00927 Faculty of Medicine McIntyre Medical Building 3655 Sir William Osler Montreal, QC, Canada H3G 1Y6 Tel. For more information on those affiliated with the discipline, see the following: Research Faculty All Finance Faculty … On this page: Professors | Faculty lecturers | Course lecturers | Associate members | Emeritus | Publications | Administrative Staff Academic Faculty Office Hours Fall 2017: eas_office_hours_fall_2017.pdf Chair: Philip Buckley Professors Following are some brief descriptions of the faculty members of the East Asian Studies Department including Associate Members in other … 19th Century, 514 398 1013yael.haleviwise [at] mcgill.ca, 18th Century 00883 martin.sirois@mcgill.ca Studnicki-Gizbert, Daviken Associate Professor Latin America, Global, 1450 - … 09368myrna.wyatt.selkirk [at] mcgill.ca, Associate Professor 00794david.hensley [at] mcgill.ca, Modernism Ext. 00883 martin.sirois@mcgill.ca Studnicki-Gizbert, Daviken Associate Professor Latin America, Global, 1450 - … (York), LL.M., S.J.D.(Harv.) Knowledge Translation Specialist; Outreach and KT Projects ; Activities. About . Payam Akhavan; LL.B. Update the year in your browser's URL bar for the most recent version of this page, or click here to jump to the newest e Calendar. Ferrier 329 Wednesday 3:00-4:30pm; or by appointment 514-398-4400 ext.094407 rachel.sandwell@mcgill.ca Sirois, Martin Faculty Lecturer Greek Cynicism, Intellectual History, History of Ideas, Literary Criticism, Satire, 2000 BCE - 600 CE Ferrier 478 By Appointment 514-398-4400 ext. This category includes senior researchers, such as faculty members from one of the partner universities (McGill University, Université de Montréal, Université de Sherbrooke) as well as other institutions and from industry, whose principal research affiliation is with the Centre. ), LL.B.(Tor. Read our mission statement here Members. 00901ara.osterweil [at] mcgill.ca, 514 398 4400 McGill’s Desautels Faculty of Management is recognized as one of the best international business schools by the Financial Times and BusinessWeek. Current faculty members. Andrea Bjorklund, holder of the L. Yves Fortier Chair in International Arbitration and International Commercial Law. Ext. Postcolonial & World Literature Department Chair Albert M. Berghuis Associate Professors Sidong Huang Selena Sagan Martin Schmeing Jose Teodoro Jason C. Young Assistant Professors Uri David Akavia Natasha Chang Lawrence Kazak William Pastor Maria Vera Ugalde Ian Watson Emeritus Professors Rhoda Blostein Phil Branton Peter E. Braun Robert E. MacKenzie Walter Mushynski Joseph Shuster John R. Silvius Cliff Stanners Maria … Parallel and Distributed Systems . Teaching Faculty; Wendy Adams; B.A.(Laur. Parallel and Distributed Systems . Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine, McGill University. Administrative staff System staff. Research Theme: Molecular basis for the development and progression of pulmonary fibrosis by examining the metabolism of fibrotic lesions in the lung. Women@CS Summer Camp CSUS CSGS. Institute for the Study of International Development (ISID) Peterson Hall 3460 McTavish Street Montreal, Quebec H3A 0E6 Tel. Regular Members. Its first premises were located on University Street and several of the academic staff became members. Keywords: metabolism • pulmonary fibrosis • mitochondrial dynamics • TGF-beta • fibroblast differentiation. 20th Century Working in a broad range of disciplines, and with backgrounds across the Social Sciences and Humanities, we look forward to the research and teaching that they will contribute to our Faculty. ), LL.B.(W. They … Ext. nathalie.cooke [at] mcgill.ca, 514 398 2460 ), D.Phil.(Oxf.) Mark Antaki; B.C.L., LL.B.(McG. Ext. Directory Faculty Members; Become a Member; Resources. Director Professors Faculty Lecturer Adjunct Professors Associate Members Emeritus Professors Former Professors In Memoriam. Read More. 09337robert.lecker [at] mcgill.ca, 514 398 4400 Faculty members participate in the teaching of medical students, and also teach course in their respective disciplinary departments in the Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Engineering. Ont. Ext. We are proud to be representing McGill’s evolving Faculty as it moves towards becoming a more inclusive representation of 21st century health care.” Dr. Gilles Paradis, Strathcona Professor in the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Occupational Health, sees in the new name a recognition of a shift in attitude about what health care is, and what – and who – it must focus on. Ext. Overview; Upcoming events; Mentorship program; Activities committee; Media. Experimental systems; SOFTWARE & TOOLS; RECORDING / TESTING / ANALYSIS; Poster printing; Logo; Knowledge Translation. We incorporate perspectives from history, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, politics and literature, among others. Theory of the Novel We are with you from beginning to end. https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/99846513277, British Romanticism ), LL.D.(Montr. January 7, 2021 Comment on this article . (James McGill Professor) (on leave Jan.–Jun. Ext. Regular Members. ), D.Phil., M.A.(Oxf. Congratulations to our BCL'69 alumnus and Faculty Advisory Board member Myer Bick, named a member of the Order of Canada! We are thrilled to welcome 16 new tenure track professors to the Faculty of Arts. The committee's role is to provide leadership and resources to the department in promoting equitable and inclusive environment. 200+ faculty & experts. ), LL.M.(Mich.) In 1935 the club moved to its present location in the Baumgarten House on McTavish Street, former home of Sir Arthur Currie. : 514-398-3507 Fax: 514-398-8432 Bettina Kemme. Brian Cherney has been a professor at the Schulich School of Music since 1972. Professor of Art History in the Department of Art History and Communication Studies. Alumni Charmaine Nelson. American Studies The McGill Faculty Club does not have parking. Name Position Research Areas Office & Office Hours Phone & EMAIL Banerjee, Sandeep Associate Professor Postcolonial & World Literature 19th Century 20th Century Contemporary Theory On Sabbatic Leave from Sep. 2019 - Aug. 2020 514 398 4400 Ext. The Faculty of Law is one of the professional graduate schools of McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.It is the oldest law school in Canada, and continually ranks among the best law schools in the world.The faculty is known for its holistic approach though highly selective and competitive process for admission. Experimental systems; SOFTWARE & TOOLS; RECORDING / TESTING / ANALYSIS; Poster printing; Logo; Knowledge Translation. Eighteenth Century  Ext. With the highest admission standards of any undergraduate business program in Canada, the BCom program attracts top students from over 75 countries around the world. Ferrier 329 Wednesday 3:00-4:30pm; or by appointment 514-398-4400 ext.094407 rachel.sandwell@mcgill.ca Sirois, Martin Faculty Lecturer Greek Cynicism, Intellectual History, History of Ideas, Literary Criticism, Satire, 2000 BCE - 600 CE Ferrier 478 By Appointment 514-398-4400 ext. 09329marianne.stenbaek [at] mcgill.ca, Zoom drop-in:https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/96414077423, 514 398 4400 ), LL.M.(Camb. Brian Cherney has been a professor at the Schulich School of Music since 1972. Funding Opportunities; Infrastructure. & photo courtesy of McCord Museum The Faculty Club was established in 1923 with the assistance of the Board of Governors. On this page: Professors | Faculty lecturers | Course lecturers | Associate members | Emeritus | Publications | Administrative Staff Academic Faculty Office Hours Fall 2017: eas_office_hours_fall_2017.pdf Chair: Philip Buckley Professors Following are some brief descriptions of the faculty members of the East Asian Studies Department including Associate Members in other … He serves as a member of the Desautels Faculty Advisory Board, as well as an Adjunct Professor of Strategy and Organization in the Faculty, where he is a popular lecturer who is well-known for going above and beyond for his students. Administrative staff System staff. By Neale McDevitt, Editor, McGill Reporter. For more information on those affiliated with the discipline, see the following: Research Faculty All Marketing Faculty … Ext. Ext. 20th Century The McGill Black Faculty and Staff Caucus was established to cultivate a nurturing learning and working environment for Black faculty and staff. Computer Games . Computer Games . Faculty Members. Ext. Website Office: McConnell 109N/318 (Director) Phone: +1 … 09343katherine.zien [at] mcgill.ca, Announcement concerning Drama and Theatre program courses for fall 2020, Department of English policy regarding the S/U grading option for 2020-2021 courses, Department of English policy regarding the S/U grading option for Winter 2020 courses. Early Modern Ext. A dozen other members of the McGill community are also honoured by Governor General Julie Payette. 00697miranda.hickman [at] mcgill.ca, 514 398 4647berkeley.kaite [at] mcgill.ca, Mondays and Wednesdays, 15:30-15:30 and by appointment, 514 398 4400 : 514-398-4400 Fax: 514-398-3595 Contact Us Payam Akhavan, former UN prosecutor at The Hague. Staff. Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, McGill University Associate Director, Meakins-Christie Laboratories Associate Director, McGill International TB Centre photo courtesy of McCord Museum The Faculty Club was established in 1923 with the assistance of the Board of Governors. All scholarly works authored by faculty and students can be deposited in the digital repository. Identification & remediation of structural inequalities affecting First Nations children, youth & families; Culturally based & evidence informed solutions for Indigenous children, youth & families, Stress physiology and self-regulation capacities, Centre for Research on Children and Families, Family law, health law, criminal law, wills and estates, children and the law, Ethical dilemmas in nursing and in pediatric critical care, the experience of critically ill children and their families, pediatric home ventilation, pain and suffering in children, cultural competence training in pediatric residents, stress in nursing, and epistemological foundations of clinical reasoning, Child and family health and wellbeing; trauma and resilience, Child welfare and child maltreatment; Poverty; Social justice; Prevention; Community risk factors, Child welfare and child maltreatment; Child and family health and wellbeing; Early childhood development, Indigenous youth; youth engagement; youth leaving care; urban Indigenous identities; Métis identities; child welfare policy; decolonization; community-based prevention; intergenerational traumas; Indigenous methodologies, poverty; Child and family health and wellbeing, Child welfare and child maltreatment; Child and family health and wellbeing; Trauma and resilience; Intergenerational transmission of violence, Child and family health and wellbeing, oral health, indigenous health, Child and family well-being; Parental emotion socialization; Intergenerational transmission of psychopathology; Child emotion regulation and resilience; Program development and intervention, Child welfare and child maltreatment; Child and family health and wellbeing; Indigenous child welfare; Cross-cultural child welfare practice, Child and family health and wellbeing; Poverty; Social development; Social policy and families, Child welfare and child maltreatment; Child and family health and wellbeing; Children rights, Developing policies; Aboriginal communities; Child and family health and wellbeing. 8327alanna.thain [at] mcgill.ca, Fridays, 10:30-12:00https://mcgill.zoom.us/j/91870324603 Poetry and Poetics, 514 398 4400 They … Website Office: McConnell 109N/318 (Director) Phone: +1 … Ext. By Neale McDevitt, Editor, McGill Reporter. 09349paul.yachnin [at] mcgill.ca, 514 398 4400 Director of the School. This category includes senior researchers, such as faculty members from one of the partner universities (McGill University, Université de Montréal, Université de Sherbrooke) as well as other institutions and from industry, whose principal research affiliation is with the Centre. He serves as a member of the Desautels Faculty Advisory Board, as well as an Adjunct Professor of Strategy and Organization in the Faculty, where he is a popular lecturer who is well-known for going above and beyond for his students. Directory Faculty Members; Become a Member; Resources. Faculty members participate in the teaching of medical students, and also teach course in their respective disciplinary departments in the Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Engineering. 09846trevor.ponech [at] mcgill.ca, African literatures January 7, 2021 Comment on this article . Ext. Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies 00982sean.carney [at] mcgill.ca, Canadian LiteratureCookery LiteratureHistory of the Book, 514-398-1751 For more information on those affiliated with the discipline, see the following: Research Faculty All Finance Faculty … Faculty of Medicine McIntyre Medical Building 3655 Sir William Osler Montreal, QC, Canada H3G 1Y6 Tel. 2013) Stephen A. Smith; B.A.(Qu. 09334ned.schantz [at] mcgill.ca, 514 398 4400 ISID Faculty Members come from a diverse group of disciplines, categorized the left. Modern Poetry, 514 398 4400 Networks . Faculty members: Delphine Collin-Vézina - Director; Bree Akesson; Cindy Blackstock; Alicia Boatswain-Kyte; Sharon Bond; Angela Campbell; Franco Carnevale; Régine Debrosse, Myriam Denov; Lorraine Derocher; Sydney Duder; Stephen Ellenbogen; Tonino Esposito; Barbara Fallon; Elizabeth Fast; Kara Fletcher; Nicole Ives; Andreas Jud; Julia Krane; Lucyna Lach; Rachel Langevin; Mary Ellen Macdonald; Heather B. MacIntosh; Michael J. MacKenzie; Zack Marshall; Katherine Maurer; Lise Milne; Tina Montreuil; Jennifer Nutton; Anne-Marie Piché; Marjorie Rabiau; David Rothwell; Catherine Roy; Mónica Ruiz-Casares; Vandna Sinha; Wendy Thomson;  Nico Trocmé; Argerie Tsimicalis; Luna Vives, Child welfare and child maltreatment; Child and family health and wellbeing; Trauma and resilience; Sexual Abuse, Child and Family Health and Well-being; Trauma and Resilience; International Child Protection; Children and Families affected by Political Violence, Indigenous theory; Indigenous rights advocacy; Identification & remediation of structural inequalities affecting First Nations children, youth & families; Culturally based & evidence informed solutions for Indigenous children, youth & families, Child maltreatment; Community-based child welfare, Couple and Family therapy outcome research; Couple and Family therapy process research - Therapeutic Alliance; Attachment Styles and Couple Conflict; Supervisory Alliance and Student Self-Efficacy, Self/identity; motivation/engagement; adolescence/youth; youth intervention programs; strength-based approaches; immigration/acculturation; race/ethnicity; stigma/marginalization; child education, Child welfare and child maltreatment; Child and family health and wellbeing, Child welfare and child maltreatment; Child and family health and wellbeing; Child education; Trauma and resilience; Adolescence, Child welfare and child maltreatment; Poverty, Transactional Processes in Child Development; Child Well-Being; Child Welfare Policy & Practice; Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), Cumulative Risk, & Trauma; Foster Care Placement Trajectories & Models of Group Care; Etiology and Outcomes of Child Maltreatment, LGBTQ2S+ youth mental health; Community support for trans youth and families; Public engagement and interaction with research; Science policy and information literacy, Child welfare and child maltreatment; Child and family health and wellbeing;Trauma and resilience; Adolescent mental and behavioral health; Poverty and social capital theory; Stress physiology and self-regulation capacities, Child and adolescent trauma; Neurobiological impacts of trauma; Trauma-informed practices within child welfare organizations; Responses to children exposed to interpersonal violence; Knowledge mobilization; Program implementation evaluation; Social work field/practicum experiences, Intercountry and domestic adoption; Child and family health and wellbeing, Child and Family health and well-being; Family therapy; Family functioning; Parent-child relationship; Parenting, Child maltreatment; Child development; Child education; Social support; Parenting; Teenage parents, Child welfare and child maltreatment; Child and family health and wellbeing; Communal efforts to support families and children; Social policy; Service disparities; Indigenous child welfare; Mixed methods research; Participatory/community engaged research, Child and family health and wellbeing; Childhood Disability; Costs and Benefits of Childhood Illness in the Family, Child and family health and wellbeing; Child disability; Indigenous populations; Jordan's Principle, Child protection and child welfare practice; Intimate partner abuse and child protection practice; Mothering and child protection practice. Almost wholly a service department with only seven Faculty members Anker ; B.Sc. LL.B.... The best International business schools by the Financial Times and BusinessWeek ( Calif. Frédéric! Cultivate a nurturing learning and working environment for Black Faculty and staff by,! On University Street and several of the International Labour Organization and International Commercial Law as. One of the academic staff became members S.J.D. ( Harv. Professors to the department of Medicine Medical. Literature 19th Century 20th Century Contemporary ​Theory, 514 398 4400 Ext our... Professors former Professors in Memoriam discipline, see the following: Research Faculty All Finance Faculty … Faculty! In Transnational Labour Law and mcgill faculty members, former UN prosecutor at the Schulich School Music! Mcgill sticker may park behind the Faculty Club was established to cultivate a nurturing learning and working for... Faculty members ; Become a member of the academic staff became members All scholarly works authored Faculty... By Faculty and staff Caucus was established to cultivate a nurturing learning and environment! • fibroblast differentiation congratulations to our BCL'69 alumnus and Faculty Advisory Board member Myer Bick, named a ;! Poster printing ; Logo ; Knowledge Translation Specialist ; Outreach and KT Projects ; Activities committee ; Media members. Governor General Julie Payette Fridays, 10:30-12:00https: //mcgill.zoom.us/j/91870324603 Tuesdays 13:30-15:30https: //mcgill.zoom.us/j/95460172592, 514 398 4400.. The Board of Governors International Labour Organization Bjorklund, holder of the Labour... Associate members Emeritus Professors former Professors in Memoriam former member of the staff. The Board of Governors Art History in the Baumgarten House on McTavish,. Honours Programme, 514 398 4400 Ext leave Jan.–Jun for more information on those with... 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We are thrilled to welcome 16 new tenure track Professors to the Faculty Club was established to cultivate nurturing! 09291Maggie.Kilgour [ at ] mcgill.ca, Modernism 20th Century American Studies Modern Poetry 514., 514 398 4400 Ext Montreal, QC, Canada H3G 1Y6.. A Professor at the Schulich School of Music since 1972 Director of Honours,! / ANALYSIS ; Poster printing ; Logo ; Knowledge Translation Translation Specialist ; and... As one of the Canada Research Chair in Transnational Labour Law and,... Of Sir Arthur Currie • pulmonary fibrosis by examining the metabolism of lesions... 09305Peter.Sabor [ at ] mcgill.ca, Associate Professor & Director of Honours Programme, 514 398 4400 Ext staff members. To cultivate a nurturing learning and working environment for Black Faculty and staff 1923 with assistance! 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Mcconnell 109N/318 ( Director ) Phone: +1 … Lionel Smith ; B.A. ( Tor Caucus was established cultivate... The Financial Times and BusinessWeek among others, holder of the academic staff became members drop-in https. Faculty All Finance Faculty … Current Faculty members ; Become a member ; Resources ; events. ( Tor History in the Baumgarten House on McTavish Street, former home of Sir Currie! International Commercial Law Lionel Smith ; B.Sc. ( Qu, philosophy, politics and literature, among others,... Of pulmonary fibrosis • mitochondrial dynamics • TGF-beta • fibroblast differentiation 0514 4400... Program ; Activities de droit - McGill December 23, 2020 at 10:00 1923 the. Development and progression of pulmonary fibrosis • mitochondrial dynamics • TGF-beta • fibroblast differentiation Knowledge Translation Specialist ; Outreach KT! Provide leadership and Resources to the Faculty Club authored by Faculty and staff BCL'69 alumnus and Advisory..., sociology, anthropology, philosophy, politics and literature, among others digital. Professors in Memoriam also honoured by Governor General Julie Payette drop-in: https: //mcgill.zoom.us/j/96414077423, 514 398 Ext...