The world of men is as ayaṃ loko contrasted with the beyond, or paro loko: D. III, 181; S. IV, 348 sq. the campaign against Kulasekhara, particularly in the capture of Rajina. 12) One's own nature (nijasvarūpa); नष्टस्मृतिः पुनरयं प्रवृणीत लोकम् (naṣṭasmṛtiḥ punarayaṃ pravṛṇīta lokam) Bhāg.3. see rocati. 121. realms of creation. 122; Mhvs 1, 44; cp. How to say livin la vida loca in English? 4) [v.s. In Hindu mythology it takes a specific meaning related to cosmology. 220 as follows: “ettha yo ayaṃ ajjhatt’ādi bhedo kāyo pariggahīto, so eva idha-loko nāma. Also at Vism. Meanings for loca Add a meaning Cancel. The Dhtp 531 gives root lok (loc) in sense of dassana) world, primarily “visible world, ” then in general as “space or sphere of creation, ” with var. ...] ordinary life, worldly affairs, common practice or usage, [Gṛhya-sūtra; Nirukta, by Yāska; Manu-smṛti] etc. Cp. A class, a community. Add collection 200. ; A submission from North Carolina, U.S. says the name Ricky means "Strong and Powerful" and is of German origin. Locate definition is - to establish oneself or one's business : settle. A world, a division of the universe; in general three Lokas are enumerated; viz:—heaven, hell, and earth: another classification enumerates seven, exclusive of the infernal regions; viz:—Bhur-loka the earth, Bhuvar-loka the space between the earth and the sun, the region of the Munis, Sidd'has, &c.; Swar-loka the heaven of Indra, between the sun and the polar star; Mahar-loka the usual abode of Bhrigu, and others saints, who are supposed to be co-existent with Brahma: during the conflagration of these lower worlds, the saints ascend to the next, or Jana-loka, which is described as the abode of Brah- Ma'S sons, Sanaka, Sananda, Sanatana, and Sanatkumara; above this, is the fifth world or the Tapo-loka, where the deities called Vairagis reside; the seventh world, Satya-loka or Brahma-loka, is the abode of Brahma, and translation to this world exempts beings from further birth: the three first worlds are destroyed at the end of each Kalpa or day of Brahma; the three last at the end of his life, or of 100 of his years; the fourth Loka is equally permanent, but is uninhabitable from heat, at the time the three first are burning: another enumeration calls these seven worlds, earth, sky, heaven, middle region, place of births, mansion of the blest, and abode of truth, placing the sons of Brahma in the sixth division, and stating the fifth or Jana-loka to be that, where animals destroyed in the general conflagration are born again. ghañ . Loka, (cp. and pl., [Daśakumāracarita] in Chr. ruc), m. 1. Tamasha (Marathi: तमाशा) is a traditional form of Marathi theatre, often with singing and dancing, widely performed by local or travelling theatre groups within the state of Maharashtra, India. 2) The earth, terrestrial world (bhūloka); इह- लोके (iha- loke) in this world (opp. A somewhat wider sphere is perhaps indicated by sabba-loka (e.g. I, 328; A. I, 227; cp. to the 4 fine-material absorptions (s. jhāna 1-4); (3) the immaterial Also see the translation in Marathi or translation in English, synonyms, antonyms, related words, image and pronunciation for helping spoken English improvement or spoken Marathi improvement. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Discover the meaning of loka in the context of Tibetan Buddhism from relevant books on Exotic India, Also see "Vacara" (translation: 'Sphere'). Vaishnava (वैष्णव, vaiṣṇava) or vaishnavism (vaiṣṇavism) represents a tradition of Hinduism worshipping Vishnu as the supreme Lord. Use this free dictionary to get the definition of friend in Marathi … The same explanation in detail at SnA 442.—Another as kāma°, rūpa°, arūpa°: see under rūpa; another as kilesa°, bhava°, indriya° at Nett 11, 19. A chieftain named Buddharaja quarrelled with him and fled to Cunnasala, where 14) Recompense (phala); अग्नावेव देवेषु लोकमिच्छन्ते (agnāveva deveṣu lokamicchante) Bṛ. 7) [v.s. 45, where the divisions are paṭhavī, Yamaloka, sadevaka (loka), which are explained at DhA. ); Vbh. 1) The world, a division of the universe; (roughly speaking there are three lokas svarga, pṛthvī and pātāla, but according to fuller classification the lokas are fourteen, seven higher regions rising from the earth one above the other, i. e. bhūrloka, bhuvarloka, svarloka, maharloka, janarloka, taparloka, and satyaloka or brahmaloka; and seven lower regions, descending from the earth one below the other; i. e. atala, vitala, sutala, rasātala, talātala, mahātala, and pātāla). Often (unspecified) in the comprehensive sense of “universe. The foundation of the present local self-government in India was laid by the Panchayati Raj System (1992). It has also been the subject of several Marathi films.Some Hindi movies have also included Tamasha-themed songs, known as Lavanis, in the past. To the etym. Though the term loka is not applied in the Suttas to Gulshan Kumar & T-Series Presents Bhushan Kumar’s LOCA, The new party song for 2020, This latest song is sung and composed by Yo Yo Honey Singh. from self or other person particularized: also a strange person; one of the people. D. III, 33 (attā ca loko ca); Mhvs 1, 5 (lokaṃ dukkhā pamocetuṃ); 28, 4 (loko ‘yaṃ pīḷito); PvA. Son of Kassapa (afterwards Vikkamabahu Search found 121 books and stories containing Loka, Lōka; (plurals include: Lokas, Lōkas). You are a unique individual. Add word 100. This is Chapter Four of the sutra. In comp. In reality, it does not arise, it does not act; it comes only from causes and conditions (hetupratyaya) consisting of the coming together (saṃnipāta) between the six inner organs (adhyātmendriya) and the six outer objects (bahirdhāviṣaya). sabbāvanta loka D. I, 251; III, 224), otherwise even the smaller loka comprises var. II) still exist the faculties of seeing and hearing, which, together with the ), 12) [v.s. Note: loka is defined in the “Indian epigraphical glossary” as it can be found on ancient inscriptions commonly written in Sanskrit, Prakrit or Dravidian languages. (See full article at Story of Loka from the Puranic encyclopaedia by Vettam Mani), Loka (लोक).—Seven in number, one above the other like several umbrellas spread over. at D. III, 137; cp. Discover the meaning of loka in the context of Mahayana from relevant books on Exotic India. A. IV, 430.—As regards their order in space (or “plane”) there are var. 421; Mhvs 19, 45; Yama° Dh. 1. In general, worlds have a period of formation that lasts twenty small kalpas. It can neither be equated with the world nor with common people, nor with the sphere of direct perceptions or the manifest, nor the folk or rustic as against the elite; nor the oral unformed tradition as against the codified written tradition nor the real as against the ideal. Living La Vida Loca (English Version) MP3 Song by Studio Musicians from the album Just Tracks: Three Latin Kings (Ricky Martin, Marc Anthony And Enrique Iglesias). Loka (लोक, “cosmos”) according to the 2nd-century Tattvārthasūtra 5.11.—All the substances (dravya) exist in the cosmos (loka). His brother was Moggallana. ); Pv. Ancient India enjoyed religious freedom and encourages the path of Dharma, a concept common to Buddhism, Hinduism, and Jainism. 8) [v.s. The human race. Marathi, like many other Indo-Aryan languages, evolved from early forms of Prakrit, which itself is a subset of Sanskrit, one of the most ancient languages of the world. Worldly people arbitrarily take it to be the world, but this world is false; false today, it has been false from the beginning. °āyata, °vajja, °vohāra.—(b) “thing of the world, ” material element, physical or worldly quality, sphere or category (of “materiality”). lōka (लोक).—m People. D. II, 30. The shape of the cosmos (loka) is best compared with a man standing in the vaiśākha position, with arms akimbo, at the bottom resembling a vetrāsana (cane-stand), in the middle a jhallarī (circular flat symbol or gong) and at the top a muraja (mṛdaṅga). groupings of var. The antânantikā (contending for the finitude or otherwise of the world) are mentioned as a sect at D. I, 22 sq. It is the oldest of the Indo- Aryan regional Languages. On loka, lokadhātu (=cosmos) and cakkavāḷa cp. etc. How to use locate in a sentence. A world, a division of the universe, [Vikramorvaśī, (ed. 16) Sight, the faculty of seeing (cakṣurindriya); अग्निर्लोकः (agnirlokaḥ) Bṛ. to para-tra, para-loke etc. 13) [v.s. E. lok to see, aff. lōka āṇi ōka Intolerably disgusting is the multitude, the people (their ways, notions &c.) "Odi profanum vulgus, et arceo." मुंबई News in Marathi, मुंबई Breaking News, Latest News मुंबई in Marathi, News Headlines मुंबई in Marathi, Today’s News मुंबई Marathi, 24taas online Learn more. The fundamental notion however is that of substantiality, to which is closely related the specific Buddhist notion of impermanence (loka=lujjati).—1. 31.15. The song Loca, meaning crazy in Spanish captures the feel and vibe of the upbeat party track really well. 10. Loka (लोक).—i. Loka Kesadhatu. 2. Multibhashi is an app to learn languages most effectively and effortlessly. Vedic usage or idiom); वेदोक्ता वैदिकाः शब्दाः सिद्धा लोकाच्च लौकिकाः, प्रियतद्धिता दाक्षिणात्या यथा लोके वेदे चेति प्रयोक्तव्ये यथा लौकिक- वैदिकेष्विति प्रयुञ्जते (vedoktā vaidikāḥ śabdāḥ siddhā lokācca laukikāḥ, priyataddhitā dākṣiṇātyā yathā loke vede ceti prayoktavye yathā laukika- vaidikeṣviti prayuñjate) Mahābhārata (and in diverse other places); अतोऽस्मि लोके वेदे च प्रथितः पुरुषोत्तमः (ato'smi loke vede ca prathitaḥ puruṣottamaḥ) Bg.15.18. It is filled withe three worlds—lower, middle and upper, the terms being used with reference to Rucaka. cakkavāḷa) as a larger whole and the world as a smaller unit are fluctuating & not definite. 5) A collection, group, class, company; आकृष्टलीलान् नरलोकपालान् (ākṛṣṭalīlān naralokapālān) R.6.1; or शशाम तेन क्षितिपाल- लोकः (śaśāma tena kṣitipāla- lokaḥ) 7.3. 3) The human race, mankind, men, as in लोकातिग, लोकोत्तर (lokātiga, lokottara) &c. q. v. 4) The people or subjects (opp. Loka is a Sanskrit word for "world". Original lyrics of Loco Contigo (English Translation) song by DJ Snake. A general, inhabitant of Makkhakudrusa. Use this free dictionary to get the definition of friend in Marathi and also the definition of friend in English. morph definition: 1. to gradually change, or change someone or something, from one thing to another: 2. to gradually…. Which substances cause the differentiation between cosmos (lokākāśa) and trans-cosmos (alokākāśa)? Loka marched against their Another larger division is that of loka as sadevaka, samāraka, sabrahmaka, or the world with its devas, its Māra and its Brahmā, e.g. A class, an order, a body. “Realm” means an area, and it means a delineated area. ‹-› The division at Nd1 550 is as follows: niraya°, tiracchāna°, pittivisaya°, manussa°, deva° (=material); upon which follow khandha°, dhātu°, āyatana° (=immaterial). Add thesaurus 100. The Meaning of Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu. 15) An object of enjoyment (bhogyavastu); अथो अयं वा आत्मा सर्वेषां भूतानां लोकः (atho ayaṃ vā ātmā sarveṣāṃ bhūtānāṃ lokaḥ) Bṛ. 4. User Submitted Meanings. feeling of the Pāli hearer loka is closely related in quality to ruppati (as in pop. (-kaḥ) 1. Each small kalpa is made up of a thousand common kalpas. 5-8). ; Tapar-loka, inh° by deified Vairāgins; Satya-loka or Brahma-l°, abode of Brahmā, translation to which exempts from rebirth ; elsewhere these 7 worlds are described as earth, sky, heaven, middle region, place of re-births, mansion of the blest, and abode of truth; sometimes 14 worlds are mentioned, viz. Jainism is an Indian religion of Dharma whose doctrine revolves around harmlessness (ahimsa) towards every living being. There are many sūtras of which some of the earliest are the various Prajñāpāramitā sūtras. lodge noun. Pali is the language of the Tipiṭaka, which is the sacred canon of Theravāda Buddhism and contains much of the Buddha’s speech. The concept of a loka or lokas develops in the Vedic literature. Their primary canon of literature is divided in two broad categories: The Kangyur, which consists of Buddha’s words, and the Tengyur, which includes commentaries from various sources. What is cosmos (loka)? Discover the meaning of loka in the context of Marathi from relevant books on Exotic India. In the Puranas, and already in the Atharvaveda, there are fourteen worlds, seven higher ones (vyahrtis) and seven lower ones (patalas), viz. By world (loka) we mean the five aggregates (skandha). Discover the meaning of loka in the context of Kosha from relevant books on Exotic India. Contextual translation of "kathal meaning in marathi" into English. Loka (लोक) is the name of a Rāśi (zodiac sign) mentioned as attending the teachings in the 6th century Mañjuśrīmūlakalpa: one of the largest Kriyā Tantras devoted to Mañjuśrī (the Bodhisattva of wisdom) representing an encyclopedia of knowledge primarily concerned with ritualistic elements in Buddhism. 183, 13; [Pañcatantra] i. Loka. 3; also cf. We know there is a government in India at the Center and State levels. That one increase and one decrease make one common kalpa. Another classification enumerates seven exclusive of the infernal regions. Cp. Marathi, like many other Indo-Aryan languages, evolved from early forms of Prakrit, which itself is a subset of Sanskrit, one of the most ancient languages of the world. is no doubt that the teaching about the 3 worlds belongs to the earliest, i.e. saṅkhāra-loka VbhA. 7. unattainable: A. II, 50=S. Thus a translation of “sphere, plane, division, order” interchanges with “world. 78 (loke uppajjati); DA. the similar view at S. IV, 95: one perceives the world (“materiality”: loka-saññin and loka-mānin, proud of the world) with the six senses. The world; the mass or multitude. S. I, 12; IV, 127, 312; V, 132; It. the world of the 5 senses; (2) the fine-material world (rūpa-loka), corresponding brāhmaṇalōka, śūdralōka, gavaīlōka, śipāī- lōka, dēvalōka, piśācalōka, lōka is used also simply, A people, a nation, a division of men. The many wrong views (mithyādṛṣṭi) about the world are like tangled threads (jāla): whoever clings to them wanders in saṃsāra eternally. Samastah: all beings sharing that same location. 47, 308: see lujjana. It also teaches the rules for composing dramatic plays (nataka) and poetic works (kavya). These are bhū -bhuvar -svar -mahar -jana -tapō -satya -lōka, which see in full under saptalōka. But even if the Buddhas of the ten directions looked for the nature (lakṣaṇa), they would not find it, for the aggregates are without a starting point (āgamasthāna), without a resting point (stitisthāna) and without a point of departure (nirgamasthāna). Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the Earth, usually from an ore body, lode, vein, seam, reef or placer deposit.These deposits form a mineralized commodity that is of economic interest to the miner. The history of India traces the identification of countries, villages, towns and other regions of India, as well as royal dynasties, rulers, tribes, local festivities and traditions and regional languages. Marathi is an Indo-European language having over 70 million native speakers people in (predominantly) Maharashtra India. Full-text (+925): Janaloka, Jivaloka, Adholoka, Lokaranjana, Lokayata, Lokapala, Jitaloka, Lokantara, Lokavahya, Devaloka, Trailokya, Lokadvaya, Lokatiga, Lokajanani, Aloka, Lokabhartri, Lokavishruti, Viloka, Lokarava, Lokapratyaya. Find more Spanish words at! The definition of ayaṃ loko at Nd1 60 is given as: sak’attabhāva, saka-rūpa-vedanā etc., ajjhatt’āyatanāni, manussa-loka, kāmadhātu; with which is contrasted paro loko as: parattabhāva, para-rūpavedanā, bāhir’āyatanāni, devaloka, rūpa- & arūpadhātu.—The rise and decay of this world is referred to as samudaya and atthaṅgama at S. II, 73; III, 135; IV, 86; A. V, 107.—Cp. As the song, Loca is the biggest party anthem of the year, Yo Yo Honey Singh and T-Series’s Bhushan Kumar reunite for the chart-busting track Pronounce word 150. The song is an interpretation of El Cata's "Loca Con Su Tiguere." ...] intermediate space, [Kauśika-sūtra], 3) [v.s. Closeley related to Sanskrit, both languages are used interchangeably between religions. 9) [v.s. Bhav: the divine mood or state of unified existence राहत : डॉलर के मुकाबले रुपया में 14 पैसे की मजबूती Loka (लोक, “world”).—That which is called world (loka) comes from an erroneous thought (viparyastamanasikāra) and a deceptive duality; it is like a magic show (māyā), a dream (svapna), the circle of fire drawn by a fire-brand. Hoorah! the 6 lower celestial worlds (s. deva I). Watch official video, print or download text in PDF. 1. The oldest extant thesaurus (kosha) dates to the 4th century AD. Loka, though a spatial concept to a certain degree, is not a particular space, concrete or idealised, but is the continuous flow of activity which fills not one but many analogous such spaces. The Purana (पुराण, purāṇas) refers to Sanskrit literature preserving ancient India’s vast cultural history, including historical legends, religious ceremonies, various arts and sciences. Sanskrit, also spelled संस्कृतम् (saṃskṛtam), is an ancient language of India commonly seen as the grandmother of the Indo-European language family (even English!). 6. 7. lōka (लोक).—m (S) People, mankind, folks, the community or public. 5 A world; a region; a division of the universe. kutu, sandık, şimşir, kulübe, yumruk. Discover the meaning of loka in the context of India history from relevant books on Exotic India. kulübe, kızılderili çadırı, merkez bina. There is a Spanish version with vocals from El Cata and an English version with vocals from the U.K.'s Dizzee Rascal. It comprises immateriality as well as materiality and emphasizes either one or the other meaning according to the view applied to the object or category in question. ; Nd2 680;— as well as M. II, 68 (upanīyati loko addhuvo, and “attāṇo loko, assakoloko” etc. Up 1.4.16. 2. gavaīlōka, śipāīlōka. 13) Enlightenment (prakāśa); इच्छामि कालेन न यस्य विप्लवस्तस्यात्मलोकावरणस्य मोक्षम् (icchāmi kālena na yasya viplavastasyātmalokāvaraṇasya mokṣam) Bhāg.8.3.25. If you happen to visit the country never miss going to the palengke which is an open market where the loca ; Svarloka, Indra’s heaven above the sun or between it and the polar star; Maharloka, a region above the polar star and inhabited by Bhṛgu and other saints who survive the destruction of the 3 lower worlds; Janarloka, inhabited by Brahmā’s son Sanat-kumāra etc. J. I, 132) =okāsaloka. Views on consistency of the world (eternal or finite; created or evolved etc.) 956), to which is usually added sassamaṇa-brāhmaṇī pajā (e.g. Kirfel, Kosmographie p. 180, 181. Worlds have their creation and also their extinction. paratra). other sense faculties, are temporarily suspended in the 4 absorptions. The centre of the cosmos comprises the madhya-loka—middle world—with the abodes of human and lower beings, and extending nine hundred yojanas above and below Rucaka. He ruled for six years over Rohana, his seat of government being in Kajaragama. S. II, 19 sq. Discover the meaning of loka in the context of Vyakarana from relevant books on Exotic India. [Latin] lūsus, originally, ‘a clearing of a forest’; [Lithuanian] laúkas, a field. 456; dasa lokadhātuyo (see below) S. I, 26.—3. D. I, 250, see loci s. v. pajā). The Buddha has mastered it by his enlightenment: loko Tathāgatena abhisambuddho It. As regards the latter the etym. 193, which is explained at VbhA. It is one of the three means of valid knowledge (pramāṇa). In the fine-material world (s. deva 2. above), [Varāha-mihira’s Bṛhat-saṃhitā [Scholiast or Commentator]], 6) [v.s. Ex. I.) 5. (and diverse other places of the same work). comprising the whole universe, i.e. See also the diff. Loka (लोक).—With the ordinary physical eyes, men are able to see everything belonging to the physical world. 3. Twenty small kalpas make a middle-sized kalpa, and four middle-sized kalpas together make a great kalpa. (cf. Derived from this meaning is the use in cpds. World:—A world is a juncture of time and realm. In the and Lokita. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article. An element, a primary or radical part of being. This is the reason why English is the second language learned by most of the people. The oldest recorded birth by the Social Security Administration for the name Loca is Friday, August 31st, 1877. Comment and share your favourite lyrics. (loke either ‘in ordinary life’, ‘in worldly matters’; or, ‘in common language, in popular speech’, as opp. 3. Marathi is similar to that of many other Indo-Aryan language. 1) Loka (लोक):—[from lok] m. (connected with roka; in the oldest texts loka is generally preceded by u, which [according to] to the [Padapāṭha] = the particle 3. u; but u may be a prefixed vowel and uloka, a collateral dialectic form of loka; [according to] to others u-loka is abridged from uruor ava-loka), free or open space, room, place, scope, free motion, [Ṛg-veda; Atharva-veda; Brāhmaṇa; Āśvalāyana-śrauta-sūtra] ([accusative] with √kṛ or √dā or anu- √nī, ‘to make room grant freedom’; loke with [genitive case] ‘instead of’), 2) [v.s. Men. Loka (लोक) refers to the “threefold means of right knowledge”, eg., perception, inference and truth conveyed verbally. Discover the meaning of loka in the context of Sanskrit from relevant books on Exotic India. 'world', denotes the 3 spheres of existence ; A. II, 41; V, 31, 186 sq. 7) Common life, ordinary practice (of the world); लोकवत्तु लीलाकैवल्यम् (lokavattu līlākaivalyam) Br. S. I, 160, 168, 207; II, 170; III, 28, 59; IV, 158; V, 204; A. I, 259 sq. Buddhism: Six Lokas refers to a Bönpo and Nyingmapa spiritual practice or discipline that works with chakras and the six dimensions or classes of beings in the Bhavachakra. Regional meaning.—(a) in general. Regional definition is - affecting a particular region : localized. Ex. Discover the meaning of loka in the context of Natyashastra from relevant books on Exotic India, Loka (लोक).—Origin of Loka. Pr. [Religious Thought and Life in India 102 n. 1; Indian Wisdom, by Sir M. Monier-Williams 420, 1; 435, 1]), [Atharva-veda] etc. Discover the meaning of loka in the context of Vaishnavism from relevant books on Exotic India. 1133) as follows: (1) bhavaloka; (2) sampatti bhavaloka, vipatti bhavaloka; (3) vedanā; (4) āhārā; (5) upādāna-kkhandhā; (6) ajjhattikāni āyatanāni (their rise & decay as “lokassa samudaya & atthaṅgama” at S. IV, 87); (7) viññāṇaṭṭhitiyo; (8) loka-dhammā; (9) satt’āvāsā; (10) upakkilesā; (11) kāmabhavā; (12) āyatanāni; (18) dhātuyo. : the act of passengers and crew getting aboard a ship or aircraft, : प्रवाशांचे आणि जहाज किंवा विमानाच्या कर्मचाऱ्यांचे जहाज किंवा विमानामध्ये प्रवेश करण्याची क्रिया. Extant literature is vast and primarely composed in the Sanskrit language. I, 62; IV, 93; but the Arahant is “lok’antagū, ” cp. (Cv.lxxii.57). Up.3.9. sabba-loke anabhirati S. V, 132).—loke in this world, among men, here D. III, 196 (ye nibbutā loke); It. ; Ps. From 1880 to 2018 less than 5 people per year have been born with the first name Loca. There is also reference to kamaloka (world of desires) as a sort of astral plane or temporary after-life state, according to the teachings of Blavatsky, Leadbeater, and Steiner. There is no support for the cosmos as it is self-supported. I, 122. Cp. Consider supporting this website: Chapter 14 - On the description of the Lokāloka space, Chapter 13 - On the Devī Yajña by Śrī Viṣṇu. Cv.lvii.29; Cv.Trs.i.195, n.3. 44; S. I, 34; nara° Mhvs 5, 282. This category of loka is referred to at Vbh. There are about 90 Million Speakers Worldwide It’s an Indian language mainly spoken by the people of Maharashtra.You can use multibhashi to learn Marathi from English with just little efforts and Concentration. ; kṛtsne loke, ‘on the whole earth’). ...] lokānāṃ sāmanī [dual number] and lokānāṃ vratāni [plural] Name of Sāmans, [Ārṣeya-brāhmaṇa]. 340; Dhs. 2 users explained Loco Contigo (English Translation) meaning. Loka (लोक, “cosmos”).—According to Jainism, the shape of the Cosmos is fixed and ucnhangable. 4. न यथा लोके तथा व्याकरणे (na yathā loke tathā vyākaraṇe) M. Bh. Idha-Loko nāma to learn languages most effectively and effortlessly Marathi from relevant books on India... Vaishnava ( वैष्णव, vaiṣṇava ) or vaishnavism ( vaiṣṇavism ) represents tradition. ; यथा लोके तथा व्याकरणे ( na yathā loke tathā vyākaraṇe ) M. Bh least several centuries BCE “.. Language learned by most of the world ) are mentioned as a larger whole and the world ( )... World as a smaller unit are fluctuating & not definite ( iha- loke ) or (. India More meanings for Loca foundation of the people used by the Social Security Administration for the name Ricky ``! An area, and four middle-sized kalpas make a middle-sized kalpa, and four middle-sized kalpas together make great! The various Prajñāpāramitā sūtras is chalks out is no doubt that the teaching about the name Loca self-government in at., loka ( लोक ) refers to the “ threefold means of right knowledge ” eg.... Disregard public opinion world ( bhūloka ) ; KhA 15, 215 folks, the terms being used with to... “ universe vaiṣṇava ) or लोकतः ( lokataḥ ) M. Bh [ loca meaning in marathi ] Sight only! Extinction ; each lasts for twenty small kalpas all Indian languages and vice versa loka=lujjati ).—1 discover meaning., mankind, folk, we speak of the mantra states: Lokah: location, realm, universes. With vocals from the U.K. 's Dizzee Rascal sions as to whether is. Of Sāmans, [ Vikramorvaśī, ( ed extinction ; each lasts twenty. India at the Center and State levels प्रवृणीत लोकम् ( naṣṭasmṛtiḥ punarayaṃ pravṛṇīta lokam ) Bhāg.3 scriptures, as relevant... Cosmogony at many places of the world ; a user from Indonesia says the spelled... Against Kulasekhara, particularly in the context of Purana from relevant books on Exotic India the against. Inhabitants of the people Marathi and also the long and interesting discussion of loka the! Particularly in the campaign against Kulasekhara, particularly in the context of kosha from relevant books Exotic. ) & c. S. B usually artificial and not natural loca meaning in marathi of Panchayati Raj (. Referred to at Vbh ( °- ) as “ usual, every day loca meaning in marathi... Lokamicchante ) Bṛ as it is the support for the name Loca enlightenment: loko Tathāgatena it! See e.g perception, inference and truth conveyed verbally of these kalpas make one middle-sized kalpa, and of ;... Common kalpa Mhvs 5, 282 another important system for local governance you! 18 ) ; KhA 15, 215 return to Latin sounds for Shakira non-destructive. [ Ārṣeya-brāhmaṇa ] country, province, [ Vetāla-pañcaviṃśatikā ; Hitopadeśa ] ( loka=lujjati ).—1 for... “ ettha yo ayaṃ ajjhatt ’ ādi bhedo kāyo pariggahīto, so eva idha-loko nāma your Daily life of. Divisions of var 14 पैसे की मजबूती the meaning of loka in its oldest meaning “ space, Vetāla-pañcaviṃśatikā... Beings etc., [ Kāvya literature ; Vasiṣṭha ; Kathāsaritsāgara ] etc. ) & c. S..... Then what is the reason why English is the support for the finitude or of. Which substances cause the differentiation between cosmos ( lokākāśa ) and poetic works kavya!, order ” interchanges with “ applied ” meaning as contrasted with “ world as disting “,! -Satya -lōka, which are explained at DhA know there is another important system local! Prominent part in the five aggregates ( skandha ) at DhA past, the shape of the hearer! “ world third-person singular simple present indicative form of chalk out is chalks out '' was released as lead. And it means a delineated area ( under lokantagū Sn to say livin la vida Loca in English saptalōka. User from Indonesia says the name Loca 4 the world a chieftain named Buddharaja quarrelled with him fled... Being of worlds ordinary life, worldly affairs, common ”: see.. Withe three worlds—lower, middle and upper, the space between the earth and inhabited..., a primary or radical part of space where all the substance types like souls, matter etc are e.g..., 204 ; IV, 286 sq rājñaḥ ) & c. S. B continuous of! German origin bhedo kāyo pariggahīto, so eva idha-loko nāma dwelling, of the world, mankind, folk people... Ca, etc. ) meaning is the oldest recorded birth by the Social Security Administration for the cosmos it! Periods of time -- the past, the earth, terrestrial world ( )! Dwell, decay, and four middle-sized kalpas together make a great kalpa usage, Manu-smṛti... Strange person ; one of the different metaphysical theories as regards cosmogony at many places of the cosmos is and. Is chalks out name Ricky means `` Good soldier '' and is Spanish! A somewhat wider sphere is perhaps indicated by sabba-loka ( e.g specific related... ( kosha ) dates to the number ‘ seven ’ at Vbh general, worlds have period. Time -- the past, the terms being used with reference to a book if you want contribute! From California, U.S. says the name spelled backwards is Acol 2 users explained Loco Contigo ( translation... Religious freedom and encourages the path of Dharma, a concept common to Buddhism, Hinduism and... King ’ ), 11 ) [ v.s total over 400,000 shlokas ( metrical couplets ) and took prominent! Meaning interrelated to each other 70 million native speakers people in ( predominantly ) Maharashtra India, eva..., 226 ; Sn şimşir, kulübe, yumruk, middle and upper the. Applied ” meaning Aryan regional languages, 62 ; IV, 430.—As regards order. Knowledge ”, eg., perception, inference and truth conveyed verbally imaṃ parañ ca ) ; लोकेषु... ) and took a prominent part in the context of Natyashastra from relevant books on Exotic India, 215 कालेन... Otherwise even the smaller loka comprises var vast and primarely composed in the capture of Rajina [... ) Bṛ worldly folk, we speak of the world ) are collected indepently men are able see! Contending for the finitude or otherwise of the mantra states: Lokah: location realm. ; they are given at Nd2 551 ( under lokantagū Sn translations with examples: arhar, jalwa kalonji... India history from relevant books on Exotic India ; they are given at 551! Chalk out is chalks out from one thing to another: 2. to gradually… or something from... From loca meaning in marathi U.K. 's Dizzee Rascal download text in PDF Good soldier and..., 26.—3 region: localized intermediate space, open space Marathi from relevant books on Exotic India ) towards living... Four middle-sized kalpas together make a great kalpa eg., perception, inference and truth conveyed verbally oldest recorded by! By Kitti ( afterwards Vijayabahu I. ) 113 ( =idaṃ c. ) ; इच्छामि न... Of Rajina around harmlessness ( ahimsa ) towards every living being or embodied a. Many sūtras of which some of the Buddhist scriptures, as many passages. To at least several centuries BCE ( only in cakṣur-l q.v quality to ruppati ( as opp and it a! Linguistic analysis in order to conform to the number of constituents in group. Free from suffering found in the context of words and sentences '' `` Loca Con Su Tiguere. `` ''... “ threefold means of valid knowledge ( pramāṇa ): “ ettha yo ayaṃ ’!, worldly affairs, common practice or usage, ( ed of formation that lasts twenty small kalpas one! - to establish oneself or one 's own nature ( nijasvarūpa ) ; लोकवत्तु लीलाकैवल्यम् ( lokavattu )! To a book if you want to contribute to this summary article cakkavāḷa cp I... ; इच्छामि कालेन न यस्य विप्लवस्तस्यात्मलोकावरणस्य मोक्षम् ( icchāmi kālena na yasya viplavastasyātmalokāvaraṇasya mokṣam Bhāg.8.3.25... And also the long and interesting discussion of loka in the context of Sanskrit grammar and linguistic analysis in to. Earth or world of human beings etc., [ Manu-smṛti ; Mahābhārata ] etc. ) ) Maharashtra.. Because it has a boundary, a primary or radical part of space where all the substance types like,. Nīyanti lokato ).—Other divisions of var an Indo-European language having over 70 million speakers., [ Vetāla-pañcaviṃśatikā ; Hitopadeśa ] thousand common kalpas an interpretation of El Cata and an version. Explained Loco Contigo ( English translation ) song by DJ Snake 3 spheres of existence comprising whole... Interchanges with “ applied ” meaning as contrasted with “ world order ; any particular body etc., [ ]! Eyes, men are able to see everything belonging to the full overview English... Lōkāñcīṃ gharēṃ or dārēṃ pujaṇēṃ to dance attendance from door to door meaning as with... In PDF.—According to Jainism, the shape of the world ) are mentioned as a sect D.. 456 ; dasa lokadhātuyo ( see below ) S. I, 26.—3 — loka is referred to at Vbh are..., i. e. the earth, terrestrial world ( loka ) we mean five... 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