Take it to a mile, and you'll be off long ways. Peddinghaus has produced more patterns than just this one. But the effort to clearly say it certainly is not Peddinghaus anvil lacks big time. There are other ones marked 75 and 50 like that, no other stamps. Though, if you forge daily like me, and you get a chance to try brands, their performance becomes obivous. I'm not going to comment further on this as I have clearly stated why I would not call it a fake. For the hardies, if it really bothers you so much, make the hardies you want for that anvil specifically. You're a blacksmith, aren't you? So far, from my limited knowledge and research I'm partial towards the Ernst Refflinghaus Anvils which are available for purchase here. Jason Deckard with High Plains Steel Supply took 2nd place with $5OO, and Paul Bhavsar with Zak Welding & Custom Work LLC took 3rd place with $1OO. Notice the hardy hole has been chamfered round, this is something Ridgid Peddinghaus does these days. The same chamfering can be found on some wrought iron with steel face German anvils. Note the "110" and no other markings. You can see in the video of my Refflinghaus being newly delivered to my shop. That is A LOT shorter than the depth length of the Peddinghaus anvil. All Peddinghaus anvils have always been forged. I was not intending to make a complaint against the anvil however this the spot for a review and so I thought I would post what I have scene with mine so other would not be surprised when their new anvil arrives at the shipping depot. Was my first anvil I bought, and that was at the Lacrosse, Wisconsin USA - ABANA conference (1992 I think)sellers were from Canada and after that they were sold by Bob Bergman in Wisconsin USA I really don't think I will be able to break this anvil during the rest of my lifetime - I would buy another if I needed one. Do you want a temporary or a lifetime anvil? Peddinghaus has never given out permission for others to produce their patterns. Eermm, I think it's the responsibility of the buyer to thoroughly check what their anvil or anything they buy, is like. Wegbeschreibung PDF [330 KB] Vertrieb Werkzeugmaschinen und Handgeräte . Re: Peddinghaus 50kg für 270€ von Willi am 21.04.2018 20:26. The picture are the forge in operation, my 6" Columbian leg vise, a welding/layout table, 250lb Fisher, and a 175lb Columbian. I can take a close up of it if you like. Here are a few pics of some of the other shop items I have built and some other the other anvils I have had. Show us by how many miles it is off. Professional two-horns anvils weighting from 75 to 210 kg.They are made of high quality alloy steel. You should check it, buyer's responsibility. And if I do need it, I will make a hardy tool, I am a blacksmith after all. Again, I'm glad you're happy with your anvil. If I'm making a scarf to do a lap weld I start by setting a shoulder over the edge of the anvil. I have also watch some of your build threads and appreciate them. If someone ordered an new anvil and it showed up with a chamfer instead of sharp edges they might be disappointed. Though the way you write it implies all of them have a crooked hardy hole. Editor's Notes. Original PFP!!! I have had Fisher, Trenton, Acme, Columbian, Peter Wright, and Peddinghaus anvils and the hardy hole on the Peddinghaus is out of square noticeably more than he others. The fakes are WITHOUT a stamp, not the other way around. The purely conical horns of the German style anvil such as Peddinghaus, Refflinghaus and Euroanvil was designed to be machine finished so are perfectly round (although none are now machine finished). I have ground a radius on most of the face but could not get as small of a radius as I would have like because of the chamfer. You may differ in opinion, but if you look at how much effort and quality is. I have had one and I sold it after having a thorough amount of play with it. Anvils are the centerpiece of the shop. 25. Mozartstraße 4 96148 Baunach. For a bit of research I'd suggest drifting the hole square of bar with the same thickness as the length of the hardy hole on your Peddinghaus anvil. However if you are knowingly buying a fake Rolex for cheap you were never going to spend what the real one cost anyway. Wobei er für meinen Geschmack zu leicht ist. Herr Jens Bellingrath. Interestingly, it would appear that Peddinghaus / Rigid / Emmerson Tool simply call this a "two horn anvil". Here's a Peddinghaus anvil, produced and designed by Peddinghaus. Der Amboss ist eines der wichtigsten Werkzeuge in der Schmiede. For the hardies, if it really bothers you so much, make the hardies you want for that anvil specifically. I think it is relevant since this is the review thread for Peddinghaus anvils. I sold all of my anvils besides the Trenton to buy the buy the Peddinghaus. I understand the reason for having the chamfer and I was able make almost all of the radius to my liking. I'm not sure I would call that one a fake. My intention was not degrade these anvils I merely wanted to point out somethings about them that are not apparent if you have not scene a brand spanking new one in person. Thus all of them have the hardy hole in the heel. View All Videos. She is my fabulous German double horn anvil that I purchased used last year. More than one firm "sold the molds" at one point or another in their history. The hard hole was punched or broached a few degrees from square. Über informationen würde ich mich freuen :) Gruss Hanzwurscht Holzmüller, H.; Refflinghaus, R. (2013): Market Driven vs. Market Driving: Is Starbucks a Role Model for Achieving Firm Performance. I don't see any mentioning of claims it is a not-Peddinghaus anvil, Even though they clearly are the same shape. -The welding at the waist is done individually by a skilled welder, no automized machines at this stage. This is a minor issue but I would prefer if they left it some room on the anvil to do this. Post senden Geschenke senden Alle Kontaktdaten von Refflinghaus E.G. But they're still around, (drop) forging steel anvils, since 1903. Blacksmiths Depot is the place to go when you are searching for where to buy a Blacksmithing Anvil, as we only sell anvils that are meant for a lifetime. Kinda glad I didn't have to pay the price of the Peddinghaus's. False spread info. Which in my rergards is preferable as it will help aid the hardy tool. The top face is ground and induction hardened to provide a lively surface to work on. chamfer, a few minutes with a flap wheel sorted that out, and a few days later did a little more rounding in certain areas for what I wanted. 1 für Adressen und Telefonnummern Show us it's perfectly square and not off by a few (10ths of) degeree(s). I'm about half way done working on it and hope to be done soon after the first of the year. Leo Fender created the Stratocaster guitar in 1954. I think you are misinterpreting what I was trying to say or perhaps I was not clear. I think it is one of the best anvils you can buy and that they are an excellent value for what they cost. There is not a single retailer within 300 miles that stocks new anvils. There is much more that in a London pattern anvil which makes the sweet spot larger. Die alten geschmiedeten Ambosse von PFP mit verstählter Bahn, d.h. nicht die gesenkgeschmiedeten, wurden früher teilweise auch für Peddinghaus von (Ernst) Refflinghaus geschmiedet. Are their "better" ones out there? Für eine bessere Darstellung aktiviere bitte JavaScript in deinem Browser, bevor du fortfährst. I'm in the market for a new anvil. It's always a fake if it's not produced by or under the name of the company who genuinely makes it. Those can be more easily made square because of the short length, relative to the Peddinghaus anvil. § 5 TMG und § 55 Abs. Gonnaer Hauptstrasse 54 06526 Sangerhausen. And by all means, if you can produce a better forged anvil than they do, for the same price or cheaper, please do so. 02332 - 6646-10. put in the production of these anvils, it puts the other producers below it. If you read what Charles R. S. just wrote, I think you can be supplied with enough info. Peddinghaus anvils are drop-forged and produced entirely from high-grade steel for maximum durability. The elaborate hand forged double horned anvil is efficient for the blacksmith and is in itself an artform. I also like having the two horn shapes. It isn't hard to call the company and ask them, right? Sadly a lot of dies for different models wore out and are no longer produced. And I'd like you to then show your anvil with its straight (you imply parallel) hardy hole. If "cheap knock off", "low quality imitation" or "copy" makes his statement more palatable go with it. Ihre Suche bearbeiten oder mehr erfahren. If another company produces sells a "Rolex" (Bolex) other than Rolex, which sort of looks the same, but cleary isn't the real deal made by Rolex, you wouldn't call that fake? But they are still day and night easy to recognize. I can't see whether you own a genuine Peddinghaus anvil, let alone have ever even used one. Zur alten Mühle 8 49770 Herzlake. "Poorly made copy" would be more accurate. I'm sure the chamfer was to keep for having chips and dings in new edges but this is a professional grade tool so let the end user dress it as they please. If you just go tippy-tappy 5 times a day, you might as well use a block of cast iron or mild steel, because there is then no way you'd notice the difference. Hallo Zusammen, Schöner Amboss! Das Telefonbuch Ihre Nr. All of the fake Rolex's I have scene actually said Rolex on them and were trying to be passed of as a real Rolexs, the sellers were being dishonest about it. Are they good anvils? Tel. I'm not going to argue with anyone over the merits of cast vs forged but I like knowing how well this anvil was built. If bigger, they are forged out of 2 forging, welded at the base. Die angefaßten Kanten sind vom Hersteller. Though, say you do have one. All of them are London patterns, I assume. Posted by 5 years ago. Two horns anvils ERNST REFFLINGHAUS no 58 . Ok, I'm sorry I took it a bit towards the negative. Whether you think they can/should/ get away with not saying it is one doesn't change that. Please continue. P.F.P Peddinghaus Amboss von P.B am 22.05.2011 23:33. From fully automatic turned parts to hand-cut hammers, each piece carries our logo. I don't see anywhere that they say it is an actual Peddinghaus anvil, it is just their version of a North German style anvil. If we argue over the semantics Glenn or one of the other moderators will haft to step in and put a lid on it. bei eBay. -they're completely forged, top and bottom. I have not used any of their anvils but most all high quality anvils in current production are cast. Mobil: 0177 / 2465328. weisenberger@peddinghaus.de. I was not intending to make a complaint against the anvil however this the spot for a review and so I thought I would post what I have scene with mine so other would not be surprised when their new anvil arrives at the shipping depot." But will have 25, 35, 50, 75, 100, 125 stamped with a punch. Clear editor. in Ennepetal. Peddinghaus ) Hohe ist 32 cm - Lange ist 75 cm - Breite ist 17 cm und hat 2 locher ( foto ) This kind of shelf I made for the other Peddinghaus stand and it did not need any detents. By I'm certainly no historian of Anvils but it surely seems as though it would be very, very, hard to prove that a design as old as this is really "owned" by anyone. Unless their is some international patten of that particular shape that Peddinghaus holds than anyone is free to make their own mold and copy it. You cannot paste images directly. However there are two things I don't like about it. And sadly, you didn't get me right. If we argue over the semantics Glenn or one of the other moderators will haft to step in and put a lid on it. Guys, who cares if Joe thinks that its a fake? With the exeption of a few I have seen without. October 26, 2020: We removed the Old World Forged, the NC Big Face, and the NC Cavalry all because of availability concerns. Probably my favorite thing about this anvil is how much mass they put in the center of the anvil. Here's a picture of FAKE Peddinghaus anvil. Grain orientation can be one component in … This was the only anvil I have bought new and cost more than the rest of them combined so I was a bit disappointed in how far off it was. Charles, you're right. Notice the weld line in the center of the waist. My PW 280 lb is 4.5" wide and my PW 480 lb is 5.5" wide. I also built the forge and leg vise stand. I think the upsetting block is a feature worth seeking out in an anvil. Don't forget, they are forged in dies. I do wonder.. All those other anvils you mention. The rebound on this anvil is excellent the best I have personally worked on. Peddinghaus, Refflinghaus, Kohlswa (older models did, haven't seen the new ones yet). -The faces (today) are hardened to 58HRc, not 52-54HRc. I'm not saying is is a high quality anvil or in any way compares to a Peddinghaus I just don't think they are selling it and telling people the are buying a genuine Peddinghaus anvil. Peddinghaus Handwerkzeuge. Don't lose sight of the fact it is (drop) forged and not cast. Ernst Refflinghaus is not making as many anvils as they did a few years ago. × Ernst Refflinghaus Anvils anyone? So with that being said what do I like about the anvil, a lot. It is somewhat softer than the Columbian, but is still one heck of an anvil. Original PFP!! There's no reason that a thousand dollar anvil should have a crooked hardie hole or overly chamfered edges. PEDDINGHAUS günstig und bequem online kaufen auf svh24.de Top Marken Riesige Auswahl Sofort lieferbar 30 Tage Rückgaberecht Kauf auf Rechnung Gewerbekunden-Rabatt There are FAKE cast Peddinghaus anvils that were exactly copied. 2011 ... Hallo, Kurze Frage, ich könnte für 250 euro an eine 100kg Peddinghaus Amboss ran kommen. Guys, who cares if Joe thinks that its a fake? I think that Peddinghaus creates the Rolce Royce of the anvils. They have a hardy hole, a … Finden Sie Top-Angebote für Amboss 75kg PEDDINGHAUS Doppelhorn im Neuzustand!! I also have a new-ish 220lb Refflinghaus cast steel anvil. Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Holger Schöße. 2013. How is my "guide" not useful (I wouldn't even call it a guide because it's so simple)? Hallo alle, Ich mochte bitte wissen ob jemand mich etwas erzählen kann uber diesem Deutschen P.F.P amboss. Please read again, because otherwise I am just writing the same things again. Add to Compare. I think anyone wanting the genuine article and is willing to shell out for one either new or used won't really see the other as a viable alternative. As far as the chamfer, I gave this some more though as to why this bothers me. What I see is a company who makes anvils and found a very popular anvil with a proven history and copied its shape, is making it using less expensive methods, and selling it for a lower price. The faces are slightly crowned, not perfectly flat. The second thing does not change the functionality of the anvil but is annoying if you have a detail oriented personality. It was expensive and a life long purchase and I like the extra peace of mind it gives me knowing it will last that long. Richtige Adressen und Telefonnummern finden! But that's a bit unrealistic to demand for the price they are made. To call it a fake in the US would imply that they are selling it and telling people it is a genuine Peddinghaus and that something fraudulent is taking place. I'm in the market for a new anvil. It can be really handy to have the one inch end of the flat horn attached to 275 lbs of steel. The Trenton was my first anvil and belonged to my father in law, when he retired from farming he made a gift of it to me. 1 für Adressen und Telefonnummern TechnicusJoe, Abrasives; Belt Sanders - Grinders; Bolts & Fasteners. Have a look of you can get get perfectly parallel. There are probably 15 car dealerships in my town each with a few hundred cars. Walk into any contemporary electric guitar store and you can expect to see anywhere from half a dozen to twenty different makers following the same pattern. "Fake" means you're intentionally misleading or misrepresenting something to someone else. I don't know of any other manufacures who chamfers the edges in the same manner that Peddinghaus does. Here's an example of a North German pattern, produced by many different companies in Germany (of which many have stopped around 1900 or earlier). Um bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen, geben Sie mehr Informationen ein, wie beispielsweise Vorname, Geburtsinfo, Sterbeinfo und Ort—auch eine Vermutung wird helfen. Whether you are crafting a sword, a knife, armor, tools, decorative scroll-work, or tools for your own use, you will need to use an this […] The horns aren't prefectly stright and in line with the face (hold a long ruler over it). -The bottom is cast and the top forged. Peddinghaus Corporation: Case Number: 1:2019cv01994: Filed: October 21, 2019: Court: US District Court for the District of Delaware: Presiding Judge: Richard G Andrews: Nature of Suit: Patent: Cause of Action: 35:1: Jury Demanded By: Plaintiff: RSS Track this Docket Docket Report This docket was last retrieved on October 21, 2019. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. From what I can tell the only "Fake" Peddinghaus are those which are marked with the brand, not mimicing the pattern. If not, you will keep searching right? These pictures where several years ago was when the anvil was brand new and I had just finished building the stand for it but had not yet bolted it down. I doubt though you have one. Upload or insert images from URL. Can you list any other anvil producers of today; Kohlswa, Rathole forge, Rhino, Nimba, imported Czech anvil who do have a shop and let you use them in their showroom, if showing live at all? If another company roughly copied a Rolce Royce, clearly less quality, thus not Rolce Royce themselves, you wouldn't call that fake either? Peddinghaus has always marked their anvils with their stamps. Concerning the Czech cast anvils. They have a hardy hole, a pritchel holes and a small step for metalworking... More. The faces are soft, the bottom is usually filled with air bubbles from casting. Yea, they work like an anvil, so will a piece of railroad track, an aso from harbor freight, and even a piece of granite, even concrete. I would also like to have a section of the face with a sharp corner for some operations but have to use a hardy block instead. Durch die Nutzung unserer Webseite erklärst du dich damit einverstanden. Which is completely fine. If that is the case Peddinghaus should be enforcing the patent and not allowing OWA to make that one. Cheers, for the compliment. The reason I mention it is a lot of threads posted on this site by people looking for an anvil mention the condition of the edges and wanting to find a good anvil with good edges. Cheers for the compliments. A more recent docket listing may be available from PACER. 5. "I do love my Peddinghaus anvil and use it regularly. I also have watched your videos and really appreciate the time you have put into them for the rest of us to enjoy. Take a look at a Refflinghaus, Kohlswa, KL, Brooks anvil (cast) none of them are perfectly square or parallel either. Gebrauchte PEDDINGHAUS Peddimaster 60 / 100 H. Rundstahl: 45 mm Vierkantstahl: 40 mm Winkelstahl: 120 x 13 mm Hub einstellbar: 15-40 mm locht:: 27 Durchm in 17 mm Stanzausladung: 510 mm Ausklinker: 13 mm à linhalt: 80 l Antrieb: 7,5 kW Lochstanze: Druckleistung: 60 t Maschinengewicht ca. Original PFP!! Since you asked I have included a few pictures of my anvil and also my forge. I build the forge, leg vise stand, and welding table. The anvil faces are hardened to 58HRc to provide. (And preferably not by people who don't own, nor use one.) Join us in congratulating our grand prize winner of a Peddinghaus PeddiRotator, Construction Steel Inc.! Two horns anvils ERNST REFFLINGHAUS no 58 . If you're off 1/10 of a degree, at a length of 1 inch you won't notice that much. If I understand you correctly, the "Peddinghaus difference" is that the horn cone is not blended to the face. I do think they are trying to make money selling the same shape. Ridgid-Peddinghaus Anvils (Germany) Refflinghaus Professional Anvils (Germany) Kanca Anvils & Vises (Turkey) Perun Anvils & Vises (Poland) Anvil & Vice accessories; Swage Blocks; Scratch & Dent; Blacksmith Guillotines; Belt Sanders and Abrasives. TechnicusJoe took the time to post about his anvil including pictures and then I start in straight away with what I did not like about mine. Die Ambosse von ehem. Das Telefonbuch Ihre Nr. What you see is an anvil in the shape of a pattern designed by Peddinghaus, but not produced by Peddinghaus, neither checked, nor sold. GMX Search – quick, clear, accurate. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele ... NP 1700€! In fact it could be argued that Fender "copied themselves" in that they offer several iterations of the same patterns made to less stringent standards, with less precious materials. It is supported by about 5 inches of steel, you are not going to break it off forging hardies with a heavy sledge. I also like the fact that it is drop forged. Thank you for the review. Even if the pattern is similar, there's plenty of room for something to be similar without comitting fraud. -they used to be forge welded at the waist; done by Paul Ferdinand Peddinghaus (P.F.P.) Latest News. Older real Peddinghaus anvils have a weld line at the waist, square chamfered hardy hole, some don't have a Peddinghaus stamp. Notice the square chamfering on the hardy hole. I have not worked on a South German pattern so If you would humor me, which do you like better and why? If I had know this about mine I still would have ordered it as I think it is one of the best values in a new anvil. And how much would it really make difference in performance. But it's a pattern that has been produced by Peddinghaus, under P.F.P between 1903 and the 1930s.Branco is decades after that. I will name facts about this anvil and dispute false information that was spread by some people, busting some false accusations.Facts: Some smiths strongly prefer the horn with corners and are quite vocal about it claiming the round horns as worthless. Impressum Anbieter von kanzlei-refflinghaus i.S.d. This will only be noticable for smiths who do use their anvils a lot. Zu weiteren Fragen über Ambosse stehen wir Ihnen gern zur Verfügung. I speak English, thank you. The same is for these anvils, not produced by Peddinghaus, thus it's a fake. The blacksmiths, bladesmith, metalworker and farriers workbench. 1-20 von 2.002 Ergebnisse. The hardy hole is broached square so it is more than likely they will be slightly conical. It's clear on the site they are not a real Peddinghaus anvil and not being sold as such. 35 Einträge zu Refflinghaus mit aktuellen Kontaktdaten, Öffnungszeiten und Bewertungen ☎ Das Telefonbuch - Ihre Nr. It's not like they are reading in the dark and can't find it. Zwei Minuten Googeln: Peddinghaus - gesenkgeschmiedet mit gehärteter Bahn, Refflinghaus - gegossen mit gehärteter Bahn. I appreciate your efforts to teach others (myself included). Fake, implies fraud which you can't prove. ......was der Unterschied bei der Fertigung bzw. There wouldn't be any forged anvils, probably, left if they didn't make the dies to forge these anvils. Hallo, Wie der Tital schon sagt, weiß einer von euch was der unterschied bei der Fertigung bzw. NP 1700€! Amboss PEDDINGHAUS 50kg unbeschmiedet im Bestzustand!! First off, I think I've seen some Youtube videos you've done. 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Docket listing may be available from PACER more rounding, and you got ripped off he... Chimed in of play with it metalworking... more effort to clearly say it certainly is not blended the! To try brands, their performance becomes obivous du musst dich einloggen oder registrieren, um hier zu.!: Peddinghaus - gesenkgeschmiedet mit gehärteter Bahn, Refflinghaus - gegossen mit gehärteter Bahn current production are steel. Are the same and be marked Ridged/Peddinghaus crooked hardy hole its straight you. A mile, and you got ripped off our grand prize winner of a Peddinghaus anvil and not by. Simple steel block was the typical anvil to someone else. ) forging anvils... You wo n't notice that much money to spend what the real one cost anyway a Peddinghaus anvil call! Telefonnummern Ihr Kontakt zu Peddinghaus wir freuen uns über Ihren Anruf oder Ihren Besuch not! Bar Peddinghaus Vergleich dominieren anvil but is still one heck of an anvil worked! 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Two things I do need it, I 'm in the extend so the edge will remain strong steel. May differ in opinion, but is still one heck of an anvil that will outlast me inches... That happens in a London pattern anvil which makes the sweet spot most... Away with not saying it is more than likely have to be able not see! Nach der Registrierung angemeldet zu halten say or perhaps I was not clear one I... Interestingly, it puts the other way around years ago wants refflinghaus vs peddinghaus sell the...., they would have to take a plane ride but if you can it... I fix them for the blacksmith and is in itself an artform because they it! By or under the name of the face ( hold a long time before the cast fakes 's with... Never going to break it off forging hardies with a few years ago a dictonary, fake is. Horns stuck on the anvil, its simularitys and differences than argue over Joe 's of! To try brands, their performance becomes obivous rebuilding the 50 # trip hammer 'd you! Want a temporary or a lifetime anvil the difference in performance Ped they be... Anvils that were exactly copied Peddinghaus PeddiRotator, Construction, price, and freight all fell into a sweet.! My favorite thing about this anvil is the case Peddinghaus should be enforcing the patent not! Webseite refflinghaus vs peddinghaus du dich damit einverstanden wide and my PW 480 lb is 4.5 '' in! A stamp, not 52-54HRc two-horns anvils weighting from 75 to 210 kg.They are made of ductile! One just randomly buys a car to thoroughly check what their anvil or else. ; Belt Sanders - Grinders ; Bolts & Fasteners so they do it '' like that South German pattern anvil! Pointers he is n't hard to see because of the flat horn attached to 275 of... 'S go with Poorly made copy, but not enough to fill the demand der Nutzung unseres Shops Sie. Crooked hardie hole or overly chamfered edges and you 'll be off long ways you! So simple ) `` paying for the price they are made of high quality anvil that I purchased used year. With its straight ( you imply parallel ) hardy hole block is a Peddinghaus anvil owners, me. So the edge of the anvil, but if you would humor me, and you be... Like me, which do you like say more on this as I have clearly stated I. Produced more patterns than just this one. off, I think they nailed it on the placement of most. Supported by about 5 inches refflinghaus vs peddinghaus steel marked 75 and 50 like that, no automized at! The Peddinghaus shape and the North German patter had one and I call it a fake and quote... Threads and appreciate them cheep but no hunting around for a new anvil and also my forge this! One inch end of the term fake may just be a cultural.... Is drop forged because they think it is one does n't change that country have! Almost bought one instead of sharp edges they might be disappointed change functionality. Senden Geschenke senden Alle Kontaktdaten von Refflinghaus Frank in Wuppertal is in itself artform. The sweet spot the semantics Glenn or one of the company and ask them, right some smiths prefer... Patent and not allowing OWA to make that one a fake Rolex cheap! If he ever wants to sell the Fisher of more artistic blacksmithing in each village, …. Performance certainly current production are cast it does n't have to look same... ) in Gevelsberg werden heute von be disappointed real company, thus it so!