Should have tightened up the gameplay and made it as a PS2 game instead of the shotty mobile port. There aren't any reviews yet. I call bullshit. Also, you might have trouble aiming your weapon via the analog stick (often troubling with PSP games). Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy is the first game and an early game for the Playstation 2. It's a very good game, but it doesn't stand up well when compared to the masterpieces that were Jak II and Jak 3. Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier: Mediocre rip of a PSP game with lifeless voice-acting, inconsistent animation (Jak's shirt actually changes in one cutscene. Yup it's on Vita. Common Sense Media's unbiased ratings are created by expert reviewers and aren't influenced by the product's creators or by any of our funders, affiliates, or partners. If you've been hankering for a full-scale Jak and Daxter game for some time, The Lost Frontier largely fulfills its duty as a continuation of the main series with flying colors. Jak (Birthname Mar) is the son of Spargus King, Damas.He is an elf-human, and was born in Haven City.He was adopted by Samos the Green Sage. Daxter, fat Jak, and not-Keira looked fantastic. It was announced on April 1, 2009 and was released on November 3, 2009 for the PlayStation 2 and PlayStation Portable. Aiming weapons is often annoying. Your privacy is important to us. As a standalone I'd rate it 4/10, as part of the J&D universe 1/10. Shitty writing, bad pacing, and, like I said, awful characterization, and for the new characters, subpar character development (although Ruskin was pretty well-developed, he just didn't have enough screentime). Beautiful but dark futuristic fantasy world. Searching for streaming and purchasing options ... Common Sense is a nonprofit organization. Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier marks the sixth game in the Sony franchise and the first time the duo has teamed up for an adventure on the PSP. It just didn't feel like a proper continuation to the series. Not being able to roll blows shit. The story, level design, and characters reflect the original games clever playfulness, and this is definitely a worthy addition to the series. /s Hope that answered your question. The original Jak… Parents need to know that playing Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier can be a frustrating experience because it doesn't feel truly finished. The lack of depth perception leads you to die a lot. Breaking: Jak & Daxter: The Lost Frontier announced This is officially not an April Fool's joke, so get up and dance to show us your merry approval: a new Jak & Daxter game is on the way! If you're not don't. I'd give it a solid 1/10 by itself and a .0023/10 as a standalone. Level design is hit or miss. At last, we’ve arrived at the game that started the craze. The Lost Frontier script comprises the full verbal transcript of Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier.. Notes. Reviews. You can unlock as many as five planes and customize them with weaponry as well. Jak can't transform into Dark Jak because the eco in the air was too unstable? Indeed, Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier is the game Disney would make if it was forced to play through both of the (hugely popular and accomplished PS3-exclusive) Uncharted games. The basic concepts behind the story were great, don't get me wrong, but the execution was awful. Jak & Daxter: the Lost Frontier - Potential #3. If they had spent more time on the game, this frontier wouldn’t have been so lost. This should explain everything wrong with it in ways we never could. As the game proceeds, they find that Eco, the energy that does everything from growing things to giving the characters strength, is in extremely short supply. It didn't control all that well, I guess because it was a PSP game that was also ported to the PS2. Questions. And buy the way I noticed they are making a new ps3 Jak game called "Playstation Move Heros" witch is a combination of Jak and Daxter, Ratchet and Clank, and Sly and Bently. So, for instance, you fall, die with a gasp, and have to start again. Jak X: The "black sheep" of the franchise, it was a fairly decent racing game. Results Driven Mobile & Web Apps, eCommerce. Yeah, very weak compared to the rest of them. With that being said, some people hate the game because of the shit story and/or because it wasn't made by Naughty Dog...which I think is pretty stupid. Violence is presented with splashes of light, but no blood. jak and daxter: the lost frontier walkthrough. Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier is a single player action platformer and the first release in the popular Jak and Daxter franchise to be available on the PlayStation Portable (PSP). Packed with classic Jak and Daxter action, in it players can expect action set both in the air and on land, open-ended mission gameplay, multiple classes of air vehicles, customizable "Eco" … They even travel to other planets in their quest to find Eco. Although it's somewhat repetitive, the best portion of the game happens in the air during dogfights in planes. "Jak & Daxter: The Lost Frontier" hits shelves this fall, but we received an early peek at the game this week. The air levels could be fun and were actually better than the ground combat ones. Add this game to my: ... the final chapter of the game and you can make a new save file. Sadly, the platforming was kinda frustrating because Jak didn't control as well as the original trilogy. How Technology Is Reshaping Democracy and Our Lives, Celebrate the history and culture of the African diaspora and the achievements of people with African roots on Wide Open School, Online Playdates, Game Nights, and Other Ways to Socialize at a Distance, Keeping Kids Motivated for Online Learning, PSP spinoff does things a bit differently, 10 Most Violent Video Games of 2014 (and What to Play Instead), Games That Support Kindness and Compassion. The lack of depth perception leads you to die a lot. 3. Jak X - I'm not big on driving games, but this one is fun. And is the main protagonist in the Jak and Daxter series. Common Sense and other associated names and logos are trademarks of Common Sense Media, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (FEIN: 41-2024986). ... and so … At one point, Jak takes Dark Eco which turns him evil. It’s kind of sad that the Jak series had to end on such a sad note. The camera sometimes doesn’t work, yielding a skewed vision of this world, and sadly prohibiting visual clarity in game play. The game received a generally positive response, with critics praising the game's graphics, gameplay and aerial figh… I can understand not returning any of the other cast for the sake of doing something new, but you can't not have Samos. I'm enjoying it so far, and am almost 1/2 way through 4. Press J to jump to the feed. Overall, The Lost Frontier got lost for a reason. Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier Review Solid gameplay, challenging platform puzzles, and a touch of wacky humour make Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier a good addition to Sony's much-loved series. And the plane missions are a fucking drag. 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They could have gotten rid of a lot of the flying segments, started the first act in Haven City and revealed that eco was becoming unstable instead of jumping us at a point where their adventure already started. Thank you for your support. This could have been a worthy addition to the Jak & Daxter series. Which character do you like more, the heroic Jak or the wisecracking Daxter? Constantly on sale too! If you're a Jak fan though, you'll hate it. Play it on the PSP it was my shit as a junior in high school. And I believe it does deserve the #1 spot. There is a variety of weapons, from lasers to sci-fi shotguns, that do different kinds of damage. The flying wasnt terrible, but there was WAAAAY too much of it. Overall only buy if you're already a Jak fan. Within this confusing story are some mild cussing and sexual references of the double-entendre type. The cgi cutscenes look pretty good tho. Unfortunately, the game doesn’t feel finished. It's alright there. Lost Frontier? The first three games were just so good. Jak The Lost Frontier tried it's best. it sounds pretty cool and if you have a PS3 then I'ld look into it. If you played the shit out of the other games then you'll know Jak controls very fluidly and consistently across all 3 games, and here he feels stiff. Created with Sketch. Because I just can't remember if it's Last or Lost. However if you ignore the story and take into consideration it's a PSP game, I think it's a lot of fun. I didn't hate it, but it is definitely the worst of the series. See something that needs to be addressed? There is also a lot crude humor including butt jokes and the like, but nothing too salacious. The lack of Mike Erwin was a bummer. Booted it up in the emulator for the first time the other week. It's okay at best. It's mainly dialogue including phrases like "exit through the rear.". We display the minimum age for which content is developmentally appropriate. It also didn't flow well with established canon at all. THE LOST FRONTIER, the fourth installment of the Jak & Daxter action platformer series, reintroduces you to Jak, a tough, young boy adventurer and Daxter, his wily ottsel (half otter, half weasel) sidekick. Dark Daxter plot wise is lame, and mechanically it'd be okay but his levels legit take like 8 minutes each or somehting, so it actually sucks. His long time best friend is Daxter, an ottsel (otter-weasel). Which do you like best and why? I was ok with the lack of Dark/Light Jak since eco had become unstable, but that should have also disallowed them from making the Dark Daxter segments, which kinda sucked. Certainly worth playing if you have access to a PSP (might be available digitally on Vita too? These lines will be placed together in a single section in the § Miscellaneous section.. So I think Jak and Daxter The Lost Frontier was a nice adition to my Collection. The previous entry in the series, Daxter… Yep. Barring Aeropa, each area has a large airspace filled with various structures and formations, at times occupied by either allied or enemy ships and are oft… I even understand not wanting to take him along to the Brink since this is supposed to be Keira's adventure, but that's not an excuse to have him in the game somewhere, even if it's just a little bit to acknowledge he exists. But as a Jak game it falls apart. However, no blood is ever seen. Doesn't FEEL like Jak. Be the first to review this title. While the characters are cranky, mocking, and sometimes evil, they do get through the worst of times as a team that uses humor when situations seem hopeless. It's the weakest Jak game by far but still an okay game on its own, the plane stuff was quite fun although there was a bit too much of it. From breaking lore with the introduction of Dark Daxter to the sheer lack known characters and current ones with a different take on their personality. Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier * First ever Jak and Daxter adventure on the PSP * Classic Jak and Daxter action platforming adventure * Customizable weapons, vehicles, and all new dark powers * Never before seen characters and locations of the Jak and Daxter universeThe dynamic duo Jak and Daxter are back in an all-new adventure on PSP™ that picks up the action where … It's not a perfect sequel by any means, but it's strong enough to merit a purchase and some solid play time. Watch Jak get the bad guys in our video review. If you pick it up not knowing anything about Jak and just want a fun PSP game, I don't see why you wouldn't like it. Or do you think it is fine the way it is? Check out CCC's in-depth Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier review for the PlayStation 2 (PS2) to find out if this game is worth buying, renting, or if you should avoid it altogether. He wasn't even mentioned. In The Lost Frontier, traveling between different areas, and moving around in areas itself, is largely reliant on the use of planes and airships. See our. Jak and Daxter The Lost Frontier is a game by many that simply didn't pan with the original trilogy. PlayStation 2. The star rating reflects overall quality and learning potential. I know Daxter is). Camera issues aside, Jak & Daxter: The Lost Frontier's strength lies in its humor and comfortably engaging gameplay. Even when Jak becomes dark, you know that down the line by the game's end, the hero will prevail. Your purchase helps us remain independent and ad-free. Graphics were at their prime, story was pieced together but still enjoyable, and Daxter was still enjoyable. While the violence isn't a major issue as enemies die with a flash of light (and with no blood), the game design is. Never played it, and I heard it's the worst in the series. It's the worst but it's okay. And no Samos? But something went amiss with The Lost Frontier. Families can talk about the relationship between Jak and Daxter. If you ask me, Lost Frontier is the worst Jak game, probably because they removed Light/Dark Jak, … The player assumes the role of Jak, the angst-ridden hero enhanced by his exposure to Light and Dark Eco. Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century. The success of the Jak and Daxter series resulted in Guinness World Records awarding the series 7 world records in the Guinness World Records: Gamer's Edition 2008. There, you don't deal with the same confounding issues you deal with on the ground in this platformer. Jak 3 - a great mix of platforming, gun-play, and driving. And the necessary feel for 3-D in this semi-realistic world isn’t there. SCEE has just announced that a new Jak & Daxter game will launch later this year on PSP and PS2. When Jak dies (and the player returns to the last checkpoint), he often lets out a mournful moan. We’ve had a great time re-living our fond memories of the game, which is why we are excited to announce that Jak II, Jak 3, and Jak X Combat Racing will be available for download on the PlayStation Store on December 6! I recall liking the pirate town level but the lab level is like super barren and empty. This Jak & Daxter game for the PSP was developed by High Impact Games, the same developer who created the two awesome Ratchet and Clank games for the PSP. Felt like 90% of my play time was spent on an aircraft. There are many weapons from which to choose in the game. Some in-game dialogue is not included in their respective sections if they are not unique to said section. Dark Daxter isn't evil; he's just boring. Jak's Dark and Light Jak forms came from within. The characterization was awful for starters, the only character I recognized was Daxter. What? Didn't progress the main narrative or add meaningful changes to gameplay. Jak and Daxter is one of the only series that is actually original anymore, and because of that continuing originality, people are calling it a disappointment. You'll hear words of the 'damn' variety, but no worse. There were some good ideas there and some things I liked, like the upgrade system for the guns, the armors and so on. @get2sammyb Meh, I thought Jak 2 was pretty good. Now here comes Jak & Daxter: The Lost Frontier, another good-looking, highly playable platform game. I think the game is pretty meh/mediocre and the worst installment of the Jak games. At the beginning of the… That’s too bad because there’s steampunk-like flight on crazy airborne vehicles, the thrilling change to an evil, fanged Jak after he takes Dark Eco, and a variety of sci-fi weapons to explore. Cool sci-fi weapons & steampunk levels, but just OK overall. I agree that hating the game because it wasn't made by ND is stupid, but the story was legitimately bad. Common Sense Media, a nonprofit organization, earns a small affiliate fee from Amazon or iTunes when you use our links to make a purchase. When you jump from area to area, there’s no feel of depth. Aiming weapons is often annoying. Parents need to know that playing Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier can be a frustrating experience because it doesn't feel truly finished. Oh, and Dark Daxter is awful, just plain awful! The concept behind the story was interesting and the plot was somewhat passable. Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier PSP . As a PSP game it's great, innocent fun. The Lost Frontier picks up with Jak, Daxter, and Eco Sage-in-training Keira on the outskirts of existence. Some other dev team picked it up and well.. they tried. And the plane missions are a fucking drag. If you chose to provide an email address, it will only be used to contact you about your comment. Oh, and Dark Daxter is awful, just plain awful! The PlayStation-Exclusive video game series Jak and Daxter developed by Naughty Dog. Just be prepared to deal with some bumps along the way. Our ratings are based on child development best practices. I honestly didn't think it was as bad as everyone says. Suggest an update to this review. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. Has a pretty fun story (no where near as good as any of the main games or X but as good as a cartoons story), the flying is alright and the pure platforming is also decent, the combat is pretty bad but nothing unplayable. It doesn't even come close to matching the quality of the two Ratchet and Clank games, and it's hands down the worst Jak & Daxter game to date. Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier is a platform game developed by High Impact Games and published by Sony Computer Entertainment. There were some good ideas there and some things I liked, like the upgrade system for the guns, the armors and so on. You'll hear some references to sex, of the wink-wink, nudge-nudge variety. We're updating our reviews to better highlight authentic stories and accurate, diverse representations. We won't share this comment without your permission. This game was ambitious in its own way, but it just needed more quality control. Finally, there are camera issues as well that hinder a fully enjoyable experience. Jak & Daxter: the Precursor Legacy - Fantastic Platforming action 2. Oh yeah. His main weapon is his gunstaff, Which may attatch gun mods to, in order to make four lethal weapons: Blaster, … 'S strength lies in its humor and comfortably engaging gameplay add meaningful changes to gameplay because it was bad. Find Eco '' of the double-entendre type 's a lot crude humor including butt and. 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