We should pray about our work, against the power of our enemies and the devil, for our welfare and the welfare of those around us. We accepted this invitation and fasted and prayed sincerely about what to say. Why doesn’t the Church synchronize the reading schedules of the Gospel Doctrine class and the seminary program? The Lord has declared in modern revelation: “And he who receiveth all things with thankfulness shall be made glorious; and the things of this earth shall be added unto him, even an hundred fold, yea, more.” (D&C 78:19. As I said last October in Massachusetts, we stand today at a major crossroads in history, and the nations of the earth are in desperate need of divine inspiration and guidance. Finally he said, “Gentlemen, you go ahead and collect your supplies, and by the time you get them collected, the policy may be changed.”, We replied, “General, our supplies are already collected. This is about peace and the healing that can come to individual souls as well as to the soul of countries—their cities, towns, and villages—through the Prince of Peace and the source of all healing, the Lord Jesus Christ. We are admonished that this should be “in [our] closets, and [our] secret places, and in [our] wilderness.” (Alma 34:26.) I had studied hard in preparation for a talk on the Apostasy. We should ask for strength to overcome our problems. I knelt in prayer and asked the Lord to help me focus so I could accomplish my work. In addition, we are told to pray always. Brothers and sisters, I urge you to redouble your commitment to prayer. “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Our prayers should be meaningful and pertinent. In all of our prayers it is well to use the sacred pronouns of the scriptures—thee, thou, thy, and thine—when addressing Deity instead of the more common pronouns of you, your, and yours. Let Patience Have Her Perfect Work, and Count It All Joy! (See 2 Ne. Casual elegance will make it an instant favorite in everyone's wardrobe. I urge you to continue to pray that we may receive the inspiration and revelation to guide the Church through these difficult times. 1 In the Old Testament, there is the image of the watchman, one who would be set up at a height so that they could watch for approaching enemies or thieves and warn others of their coming. The world’s current chaotic situation may seem daunting as we consider the multitude of issues and challenges. 18:15, 18–20.). Thank God we can reach out and tap that unseen power, without which no man can do his best. Seeking forgiveness and spiritual direction, Joseph’s prayer opened the heavens. …. You will remember the Lord’s Prayer: “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Today we are the beneficiaries of Joseph the Prophet and other faithful Latter-day Saint men and women who prayed and acted to help establish The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. When Mom Can’t Be Home—Making the Best of Second Choice, Barbara W. Winder, Joy F. Evans, and Joanne B. Doxey, “We Prophesy of Christ”: The Law of Witnesses in 2 Nephi, Coping Financially after My Husband’s Death, The Abrahamic Covenant: A Blessing for All People, The Exodus: Seeing It as a Test, a Testimony, and a Type, Bernard Lefrandt: Dutch-Indonesian Pioneer. Ingratitude is one of our great sins. He also showed that the Gentiles would enthusiastically accept Jehovah as their God. The Savior taught us to not limit who we pray for. We left the building, went out to our car, removed our hats, and united in prayer. Notice that the Joseph Smith Translation clarifies verse 13: “And suffer [permit] us not to be led into temptation, but deliver us from evil” (Joseph Smith Translation, Matthew 6:14 [in Matthew 6:13, footnote a]). Relate your feelings about prayer. Because we are His children, we can approach Him to seek help, solace, and a renewed desire to make a positive difference in the world. Watch. He told them that they “must watch and pray always.” The word “watch” is used many times in the Scriptures, and especially by Jesus Himself.