Candidates applying for this exam must not be younger than 21 years of age and not older than 32 years. The UPSC notification will be issued on February 10. Helloo Sir, my DoB is 07-07-1988 Will I be eligible for 2020 prelims as per the current age norms? Sir, my name is Chakravarthi. (GEN. Category) Sir, iam preparing for cse2019 exam. As per the norms of relaxation i am eligible to apply. Sir, Sir am I eligible for 2019 ias prelims………. But the age limit is mentioned in the official notification released for the exam. The lower age limit to apply for UPSC exam is 21 years of age. IAS Eligibility - Age Criteria UPSC has set the age limit to apply for the civil services exam. If any solution is in ur favour than pls ans, Refer this artice How to start IAS Preparation and join our test series which ensures year long study with detailed time table and upsc level standard mock tests. My D.O.B is 25.12.1987, i am women candidate general category . There is no  Upper Age relaxation for EWS Category. Hi, My DOB. Please confirm I don’t think it’s fair for the eligible Indian citizens who would like to try for the IAS exam after 32 years of age as setting an upper age limit takes away the opportunity from them when they want to do it seriously. My dob is 30.4.1986.obc category. Nationality For the Indian Administrative Service and the Indian Police Service, a candidate must be a citizen Best wishes. Geeta. How many attemt remain for me eg. Is govt going to reduce age limit in 2019. 2019/2020(2), Sir my d. O. CDS Eligibility Criteria 2020. I am a SC my D.O.B .23.12.1981 ,am I eligible for 2019 UPSC, “Cumulative Age relaxation: It is 35 for OBC, and 37 years for SC/ST. If you fit the right way and in the right age bracket, then no one can stop you from achieving those bright UPSC goals you always had. Will be completing degree graduation in 2020 october . Find out How is age calculated in UPSC with the help of an age calculator for UPSC 2021. Can I apply for upsc 2019 general? Am i eligible to enter under OBC. 3. A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 32 years on August 01, 2021. Please Plz reply and resolve our issue. However, the Baswan committee’s recommendations are yet to be made public. docmnts in digilocker are scanned copies of original dcmnts. Last year i got divorced and am a single mother. OBC candidate You can apply up to 2021 CSE. The contenders need to have a minimum of 32 years age as on August 1 2019, i.e., the applicant must have been not earlier than August 2, 1987. Is it for the general category people or only SC and ST. 5. Want to know how many attempts do I have for upsc. The female age limit in the general class does not see any extra relaxation advantage. Age Limit For IAS - UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) Examination. (b) The upper UPSC age-limit prescribed above will be relaxable: Will the service be counted for exemption?? As of now the upper age limit for UPSC Civil Services examination is 32 years for general category. But that’s not the case with CAPF Physical criteria . 2. Prescribed age limits vary with respect to caste reservations. The official notification of the IAS well defines the meaning and significance of attempts in the UPSC examinations. The Baswan committee has recently submitted its recommendations regarding changes in IAS exams. My dob is 22.11.1988. Not eligible if u belong to general or OBC category, I am from general category and my DOB is 29 Dec 1987, am I eligible for UPSC 2020 exam . Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has released the notification for Civil Services Examination 2020. Sir, UPSC Age Limit for IAS Exam. Hello Sir , I appreciate your replies to all of us . I heard some of my friends say group c employees children don’t fall in creamy layer .. if this is the case then is there any documents which give clarification on group c employees children .. SIR your clarification will be of great help to me please clarify ./\. Thank you. Sir, if govt wants to reduce age limit of civil services exam, will there be freezing period of at least 2years or sudden change? Other candidates suffering from illnesses such as autism, mental illness, intellectual disability, LD, and many more such mentally and physically handicapped age limit from different sectors comprise this special category relaxation who get the maximum years of leverage for UPSC. Ur strategy should be learn a topic then take test for particular topic. Gernaral category am I eligible for 2019 ias prelims? You are not eligible If you are not from reserve category. I am from j&k ST candidate. Do I have chance to take UPSC exam this year. The School Of Knowledge 225,336 views. Hence, his upper age limit will be 42 years. It is responsible for appointments to and examinations for All India services and group A & group B of Central services. Also, there are speculations regarding relaxation in UPSC Age Limit and Attempts as per the recent introduction of EWS Reservation. I think it is 3+5 (OBC + Ex seviceman). Pls suggest, DOB 14 Jan 1985… now 33 completed and 34 running I am a female divorcee. My DOB. I belongs to general category & DOB 3/2/1985 can I eligible for IAS 2019 but Modi has announced 10% reservation for general, My DOB is 04-02-1982 from SC/ST and am i eligible for 2019 Exam. Eligible for ias exam 2019??? Your upper age limit for UPSC CAPF exam is 25 years, but you must know that you need to be 25 years old at the time of joining the academy. As a matter of fact, we expect the upper age limit will not change for existing candidates also for the Civil Service 2021 Exam. LBSNAA IAS Training: What is the Training Period for IAS in LBSNAA? The number of seats reserved for the Economically Weaker Sections is over 10% than the ones vacant for the others. Civil Services Age Limit is an important factor in the Eligibility criteria. Yes , you can apply for 2020 even they change age limit to 26. My dob is 13 Aug 1987 I am Latin catholic do I belong to obc category if yes will I be eligible for 2020 prelims.. Sir, is there any age relaxation for general candidates for 2021 due to covid 19. Who are about to cross their age . If u are serious about the attempt then start with mock test along with learning. Dog 14.09.84 OBC. and For the Both Stages some Eligibility Criteria are given below-Nationality, Age Limit, Educational Qualification Hi Sir, I am from gen. Category. my sister is belongs to obc category . sir my date of birth is 16th feb 1982, Can I eligible for the upsc exams 2019, please suggest me and satisfy me ……………, Sir my date of birth is 25/08/1982,am I eligible for UPPSC 2019as I belongs to OBC plz reply me sir. Their age limit is relaxed to only up to 3 years. I m from obc category. I will be 28 years old on 11-10-2018. Best wishes. How can they just decide this? IM I ELEGIBLE TO WRITE UPSC 2021, Yes, you are eligible. However, age is a significant factor in accordance with the registration processes. This article will help you with How to calculate the age limit for UPSC. Language: English Location: United States I am from sc category,my dob is 14/04/1985.Am I eligible for upsc 2022 and may i know my last year of chance ? My DOB is 04/03/1986 and I am belong to OBC, but UPSC online form is not accepting due to age problem..How can I apply for UPSC 2018. UPSC EPFO age limit applies to all the candidates who aspire to apply for UPSC EPFO 2020 exam. My mom is govt school teacher she ear 8.2 PA, i belong to BC category should i come under OBC or general category . As I am from J&K in open merit. Ok. The SC / ST age limit gets a relaxation of a standard 5 years over their maximum age criterion. If a candidate is going to apply for UPSC exam 2019, then the candidate should complete 21 years as on date 21-08 … Necessary action to make corresponding changes in respective Rules/Regulations pertaining to various services is being taken separately. You are not eligible as per the current eligibility conditions. Sir as my obc certificate is not ready can i fill this year as general and next as obc candidate. I was told that i am eligible to appear for the exam until 2020. 1. However, the central government did not provide such provisions not yet. I Was a PO in a govt. In addition, you get details and guidance about your special status too if you are a part of any. My Dob is 17-01-1988 is 30/06/1985 in OBC category, can i appear in IAS 2020 Exam .please sir tell me. Candidates must check the eligibility criteria of EPFO 2020 before filling the online application form. What is the upper age limit for OBC and how many attempts are left for me. Amongst many different criteria and deciding factors for the UPSC and IAS registration, age is one such key factor that needs primary attention. Can I eligible for to write the upsc exams 2021, 2022, 2023? The UPSC 2019 announcement will be underway from the month of February 2018. in all, i want to ask that can i write 75% paper in urdu and 25% english words[translated in urdu] that are not availbale . sorry im frm general category. Good afternoon sir. I just want to confirm about how many attempts I have, can I apply for 2021 as well, please let me know about total attempts. Eligibility Criteria for UPSC CSE – EWS Category, Baswan Committee Recommendations on UPSC Age Limit, IAS Exam Pattern, Eligibility, Syllabus and Dates, UPSC Prelims Test Series in Online Exam Mode -Enroll Now, UPSC Exam Previous Year Question Papers in PDF - Download. Must complete the minimum age of 21 years as on 1st August of the year in which the exam is held. If the upper age limit is reduced to 26 years then can i get attempts for IAS ? do i need to fill again for interview language? I want to know how many attempts I have left and how long I can appear. My running age 34. The age limit criteria for IAS 2020 exam is that candidates must not be born earlier than 02nd August 1988 and not later than 01st August 1999. I’m in 2nd year of graduation now. My DOB is 27-12-1987. was perfect.I really don’t understand why Baswan committee is making trouble here?I think India is the only country where govt.,senior officials play with unemployees.Nothing to say. On Wednesday, the UPSC released a notification for 796 vacancies in … For the general community, the age limit is 32 years. These candidates are eligible to apply for the said examinations up to a maximum age of 32 years in the case of general category students. a candidate must have been born after … d.ob. Hi my don is 13/07/1984 belongs to SC till which year I can appear for cse and how many attempts left year wise starting from 2019. Hi , Thank you and appreciate your effort for clarifying the queries. Join our test series for pre-preparation. Or M i right? by Admin. Hi Sir, Not eligible as per the current eligibility conditions! SIR MY DOB IS 11/08/1997 AM I ELIGIBLE FOR 2019 PRELIMINARY EXAM SIR PLEASE TELL ME????????? my DOB is 09/11/1984 with sc community and ex servicemen. Hello Sir, Can I apply For 2019. My dob is 25 March 1985, I am obc ncl.. am I eligible to take cse2019 ? Is there age relaxation for me above 37? sir I ask u am I eligible for cse 2019. Would I be able to appear for ias 2020? Sir my DOB is 23-09-1986 from jnk… M I eligible for 2019upsc, sir my data of birth 2 Aug 1998 can apply exam, Sir my Date of birth is 27 may 83 and OBC category.. Can I apply for 2019 UPSC exam. plz send reply on Upper age limit is fixed different for different categories, which is as given below. From general category. A whopping 10-year relaxation is given to a certain high priority special section of candidates. UPSC CMS 2021. My persuing m.a. My age is 28, General women category.. am I eligible for UPSC-2019? UPSC has also launched a withdrawal facility for the IAS applicants. Sir my d.o.b is 18/09/1986 . The maximum age limit is 30 years for the candidates of the general category. The Union Public Service Commission views all IAS aspirants and learners with an equal eye and preference no matter what age bracket they fall into. Hello sir hi sir, i’m fathima ,my DOB is 07.07.1986, am i eligible for upsc exam, and how many attempts can i do sir. Take IASSolution Mock Exams; Be a Master! IAS परीक्षा पेपर in Hindi 2004-2020; UPSC Syllabus Download; IAS MAINS Papers 2010-2019; Printed Study Notes for UPSC; E-books Download NCERT Books Download | NCERT Hindi PDF; UPSC 2021 Exam Calendar; IAS 2021 Online Course What to do in that case? Please give advice. Your email address will not be published. Sir I want to prepare uppsc I think it’s long preparation so can I attempt 2020 or 2021 please reply me, Which is the best optional subject suggest me sir, 15-08-1989dob sir how many attempts I can give, my dob 15-08-1989 how many attempts i can give, My dob is 10/07/1987. Vikram. My dob is 19th Nov 1985. IAS Books for Prelims and Mains Exam Preparation in 2021. General category, Hi can I apply upsc (IAS exam), my DOB is 1/08/81 ,General category -Divorcee Women plz tell me about to this. my dob is 28.7.1986. can i apply for 2018 ias? Nationality. IAS Eligibility – UPSC Age Limit. Am I eligible for 2021, Sir my DOB 7 June 1988, can I appear for 2023 upsc civil service examination as I belongs to OBC category, No, You are not eligible for 2023. My question is… Will relaxation continue till next year or govt has given only for this current year, Plz sir reply me in upsc girls candidate are exempted from fee. does upsc accept digilocker documents valid? Please tell me am I eligible for 2018 exam? and I belong to obc category, can i eligible for UPSC exam 2019. The following factors are considered to derive the eligibility conditions of the candidates to apply for the vacancies. For each category, the Commission changed the UPSC Age limit accordingly over the years. Please tell me, sir. Therefore candidates applying for UPSC Exam should check these details properly before filling the online application form. Because I attaining my age of 21 in 12.Dec.2018. As of now the upper age limit for UPSC Civil Services Exam is 32 years for General Category. My DOB is 01/05/1989 and I am from OBC (State level it is called as BC-B) category from Telangana, Am I eligible for 2019/2020 attempts? I’m OBC. UPSC CAPF Age Limit: 20-25 Years of Age You can appear for UPSC CAPF Exam at the age of 20, if you have completed graduation or even if you are in last year of your graduation.Your upper age limit for UPSC CAPF exam is 25 years, but you must know that you need to be 25 years old at the time of joining the academy. It is obvious that the number of attempts will last only till they reach the maximum years of age allowed for attempting. The minimum age you need to have complete to be eligible for this exam is 21 years. I want to apply for IAS while serving in army. If you have dreamt big of reforming the nation by rocking your UPSC journey, then it’s high time you need to take the first step! My DOB is 18-feb-1984. Sir I am Sc.dob is many attempts left. Am I eligible for 2019 civils exam? Plz guide me. We will update once it is decided. My date of birth is 21.06.1984 belongs to OBC category . Other Eligibility Criteria: Nationality: The candidate must be a citizen of India to be eligible for the … My DOB is 06/04/2/1987 A candidate should be a minimum of 21 years and maximum 32 years old as on August 01, 2020. How many attempts can i make. I am worried if the upper age limit for GC is changed to 26 year age, will it affect my chances to appear. Is I am eligible to appear for 2019 CSE, Sir my self sabana I’m belong from general category, my dob is 8th may i eligible to give ias at the year of 2022, Sir , My DOB is 22/08/1983, I am one eyed , lost on one eye in accident , as per doctor i come under 30% visual impairment .. am i eligible for PH quote and can give my exam. i am 29 April 1989 born, would like To know if I am eligible for The CSE 2021 EXAM. Along with upper age relaxation, the number of attempts has also increased. Sir, my date of birth is 24.08.1984. Sir I am asking as then I will leave my job and prepare for 2020, I m now 40 years sc candidste can i give this exam as i listen age relaxstion for sc candidste 5 years relaxation as 37 + 5 = 42 reply plz can i give this exam or not as per new rules of Government in 2019. Apart from mentioned age limits, the candidate will also have cumulative age relaxation. It will help women, especially mothers and economically deprived persons, to contemplate UPSC exam once they can devote time to pr Age . My DOB is july 1st 1988 and obc category from state of Karnataka. My dob is 1st jan 1982. Age Limit. Sir my dob is 05/10/1986 qnd i belong to obc non creamy layer.. How many times can i appear.. Sir my date of birth is 04.07.1994 My dob is 10/03/1988-OBC And obc category. Good morning dob is 18/6/1986.iam belong to oc.does he have a chance upsc exam.pls give me the answer sir. Am I eligible to take ias exam in 2019. If I join State civil service at 2020-2021 luckily. UPSC IAS Eligibility Criteria 2021- Number of attempts. Is there any chances to increase the age limit in CSE (upsc) exam? For many years, the Age limit was 30 for General Category candidates, 33 years for OBCs and 35 years for SC and ST candidates. , increased the age limit to 27 years.. m OBC.. till year... Recently, the lower age limit for upsc age limit appearing for 2020 even they change it let ’ s years... Relaxations are certain flexibilities granted to special sections of the candidates of the prestigious aspired... Ias Training: what is the upper age limit for UPSC this examination jk aspirants in UPSC 2019! And 2020 as per PIB released on 01-08-1987, then he/she will b eligible for 2019 PRELIMINARY... Age eligibility wise age relaxation for central government general candidate this year in advance attempts age... Exam 2019?????????????????... And ST my language for Mains written exam, so after Mains interview... 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