… I'm just gonna leave him up there and enjoy this … ... having authored the vast majority of all the guides you'll find here at RDR2… Dutch, F..K You Anyway bitch! Like Sadie, Charles Smith joins Arthur on his crusade and later helps John Marston track down Micah Bell in the epilogue. John eventually makes his union with Abigail official and proposes to her. Cancelled mission. For Red Dead Redemption 2 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Question about freeing micah mission *possibly spoiler*". ... That does it for who betrayed the gang in Red Dead Redemption 2. The score that is supposedly going to finally allow them all to retire to Tahiti. However, John over the course of the epilogue also runs into Sadie, who has information about Micah. There are ways, however, to alter some of the ending sequences of the game, with a final choice in the last mission in Chapter 6 changing the ending in a major way. Micah wearing a white suit in the Saint Denis bank robbery is not proof or even evidence that he was with the Pinkertons, but it is interesting. In the end, Dutch was at a loss for words, possibly because he realized working with Micah was a bad choice, but we end up seeing him save both John and Sadie's life by shooting Micah, then mysteriously walks away. Dutch’s plan to spur on Eagle Flies and the Wapiti tribe against the U.S. Army succeeds, and results in Eagle Flies’ death. Micah became ac… The Dutch van der Linde gang by the time Chapter 6 rolls around is a total mess. The Honor system in Red Dead Redemption 2 story mode influences a couple of sequences in significant ways. Micah Bell III was born circa 1860 to Micah Bell Jr., a ruthless petty outlaw. By the time the credits finally stop rolling, the connection from Red Dead 1, to Read Dead Redemption 2, is completed. Soon after Bell's death, Bureau agents Edgar Ross and Archer Fordham show up on Mount Hagen, where they discover Micah's dead body. 0. If he's been dishonorable, however, he won't take it that well, but will still resolve to do all he can to help some of his fellow gang members get to safety, especially John Marston and his family. Coming to the game’s epilogue, the Dutch Van der Linde gang as already fallen apart. If the player instead chose to go for the money, Arthur, who is sick and beaten half to death, has nothing left to give. Having written those hundreds of thousands of words Logan still drops in and makes the odd tweak or update, but is otherwise eagerly awaiting the next massive gameplay updates from Rockstar. At this point, he’s just trying to focus on being a good man for once in his life. It’s left for interpretation. John and Trelawney never actually interact in RDR2 but he does mention the woman who Dutch shot in the face during the Blackwater heist that precedes this game and the Stranger brings it up in RDR1. He’s kind of just watching while Micah and John argue, but isn’t really saying much. If written well that sort of story could carry the same emotional weight as RDR2's. What happens when you die? 5. His mother was captured by soldiers a couple years later and was never seen again, whilst his father fell into a depression and became an alcoholic. But even aside from that, Arthur can plainly see that his sins have finally caught up to him and everyone else. He and Abigail are still struggling to shed their past, but John eventually finds decent work as a ranch hand under a new alias, Jim Milton. Could someone tell which mission/chapter this happens(as spoiler free as possible) so i can switch my horse at the stable beforehand? In the post-credit scenes, you learn that Charles and Sadie eventually go their own ways. Subscribe to the VG247 newsletter Get all … 10 Questions We Still Have About Arthur Morgan After RDR2. What Happens If You Shoot Dutch Instead Of Micah At The Epilogue In Red Dead Redemption 2? Or is it no big deal to be wanted? John is determined to end that part of his life once and for all, and joins Sadie and Charles in pursuing Micah up in the mountains. During specific story events, Arthur will have visions of two different animals, a wolf is he's dishonorable and deer if he's honorable. Micah and Dutch’s whereabouts are unknown and the game picks up with a new main character, John Marston. Logan is probably the most knowledgable Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online writer we have onboard, having authored the vast majority of all the guides you'll find here at RDR2.org. Micah climbs the tower above it after being shot by Dutch, ... and all he did was snitch and leave others to die. Especially Sean, Ms. Susan, Lenny etc. It is possible that the gang kicks/kills Micah as all the people who were supporting Arthur and Dutch will be against Micah. Micah and Dutch, for now, get away with it. When Micah was 17 in 1877, he and his father were on the run for the brutal double homicide of Roscoe and Jean Briggs, who were hung from the rafters with their throats slit. He’s dying of Tuberculosis which was extremely deadly at this time in U.S. history. At the beginning of the mission, the Van der Linde gang is clearly no more, with Dutch, Bill Williamson, Javier Escuella and the traitor Micah on one side, and Arthur and John, who's been left to die by Dutch himself during a prior mission, on the other. In 1899, Micah had only been a member of the Van der Linde gang for 5 months before a robbery in Blackwater goes horribly wrong, forcing the gang to hide out in Colter in the Western Grizzlies, although not soon after travelling into the state of New Hanover, Micah was caught by the law for murder and taken to jail in Strawberry. While the bad ending isn't particularly bad, it's definitely not in line with the way Arthur approached life after discovering he was sick, as he was resolved in letting, at the very least, John and his family escape, trying to give them a chance to finally start over. That’s it for the ending explained for Red Dead Redemption 2. Rest in peace buddy. Which Red Dead Redemption 2 ending is the best? Close. Like in the bad ending, Dutch will eventually appear to stop Arthur from killing Micah. These changes are small, but they manage to represent Arthur's current state of mind and how he feels about the end of his life that's quickly approaching. I've never played RDR1 and I'm not that far into RDR2 yet (around chapter 2 or 3 I think) and I was wondering what all the Micah hate was about He is broken out days later by Arthur Morgan, before they go on a shooting spree in the town before heading back to Dutch. Micah will then shoot a dying Arthur in the face while laughing. Events at the ranch force John to take up his guns once again much to the dismay of Abigail who desperately pleads for him to stop. It’s not 100% clear why Dutch did what he did. Briefly after the game launched I read somewhere that in one of the later missions your horse gets killed with no way of avoiding it. A shootout will ensue at the camp, and Arthur and John will try to make their escape from their former companions. Sadie tries to interrupt, but Micah gets the better of her and holds her hostage. It’s possible that Dutch’s guilt over what happened to Arthur, the gang, and what was about to happen to John if he didn’t do something, finally overwhelmed him. He has resurfaced, and she wants to go after him. Got Micah out of jail but gunfight and I became a wanted man (even with face covered.) The situation seems sticky for John who appears to be outnumbered. If you choose to help John make his escape, you will be set on the good ending path, and you will end up fighting a lot of Pinkertons on the cliffs. won’t die because Hosea will keep Dutch under control. Dutch finally reveals his true colors at this time. The Red Dead Redemption 2 story mode is a rather linear affair. Check out this Red Dead Redemption 2 choices and consequences guide to find out what happens for each one. After a botched robbery in Saint Denis, Micah, along with Dutch… Does Charles Smith Die? The duel between the two outlaws will end in a draw, and Dutch will step in to stop Arthur from killing the traitor. It also has “Vengeance is hereby mine” hand etched into the side of the barrel. You can either help John or choose to go back for the money. If you don’t want this section spoiled please stop reading here. Arthur tries one more time to plead to Dutch that Micah is the rat, but Dutch instead just walks away. Later on, Arthur will be presented with a choice: go back to get the money, or help John escape with his life. You should not proceed if you want to experience the ending for yourself, and haven’t yet. Micah, in his typical weasel fashion, tries to convince John to join himself and Dutch. It's a very emotional one, so get tissues ready, it's hard not to be moved by it. Right when things are about to go really south, Pinkertons show up, which forces everyone to scatter. He rescues John from imprisonment alongside Sadie, and they reunite him with Abigail (for now). When you die, does time advance? r/RDR2: Reddit community ... What happens when you die? John reaches out to Abigail and eventually he convinces her and Jack to return to live with him, Uncle, and Charles at Beecher’s Hope. If you decide to get the money, you will go back in the cave where you will be confronted by Micah. The two enter a standoff. Discussion. Throughout this process, he runs into Uncle and Charles, who both help him build up his new property at Beecher’s Hope from a dump, into a beautiful livestock ranch. Note that ultimately what truly matters for your ending is whether you were honorable or dishonorable by the end. Die Micah this is a revenge for Arthur ! It’s left for interpretation. Arthur will eventually die, but lest it will be a peaceful death with the gang members a Best Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Mods You Can’t Play Without, Red Dead Redemption 2: Is There Cross Platform Play? He states that he and his father lived with his mother’s tribe until the US Army drove them away. Abigail of course, accepts. Arthur returns to camp to confront Micah and Dutch. The final mission of the epilogue also brings closure to the story, giving players a final look at Dutch before he disappears until 1911, when the original Red Dead Redemption takes place. With either option, eventually it ends up with Micah and Arthur getting into a fight. John and Arthur escape together through the caves behind the camp. In the honorable death, Arthur succumbs to his disease. I just died in a duel and I wanted to go back to try again but couldn't. While I have not yet beaten Red Dead Redemption 2, my Xbox keeps telling me through story achievements that I am further along than something like 98.5% of … If you were dishonorable, Micah shoots you in the face. If you’ve beaten the game, you will now that an event takes place on Mount Hagen which results in the death of Micah. Not to mention our comprehensive cheat codes section. As we are going to focus on how to get all of the endings available in the story mode, this guide is going to feature huge spoilers almost immediately, so avoid reading this instant if you have yet to see any of the two endings. Micah, in shock, tries to retaliate but John seizes the opportunity and finishes Micah off for good. … Spoiler Warning: Obvious spoilers are obvious right? No matter the current honor rating, which ending you get depends entirely on a single choice that can be made during the Red Dead Redemption mission, the final one in Chapter 6. On the way out, you fight Micah in the burning remnants of the camp. After a long manhunt for the culprit, they eventually trace Micah's murder back to John at Beecher's Hope. Answered, Red Dead Redemption 2: How to Feed Your Horse, Microsoft Flight Simulator Tweed New Haven Airport Add-On Announced by Orbx, Scott Pilgrim vs. Archived. In the years since they all split up, Micah and Dutch were finally able to secure the money from Blackwater. The Honor system also influences some of the story sequences following the big reveal of Arthur's sickness. Micah really is a son of a you know what. Comments. RDR2.org is your #1 source for all things related to Red Dead Redemption 2. The pair succeed in rescuing Abigail, but before killing Agent Miller finally, he reveals that Micah, not Molly O’Shea, was the Pinkerton informant and the true rat. John is shot and presumed dead, and in the meantime, Abigail was abducted by the Pinkertons from the camp. It does seem as though Rockstar we’re trying to tell us something. Or maybe, it took him that long to realize that Micah was a lying piece of you know what. John alone locates Micah and confronts him. This turmoil between the two sides creates an opportunity for Dutch to go for one last score with the gang. Even if they’re not telling us that he is a rat, it could be used to foreshadow his betrayal. In case the title wasn’t a big enough red flag for you, this is one last warning that this article unsurprisingly will be explaining the ending of Red Dead Redemption 2. No matter the obtained ending, the game will continue with the Epilogue, where players will experience for themselves how John went from being an outlaw to a farmer. Dutch and Micah leave him to die. Does he hang if you just leave him in jail? Does anyone know? Yes, in case it wasn’t clear. ... Micah mustn't die, because you will fail the mission. John thanks Dutch, and Dutch just kind of disappears into the night afterwards, leaving behind the money which Sadie and John collect. Let’s fast forward all the way to ending and the epilogue that follows. Nah, it would be awful if an analogue for God/Satan was actually some bumbling British magician from RDR2. Arthur and Sadie cannot accept that, and they storm Van Horn to rescue Abigail where she is being held by Agent Miller. His tuberculosis gets the best of him and he passes away, looking off into the beautiful view. At this point, if the player chose to help John, Arthur speaks on how he has essentially no regrets because he tried his best to change. The three of them cut through heavy resistance, and along the way Sadie and Charles receive serious, but not life threatening injuries. 4 … Arthur will still try to make Dutch see reason, but it will be in vain. With Arthur and John having their doubts about Dutch’s real plan, they begin wondering if Dutch had lost his sanity. If several enemies suddenly appear in the area, consider using your Dead Eye ability. John goes straight, and continues to work as a ranch hand until he can save enough money to buy Beecher’s Hope, a plot of land that Abigail had her eye on, with some help from the local bank. It is then that Dutch emerges. Red Dead Redemption 2 does more than its predecessor to tell a complete, detailed story. John refuses of course. In Red Dead 2, you will get to make some choices that will have consequences down the line. Dutch will stop Micah from finishing Arthur, letting him die in peace. At a certain point during the escape sequence, John will inform Arthur that the money Dutch stashed away to make the gang's escape from America is still where it was left. User Info: Fidcal. Once you have killed enough, Micah will make his appearance, and the two outlaw will fight against one another with only their fists as their weapons. If he's been honorable, he'll take the news in an almost serene way, deciding to do good with the time he has left. It can be assumed that he was his father's partner-in-crime throughout his upbringing, although evidence suggests that he also ran with his brother, Amos, for a time. They are after U.S. payroll that is onboard a train. If you choose the first option, you will get on the path of the "bad" ending. Since Micah is dead, you need to return to Mount Hagen (the exact place you went for the story mission American Venom), and look for his frozen corpse. Dutch either doesn’t believe Arthur, or doesn’t want to, knowing that regardless of the truth, Micah is all Dutch has left now. Dutch appears to be a broken man. Home » Guides » Red Dead Redemption 2: Ending Explained (Spoilers). It’s not 100% clear why Dutch did what he did. At this point in the game, the player has two choices to change the outcome slightly. The disaster at Saint Denis is effectively the killing blow for the gang, even if Dutch doesn’t fully realize it quite yet. The next section will cover the game’s epilogue. he didnt value sh*t 1 hour ago, ... and following his fall from a Robin Hood type figure to the charismatic villain we meet in RDR2. The gang at this point is finally split. Check out this full walkthrough of the Companion Side Mission - Playing Five Fingers With Micah Mission from Red Dead Redemption 2, including gameplay tips, guides, and more! Dutch appears torn on what to do. Meanwhile, a newspaper reports that Micah Bell has been killed and that his "reign of terror" is over. The good ending is definitely more in line with Arthur's character, and definitely more satisfactory, as it shows how he indeed managed to redeem himself after a life of crime. What exactly happens? Micah, in shock, tries to retaliate but John seizes the opportunity and finishes Micah off for good. Here's what happens when you die during a mission, and in the open world. Do you load a last save? This isn't just because of how RDR2 depicts the original game's main character John Marston, but also how it introduces a fantastic new face into Red Dead Redemption's world only to rip him away again by the end of the game. John agrees despite Abigail’s plea to stay back. John turns up and also confronts Dutch about leaving him for dead during the train robbery. He leaves Abigail to her fate with the Pinkertons, and escapes with the money alongside the few that are still loyal to him now. Arthur is really gone, and his story ends here. Arthur to his credit, is finally starting to accept that the end is near. Although John was only trying to protect innocent people at the ranch, Abigail has enough and finally leaves John with Jack in tow. You will also get a scene with a wolf, which indicates that you have taken a dishonorable path. And, you see the beginnings of how Edgar Ross and the government learn of John Marston’s whereabouts, which of course kicks off the events of Red Dead Redemption 1. Born to an African American father and a Native American mother, Smith became one of the most recent additions to the Van der Linde gang joining roughly 6-7 months before the events of the game. We highly recommend that you do that, and return here if you’re still confused about what is going on. Depending on your current rating, Arthur will react differently to learning that he has contracted tuberculosis and that he doesn't have long to live. We hope that clears everything up for you and that you enjoyed the story as much as we did. At this point, Arthur, now very close to death, will tell his former companions that he tried to change, unlike them. Dutch eventually intervenes when Arthur is close to grabbing a gun that could kill Micah. Dutch is fully spiraling out of control now though, and his reckless plans effectively undoes Arthur’s work. Micah, is the one who betrayed Dutch and his gang. I'm on my second play through and I just started chapter 3. Charles survives the story of Red Dead Redemption 2. He’s battling Tuberculosis and will die regardless of the choices you make along the way. RDR2: Blessed Are the Meek walkthrough Red Dead Redemption 2 Guide and Walkthrough. In the dishonorable ending, Micah shoots Arthur and the Epilogue continues with the player controlling John Marston. A short sequence with a deer will also play, indicating that Arthur chose an honorable path when deciding to help John Marston make his escape. If you were honorable, Arthur dies peacefully knowing he truly turned over a new leaf. The good ending is definitely more in line with Arthur's character, and definitely more satisfactory, as it shows how he indeed managed to redeem himself after a life of crime. The robbery is successful… for Micah and Dutch anyway. We have the latest Red Dead Redemption 2 news, the biggest forums and have the largest collection of RDR2 guides anywhere. and that you enjoyed the story as much as we did. Connect with Logan on, © 2020 RDR2.org is an unofficial Red Dead Redemption 2 fan site and is in no way affiliated with, Red Dead Redemption 2 Is Steam's Game Of The Year, Start The Year With Collector & Naturalist Bonuses In Red Dead Online, The Holidays Have Come To Red Dead Online. I know there’s a slim chance he wouldn’t get it but come on. After all, you wouldn't want to make a mistake. Micah then seizes the opportunity and kills Arthur himself. I mean that’s exactly how Arthur got it. Instead of wallowing, John tries to prove to Abigail that he can change, and attempts to fulfill her dream of owning their own ranch together. Fidcal - 2 years ago. He doesn’t really say much. Is there any way to play that without becoming wanted? However, surprisingly, Dutch shoots Micah. Obviously I can't progress to the end without doing that mission, but it's just great not having him around. He also spends a lot of time trying to help Wapiti tribe leader, Rains Fall, keep his son from starting a war with the U.S. army stationed in the area. Although the original Red Dead Redemption is already a pretty sad game, the events of Red Dead Redemption 2 make it even more depressing. In Red Dead Redemption 2 death isn't the end, but it can be a bitter blow. The World: The Game – Complete Edition Receives Limited Physical Release, Microsoft Flight Simulator Santorini International Airport Add-On Released by JustSim, Black Ops Cold War Mid-Season Update to Bring New Fireteam Map & Zombies Mode, Microsoft Flight Simulator F-15 Add-On Gets Release Date & Pricing Info With Bonus F-22 Raptor Tease, Red Dead Redemption 2: Ending Explained (Spoilers). Posted by 1 year ago. Following Arthur’s death, the game fast forwards a few years. Should I just leave Micah in Strawberry? Does anyone else think it’s some shit that Micah beat the fuck out of Arthur at the end of the game and got Arthur’s blood all over his face and in his mouth and yet didn’t catch TB? Most of the story missions don't offer players any choice, and the ones that do only include minor choices which don't alter the course of the story in any major way. Dutch will stop Micah from finishing Arthur, letting him die in peace. Either way, John returns to Abigail, who is elated to see him, and it seems that it’s finally over. For him, it’s literal because of his illness. When you find Micah, his revolver will be beside him. After dealing with a few disturbances from local gangs, and bounty hunters; more or less, the four of them live in peace for a while and John slowly becomes a more responsible partner and father. In which mission does my horse die? It does seem rather strange because he doesn't respond to John's "thank you" or even go back for the money. While not an ending, there's a special cutscene in the Red Dead Redemption mission which is only played if you have reached the maximum bond level with your horse. Also, remember not to set up yourself in an open space, because you can become an easy target for your enemies. This weapon has an ammo capacity of six rounds, being able to use Regular, High Velocity, Split Point, Express and Explosive revolver ammo. One of the twin revolvers used by Micah Bell, this custom Double-action Revolverfeatures a grey steel frame with a custom red-and-black skull grip. It’s a lucrative offer. Runs into Sadie, who is elated to see him, it ’ s how... Imprisonment alongside Sadie, Charles Smith joins Arthur on his crusade and later John. A fight so i can switch my horse at the camp significant.. Elated to see him, it took him that long to realize that Micah a! Cave where you will go back in the open world tribe until the us Army drove them away by. 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