla armor replacer, all outfits do not have physics. HDT SSE Physics (LINK) *The mod should be downloaded from here (LINK) ... White Leopard Forsworn Armor Replacer - M7BBP - SSE Conversion (LINK) Note: This is an SSE conversion of 'TroubleMakers Forsworn Armor' (LINK) - M7BBP non-topless version. Cookies help us deliver our Services. NPC Replacers. {Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide HDT}. My character mainly uses light armor so those would be preferred, but any mods that you know that uses HDT SMP would be great! This is hi poly armor (in Skyrim sense ) with 4k textures. Only one i've seen so far is a silver/blue one that looks like artorias had a baby with a knight of the nine. A shit ton of armor conversions for COTS, though I've found they work well for any child race. ... PC SSE - Discussion. They are absolutely crucial to me and I just can't play without them, but that's mostly because I'm a nerd for historical/medieval stuff. *Don't download the LE mod I have been absolutely fascinated with Kreis' Skimpy Refits - DX Emfy Cleric Outfit + HDT 1.0.0 which was refitted by kreiste, especially its undy. The Alfheim Knights armor is a set which adapts to an Elven knight almost perfectly. ... For me its armor and weapons replacers. There is the Grandmaster Ursine Armor, from both genders, pretty good. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. TAWOBA / Bikini Ascend Replacer HDT-SMP - Similar to the Basic package, and provides armors that employ the CBBE SMP (3BBB) physics body, including body collision shapes (though without any super-fancy additional collision shapes for cloth pieces, I'm sorry to say). WARNING! This is the file you want to use if you want teens and/or dolls to wear super skimpy vanilla style clothing and armor. The soul. ... PC SSE - Discussion. Check Out This Mod. There's also {The Amazing World of Bikini Armor}, but it's not a replacer, though I believe there are patches to do so. 2. 239 6. My male dovahkiin has very specific needs when it comes to his armor mostly he has to look good while murdering you and your entire family. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue. By Schaken ... TLOU2 Ellie as Jordis The Shieldmaiden, Housecarl of Solitude - NPC Replacer / Standalone Follower Option [SE] By Hieroglyphics. Is there any way to get HDT collisions to work with this armor? These are outfits included are from BD's Armor and Clothing Replacer CBBE Bodyslide, and they have been converted to LE with the teen and doll bodies. Does the bloodborne/darksouls pack support males? I know about Resplendent armor, but what other mods use HDT SMP? Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. UD's Loli/Shota Statue of Winterhold College SSE. Linked to LL because I don't have the time to download all of them and upload them to Mega atm. BD Armor and clothes replacer for HPL by Neabus ... Loli and Shota Player Voice Overhaul SSE. The Old Yharnam and basic Hunter armor look good on any character, while the Maria/Doll one smay look strange on buffer male characters as it tones them down to fit the outfit, it's all pretty snazzy! I used to use Killer Keo's, but this one has won me over. 3. Devious Devices Loli Gags and Piercings. *Don't download the LE mod Yukata - CBBE Slim at Skyrim Nexus - mods and community. Also go through the non-adult section of Loverslab, there are some very good armors there. HDT SSE Combined Compatibility Set. Reddit.com So I've installed the latest cbbe and body slide from nexus for skyrim sse. However, when you go to buy them you'll be disappointed to learn that they all use the same generic model/texture and each only restore 25 points of stamina. Warchief Armor. It's the Oldrim HDT-PE (Havok) that won't work with HDT-SMP, either in Oldrim or in SSE. Followers and Adoptables. or personality in furniture, pic- relic on American soil for we blessed the house, which flies thank you so much., IPSinfo.ru Close. I open bodyslide, use my preset, hit build, says it built the body, i … Thanks. With that in mind, you may want to flip through the ESkyrim Blog. These armor sets will be in the "Bikini Replacer (SMP)" group and are identified by the (SMP) suffix in Bodyslide. By Jobobby04 91 130 [COCO] Christmas Gift 3BA SMP. A set of clothing replacer, covering all basegame (and one from DB) armors within the Civil War questline. Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Hdt sse combined compatibility set. 239 6. Apr 5, 2019 - Newermind43's ESO Altmer Armour converted to SSE CBBE BodySlide. I recently got HDT SMP to work for SSE after hours of sweat and tears. Thank you, modders. [SE] Kreis' Skimpy Outfits - Heavy Armor Redux, Copyright © 2016–2021 Vector Plexus. Nexusmods.com Credits and distribution permission. -Main-Hand Dual Power Attack Forward Animation Replacer +SSE Children Player Voice for xxsUtility +xxsUtility 2020.3 +VampLord ... +Dragon Carved Armor Set (SSE edition) +Devious Devices – Beast Race Refits +Circlet Replacers for Women ... +HW HDT SSE +Werewolves by Erundil +HDT Werewolf SSE v2.5 CBPC +SL Defeat FutaEdition SE By Jobobby04 91 130 [COCO] Christmas Gift 3BA SMP. Content of the article: "Purple shield on back Ecotone dual sheath & Guards armor replacer sse" Just as the title says, guards have shields on their back just like everyone else, but their shields are purple. A complete set of revealing outfits remodeled for CBBE and adapted for use with Bodyslide and Outfit Studio. Female only. I always thought it was female only so didn't bother with it. Integrated Child Patches. We are Reddit's primary hub for all things modding, from troubleshooting for beginners to creation of mods by experts. read cicero's final journal to find information about these special reward items. I don't think the latter was equippable without console. SSE - Artifacts The Breton Paladin SAM Light patch, View File Stormcloak's (and its derivations with 'sleeves' lol) and the rest of the hold guards' armors. HDT SSE Combined Compatibility Set. Oct 29, 2017 - A glass armor thieves, scout, and assassins could actually wear proudly. Based on designs by Mak, Killer Keo, Acdale, cotyounoyume, Crosscrusade and Zonzai, the se 1. [SE] Kreis' Skimpy Outfits - Civil War Armor Redux 2.0.0. The Warchief armor is very unique, but it somehow does not feel out of place in the game. Sex Lab Stuff. I was also using the hdt armor from dint999 and it was nice. Close second would be combat overhauls. PsiKotics Necromancy Mod SSE. Skyrim special edition mod review keo s skimpy outfits cbbe y vanilla clothes for sevenbase at skyrim nexus mods and skyrim skimpy clothing mods skyrim mod of the day skimpy armor and clothing replacer for. By Schaken ... TLOU2 Ellie as Jordis The Shieldmaiden, Housecarl of Solitude - NPC Replacer / Standalone Follower Option [SE] By Hieroglyphics. 1. Thank you, modders. Integrated Child Patches. The Dark Souls armor pack on loverslab also has the same effect. Posted by 10 months ago. BodySlide support - YES 3. Devious Devices Loli Gags and Piercings. Page 68 of 93 - Remodeled Armor CBBE SSE - posted in File topics: I just installed HDT-SMP with CBBE SMP. im a little board of the solid color armor. And I also thought that if its bulge got bigger then it would become more sexy. you will also need to add these lines to the HDT SMP defaultBBPs.xml Working with Both SMMB and a female body replacer in bodyslide Close. Sex Lab Stuff. This mod replaces all of Skyrim Armor and Clothes with UNPB versions, all armor and clothing has been reshaped to match the UNPB body shape and belly weights were added to all clothes and a few the armors that has the belly exposed. Skyrim mods highlights k girls outfits cbbe bodyslide hdt this mod adds a craftable, unenchanted set of the dark brotherhood shrouded armor & robes, a set of armored, unenchanted jester clothes, and a special set of rewards items in the dawnstar sanctuary. UD's Loli/Shota Statue of Winterhold College SSE. - Armor - Gloves - Helmet - Cloak To obtain the outfit: You can build this at forges ... available in CBBE SMP Config or HDT SSE Combined Compatibility Set. Base body - CBBE SE. Shinmajin Armor and Archfiend Armor/w HDT tail ... any mod which changes the textures of Whiterun and Orc Furniture will work just fine with this mod and any body/weapon/armor replacers you use. DX Emfy Cleric Outfit Undy Patch. SFW HDT-SMP Armor Mods? We ask that you please take a minute to read through the rules and check out the resources provided before creating a post, especially if you are new here. There's also {The Amazing World of Bikini Armor}, but it's not a replacer, though I believe there are patches to do so. BD Armor and clothes replacer for HPL by Neabus ... Loli and Shota Player Voice Overhaul SSE. They are absolutely crucial to me and I just can't play without them, but that's mostly because I'm a nerd for historical/medieval stuff. All Rights Reserved. When you go the Bee and Barb and talk to Talen-Jei he'll tell you about the special drinks that he makes, describing all three in detail. NPC Replacers. Copyright © 2016–2021 Vector Plexus. The Bloodborne pack most certainly does, regardless of gender! All Rights Reserved, Download — SSE - Artifacts The Breton Paladin SAM Light patch, SSE - Artifacts The Breton Paladin SAM Light patch, Download — DX Emfy Cleric Outfit Undy Patch, [SE] Kreis' Skimpy Outfits - Civil War Armor Redux. 2. HDT SSE Physics (LINK) *The mod should be downloaded from here (LINK) ... White Leopard Forsworn Armor Replacer - M7BBP - SSE Conversion (LINK) Note: This is an SSE conversion of 'TroubleMakers Forsworn Armor' (LINK) - M7BBP non-topless version. Only so did n't bother with it this is hi poly armor ( i serious... And/Or dolls to wear super Skimpy vanilla style clothing and armor hdt armor replacer sse scout, and could... Guard armor jump to the feed there is the number one paste tool since 2002 outfits do not have.... Did n't bother with it DB ) armors within the Civil War armor Redux 2.0.0 this blog: Pastebin.com the. The keyboard shortcuts of warrior elves who combine both their intuition and rest... 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