We can also advise if your company is eligible for grants from the SME+ or WAH scheme to maximise your benefits and funding. Post one-to-one Doctor Consultation are included after patients received their medical reports. Apart from that we also reckon the fact that happier and healthier employees automatically translates into a more productive workforce which will also convert into lesser employees taking medical leave and therefore ultimately increasing performance for the business. Tel: 6777 3667 Led by our expert GPs and using the latest medical technology, our corporate health assessments give you a snapshot overall health of your company, whilst providing your employees with medically validated guidance to help minimise their health risks and improve wellbeing. Easy Planning and Execution “Minimal time , effort and attention” Planning an onsite health screening is much simpler than you think. This will provide an opportunity for staff to seek advice as well as doctor recommendations. When this happens, the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke increases significantly. The second (or bottom) number is your diastolic blood pressure. Corporate report For corporate health screening, a corporate report is should be made available for the organisation. For … 0 items / $ 0.00. CERVICAL CANCER. This also turns into lower sick rates and better performance for your businesses. High blood cholesterol can be attributed to excessive intakes of cholesterol-rich food or over-production by the liver. Onsite Health Diagnostics is one of the best biometric screening companies we have worked with. Total pax. Glucose is the main carbohydrate in the blood that is used as energy by the body cells. 2 Venture Drive #10-16 We are probably best known for our employee health checks and onsite health assessments and why wouldn’t we be, we have dedicated over a decade to perfecting them. The revamped Corporate Statistics Report will provide a more comprehensive graphical summary of the organization’s general health status. Total pax. We perform workplace vision assessment onsite for that added convenience! We can also incorporated this with onsite health talks, workshops and vaccination. Go for screening and know your health status. The On-Site Health Screenings product is a protocol of standard health screenings administered on-site to employees by trained medical professionals. This convenience will translate into significant cost savings and productivity gains for both your company and employees. CHRONIC ILLNESS CERVICAL CANCER. These range from Respirator Fit Tests to workplace drug testing, delivered onsite or at Mobile Health locations. Experience stress free biometric screenings with Onsite Health Diagnostics, the leader in health and wellness clarity. Selected Value: 20. If you are looking for employee health screening as part of your company welfare programme, look no further than Pathlab. They offer two pricing strategies; one of which allows them to cover the nation without requiring site minimums. Our system staggers registration by time-slot and allows you to reschedule your session easily. Depending on different corporate interests, their Human-Resource Managers can easily opt for a basic screening, with add-on options to allow them with the flexibility and customisation to suit their organisation’s needs. From registration to retrieving your report, it is all managed conveniently by our team and requires minimal attention from you. Measure employee health risks to get actionable data to help manage them. We have over 130 mobile testing units serving thousands of work sites in the U.S. Get a quote today! Ranges of Blood Tests Body Mass Index (BMI) Fasting Venous Lipid Profile Fasting Venous Blood Glucose Blood Pressure Measurement General & Chest X-Rays At Our Medical Centre Post Doctor’s Consultation / Review At Our Medical Centre Overall Corporate Statistic Report (For Corporate HR reference only). Corporate Onsite Health Screening. Complimentary Onsite Corporate Health … Life Health Physical Medicine provides corporate on-site programs designed to reduce health care costs, and keep your staff feeling their best. Injured employees can have a difficult time returning to work due to ineffective treatments. New with us? Health Screening Packages. This convenience will translate into significant cost savings and productivity gains for both your company and employees. Broadcast to your colleagues . Selected Value: 20. Here are the recommended screening tests under Screen for Life for the different age groups: Above age 25. All health screening packages are inclusive of a personalised result cards for each employee and a company health report. Your company will also receive a summarised Corporate report with recommendations. The first (or top) number is your systolic blood pressure. Corporate / Occupational Health include Onsite Flu Clinic, Onsite TB Testing, Drug & Alcohol Testing, Biometric Testing, Finger Stick Testing, & Pre-Employment Physicals. This service requires a minimum of 20 participants per visit. Book STRAITS Executive Health Screening Package at Paragon. A healthier workforce brings increased work efficiency and productivity through better staff morale and lower out-patient costs. We can also host your company staff for health-talks / seminars at our centre in Suntec City. High triglycerides may contribute to hardening of the arteries or thickening of the artery walls (arteriosclerosis) which increases the risk of stroke, heart attack and heart disease. Our DNA; Careers; COVID-19 Testing. Mobile Health built its 35-year history on a foundation of p re-screening workers for communicable diseases. It is the highest level your blood pressure reaches when your heart beats. Rest easy on the actual day. Corporate Onsite Health Screening-Mediway Medical. The report should contain information on the overall health status of the employees. Corporate Health Screenings. For more information kindly contact our customer service at 012-873 3882 to request a best quotation for your corporate COVID-19 screening. Spotscreen is Australia’s leading onsite skin cancer screening and corporate health provider, focussing on providing the highest quality of specialised onsite health programs while maximising value for money. Best of all, they offer 4 methods for biometric screenings: onsite, lab, physician form, and a home test kit. Have our dedicated teams conduct health screening at your premises. Many lose their vision to preventable eye conditions, but this is avoidable through early detection and early treatment. Biometric screenings are also a good baseline for developing a health and wellness strategy that works best for your company, as they will give a good assessment of the health of your organization. Available on Weekdays from 9am-5pm. Through onsite health screening, you can create a positive environment with a focus on employee well-being and build upon effective organisational workplace practices. (Up to 3 years). Optional packages are available for take up. Employees can gain insight into their health with a face-face consultation with a qualified health professional. A healthier workforce brings increased work efficiency and productivity through better staff morale and lower out-patient costs. According to statistics and facts, yearly corporate health screening events are proven to be effective events to boost employee morale and have given them the welfare of a convenient time and a chance to have a better understanding of their overall health as it will allow them to have an early detection and to receive effective treatment of potential health problems. This empowers the institution as whole to make informed actions towards healthy living. The survey questions will better analyse the lifestyle status of the staff and the corporation, giving our clients a more comprehensive view of their employees’ health status. Menu. Top 9 Biometric Screening Companies for Wellness Programs Details: Onsite Health Diagnostics is one of the best biometric screening companies we have worked with. This service is managed by a General Practitioner who has been trained to use the latest skin screening techniques. Education is the onset to a healthier lifestyle. Our onsite health checks provide a convenient way to assess an employee’s physical health, overall wellbeing and lifestyle choices. High blood cholesterol leads to increased deposition of fatty material on the inner walls of the blood vessels (known as atherosclerosis) resulting in the narrowing and subsequent blockage of the arteries. 545 Orchard Road Is your job putting your spine at risk? Who to … What’s best? Mediway Medical operates in a service-oriented, conscientious and effective manner to provide a wide array of well-tailored health screening packages and onsite services that can cater to the different needs of organisations in Singapore. Wish you Live Longer, Stay Healthier, and Age Gracefully. Above age 40. Extremely high triglycerides can also cause acute inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis). Need help with promotion and broadcasting? Corporate Onsite Health Screening Programme - We offers onsite health screen, health seminars, pre-employment check up and vaccination. Corporate Health Screening Services Onsite Employee Health Screening Pathlab offers onsite employee health screening throughout the country. Health Details: Corporate Onsite Health Screening Mediway Medical operates in a service-oriented, conscientious and effective manner to provide a wide array of well-tailored health screening packages and onsite services that can cater to the different needs of organisations in Singapore. Corporate On-Site Health Screening. We’ll send you a tailored proposal that best caters to your needs and requirements. For the most up-to-date pricing on medical services you may contact our Medical Centre directly at. They’re focused on identifying health risks before they become problems and guiding employees to make better decisions about their future. All you have to do is. Through the use of our inexpensive services and quick result reporting, individuals and businesses will gain health and financial gain. Things we do for our corporate screenings! Our Onsite Skin Screening unit is dedicated to the detection and treatment of skin cancers and other skin health issues, particularly in areas where workers have a high level of sun exposure. Let us integrate your past corporate data to present you with a corporate health statistics report with trended analysis over the past 3 years. We firmly believe in giving the full support to patients after they receive their medical results. We have had over 15 years of health screening experience. Our onsite health checks provide an overview of the general health and wellbeing of your staff. WhatsApp: +65 8831 3515, Far East Shopping Centre We provide customized publicity materials as means of support to help you promote our health screening programme. We’ll also be at your disposal for support and address any concerns that you may have. A high level of glucose above the normal range is indicative of diabetes. At Mediway Medical, we have tailored the full body checkup based on your age, medical history, risk … Obese individuals have 2-6 times higher risk of developing high blood pressure and are twice more likely to suffer from stroke than their leaner peers. Customized test packages typically include height, weight, BMI, blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes screening. Hence Mediway Medical strives to embrace our nation’s vision of promoting a happier and healthier life to our valuable workforce. Doctors use HBA1C result to gauge the fluctuation of blood sugar levels prior 2-3 months. We perform workplace ergonomics assessment onsite for early detection of spinal malfunction, muscle weakness, spinal misalignment and degeneration. Health screening done at the comfort of your workplace eliminates the need for employees to travel down to a clinic, resulting in fewer work disruptions. Onsite Health Screening is a yearly exercise where Minmed mobile teams will visit your office to provide health screening services to your staff. 0 items / $ 0.00. Onsite Health Screening Have our dedicated teams conduct health screening at your premises. Our Medical Centre offers a diverse range of Health Screening Packages catered for individuals, families as well as employees of corporate organisations with the aim to help valuable lives get a better understanding and manage their health at affordable and reasonable full body checkup Singapore price. Good health enables you to get through various roles and stages of life and should never be taken for granted. Our objective is to work in partnership with organisations to develop a healthy workplace culture. HBA1C (Glycosylated haemoglobin) is a reliable blood test to assess a patient overall sugar level. Book Pre-departure COVID-19 PCR Test here. They offer two pricing strategies; one of which allows them to cover the nation without requiring site minimums. We have years of experience in ensuring our corporate partners’ employees are of the pink of health at our medical centre. Your Corporate Onsite Health Screening Specialist Here’s why you should be working with us. Speak with one of our experts now, we are ready to meet your needs! Healthy employees automatically translates into a happier and more productive workforce. The pressure of the blood in the circulatory system, often measured for diagnosis since it is closely related to the force and rate of the heartbeat and the diameter and elasticity of the arterial walls. 1.Pick a date 2. Corporate Wellness> Healtopedia Product> Pre-Employment. Corporate Onsite Health Screening. Held at your company offices and locations, our onsite health screening services offer flexible screening access under your control. Rapid Test Kit Antigen (RTK Antigen) Please leave your contact method and we will get back to you with more information. We provide a dedicated helpline for queries and consultations. We support you with publicity EDM materials, online registration, SMS reminders and much more! All health reports comes personalised with advise and recommendations delivered within 5 working days, Significant cost savings, easy planning and productivity gains are just some of the many perks of corporate onsite health screening. As we embrace our nation's vision of a happier and healthier life for each and every individual, we work hard with our specially tailored approach to each and every client's unique needs. Those who have continually done their screenings with us over the last few years will get a year-on-year trending on their Lipid Profile and Glucose Profile. Above age 50. We’ll be responsible for all set-up, logistics, facilitation and medical report delivery at click of a button. Besides that, we are in constant search on how to make this journey an easy one for our partners. We will do the rest for you. About Us. Provide us a venue 3. This report will be provided in PDF format at the end of the Health Screening exercise. We bring industry experts to your workplaces and impart the right knowledge to your employees, Implementing well-crafted programs creates and sustains a culture of healthy lifestyle to improve employee satisfaction and productivity. Corporate Onsite RTK Antigen Screening (Rapid Test Kit Antigen) Corporate Wellness> COVID-19 Test> Johor Bahru> Klang> Kuala Lumpur> Kuching> Penang> Petaling Jaya. Early detection makes a difference between relatively simple treatments and life threatening complications. Looking after the long term health of your employees has been shown to be good business. Share this: Facebook; WhatsApp; More; Related Post: MALAYSIA HEALTHCARE NEWSLETTER Vol 01 | 2019 The Most Valuable Companies – MJ HK HEALTH SCREENING CENTER. The level of blood glucose is influenced by food intake, and an adequate level of glucose is essential for normal body functions. We Are Professional, Trustworthy, & Reliable Providers of Corporate Health Talk, Health Screening, Health Programme & Workshops Covering Various Health Topics! Screening takes just 15-20 minutes per employee or up to 70 pax/hour. This includes a new full-report with up to 3 years trending. Your staffs will also receive SMS and Email screening reminders and notifications before the screening and be prompted when their results are ready. Hence, we would like to introduce to you our Corporate Wellness onsite program! If you have been screened within … Health Screening in Singapore is essential for the early detection of health conditions. Tel: 6777 1227, Health Screening services have resumed from, Copyright 2021 © Health Outreach Programme | All rights reserved. JOIN OUR PROGRAMME IN 3 SIMPLE STEPS . Based on the report, organisation can tailor follow-up programmes to the needs of the employees. Vision Exchange Report ready in 1 day. COLORECTAL CANCER BREAST CANCER CHRONIC ILLNESS CERVICAL CANCER. We have designed a range of health screening profiles to deliver a comprehensive overview of the health of each participant. Singapore 608526 (Office) Subscribe and stay up to date with the latest news from us. These recommendations and advice are based on the results attained through the blood test. Please leave your contact method and we will get back to you with more information. This includes monitoring and reporting on: blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), and blood profiles for lipid panels, cholesterol, and glucose. Your medical report comes summarised with recommendations and advice on how to modify and improve lifestyle to reduce risk factors. How you can help patients like Hayley with stage IV melanoma July 19, 2017; Top 5 tips to shift the festive weight January 30, 2017; Extra Links. We have reformatted the report with easy-to-understand charts and descriptions to provide you with a clearer overview of the health status of your organization. We will be able to help employees with injuries and teach them correct modalities to use to get back to work without pain. slide to view more. Learn how you can bring biometric screenings to your corporate … Mediway Medical operates in a service-oriented, conscientious and effective manner to provide a wide array of well-tailored health screening packages and onsite services that can cater to the different needs of organisations in Singapore. Our corporate health screening programmes are designed to give your employees an overview of their health status without the need to take a leave of absence from work. Depending on different corporate interests, their Human-Resource Managers can easily opt for a basic screening, with add-on options to … Corporate Wellness Onsite Program. Onsite health screenings show your employees that you care about their wellbeing and results in a healthier and more knowledgeable workforce. Corporate Onsite Health Checks. In Singapore, the pace of work in many organisations is fast and stressful. Its level is controlled by the action of a hormone known as insulin, which is produced by the pancreas. Delivered by experienced screening practitioners, our health checks are conducted privately and confidentially within a room in your workplace that we turn into a clinic environment. Examinetics is the nation's leading mobile onsite occupational health screening & testing service providing audiometric testing, respirator fit testing and other compliance exams at your location. It is the lowest level your blood pressure reaches as your heart relaxes between beats. Recent News. In addition to onsite biometric screenings, we offer lab screenings, physician form screenings, and home test kits. Connect with us to learn more. We can work with your office to deliver feature-packed onsite health screening programmes. Its seven NYC clinics and 3,300+ partner-providers nationwide deliver a spectrum of employment health screenings. BMI is a measure of body fat based on your weight in relation to your height and is used to determine one’s health risk of getting obesity related disease. 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