Tweet. 3. It is a popular model. The Toto brand is a perfect choice for anyone looking for the latest technology in modern … Toto Ultramax II is only available in four color choices, which are cotton white, colonial white, Sedona beige, and bone. FREE Shipping. What is perhaps most interesting about its flushing power is that it’s very high relative to the amount of noise the toilet makes while actively being flushed. Period. Water consumption. Replacement Parts for Toto Ultramax II Toilet One Piece Models #MS604114CUFG or #MS604114CEF Tank #CST604CEF(G) Tornado Flushing System 1.28 gpf Tank #CST604CUFG Double Cyclone Flushing System 1.0 gpf Current (2016) Tank #CST604CUFG Tornado Flushing System 1.0 gpf Thanks. TOTO MS854114SG#01 Ultramax Elongated One Piece Toilet – The TOTO Ultramax is another nigh-end unit, so it’s on the higher-end in terms of prices. Enter feedback here * Send me a copy. Design – the two most common designs are one-piece and two-piece toilets. $575.40 $ 575. There are cotton white, colonial white, Sedona beige, bone, and ebony. The TOTO UltraMax II features a sleek, one-piece design that will immediately beautify the appearance of your bathroom. CAPTCHA × Close. Email. Other options New and used from $1,369.03. Share. Well, if you would like to see the best toilets TOTO has to offer, all in one place, then check out these mini reviews on TOTO’s Top Models. Read customer reviews and common Questions and Answers for Toto Part #: MS604114CEFG on this page. This is a great toilet for anyone that wants advanced technology, lower water usage and a higher seat. Are they adults, elderly people, or disabled people? One-piece toilet– By removing the gap between the tank and bowl, the Toto UltraMax II makes cleaning easier in comparison to a two-piece toilet. Household Appliance Judge is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to If you’re looking for luxury and style while also saving space, you might want to take a look at the ADA Elongated toilet by Toto. TOTO Ultramax II Toilet Review: Notable Features. Toto Ultramax Vs Kohler Tresham: Ultimate Comparison of Toilet Brand December 30, 2020 December 29, 2020 by Jimmy J. Olivas Choosing the right toilets are kind of similar to choosing the right couches for your living room – an uncomfortable couch will make relaxing after a stressful day at work impossible. Compared to other models, this one has some new features that are sure to blow other models out of the park. Ans. Let us look at some of them. $473.30 $ 473. Toto Drake vs Drake II: Which One To Choose? amzn_assoc_fallback_mode = {"type":"search","value":"Ultramax Ultramax II"}; Ultramax II liquid flush test. If you are among those who find it hard to select between the two, then read this Toto Ultramax VS Ultramax II. This model is highly water efficient, quiet and offers a gravity flush design. This model only comes in elongated, and the only color offered is a cotton white. Toto Ultramax VS Ultramax II: Which Toilet You should Buy? TOTO MS604114CEFG#01 Ultramax II Het Double Cyclone – The Ultramax II offers a double cyclone function and uses even less water per flush, saving you money on your water bill. Also, you should consider the people who are going to use the toilet. On the other hand, Toto Drake II is a two-piece toilet. Its biggest selling point, however, is it extremely low 1.28 gallons of water per flush (GPF). It also has an excellent flushing system. Here Is a Reminder, 6 Celebrities Who Still Do Their Own Cleaning, Thinking of Buying an Electric Toothbrush? If you want the best toilet on the list, you’ll need to allocate more for your budget. View details go to shop. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "happj-20"; The TOTO UltraMax II features a sleek, one-piece design that will immediately beautify the appearance of your bathroom. MS604114CEFG#01 The TOTO UltraMax II One-Piece Elongated 1.28 GPF Universal Height Toilet with CEFIONTECT projects TOTO's mark of excellence: "People Planet Water." The one-piece design reduces the risk of leaks and is easy to clean. Toto Entrada Review 2020: Top 2 list(Elongated & Round), Toto G400 Review 2021[Washlet with Integrated Toilet], Toto G500 Review 2020 [Washlet with Integrated Toilet], Toto Legato Toilet Reviews 2020: One-Piece High-Efficiency Toilet, Toto Neorest 700H Review [2020 Luxurious Dual Flush Toilet], Toto Promenade II Review 2020 [Modern and Classic Style Toilet], Toto Ultramax II Review 2020: One-Piece Elongated Toilet. Toto Ultramax II vs Drake II 2020: Which Toilet is Worth Buying? Toto Ultramax II is a one-piece toilet, which means that the tank and bowl are completely integrated to each other. These two have some features difference. Men average 1 hour and 45 minutes on the toilet per week compared to women that spend 1 hour and 20 minutes per week on the toilet. Why People Choose the Ultramax II. TOTO is a name that most people trust when it comes to toilets and the Ultramax is one of the best TO. When you buy a Toto Ultramax II 1.28 GPF (Water Efficient) Elongated One-Piece Toilet (Seat Included) online from, we make it as easy as possible for you to find out when your product will be delivered. Toilets don’t get the same consideration as many other household necessities. Unlike conventional flush tanks, the Ultramax II features a large 3” valve that releases 1.28 gallons of water at a high speed. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Beautiful in appearance, this model offers an ion barrier that cleans your toilet with every flush called SanaGloss. 5 tips for getting your family to help with the housework, How to stop procrastranating and do the housework, How many calories do you burn doing the housework, How to draw up the perfect housework rota, 7 Benefits to Buying a Juicer That You Might Not Have Thought About, Five Things You'll Need to Make the Perfect Coffee or Espresso At Home, 5 things you can do to reduce your stress levels, 5 Bathroom Cleaning Tips From The Big Chain Hotels, 6 Things I Learned About Family Harmony From The Simpsons. Toilet seat – a toilet is something that we use most of the time and that’s why we should select comfortable seats. The Drake II 2-Piece Toilet with the TOTO’s Tornado flush technology with dual nozzles and a hole-free rim offers a centrifugal rinse. They are both one-piece toilets and are sleek and compact. This coating means that you actually have to clean your toilet less, meaning you need to use fewer harmful chemicals while saving water at the same time. Just like the Ultramax II, it also has an elongated design that offers a certain degree of comfort that you will not find in most rounded designs. The Carlyle II has a smooth skirted design, where as the Ultramax II, like so many other models, has the trapway design on the side. Check Price. Q. The Toto Tornado flush is another way this toilet improves on the traditional style. Is the Ultramax toilet series easy to install? Toto WASHLET+ Kit UltraMax II 1-Piece Elongated 1.28 GPF Toilet and WASHLET S300e Bidet Seat, Cotton White (MW604574CEFG#01) 3.6 out of 5 stars 3. This is a lot of time spent on the toilet. So, what’s your final call between Toto Ultramax ii VS Ultramax? Toto MS604114CUFG#01 UltraMax II 1G – The UltraMax II 1G is the final model on our list, and this toilet offers a more affordable price while still offering a beautiful white color and the highly sought Sana Gloss, which cleans the toilet with every flush. Also, you can decide to either choose a toilet with an elongated bowl or a round bowl. Which one is better – Ultramax or Ultramax II toilet? TOTO Ultramax II vs. Kohler Cimmaron. Check Price. Comfort Height VS Standard Toilet: Which Type of toilet is Worth to Buy? The Toto Ultramax ii one-piece toilet comes with a hole-free rim design with dual nozzles that creates a powerful and efficient rinse every time you flush the toilet. The toilets are durable due to the fact that they are made of high-quality materials. With such little water use, the Ultramax II will pay for itself in water savings over other brands. Next Article . Unique Features of the TOTO Ultramax II Toilet . Name * Email * Feedback. So, during every flush, the powerful flushing system leaves the surface clean and no stain or dirt is left on the toilet surface. The 3-inch valve together with the powerful flushing system clears the solid waste in one flush. Find out the difference between Toto Ultramax and Ultramax II below. The double cyclone function enables the toilet to clear waste easily without leaving a mess behind. Studies are a little conflicted on the exact time that people spend on the toilet during their lifetime, but the studies range from 1 – 1.5 years on average, with men spending the most time in the toilet. This finish prevents the growth of mold, mildew, and bacteria on the surface of the toilet. So the TOTO Ultramax II has some power behind it to clean any messes left behind. It saves water waste in the end, so you don’t need to pay high on water utility bills. 1.Flushing System. Ultramax® PVC-Free MS854204ET90 - Eco Ultramax MS604204CEFGT90 - Ultramax II MS604204CUFGT90 - Ultramax II 1G® Beautifully engineered in a single unit, the Ultramax HET incorporates thoughtful innovation with simple elegant design and TOTO’s dedication to respecting water. The main difference is that the Ultramax II uses less water plus it has the two double cyclone nozzles rather than rim holes, which in my opinion (and Toto’s) makes this a superior toilet to the G-max. The larger size and having the seat higher up makes it easier for some people to use. And when you’re looking for a highly efficient water saver you want something eco-friendly. The bowl rim height is 14 5/8” in height. I have compared both toilet features in this Toto Ultramax VS Ultramax II post. In fact, … I purchased two of the “TOTO MS604114CEFG#01 Ultramax II HET Double Cyclone Elongated One Piece Toilet with SanaGloss, Cotton White” in August 2014. TOTO UltraMax II one-piece toilet is also convenient to use and won’t become a hassle even for mobility issues. More so, you will love that it has a standard seat ADA height that can accommodate a wide range of user heights. So, it is the main difference between a Toto Ultramax II vs Drake II. Offering a commercial performance and flush, this toilet is quiet yet powerful. TOTO UltraMax II has an elegant design that is lustrous as well as smooth to fit appropriately in your restroom. Price: A lot of people don’t realize that toilets can be very expensive. Which toilet is better? If there is a compare between the two models, it is difficult to give a suggestion. Who doesn’t want to save water, get rebates, or reduce on the water bill? Also, a quality toilet provides more comfort than the traditional ones. Gallons Per Flush: The amount of water used in a toilet will cost or save you money. If you are ready to spend to get a quality toilet, both models have something to offer. // ]]> TOTO MS604114CEFG#01 Ultramax II Het Double Cyclone Elongated One Piece Toilet with Sanagloss, TOTO MS854114#01 Ultimate Elongated One Piece Toilet, TOTO MS854114S#01 Ultramax Elongated One Piece Toilet. The truth of the matter is that both toilets have their advantages and disadvantages. This one-piece toilet is also convenient to use and won’t become a hassle even for those who have mobility issues. FREE Shipping. With a high-efficient flushing system and a 3-inch flush valve, this toilet does a great job of clearing waste in the bowl with fewer clogs and mess. High-efficiency toilets use 0.9 gallons of water per flush(But, sometimes it fails to clean properly). Additionally, it only utilizes 1.28 GPF in the process. Also, they have holes for firmly fixing the toilet on the ground so that it doesn’t shift or move from its position. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; You Really Must Read This, 6 Ways to Make Your Kids Love Cleaning Their Teeth. Is It Healthy To Spend A Long Time Reading On The Toilet? [CDATA[ Toto Ultramax II is a one-piece toilet while Toto Drake II is a two-piece toilet. . Now the Ultramax II is one of TOTO’s most popular toilets and has got some great reviews. If you want to buy a toilet, get one that offers you many great features and has little drawbacks. Equipped with a soft-close seat, this is a very nice toilet. © Copyright 2018 - 2020 || This will also allow you to be able to flush the toilet with fewer clogs and messes. On the other hand, Toto Drake II can give you a slightly wider range with five color choices. Women will spend more time in the bathroom getting ready than men. The TOTO UltraMax II comes with an efficient and powerful flushing technology. You need to choose the right toilet for you. amzn_assoc_default_category = "All"; This new model has some advantages over the Ultramax. The Ultramax II is such a toilet, and its high ratings on most TOTO Ultramax II review is a testament to its high quality. The ebony color will look good if your bathroom has been painted with dark colors. Ans. Contact Information. Toto Tornado Flush System. amzn_assoc_linkid = "5cddd473c52c50f2ea3764ae0f7b7b89"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; They are both one-piece toilets and are sleek and compact. The TOTO UltraMax II features a sleek, one-piece design that will immediately beautify the appearance of your bathroom. A unique double cyclone design uses just 1.28 gallons of water per flush, and SanaGloss technology uses ions to clean the toilet when flushed. A larger valve allows waste to pass through the system with greater ease, reduces clogs and flushes more efficiently overall. Higher seats are a nice addition to any home and shouldn’t be overlooked. amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; Joined: Oct 27, 2007. View details go to shop. The toilet comes in a variety of colors that rivals even what Kohler puts out, and … Continue reading "TOTO Ultramax II Toilet Review (MS604114CEFG)" Ultramax II: If you’re looking for the best model with the newest features, the second iteration comes with the self-cleaning Sana Gloss, which is a nice added perk. The Ultramax HET offers sleek lines, is simple to install, and features performance design that focuses on your comfort. We sell alot of these Ultramax II and no longer recommend the old Ultramax." Related: Difference between Toto Ultramax II and Drake II, This is a high-efficient toilet model as it uses less than 1.28 gallons of water per flush. Elongated bowls are more comfortable, while round bowls fit in small bathrooms well. However, its flushing power is certainly above average, which is something easy to appreciate. acquiring a highly-effective and high-performing toilet, Difference between Toto Ultramax II and Drake II, 1 Piece VS 2 Piece Toilets [One & Two Piece Features Comparison], 10 Inch Rough In Toilet Reviews [2021’s Top-Rated List], American Standard VS Kohler Toilets (2021 Recommendation to Buy), Best American Standard Toilet Reviews: Top Selling List of 2021, American Standard Cadet 3 Review 2021: FloWise 1.28 GPF Toilet, American Standard Champion 4 Max Reviews 2020, American Standard Champion 4 Reviews 2020, American Standard Champion 4 VS Champion 4 Max, American Standard Optum Vormax Reviews 2020, American Standard Titan Toilet Review 2020(Pro Elongated Toilet Bowl), American Standard Vormax Plus Reviews 2020, American Standard Vormax Review: Ultima right height Elongated Toilet, Best Bidet Toilet Seat Reviews 2020[Ultimate Buyer’s Guide], Best Bio Bidet Reviews 2020 [Most Popular 7 Smart Bidet Toilet Seat], Bio Bidet BB2000 Review 2020 [Bliss Smart Toilet Seat], Brondell Swash 1400 Review 2020 [Luxury Bidet Toilet Seat], Brondell Swash CS1000 Review 2020 [Round Bidet Toilet Seat], Toto C100 Review 2020 [Washlet Electronic Bidet Toilet Seat], Toto C200 Review 2020 [C200 Washlet Electronic bidet toilet seat], Best Comfort Height Toilet Reviews 2020[Comfortable Chair Height Toilets list], Best Compact Toilet for Small Bathroom: Space Saving Toilets 2020, Best Composting Toilet Reviews 2020 [Most Selling Toilets list], Best Dual Flush Toilet Reviews 2020 [Most Popular 10 toilets], Best Elongated Toilet Reviews 2020 [Larger Bowl Means More Comfortable], Best Flushing Toilet 2020 Reviews (Plumber Recommended Toilets), Best Gerber Toilet Reviews 2020 [Most Popular Gerber Toilets list], Best Handicap Toilet Reviews 2020 [Toilets for Disabled Person], Best Kohler Toilet Reviews: 12 Most Popular Toilets of 2020, Kohler Corbelle Toilet Review 2020[Continuous Clean System], Kohler Highline Toilet Review: Classic comfort height with left-hand trip lever, Kohler Highline VS Cimarron Toilet [Features Comparison Table], Kohler Memoirs Toilet Review 2020: Stately Comfort Height, Kohler San Souci Reviews 2020 [Low-Profile Design Toilet], Kohler Santa Rosa Reviews: AquaPiston Flush Comfort Height Elongated Toilet, Kohler Veil Intelligent Toilet Review 2020[Skirted Smart, Dual Flush Toilet], Best Low Flow Toilets 2020[Most Popular Water Saving Toilet list], Best Macerating Toilet Reviews 2020[Select Quality Upflush Toilets], Best Modern Toilet 2020 [Hi-Tech Contemporary Toilets List], Best Portable Toilet for Camping[2020 UPDATED Reviews], Best Quiet Flush Toilet Reviews 2020 [8 Quietest Toilets List], Best Self Cleaning Toilet Reviews 2020[Get Rid of Manual Cleaning], Best Skirted Toilet Reviews 2020 [Concealed Trapway Toilets], Best Smart Toilet Reviews [10 Most Advanced Toilets 2020], Best Toilet Seat Reviews 2020[Most Comfortable Toilet Seats], Best Toilets 2020 List [Most Popular 15 Toilet Reviews (Plumbers choice)], Best Toto Toilet Reviews(10 Most Popular & Top Selling List of 2020), Toto Aquia II Review: 2-Piece Toilet with Regular Height Bowl & Dual Max Tank, Toto Aquia VS Aquia II VS Aquia III VS Aquia IV[All Toilet Comparison]. I saw the Ultramax II at a store today and all the salesguys could tell me was "look, only 2 holes for the water to clean like a cyclone vs all the little holes on the old Ultramax. (same price as terry's, actually) Ultramax RF $380 Ultramax EL $400 Ultimate RF $340 Ultimate EL $360 Is it worth the extra $40 to upgrade from … For the newly bought house, I don't know if I need to replace the toilets with Toto ultramax II one-piece with sanagloss ones or Kohler Cimarron 2-piece ones. The elongated bowl offers comfort to the users and the standard height makes sitting and standing to be easy. Read our TOTO Ultramax II review to find out. Seats: Most toilets come with seats, and a softclose model will allow for a softer close to allow for less of a “noise” when closing your toilet seat. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "auto"; Toto is one of those toilet brands that offer this durability along with its many advantages. The elongated bowl offers extra comfort and its flushing system is very effective. And the lack of innovation in the toilet industry is definitely to blame for people not seeking out new toilets. TOTO MS604114CEFG#01 Ultramax II Het Double Cyclone – The Ultramax II offers a double cyclone function and uses even less water per flush, saving you money on your water bill. When you make your choice, you’ll need to consider the following: Ultramax offers commercial grade toilets at a residential toilet price, and this is why consumers flock to the company. TOTO People-Centered Design Smart Fact: The UltraMax II Toilet uses CeFiONtect ceramic glaze, which creates an extraordinarily smooth, ion-barrier surface to help keep the bowl cleaner with every flush. This is one of the fewest ultra-high-efficiency toilets on the market. Toto Ultimate vs Ultramax (help me choose) Discussion in 'Toilet Forum discussions' started by justthinking, Oct 27, 2007. justthinking New Member. Yes, It requires a special outlet connection fitting. Toto Ultramax II is an improved model of the initial Toto Ultramax. Toto Ultramax II vs Toto Drake – The Pros and Cons. Once you install it, the toilet will serve the purpose for at least 10 years. Once you install it, the toilet will serve the purpose for at least 10 years. Flush Valve: Standard toilets come with a 2” flush valve, but many Ultramax models come with a 3” valve. TOTO MS854114#01 Ultimate Elongated One Piece Toilet – Despite the long model number, this is not the same model toilet as above. Toto Ultramax G-Max Low Consumption 1.6 GPF Elongated One-Piece Toilet MS853113S Toilet Finish: Bone (MS853113S#03) $902.93 $1,066.93 15% off. TOTO toilets usually come with fantastic features that set them apart from other toilets. For general feedback & inquiries, please contact us: Within the United States: TollFree: 1-888-295-8134 Direct: 770-282-8686 International: 001-770-282-8686 Unlike many other toilets, this toilet is supplied complete with a soft close seat. Toto Ultramax vs. Ultramax II is a good comparison as well because these models are very similar. It is hard to choose between the two because they all have unique features. Toto Drake II Review 2020: Toilet with Elongated Bowl and Sanagloss, Toto Drake Review 2020 [Elongated Toilet Specs]. 60. This model is 1.6 gallons per flush. Toto Ultramax II and Toto Drake II have so much in common than their differences. The TOTO UltraMax II features the innovative TORNADO flush system and CEFIONTECT glaze that together help to reduce the frequency of toilet cleanings. The final choice comes down to what you are looking for, the price of the toilet, size, water usage, and design. It’s a universal fit toilet, also called a comfort height, which means the seat is between 17 and 19 inches off the ground (17.25 inches). The TOTO UltraMax II is glazed in a protective coating known as SanaGloss. The two toilet series that we have talked about have some exceptional features and meet the needs of different users. Toto Ultramax II 1.28 GPF Elongated One-Piece Toilet MS604114CEFG Finish: Sedona Beige, Flush: Left (MS604114CEFG#12) $749.99 $998.99 25% off. Many people visit the toilet at least thrice or more times a day. 40 $577.48 $577.48. It has a hole-free rim design along with two nozzles. Toto Ultramax VS Ultramax II are exceptional toilet models that offer comfort and durability. But, Toto Ultramax is perfect for shorter people because of its size. The seat is 15” in height, and the power gravity flushing system is very powerful and offers a quiet operation. Let’s be honest, when it comes to choosing a new toilet, many times you are unsure of the way to pick the one that will offer you the best experience. This model is mid-range, and it offers significant advantages over the competition. Pinterest. Even though it appears to be similar to the above toilet, they vary slightly. The Toto Ultramax II bowl is improved, ADA compliant, WaterSense certificate and design improved as well. It is a one-piece toilet and comes in cotton white. MS604114CEFG - Ultramax II MS604114CUFG - Ultramax II 1G ® Beautifully engineered in a single unit, the Ultramax HET incorporates thoughtful innovation with simple elegant design and TOTO’s dedication to respecting water. Toto VS Kohler Toilets: Which is Better to Buy? amzn_assoc_emphasize_categories = "3375251"; A toilet is something you rely on to work. We’ve reviewed five of the best toilets in existence, and we recommend comparing them by: TOTO MS854114S#01 Ultramax Elongated Toilet – The Elongated is cotton white, and it also comes in a round shape. Kohler Cimmaron has received a lot of wonderful feedback from consumers due to its quality, efficiency and design. The Toto Ultramax II is a gravity-flow toilet with Toto’s popular Double Cyclone flushing system. CalGreen compliant, the 1G has a softclose seat that is included and a 12” rough-in. The durability of the toilet is usually affected by the materials it’s made of. Toto Ultramax II. The main difference you’ll find is in water flow and gallons per flush. Check the best Toto toilet list here. Please fill in your contact information, below, and send us a note. The trip lever is chrome plated, and this model weighs 89 pounds, so it’s very heavy. The tank and bowl are actually two different parts that are connected to each other. Stumble. As long as a toilet works, most people don’t give them a second thought. TOTO Ultramax II is made from Vitreous China and has a beautiful Chrome finish. It is a single flush two-piece elongated toilet with a comfort/universal height. Toto Ultramax Vs Kohler Tresham: Ultimate Comparison of Toilet Brand December 30, 2020 December 29, 2020 by Jimmy J. Olivas Choosing the right toilets are kind of similar to choosing the right couches for your living room – an uncomfortable couch will make relaxing after a stressful day at work impossible. This model is a bit cheaper and offers the user with 4 colors to choose from. The UltraMax II is ADA compliant and meets the standards for EPA WaterSense®, and California’s CEC and CALGreen requirements. This is an amazing toilet with an excellent design and flushing system. Later models of the original came with this feature in some cases, but the prices of the older high-end models are similar to the newer models. $1,517.60 $ 1,517. Despite being sold at a very competitive price, this toilet model is very efficient in performance. While it might sound like a very low-flow toilet, this is truly not … I recently bought a house and plan to remodel it before moving in. Even though water-saving toilets are extremely popular right now, most still require at least 1.6 gallons or more to create a good flush. More Buying Choices $499.99 (15 new offers) TOTO MS854114EG#01 Eco Ultramax Elongated One Piece Toilet with Sanagloss, Cotton White. We look forward to hearing from you. MS604114CEFG#01 The TOTO UltraMax II One-Piece Elongated 1.28 GPF Universal Height Toilet with CEFIONTECT projects TOTO's mark of excellence: "People Planet Water." Flush valve – the industry standard requires a flush valve to be at least of 2-inch valve. Le balai à plat Ultramax est doté d’une Power Zone XXL - une zone de pression amplifiée - qui assure un contact maximal et une adhérence optimale des sols pour une meilleure action de nettoyage. You Knew How to Keep Your House Clean but You Forgot. What this means is that this toilet is quiet and its high profile to allow for a strong flush. //