Once you have submitted your application, please CALL the office at 814-432-9534 to make an appointment to complete the process. Only accepting applications if one or both parties are from Venango County; When applying for a marriage license, you must arrive by 4 p.m. 717-261-3861, 1. Does a self-uniting marriage license cost extra? Franklin County Recorder of Deeds 400 E. Locust, Rm. Venango County Recorder Office - Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records Venango County Prothonotary Courthouse PO Box 831 Franklin, PA 16323 Your information will be checked and you will be notified by phone or mail of the results. Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. See list of county offices below for details, or simply google “county name PA marriage license.” Where to Use Marriage license : A marriage license can be applied for at any PA county office and then used anywhere in PA (it can not be used for a ceremony in another state, nor can a license from another state be officiated in PA). PA 157 Lincoln Way East Identification: driver's license, state-issued identification, passport, or military identification, 12. The Clerk of Courts Office is open to the public for marriage licenses, however, due to COVID - 19 social distancing practices, please call 717-261-3805 to schedule an appointment. of Court Records, Marriage License Bureau. Return to Top. Couples should be present to apply for an application no later than 4:00 pm. In Pennsylvania, individuals who are 18 years of age or older may get married. In Pittsburgh, (Allegheny County) you can apply online and bring your completed and signed printout to the Dept. Login. The primary function of the Marriage License Bureau is taking application for and issuing marriage license to couples who plan to be married in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Obtaining a Marriage License. Baptisms, marriages, and other records of Franklin County, PA WorldCat Franklin County, Pa. historical records WorldCat Jacobs Lutheran Church, Jacobs Church, Washington, Maryland computer printout; marriages, 1857-1858 Family History Library Marriage License Dockets - Franklin County 1885-1963 Pennsylvania State Archives Search Montgomery County marriage license records by name, date filed, book number or file number. They are published by Public Opinion as a … Call our office at 717-261-3805 between the hours of 8:30am - 4:30pm, Monday - Friday with any questions. They are published by Public Opinion as a … Contact Info. CHAMBERSBURG >> The following marriage licenses, as of April 7, 2015, are part of the public record at Franklin County Courthouse. Couples may apply for a marriage license at the office of Gregory K. Mortimer, Clerk of the Orphans’ Court, 1st Floor, Clarion County Courthouse, Clarion Pa. 16214 on Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Requirements for a marriage license to be issued in Franklin County. What's the marriage license fee? Marriage Records: A marriage record contains information about a marriage between two individuals. Application and License $60, certified copy of marriage record $10 (due at time of application) for a total of $70.00. The marriage license can be used in any county in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania . Expiration Date of Marriage License: A marriage license is valid for 60 days from date it is issued. Franklin County, Pennsylvania Public Records Directory - Quickly find public record sources in the largest human edited public record directory. Read information from the Register of Wills on marriage licenses in the County. Select a service 2. The year range represents most of … Marriage License Fees: $82.00 – wo/ Premarital Course Certificate. A license issued by any Pennsylvania county can be used in any Pennsylvania county, however, the license is invalid outside of Pennsylvania. Copies of Marriage Licenses. A marriage license issued in Montgomery County may be used anywhere in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. It'll cost you $30.50 to $90.00, and you'll have to use it within 60 days. Include a note with your maiden name, married name, spouse name, a contact number and year of marriage. Franklin County, PA Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce Records Franklin County birth and death records are available from 1906 to the present from the Division of Vital Records in New Castle. Privacy Policy Due to privacy laws, recent records may not be displayed. Copies of recent marriage certificates can be obtained from the marriage license clerk in the county courthouse where the marriage license was issued. Once you have received the marriage license, you must perform a marriage ceremony while the license is still valid. Cash, certified check, or cashier's check. Therefore, if the marriage is not solemnized within the 30-day period, the parties must apply for a new license. Contact Info. Jefferson County Marriage License Contact Information. Fee. CHAMBERSBURG >> The following marriage licenses, as of Aug 22-28, 2015, are part of the public record at Franklin County Courthouse. PA There are both index volumes and volumes for the marriage licenses (dockets) themselves. Apply for a Marriage License. Click here to fill out an online marriage license. The appointments can be made Monday-Friday at 9:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m, 10:00 a.m., and 10:30 a.m. Warren County Contact Info. Starting in 1905, the county started the practice of beginning anew each year, so the year of license becomes important in finding the correct one. 1852-1854 - grouped by county and record type, then arranged by certificate number, these records of marriage were kept by the Register of Wills for each county with returns sent to the Department of State. Skip to Main Content. Pennsylvania Marriage License. Most of the records consist of marriage licenses, certificates, applications, docket books, and affidavits. Applicants must be at least 17 years of age. Marriage Licenses and Marriage Records. 1885-1963 Marriage License Dockets (Franklin County, Pennsylvania) – FHL films 323900-323923 - images only; click on the camera icon to view images; Death [edit | edit source] Search Montgomery County marriage license records by name, date filed, book number or file number. Human Services; Kane Community Living Centers To get married in Pennsylvania, both members of the couple must visit a Marriage License Bureau at the Register of Wills Office in person to fill out a marriage license application. How do I get a marriage license in Franklin County, Pennsylvania? Venango County Marriage License Register & Clerk Of Orphans' Court, 1168 Liberty St, 1St Floor Franklin PA 16323 814-432-9539 Pennsylvania State Health Department 257 State Street Oil PA … Birth Death Marriage Support. They are published by Public Opinion as a … Exemplifications of Marriage Records. Microfilm copies of these records are available at the Family History Library and Family History Centers. 17201 © 2021 Marriage Licenses. Marriage licenses are valid for 30 days, including the date it is issued, and after that time it is invalid. In Pennsylvania, the Clerk of the Orphans’ Court Division of each county is responsible for maintaining the records of all marriages in the county where the marriage license was issued. Divorce/Widow: Yes, with documentation. Marriage license are by appointment only. We are scheduling 30-minute virtual marriage license appointments via Microsoft Teams (a free video platform) and limited in-person appointments, for Delaware County, Pennsylvania residents only AND for out-of-state and out-of-county couples who will be celebrating their special day at a Delaware County, PA venue who have documented confirmation. Venango County Marriage License Register & Clerk Of Orphans' Court, 1168 Liberty St, 1St Floor Franklin PA 16323 814-432-9539 Pennsylvania State Health Department 257 State Street Oil PA … This database contains an index of details extracted from the marriage license index created by the clerk of the orphans’ court for Philadelphia. The couple picks up the license, but the minister should still research and understand the rules for marriage licenses in Pennsylvania and its counties. Requests may be made in person or by mail. 101 South Mercer St., Room 401 P.O. Box 1528 New Castle, PA … How much does it cost to get a marriage license in Pennsylvania? A marriage license is valid for 60 days from date it is issued. All requests must provide the applicants’ complete names at the time of their marriage application, as well as the appropriate fee, and date of marriage. Address and Phone Number for Franklin County Marriage License, a Marriage License Office, at Clerk Of Orphan'S Court Office, 157 Lincoln Way East, Chambersburg PA. Contact Us Fill out forms 3. Find property records, vital records, inmate and court records, professional and business licenses, contractor licenses and much more. The price varies by county. Certified Duplicates are $8.00/each Years available 1885-Present Call 717-261-3805 to request or come to the Clerk’s Office M-F 8:30am-4:30pm To fillout a Certified Duplicate Marriage License online, please click HERE. The Clerk of Courts Office is open to the public for marriage licenses, however, due to COVID - 19 social distancing practices, please call 717-261-3805 to schedule an appointment. Skip to Main Content. There is a waiting period of at least 3 calendar days after the date you apply for your license. Both parties must show photo identification. Apply where: Marriage License Bureau of the Register of Wills, 2. Marriage and divorce records, unrestricted court public records, can be requested from the Venango County Clerk of Court in Franklin. Marriage licenses from 1885 to Present are available at the courthouse. In North Carolina the Register of Deeds is responsible for issuing marriage licenses and for keeping records of all marriages performed in the state. It is totally different to the marriage license (check the differences between marriage license vs certificate here). Orphans' Records: Estate files 1796 to Present The County Clerk's office does not except cards. Marriage License Department Chester County Justice Center 201 W. Market Street, Suite 2200 West Chester, PA 19380-0989 Return to top. Franklin County Marriage Records are official documents that contain information about marriages certified in Franklin County, Georgia. Learn about Marriage Records, including: Where to get Venango County Marriage Records online; How to get married in Venango County, PA; How to get a certified copy of a marriage license or certificate in Pennsylvania 157 Lincoln Way East Chambersburg, PA 17201 ... 1168 Liberty Street, 1st Floor Franklin, PA 16323 ... For example, if the couple plans to get a Delaware County marriage license, you should double-check if there are any rules specific to Delaware County. $22.00 – w/ Premarital Course Certificate. The Marriage License Bureau archives all marriage licenses, issued in Lackawanna County from 1885 – to present day. Starting in 1905, the county started the practice of beginning anew each year, so the year of license becomes important in finding the correct one. Address and Phone Number for Venango County Marriage License, a Marriage License Office, at Register & Clerk Of Orphans' Court, 1168 Liberty St, 1St Floor, Franklin PA. Copy of Certificate of Marriage License. FRANKLIN COUNTY SHERIFF 157 Lincoln Way East Chambersburg, PA 17201 Phone (717) 261-3877. Marriage license are by appointment only. Marriage License Worksheet. Human Services and Care. Name index to marriage records from the state of Pennsylvania. All Rights Reserved. Venango County Marriage License Contact Information. At least ONE (1) APPLICANT is required to be a Franklin County, PA … If you're getting married in Pennsylvania, you must first apply for a marriage license. Franklin County Marriage License The year range represents most of … A license purchased form the Franklin County Register of Deeds office is valid in any county in the state of North Carolina, but cannot be … Certified copies of marriage licenses must be requested. The commonwealth of Pennsylvania recommends that you apply for a marriage license from 2-3 weeks before your ceremony. © 2021 All rights reserved. Copies of recent marriage certificates can be obtained from the marriage license clerk in the county courthouse where the marriage license was issued. Once the ceremony is performed the license must be returned to the Register of Deeds to be put on file as a permanent public record. 1. When you are ready to submit it to the county, use the SUBMIT function. A certified copy of your marriage certificate costs between $10 and $25. These records have been microfilmed. Obtaining a Marriage License. An online application MUST be filled out prior to your appointment. 101 South Mercer St., Room 401 P.O. 63084. A marriage license can cost anywhere between $45 and $90, depending on the county. Below are instructions and a link to fill out your Franklin County, PA marriage license application online. In 1885 responsibility for recording marriages was given to clerks of the orphans’ court in each county in Pennsylvania. REQUIREMENTS. ****Magistrate's requirements for performing marriage ceremonies. Address and Phone Number for Franklin County Marriage License, a Marriage License Office, at Clerk Of Orphan'S Court Office, 157 Lincoln Way East, Chambersburg PA. What's the marriage certificate fee? Marriages 1852 - 1854 [edit | edit source]. Please Note: State and Some counties only give the license number but include the name of the spouse in the index, Lackawanna did not. Venango County was created in 1800 from Allegheny and Lycoming Counties. Marriage licenses are all digitally archived and copies can be … ... Franklin, PA 16323 If either party has been married before, he or she must present original divorce decree or a certified copy of same. Live. Records of marriages consist of church banns, marriage bonds or contracts, as well as a formal license and certificate, depending on the year and location the wedding took place, are usually kept by the church or county official responsible for records. Search for Franklin County PA marriage license rules and requirements. The ceremony need not be performed in the county in which the license was issued but must be performed in the state of Pennsylvania. Application and License $60, certified copy of marriage record $10 (due at time of application) for a total of $70.00. There are both index volumes and volumes for the marriage licenses (dockets) themselves. 102 Union, MO. CHAMBERSBURG >> The following marriage licenses, as of Aug 22-28, 2015, are part of the public record at Franklin County Courthouse. You can learn how to get a marriage license, a marriage certificate, or marriage records from your local Marriage License Office, Clerk, Health Department, or Town or City Hall. Clerk Of Orphan'S Court Office, 157 Lincoln Way East Clerk Of Orphan'S Court Office, 157 Lincoln Way East. Only accepting applications if one or both parties are from Venango County; When applying for a marriage license, you must arrive by 4 p.m. The application fee is $50 cash or check. Addresses are on this website. Franklin County, PA Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce Records Franklin County birth and death records are available from 1906 to the present from the Division of Vital Records in New Castle. Corrections Due to privacy laws, recent records may not be displayed. Franklin County Marriage License Clerk Of Orphan'S Court Office, 157 Lincoln Way East Chambersburg PA 17201 717-261-3805 Franklin County is an Equal Opportunity Employer and provides advancement opportunities to everyone. Franklin County, Pennsylvania Public Records Directory - Quickly find public record sources in the largest human edited public record directory. The county clerk issues marriage licenses. Fees The fees for a marriage license vary from county to county. Franklin County Marriage License Requirements. Franklin County Marriage License Contact Information. Fee. Marriage records can be obtained at the Register and Recorder's Office in the Franklin County Courthouse in Chambersburg. On a marriage record, you can find the full names of both parties, the date of the marriage, and county where the marriage took place. The County Clerk's office does not except cards. Return to Top. Then, plan to apply at least 3 business days before your wedding, since most PA counties require a 72 hour waiting period. The one exception to this is for those enrolled in the State's Address Confidentiality program. 9-1-1 Communications; 200 North Kaufman Mount Bernan, TX 75457 (903) 537-4252 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. / M – F Both parties must show photo identification. Individuals under the age of 18 can get married with parental consent and/or a court order, depending on their age. Venango County was created in 1800 from Allegheny and Lycoming Counties. Often required for joint taxes, insurance, social security benefits, or other vital records. Marriage records can be obtained at the Register and Recorder's Office in the Franklin County Courthouse in Chambersburg. To apply for a marriage license in Pennsylvania, start by checking with the state government website to verify that you and your partner are eligible to be married. EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY 12/9/2020: Per the 12/8/2020 order of the York County President Judge, all York County Judicial facilities are CLOSED to the public from 12/21/2020 through 1/8/2021 except for emergency filings and hearings that cannot be accomplished through electronic filing or the use of advanced communication technology. Be sure to include with your request, both parties’ names as they appear on the license and the date the marriage took place. Terms and Conditions. Minimum Age: 18, or 16 with parental approval and under 16 with a court order, 4. Marriage licenses are all digitally archived and copies can be requested through the mail. ... County where the marriage license was issued Our employment practices are not influenced or affected by race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran's status, or any other categories protected by law. The fee is $45, cash only. Marriage and divorce records, unrestricted court public records, can be requested from the Venango County Clerk of Court in Franklin. Microfilm copies of these records are available at the Family History Library and Family History Centers. The Marriage License MUST be returned to the Recorder's Office marked "UNUSED". ... County of Venango, Pennsylvania 1174 Elk Street, P.O. THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO A CERTIFIED MARRIAGE LICENSE BUT IS APPLICATION TO GET MARRIED ... PA 18711 Phone: 570-825-1500 County Directory; Featured Departments. Marriage Licenses Marriage Licenses. Marriage Licenses is not affiliated with any government agency. Copy of Certificate of Marriage License. Marriage Records can show whether a wedding is legally valid, which may be required to obtain benefits related to marriage. In Allegheny County, the cost of a marriage license is $80. Marriage licenses are issued by the County Clerk. Once a license has been recorded, it cannot be "unrecorded." For example, if the couple is getting a license from Bucks county then make sure to familiarize yourself with the rules of Bucks county to help make sure the couple is doing everything correctly according to the law. Franklin County. Name index to marriage records from the state of Pennsylvania. An application for a marriage license must be completed at the Clerk of District Court office in Anderson, Coffey, Franklin or Osage County District Court. A certified copy of a marriage certificate is a duplicate of your original marriage certificate issued directly from the county office where you received your marriage license. Venango County Recorder Office - Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records Venango County Prothonotary Courthouse PO Box 831 Franklin, PA 16323 A license issued by any Pennsylvania county can be used in any Pennsylvania county, however, the license is invalid outside of Pennsylvania. Please read ALL the instructions before filling out the application. FEES The fee for a marriage license varies from county to county. Address and Phone Number for Venango County Marriage License, a Marriage License Office, at Register & Clerk Of Orphans' Court, 1168 Liberty St, 1St Floor, Franklin PA. Marriage Licenses and Marriage Records. ×Find information regarding COVID-19. All content contained in this website is the property of Franklin County, Pennsylvania. Index volume 1 contains names from 120 volumes of marriage licenses. Chambersburg On a marriage record, you can find the full names of both parties, the date of the marriage, and county where the marriage took place. Marriage records were kept by the government in Pennsylvania starting in 1885 with a few kept before 1885. Cash, certified check, or cashier's check. It is legal to get married in PA if you are 16 or 17 years old, but parental consent is required before a marriage license can be issued. Marriage licenses are issued by the County Clerk. 17201 $47.00 – Informal Marriage (Common Law). All marriage records are a matter of public record. In order to get married in Pennsylvania, you and your significant other must be at least 18 years-old with a government-issued photo ID as evidence of age, or follow the procedures for an underage marriage. In the event the wedding does not take place, DO NOT DESTROY. If either party has been married before, he or she must present original divorce decree or a certified copy of same. EFFECTIVE 12/07/2020: At least ONE (1) APPLICANT is required to be a Franklin County, PA resident. The Sheriff has 45 days to process your application. Both members of the couple must prove their age, provide valid photo identification, and pay a fee. Chambersburg Address and Phone Number for Jefferson County Marriage License, a Marriage License Office, at Register & Clerk Of Orphans' Court, 200 Main Street, Brookville PA. You can learn how to get a marriage license, a marriage certificate, or marriage records from your local Marriage License Office, Clerk, Health Department, or Town or City Hall. Warren County Contact Info. The appointments can be made Monday-Friday at 9:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m, 10:00 a.m., and 10:30 a.m. These returns are available for 47 of the 64 counties (listed below) existing at that time; however, they are not complete for each county. Parental consent is required for applicants who are 17 or 18 years of age. A Pennsylvania marriage license costs $30 to $90. The marriage license can be used in any county in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Your officiant will complete the marriage license and submit it to the proper government office to be recorded. Information found on Marriage Licenses is strictly for informational purposes and does not construe legal or financial advice. A couple may apply for their license in any county in Nebraska and use it to be married in any Nebraska county. Franklin County Marriage License Contact Information. Certified Copy of Marriage License: Send a self-addressed, stamped envelope with $5 check made payable to “Clerk of Orphan’s Clerk” to Orphan’s Court, 825 Philadelphia St., Indiana, PA 15701. You cannot marry in Nebraska if you are under 17. ... Franklin, PA 16323 Phone (814)432-9539 Fax (814)432-9569. An Exemplification is an authentication of the record by a Judge of the Orphans’ Court and the Elected Clerk of the Orphans’ Court. Apply for your official Franklin County PA Marriage certificate forms online. How old do you have to be to get married in Franklin County? - ID (License, Birth Certificate, or Passport), - Your Marriage License Application Number, - Payment: Cash or Credit Card (Subject to 2.2% Service Charge or a minimum of $1), - Most Recent Divorce Decree or Death Certificate if applicable. Likewise, a license issued in any other county in Pennsylvania may be used in Montgomery County. We are scheduling 30-minute virtual marriage license appointments via Microsoft Teams (a free video platform) and limited in-person appointments, for Delaware County, Pennsylvania residents only AND for out-of-state and out-of-county couples who will be celebrating their special day at a Delaware County, PA venue who have documented confirmation. Find property records, vital records, inmate and court records, professional and business licenses, contractor licenses and much more. Marriage records were kept by the government in Pennsylvania starting in 1885 with a few kept before 1885. The cost of a marriage license in Philadelphia is $90. You will have to meet certain requirements, provide photo identification, and pay a fee. You will need to visit the Marriage License Bureau at the Register of Wills Office to apply for a marriage license. The Clerk’s Office will only have record of marriages APPLIED for in Franklin County. Box 1528 New Castle, PA 16101 Ph: 724.656.3100 . Apply for a Marriage License. Venango County Marriage License Contact Information. ... Franklin, PA 16323 Phone (814)432-9539 Fax (814)432-9569. These include Franklin County marriage licenses, certificates, registries, and vital record indexes. An online application MUST be filled out prior to your appointment. The fee in Dauphin County is $70.00 plus a credit processor fee of $1.79. The application fee is $50 cash or check. Plant a Tree, Preserve our Future: Franklin County's Tree Planting Project, Franklin County Metropolitan Planning Organization (FCMPO), Children and Adolescent Service System Program, Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities, Mental Health Co-responder / Community Liaison Program, Information for Victims of Domestic Violence, Inmate Rights, Privileges, and Responsibilities, STEPS (Striving to Encourage Personal Success), Technology and Social Media Awareness Class. The fee is $45, cash only. 717-261-3805, Franklin County Clerk