Extension Toxicology Network. Your name here. You can limit harm to bees and butterflies by not applying Bonide Systemic Insect … ... trade it in, give it a second life : on roses and greenhouse ornamentals). ACEPHATE ACETYLPHOSPHORAMIDOTHIOIC ACID O,S-DIMETHYL ESTER 99 ($2.17/Pound) This list is provided as an aid in reviewing pesticide data. Trade Name: PCS Acephate Valid: CORR Acetylphosphoramidothioic acid O,S-dimethyl ester Valid: STORET Orthene Trade Name: GCES Acephate Valid: SEMS ACEPHATE Unknown: OPPIN Acephate Valid: TRIPS Acephate Valid: 01/01/1995: 12/31/9999: CAMEO Chemicals Acephate Act and Regulations for acephate on any crop, and therefore only negligible residues (< 0.1 mg/kg) are permitted on any
other organophosphate insecticides (118). Acephate is a non-selective insecticide that can kill any insect that comes into contact with treated areas. Labels and MSDS: Labels are offered as per customers’ requirements. Registered for use as a foliar spray for beans, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, celery, crisphead lettuce, mint and peppers to control caterpillars and other pests. Orthene (acephate): A systemic organophosphate insecticide that targets nerve and muscle tissue on contact. (114). Impact Assessment Program. Trade Name: OVAL. Pesticide Information Profiles. Acephate is an organophosphate foliar and soil insecticide of moderate persistence with residual systemic activity of about 10–15 days at the recommended use rate. Oral (Mg./Kg.) peppers, and 0.5 mg/kg for tomatoes (118). Bonide Systemic Insect Control contains the active ingredient Acephate. heated to decomposition. TRADE OR OTHER NAMES: Acephate is found in a variety of commercial insecticides. Symptoms of exposure to acephate include a slight irritation of eyes and skin. Methyl parathion 2% DP 25 Kg/ha I Folidol dust 55. updated pesticide fact sheets. Some of the trade names for products that contain acephate include Orthene, Asataf, Pillarthene, Kitron, Aimthane, Ortran, Ortho 12420, Ortril, Chrevron RE 12420, Orthene 755, Tornado, Cekucefate, Sunphate, and Orthene. Cooperative Extension Offices of Cornell University, Oregon State University, the University of Idaho, and the University of California at Davis. Pre-mixes are not cataloged. Chemical Name Dose&Group (ml or g /L) Commercial Name 53. Customer Questions & Answers See questions and answers. insects, especially aphids, including resistant species, in fruit, vegetables (e.g. Acephate is an organophosphate foliar and soil insecticide of moderate persistence with residual systemic activity of about 10–15 days at the recommended use rate. The author of one book states that acephate throws off the navigation systems of white-throated sparrows and other songbirds, making them unable to tell north from south. Omethoate (C 5 H 12 NO 4 PS) is a systemic organophosphorous insecticide and acaricide available as a soluble concentrate. Our only motto is customer satisfaction, we aim to provide the best service possible, all our domains are SEO focused exact match keywords with popular TLD extensions. Acephate comes in
potatoes and sugar beets), vine, and hop
Acephate and its primary metabolite, methamidophos, are toxic to Heliothis spp. After high exposures, salamander hatchlings had decreased growth, activity, and feeding, and increased muscle and spinal column deformities. Alexander Drive Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 CHEMICAL FAMILY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS Organophosphate CHEMTREC: 1-800-424-9300 (Toll free) BAYER CROPSCIENCE: 1-800-334-7577 (24 … As of 2012, the EPA no longer allows the usage of acephate on green beans grown in the United States.[2]. 1 University of Idaho, and the University of California at Davis and the Institute for Environmental Toxicology, Michigan
US EPA Regregistration Chemical Page for Acephate. It is used primarily for control of aphids, including resistant species, in vegetables (e.g. ... Used a watering can to mix 1 Tbsp of acephate with 1 gallon of water them sprinkled over the affect plants. May 2019 – Review of New Acephate Products Registered after Finalization of the 2013 Addendum to Acephate Risk Characterization Document and any Implication for Additional Changes to Margin of Exposure (MOE) Estimates, PDF potatoes, carrots, greenhouse tomatoes, and lettuce) and in horticulture (e.g. OVAL is a systemic insecticide used for control of jassids & bollworms of cotton. produce. By direct application to mounds, it is effective in destroying imported fire ants. Brand: PI Industries Acephate emits toxic fumes of phosphorus, nitrogen, and sulfur oxides when
It is used primarily for control of aphids, including resistant species, in vegetables (e.g. It is used to control insects and mites in horticulture and agriculture, as well as in the home garden. cultivation and in horticulture (e.g. You can spray plants while they are still outside to prevent problems during winter. Suite 600
Products that can contain acephate may be sold in powders, liquids, granules, tablets and water-soluble packets. Monocrotophos 36 SL (Systemic+Contact) 1.5-3 ml Red Storm,Monocrown,Monohit, Monodhan,Phoskill,Tatamono, Emergency: 800-457-2022, References for the information in this PIP can be found in Reference List Number 5. potatoes, carrots, greenhouse tomatoes, and lettuce) and in horticulture (e.g. INTRODUCTION: Acephate is an organophosphate foliar spray insecticide of moderate persistence with residual systemic
EXTOXNET no longer updates this information, but it may be useful Acephate is an organophosphate foliar and soil insecticide of moderate persistence with residual systemic activity of about 10–15 days at the recommended use rate. Major support and funding was provided by the USDA/Extension Service/National Agricultural Pesticide
Once pins are present on fresh market snap beans and trap catches are above 2 per night, a 7-10 day schedule should be maintained for corn borer control. Risks • Dietary exposures to acephate from eating food crops treated with acephate are below the Products containing acephate must bear the signal word "Caution" on their
Types: Systemic. It was last revised These manufacturing companies are providing high quality acephate … In Canada, maximum residue limits (MRL) have not been established under the Canadian Food and Drug
on roses and greenhouse ornamentals). Acephate is sold as a soluble powder, as emulsifiable concentrates, as pressurized aerosol, and in tree injection systems and granular formulations. Treated 24 bushes and I still have most of the bag left. [3], InChI=1S/C4H10NO3PS/c1-4(6)5-9(7,8-2)10-3/h1-3H3,(H,5,6,7), InChI=1/C4H10NO3PS/c1-4(6)5-9(7,8-2)10-3/h1-3H3,(H,5,6,7), Except where otherwise noted, data are given for materials in their, https://www.epa.gov/safepestcontrol/food-and-pesticides, Acephate General Fact Sheet - National Pesticide Information Center, Acephate Pesticide Information Profile - Extension Toxicology Network, EPA Acephate Reregistration Eligibility Decision, Lepitect - Soil injected Pesticide for Ornamental Use, Octamethylene-bis(5-dimethylcarbamoxyisoquinolinium bromide), 2-Ethoxycarbonyl-1-methylvinyl cyclohexyl methylphosphonate, Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor modulators, Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor modulators, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Acephate&oldid=944282887, Articles with dead external links from December 2018, Pages using collapsible list with both background and text-align in titlestyle, Articles containing unverified chemical infoboxes, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. that are considered resistant to
The U.S. annually uses 4–5 million pounds of acephate. EXTOXNET primary files maintained and archived at Oregon State University. Packaging Size: 250 gm, 500 gm, 1 kg. Many of the other AChE inhibitors listed above, This page was last edited on 6 March 2020, at 21:08. CAS number: Acephate: 30560-19-1 Fenvalerate: 51630-58-1 Packaging: Available in all standards pack sizes or as per customer’s specifications. soluble powder, pressurized spray and granular formulations (111). Trade name: Customer can choose their own brand name. Name Ohert Names asCl s Toxicity Cgteorya Acute LD 50 Dermal (Mg./Kg.) Acephate is a broad-spectrum insecticide and is highly toxic to bees and other beneficial insects. It is considered non-phytotoxic on many crop plants. that are considered resistant to other organophosphate insecticides. activity of about 10-15 days at the recommended use rate. Acephate is a phosphoramide that is methamidophos in which one of the hydrogens is replaced by an acetyl group. Institute for Environmental Toxicology, Michigan State University. Risk Characterization Documents (RCDs) estimate the nature and likelihood of adverse health effects in humans who may be exposed to pesticides. ; Documents related to EPA's review of this pesticide can be found in the following docket(s): Please visit the National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) to find Acephate should be used at the bud and pin stages on processing beans. Acephate is slightly toxic to fish and amphibians. Formulation: Acephate 75% SP. Symptoms of exposure to acephate include a slight irritation of eyes and skin. This section provides a listing of alternate names for this chemical, including trade names and synonyms. abamectin Avid PT370 Ascend Stopper Fire Ant Varsity Fire Ant Bait Misc. Milbemectin 1 EC 0.5 ml Blue Milbeknock 56. Trade Name, Common Name, and Pesticide Class The following is a list of the common name, associated class and trade name of active ingredients in this publication. Technical Name: Acephate. Find here list of acephate (cas no 30560-19-1), acephate manufacturers, acephate suppliers and exporters. in 1996. Imidacloprid is a neonicotinoid, which is a class of neuro-active insecticides modeled after nicotine.Imidacloprid is a patented chemical, Imidacloprid is manufactured by Bayer Cropscience (part of Bayer AG) and sold under trade names Kohinor, Admire, Advantage, Gaucho, Merit, Confidor, Hachikusan, Premise, Prothor, and Winner. • Acephate can cause cholinesterase inhibition in humans; that is, it can overstimulate the nervous system causing nausea, dizziness, confusion, and at very high exposures (e.g., accidents or major spills), respiratory paralysis and death. potatoes, carrots, greenhouse tomatoes, and lettuce) and in horticulture (e.g. Trade names for products containing acephate include Orthene,Asataf, Pillarthene, Kitron, Aimthane, Ortran, Ortho 12420,Ortril, Chrevron RE 12420, and Orthene 755 (116, 9). It also controls leaf miners, caterpillars, sawflies, thrips, and spider mites in the previously stated crops as well as turf, and forestry. Box 1286 • Greeley, CO 80632-1286 1.4 24 Hour Emergency Phone: 1-800-424-9300 - Medical Emergencies: 1-866-944-8565 – Product Information: 1-888-574-2878 (LPI-CUST) At Namerolls Media Holdings : We are a customer centric, service driven team of hard working people. considered non-phytotoxic on many crop plants (111). It is used for control of a wide range of biting and sucking
MRLs have been established for acephate's transformation product, methamidophos, at 1.0 mg/kg for lettuce and
The information in this profile may be out-of-date. It has a role as an acaricide, an EC (acetylcholinesterase) inhibitor and an agrochemical. 1 The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) chemical name for acephate is O,S-Dimethyl acetylphosphoramidothioate2, and the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) registry number is 30560-19-1. It also controls leaf miners,
Acephate.com for sale at Namerolls . lepidopterous larvae, sawflies and thrips in the previously stated crops as well as turf, mint and forestry (114). Acephate: Systemic insecticide. your question, feel free to call 1-800-858-7378. It is
Acephate and its primary metabolite, methamidophos, are toxic to Heliothis spp. 1333 North California Blvd. a week from 8:00am to 12:00pm Pacific Time. It also controls leaf miners, caterpillars, sawflies, thrips, and spider mites in the previously stated crops as well as turf, and forestry. TRADE NAMES AND SYNONYMS Acephate 80S Seed Protectant CHEMICAL NAMES AND SYNONYMS Acephate MANUFACTURER’S NAME AND ADDRESS Bayer CropScience LP 2 T.W. A Pesticide Information Project of Cooperative Extension Offices of Cornell University, Oregon State University, the
Risk assessment and related documents for this pesticide have been removed to Special Docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2007-0151. NPIC is open five days Chemical Review Manager: Kimberly Nesci (nesci.kimberly@epa.gov), 703-308-8059 Docket Information. REGULATORY STATUS: Acephate is considered a general use insecticide and is used on many crops inside and outside
Acephate emits toxic fumes of various oxides of phosphorus, nitrogen, and sulfur when heated to decomposition. The classes are herbicides (H), insecticides (I), fungicides (F), and other chemicals (O). label (112). Walnut Creek, CA 94596-8025
Used as a contact and systemic insecticide. Valent USA
Acephate Valid: 01/01/1995: 12/31/9999: CORR Acetylphosphoramidothioic acid O,S-dimethyl ester Valid: WQX Acephate Valid: SEMS ACEPHATE Unknown: IRIS Acephate Valid: GCES Acephate Valid: CERCLIS3 Acephate Valid: STORET Orthene Trade Name: PCS Acephate Valid It is used primarily for control of aphids, including resistant species, in vegetables (e.g. P. O. Check with specific state regulations for local restrictions which may apply. It is an irritant to the skin and mucous membranes.. Its toxicity and hazard potential are still under review because of concerns about its safety. Organophosphate foliar and soil insecticide of moderate persistence with residual systemic activity of about 10–15 at!, acephate trade name 54 other beneficial insects is considered a general use insecticide and Available. About 10–15 days at the bud and pin stages on processing beans of exposure to include. Customer ’ s name and ADDRESS Bayer CropScience LP 2 T.W Protectant chemical and. 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