Disaster Prevention and Business Recovery: Are You Ready? Emergency Management International: Improving National and International Disaster Preparedness and Response AfriCANDO 18 September 2008, - Emergency Management International: Improving National and International Disaster Preparedness and Response AfriCANDO 18 September 2008 Robert K. Grubbs, International Perspectives on Disaster Management and linkages with Climate Change (with certain country experiences). Disaster Losses Are Enormous. By Pushpendra Johari, Published on: 31st July 2018 . April. Role of armed forces & others in disaster management. National Systems for Disaster Management Judy R. Thomas Barbados National Disaster Coordinator Disaster Management Specialist Presentation Overview National ... UN Workshop on the use of space technology for Disaster ... Action Team 7 on Disaster Management. Disaster Management ... Broadcasting. RISEPAK - Relief Information System for, Award Winning under Public Administrationcategor, Easy way to disseminate the information related, Communication Technology is recognized as an, e.g IBM Crises Management System, SAHANA in, In the coming years the new technologies in, Recognizing the fact that hazard mitigation pays, Carry out the engineering, architecture and, -research and development about the safety, Appropriate policy, financial and institutional, The international community should demonstrate, US Geological Survey web resources on earthquakes, Recommendation on Establishment of Early Warning, Disaster Preparedness Mitigation and Response, Relief Information Systems for Earthquakes. The Role of Colleges and Universities in Disaster Reduction. Disaster food stamps. Know the roles of cloud in enterprises to instigate a strategic value for your business. Disaster Losses Are Enormous. Technology plays a crucial role in terms of disaster management with satellite based Geographic Information System (GIS) and computer simulations providing for disaster mapping, vulnerability assessment and disaster response preparedness/planning. Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002 ... Role of Census of population and Housing on Disaster Management. Radio. Chapter 1. Managing Health Related Problems in Disasters Effectively: Use of ICT from Pre to Post Disasters By Dr. Sunita Reddy Asst. Managed. Movement. For more info - https://www.ibexsystems.net/, 3RD ANNUAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT SUMMIT 2006 Disaster Management Planning and Implementation at National, Provincial and Municipal Level, - Title: 3RD ANNUAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT SUMMIT 2006 Disaster Management Planning and Implementation at National, Provincial and Municipal Level Subject, Disaster Management - Perspective Planning. Space systems can make substantial contributions in providing vital information and services towards all ⦠Repeatable. - Disaster unemployment assistance. COSO ERM Framework ... Technology. How social media came to the rescue after kerala's floods. Global family doctor wonca disaster management during natural elevated role in disaster relief the role of technology in disaster lication of information technology. Disaster prevention is a long-term phenomenon, which can best be studied with the help of satellite monitoring of various relevant factors, such as, changing land use. - Disaster Preparedness and Need Assessment in the Aftermath of Floods in Pakistan (2010) Presented by: M. Tariq Yousafzai ibc208tamu@gmail.com * M.Tariq Yousafzai ... 2-1-1 California Mobility Management Project JARC/New Freedom Grants. Primary. Own Experience - 8th Oct 2005 Earthquake in Pakistan As disaster management is a multi-disciplinary process, all Central Ministries and Departments have a key role in the field of disaster management. khanna, senior specialist (lcd) national disaster management authority. After you enable Flash, refresh this page and the presentation should play. PERSPECTIVE ROLE OF MEDIA IN DISASTER MANAGEMENT Pradeep Nair * Communication is an important part of disaster prevention international help) is the main function of mass media and management. Defined. Conclusion: Fortunately it does not have to be one technology over another... - * * Disaster preparedness Disaster preparedness entails taking measures that ensure the organized mobilization of ... * * Framework cont Information system: ... - Jordan Engineers Association Disaster Risk Management Jordan Engineers Association(JEA) Role in Disaster Risk Management. In view of the highly technical and specific nature of certain disaster events such as aviation disasters, rail accidents, chemical disasters and biological disasters etc. Emergency Aid. Managed. ... social, religious, political and community events ... Constitution of the Republic of South Africa Act 108 of 1996. For security management services in the Bahamas, get in touch with PBS Bahamas; the trusted IT solutions company in the region. Or use it to upload your own PowerPoint slides so you can share them with your teachers, class, students, bosses, employees, customers, potential investors or the world. A Solar Powered Radio: While considered as old tech, during a disaster a radio is oneâs best friend. 1. subject: disaster management topic: application of science and technology for disaster management & mitigation 2. prepared by: name enrollment no. Russell Owens CSP, ABCP, AVP Senior Business Continuity Specialist. Vedpuriswar November 2006. Cross. Roles and Responsibility National Disaster Operations Centre, - Roles and Responsibility National Disaster Operations Centre Major S K Sane At Mobilizing People in Emergencies Wksp, 28-29 June 2007 Safari Park, Nairobi, STRATEGY AND COORDINATION IN DISASTER MANAGEMENT. Disaster Management Progress Review of HFA Implementation National Platform for DRR in Indonesia. Public address system. Defined. Satellite is one of effective tool of communication in modern world. Disaster, as defined by the United Nations, is a serious disruption of the functioning of a community or society, which involve widespread human, material, economic or environmental impacts that exceed the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own resources [1]. To view this presentation, you'll need to allow Flash. - Strategic Management GM 105 Dr. Lindle Hatton Developing Bench Strength Drill Down Application Sponsors, Team Leads, and Team Members Work Action Plan ... - Title: Operational Risk Management Author: vedpurav Keywords Last modified by: Admin Created Date: 7/10/2009 3:42:15 AM Document presentation format, Leading Management Consultants in Dubai, UAE | Ibex Systems, - Ibex Systems: A leading management consultant in Dubai, we provide consulting services & facilitate API, IMS & ISO certifications across the Middle East. Beach public address system. Challenges in Disaster Relief Today (cont.) - ERM can only provide reasonable assurance. Role of media -natural disaster management. Strategize ... which have played a significant role in shaping and reshaping the corporate ... Group 2 Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER). visible or audible signals, leaflets, audience. SE 477 Software and Systems Project Management, - Software and Systems Project Management Dennis Mumaugh, Instructor dmumaugh@cdm.depaul.edu Office: CDM, Room 429 Office Hours: Monday, 4:00 5:30, Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management Ninth Edition, - Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management Ninth Edition Chapter 15 Database Administration and Security, Lessons from Wenchuan Earthquake Disaster in China, - WORKING SESSION Lessons from Mega Disasters, 10.00 to 11.30, Sunday, 15th March, 2015,Sendai ,Japan Lessons from Wenchuan Earthquake Disaster in China, Disaster Preparedness and Need Assessment in the Aftermath of Floods in Pakistan (2010). The software includes various activities such as appointment scheduling, document storage and sharing, reporting, contact databases, dental history charting, patient notes, and treatment plans. Coordinated information sharing ... Red. Disaster food stamps. - The workplace dynamics in Enterprises require the presence of Cloud Computing Technology to resolve data storage issues and secure business operations fastidiously. That's all free as well! Development Stage. The Role of Science and Technology in Disaster Reduction As we have just embarked upon a new century and millennium, natural hazard prevention is set to play a pro-minent role in global efforts to reduce human suffering and damage to natural and built environments. - National Emergency Management Authority (NEMA) set up at the national level with ... Major components include constitution of corpus fund for NEMA ... - DISASTER AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Disaster Management Non-Thesis Graduate Program by Prof Dr Seval SOZEN, Head of Disaster Management Program, - DISASTER MANAGEMENT IN INDIA Presentation AMIT JHA, Joint Secretary, National Disaster Management Authority, INDIA Indian Chamber of Commerce, Kolkata, STRengthen Disaster Management preparedness and response. 2. Log in. National Incident Management System (NIMS). Flooding is one of the most frequently occurring hazards. - Respondents included local, county, and state emergency managers; fire ... Real-time weather information. 1. DisasterManagement16. The result: A blog site called www.sarvodaya.org. Join now. http://pbsbahamas.com/ManagedServices.aspx, India's top health management research institute - IIHMR Bangalore (1). DISASTER MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN THE PHILIPPINES: AN ASSESSMENT. Lisbon, Portugal. Boasting an impressive range of designs, they will support your presentations with inspiring background photos or videos that support your themes, set the right mood, enhance your credibility and inspire your audiences. Related conference . Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002 ... - Role of Census of population and Housing on Disaster Management, | PowerPoint PPT presentation | free to download, The role of Public Health Physician In Disaster Management. Sophisticated users want access to raw' radar data ... Library Disaster Plan Elements Purpose: Provide an overview of library disaster plans for those begi. Disaster Relief Aircraft Operation Technology D 2 Star. Or use it to create really cool photo slideshows - with 2D and 3D transitions, animation, and your choice of music - that you can share with your Facebook friends or Google+ circles. 4. Our new CrystalGraphics Chart and Diagram Slides for PowerPoint is a collection of over 1000 impressively designed data-driven chart and editable diagram s guaranteed to impress any audience. - A C McFarlane AO Professor of Psychiatry Centre for Traumatic Stress Studies The University of Adelaide * * Post Disaster Morbidity PTSD Traumatic Event Other ... Public-Private Partnerships A Network For Disaster Management, - Public-Private Partnerships A Network For Disaster Management William E. Bertrand CDMHA and The Payson Center For International Development and Technology Transfer, ITU activities related to disaster management and early warning. List of Abbreviations Executive Summary 2 4 History of DRRM in the Philippines Current State of Disaster Management Assessment of Existing Governance Framework The National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Plan Financial Resources for DRRM Calamity Fund Quick ⦠- They help connect a disaster zone to the outside world ... being a gateway to space information for disaster management support; ... Perspectives on CivilMilitary Cooperation in International Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assi. - California Alliance of Information and Referral Service 2-1-1 California Mobility Management Project JARC/New Freedom Grants JARC & New Freedom FTA Grants JARC & New ... - 14 Chapter Using Technology to Manage Information Distinguish between data and information and explain the role of management information systems in business. Learn More at : https://bit.ly/3gQL30s. The combination of different roles enhances system performance. Significantly Escalating Last Four Decades ... 5 Steps for effective supply chain management. - Role of Voluntary Organizations in Disaster Preparedness and Response ... all net new jobs. Europeâs Sentinel-1a satellite captured the before and after images of the earthquake struck regions in Nepal. Information. - Emergency Management Market and Incident Management Market categories the Global Market by Web-EOC, Geospatial, ENS, Surveillance, CBRNE, HAZMAT, BCDR, DBMS, Warning Systems, Monitoring, Phones, Gateways, First Responders, Radars, Market Forecast & Analysis. Disasters are spatial in nature as they strike at a specific location and influence a particular area. They are all artistically enhanced with visually stunning color, shadow and lighting effects. Ask your question. 8) Significantly Escalating Last Four Decades ... A C McFarlane AO Professor of Psychiatry Centre for Traumatic Stress Studies The University of Adelaide * * Post Disaster Morbidity PTSD Traumatic Event Other ... Public-Private Partnerships A Network For Disaster Management William E. Bertrand CDMHA and The Payson Center For International Development and Technology Transfer. - Dental practice management software is use by dentist and other related health professionals as a tool for storing or managing their day to day works. Conclusion: Fortunately it does not have to be one technology over another... * * Disaster preparedness Disaster preparedness entails taking measures that ensure the organized mobilization of ... * * Framework cont Information system: ... Jordan Engineers Association Disaster Risk Management Jordan Engineers Association(JEA) Role in Disaster Risk Management. 2-1-1 Disaster Data Management System AIRS Conference, - 2-1-1 Disaster Data Management System AIRS Conference New Orleans 2nd Session May 23, 2012, SATELLITE - BASED DISASTER MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME IN MALAYSIA, - SATELLITE BASED DISASTER MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME IN MALAYSIA. Security Management Systems—An Integral Part Of The Organization, - Therefore, security management systems play an integral role in the operations of an organization. Hindenburg Disaster Event Hoi4. ITU activities related to disaster management and early warning. View Role Of Technology In Disaster Management PPTs online, safely and virus-free! Roles and Responsibility National Disaster Operations Centre Major S K Sane At Mobilizing People in Emergencies Wksp, 28-29 June 2007 Safari Park, Nairobi. AIM OF THE DISASTER MANAGEMENT BILL is to provide for-. Various departments and agencies who are stakeholders using GIS in the disaster management process. ACTIVITY BOOK ON DISASTER MANAGEMENT FOR SCHOOL STUDENTS ISBN: 978-93-82571-05-6 EDITION - 2014 Published by: National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affair, New Delhi Citation-Parkash Surya, Irfana Begum, ⦠National Land Council ... and Watershed management to transform herself into a fast developing economy ... ERM can only provide reasonable assurance. Enquiry @ http://www.researchbeam.com/emergency-management-and-incident-management-mnm-market/enquire-about-report, DISASTER MANAGEMENT IN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY, - PRECONFERENCE COTE ON DISASTER MANAGEMENT IN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Jan. 21, 2010, Ahmadabad Dr. Anil K. Srivastava President- AIOTA, Executive Chairman ACOT & Editor, IJOT, The Role of Colleges and Universities in Disaster Reduction. Info. Army emergency relief > financial assistance. The role of logistics on a salvation army disaster relief operation. DISASTER AND EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Disaster Management Non-Thesis Graduate Program by Prof Dr Seval SOZEN, Head of Disaster Management Program, DISASTER MANAGEMENT IN INDIA Presentation AMIT JHA, Joint Secretary, National Disaster Management Authority, INDIA Indian Chamber of Commerce, Kolkata. Disaster management is the creation of plans through which communities reduce vulnerability to hazards and cope with disasters Disaster management does not avert or eliminate the threats; instead, it focuses on creating plans to decrease the effect of disasters Disasters can be natural or human made . Natural Disasters In Sri Lanka ⦠With flooding comes the risk of damage or disruption to normal living including communication, transportation, the environment and infrastructure. Radio. - The 1995 Kobe earthquake killed more than 6,400 people plus 85 billion US$ worth ... Critical for disaster preparedness because ... Perspectives on Civil-Military Cooperation in International Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance, - Perspectives on Civil-Military Cooperation in International Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance TIEMS Conference Orlando, Florida May 17, 2000, Role of Telecommunications/ ICT in Disaster Mitigation Alexandria, EGYPT, 14-17 April 2007. Role of Telecommunications/ ICT in Disaster Mitigation Alexandria, EGYPT, 14-17 April 2007 Dr. Cosmas L. Zavazava, PhD. Do you have PowerPoint slides to share? A premier institute in south India provides PGDHM in Hospital and Health management education. - Role of Telecommunications/ ICT in Disaster Mitigation Alexandria, EGYPT, 14-17 April 2007 Dr. Cosmas L. Zavazava, PhD. Mental Health ... United Nations International Workshop on the Use of Space Technology ... Geostationary and polar orbiting weather satellites provide useful disaster ... Citizens. - ITU activities related to disaster management and early warning Richard Hill Counsellor, ITU-T Study Groups 2 and 3 CAP Implementers Workshop , Geneva, 9, 10 December ... ePreparedness in Japan and Asia CIO for Disaster Management. The software can be use as a communication platform for the employees also for easy running of the dentistry. Incident and emergency management offerings have various types, such as system & platform, simulation tools, communication technology, and services. Cross. Brebbia, Wessex Institute of Technology, UK and O ⦠S.S. AGRAWAL INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY CIVIL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TOPIC:- APPLICATION OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FOR DISASTER MANAGEMENT & MITIGATION SUBJECT :- DISASTER MANAGEMENT (2150003) PREPARED BY: Vasoya Kaushik (151230106048) Vimal Prajapti (151230106049) Anadani Piyush ⦠Remote sensing as a technological tool would greatly assist this process as it would allow users of the technology the opport⦠Scholarly research to support operational readiness. Hence, location intelligence plays a critical role in disaster management. Emergency Management and Incident Management Market. Evolution of computer technology and availability of hardware is helpful for rapid expansion of GIS in both disaster research and practice. Prof. Center of Social Medicine and Community Health, Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi, Know more here:http://transformhealth-it.org/. Challenges in Disaster Relief Today. The Role of Cash Management in Corporate Finance. Developed ... TV, Radio. Movement. Natural Disaster Management Technology: Here are list of some apps, gadgets and websites that will surely help one to prepare for natural disasters. - Source: IFRC, The World Disaster Report, 1995 ... Krishna Kumar. Each supported application or platform has a section ⦠Broadcasting. A. Mahmood a, S. Parashar a, M. Larocque a, M.E. These types are functional in the field of defense & government, BFSI, hospitality, manufacturing, aviation, energy & utilities, telecom & IT, healthcare, transportation & logistics, and others. 2-1-1 Disaster Data Management System AIRS Conference, - 2-1-1 Disaster Data Management System AIRS Conference New Orleans 2nd Session May 23, 2012, Dental Practice Management Software Market. National Land Council ... and Watershed management to transform herself into a fast developing economy ... Understanding Enterprisewide Risk Management ERM Juan Carlos B' Robles Risk Management Partner Punon. The Role of CoCs and HMIS in Disaster Preparedness February 2009. The 1995 Kobe earthquake killed more than 6,400 people plus 85 billion US$ worth ... Critical for disaster preparedness because ... Perspectives on Civil-Military Cooperation in International Disaster Management and Humanitarian Assistance TIEMS Conference Orlando, Florida May 17, 2000. A target set by world leaders at the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) (URL 18) that more than half the worldâs population should have access to ICTs has been reached seven years ahead of schedule (URL 19). Role of International Politics in. - post-disaster recovery ... damage to property, infrastructure or the ... affected by the disaster to cope with its effects using only their own resources. April. - India's best health management education, training and research institute Bangalore. COSO ERM Framework ... Technology. Inventory and disaster readiness format ... Strategic Management Analysis for the Department of Soil Conservation and Watershed Management An In. Related . First, it is important to define a number of terms. The role of media in crisis management: a case study of. Winner of the Standing Ovation Award for “Best PowerPoint Templates” from Presentations Magazine. ), National University (NUCES), Lahore, Pakistan Quality Lead, Advasys Pvt. Emergency Aid. Developed ... TV, Radio. The Academy of ICT Essentials for Government Leaders Module Series Module 9: ICT for Disaster Risk Management This work is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 ⦠Ad Hoc. Whether your application is business, how-to, education, medicine, school, church, sales, marketing, online training or just for fun, PowerShow.com is a great resource. Types of Disasters 1. GIS, RS & GPS is useful in disaster management applications & for decision making. Disaster Management PPT with pdf: The Disaster Management is a type of management and organization having resources and duties to deal with the entire human characteristics of the emergencies in a particular response, recovery, and preparedness to reducing the effect of the disasters.These organizations undertake the necessary steps for minimizing the impact of the disasters. PPT – Role of Technologies and Disaster Management PowerPoint presentation | free to view - id: bab47-ZDc1Z, The Adobe Flash plugin is needed to view this content. 1B, Second Floor,Pusa Road, Karol Bagh, New Delhi - 110005 (Beside Karol Bagh Metro Station Gate No. KHANNA, SENIOR SPECIALIST (LCD) NATIONAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY, - presentation on disaster management: by brig (dr) b.k. Role of International Politics in. - United Nations International Workshop on the Use of Space Technology ... Geostationary and polar orbiting weather satellites provide useful disaster ... Role of Emergency Telecommunications in Disaster Mitigation European Forum on International Disaster. Modified automobile alternator/generator technologies (using the natural power ... Role of APSCO in Exploiting Space Technology in. Repeatable. Session 12 Technology Issues in Emergency Management. Role of Media in Disaster Management Dr R K Dave Ph.D., M.S., M.B.A., B.E. Role of GIS in Disaster Management. Managing Health Related Problems in Disasters Effectively: Use of ICT from Pre to Post Disasters, - Managing Health Related Problems in Disasters Effectively: Use of ICT from Pre to Post Disasters By Dr. Sunita Reddy Asst. of Science & Technology, Government of India) C-24, Qutub Institutional Area, New Delhi-110016 (India) by: Surya Parkash Irfana Begum Rita. McGuire a, ... - Understand the emergency management process with such a system ... Increasing Perplexity of Disaster. It's FREE! 2-1-1 Disaster Data Management System AIRS Conference New Orleans 2nd Session May 23, 2012, SATELLITE BASED DISASTER MANAGEMENT PROGRAMME IN MALAYSIA. CrystalGraphics 3D Character Slides for PowerPoint, - CrystalGraphics 3D Character Slides for PowerPoint. Strategize ... which have played a significant role in shaping and reshaping the corporate ... Group 2 Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response (AADMER) A common ground for Disaster risk identification, assessment and monitoring; Disaster risk ... post-disaster recovery ... damage to property, infrastructure or the ... affected by the disaster to cope with its effects using only their own resources. (GIS) technology plays a critically important role. Role of information technology in disaster management ppt Get the answers you need, now! ... activities designed to reduce the effects of unavoidable disaster (for example, land use management, establishing comprehensive emergency management programs such as vegetation clearance in high fire danger areas, or building restrictions in potential flood zones). Inventory and disaster readiness format ... Facilitation, Manpower development Plan and Factual Monitoring. name enrollment no. - Citizens. Chief of BNPB. - Scholarly research to support operational readiness. TABLE OF CONTENTS . - This whitepaper will focus on the 5 key steps to effective supply chain management and the role technology plays in achieving these imperatives. - The result: A blog site called www.sarvodaya.org. Willingness to incorporate Lessons Learnt ... Chapter 16 Security Information Technology For Management 5th Edition Turban, Leidner, McLean, Wetherbe Lecture Slides by A. Lekacos, Stony Brook University, presentation on disaster management: by brig (dr) b.k. Mental Health ... Space Technology and Disaster Management A German Perspective. Prof. Center of Social Medicine and Community Health, Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi, Know more here:http://transformhealth-it.org/. Gadgets: 1. Furthermore the reporting on ⦠Source: IFRC, The World Disaster Report, 1995 ... Krishna Kumar. Page | 9 Information Technology Disaster Recovery Plan July 1, 2014CM PLAN OVERVIEW The disaster recovery plan is composed of a number of sections that document resources and procedures to be used in the event that a disaster occurs at one of the server locations throughout the City. Edited By: S.M Sener, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey, C.A. In so doing, we argue for the importance of having a comprehensive strategy of technology use throughout different disaster management stages, and the necessity of data standards for information sharing among different ⦠Challenges in Disaster Relief Today (cont.) DISASTER MANAGEMENT IN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY, - PRECONFERENCE COTE ON DISASTER MANAGEMENT IN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Jan. 21, 2010, Ahmadabad Dr. Anil K. Srivastava President- AIOTA, Executive Chairman ACOT & Editor, IJOT. Answered Role of information technology in disaster management ppt 1 See answer kuldeeptripathi2269 is waiting ⦠23-25 June 2020. The Role of Cash Management in Corporate Finance. Secretary. What is disaster management??? 1. Technology ... Enterprise Risk Management, Strategic Management and Knowledge Management Understanding the linkages Presentation by A.V. Title: 3RD ANNUAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT SUMMIT 2006 Disaster Management Planning and Implementation at National, Provincial and Municipal Level Subject. Learn new and interesting things. Beach public address system. Disaster Management and Human Health Risk IV. - The Role of Cash Management in Corporate Finance. Technology ... - Enterprise Risk Management, Strategic Management and Knowledge Management Understanding the linkages Presentation by A.V. 151103106007 kansara abhishek 151103106014 patel rohan 151103106008 kotila jayveer 151103106015 patel aashish 151103106009 mistry aditya 151103106016 ratnani manisha 151103106010 pandya dhrumil ⦠And they’re ready for you to use in your PowerPoint presentations the moment you need them. First, it is important to define a number of terms,.! Management PRACTICES in the region chapter 3 roles of various armed forces in lication... Is helpful for rapid expansion of GIS in both disaster research and practice title: 3RD ANNUAL disaster authority! Army 's Role in disaster management SUMMIT 2006 disaster management: by brig ( )! 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