Yes the family court system is broken and needs reform. Custody and Power . When I first started hearing these stories I didn’t believe they were part of a pattern. Tina wanted to keep fighting, but with this strong report against her, she was terrified that she would lose Lucy altogether, so she consented to one overnight stay per week. For example, 83% of mothers receive custody of their children in divorces. it would be easy to conclude from that that the ‘truth’ lies in the middle: Many argue there could have been a societal bias that led fathers to give up custody, rather than bias by the courts since most fathers give up custody without the intervention of the courts. The justice also found the father had been intimidating during the marriage, and “manipulative and disingenuous” in his evidence. courts, in various capacities. "Yes there is bias, prejudice and discrimination in family court towards men. as we must remove any bias from the minds of judges, we must also allow them More chilling, however, were findings Jeffries (and others) published in the UNSW Law Journal that same year. that was a slightly long-winded way of saying that I thought I would have a please sign up for instant access today. Stop family court collusion with misogynist fathers’ lobby. Even where serious violence had been proven, it found, supervised contact with abusive fathers was becoming much more common. John Bolch often wonders how he ever became a family lawyer. the recent discussion in the letters section of The Guardian newspaper regarding the suggestion that “the But there is a pyramid of harm.’. Lucy’s father suddenly relinquished custody when she was 13. would involve a dereliction of the duty we surely have to properly investigate Grant Bowen is campaigning for Family Law reform. In 1925, family courts evaluating cases of separation were guided by the Tender Years doctrine, which observed that kids under the age of 13 were more likely to be psychologically dependent on their mother for care. But the obvious problem with suggesting that there is There once may have been a day where the United States court system was 100% unbiased, but if those days ever existed, they’re lost to the annals of courtroom history books.Long ago, there certainly was a time where women were oppressed in the courts, but with rampant cases against men for abuse, negligence, and carelessness, men have become the oppressed … and too often, the court … I think family courts are a bit patriarchal. Under the current Family Law Act, judges are to prioritise the protection of children “from physical or psychological harm and from being subjected to, or exposed to, abuse, neglect or family violence”. The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court Gender Bias Task Force also uncovered substantial evidence of gender bias against mothers in family courts. Just The fine article confines itself to revealing the frank bias of family court judges, but I’d like to add a bit of content: judicial bias against fathers is also judicial bias against mothers and children. Maybe there is Legal practitioners openly stated that they knew which family report writers to go to if they were representing a perpetrator. There is no help for men dealing with a difficult female. From our experience working with families, we have realized family court can be biased towards mothers and against fathers in custody disputes. For five years, Lucy had to spend one night a week with her father. Getting caught up in the family court system can be one of the most daunting experiences in a man’s life. That is something that will never change until we treat everyone with the same level of respect and not jump to conclusions that effect our children dramatically. Trust me. It boils down to whether it’s all a facade or not. This is especially true if you and the child’s mother were never married. other side. But Court-Determined Custody Arrangements Are Still Strongly Anti-Father As such, the majority of moms seeking custody … As a result, women have to think carefully about bringing abuse allegations to court – even where they may be evidence – in case they get accused of making false claims and lose custody as a result.”, “…putting these decisions in the hands of an unaccountable and disproportionately male judiciary, untrained in domestic abuse, some of whom seem to have no problem slipping their social biases into the courtroom, is bound to cause problems. Thankfully I’m a wife beating, lager drinking helicopter mechanic, so that problem falls on the professionals that are respected to make those decisions and not stupid people like me obviously. According to Slate, bias against fathers when it came to child custody was quite common in the past. here last Friday: The people that will decide a small child’s future will have forgotten the case by the time that child is an adult. But there was a catch: if a parent alleged abuse, they could be labelled a “hostile parent”, unwilling to support shared parenting. Despite all this, the justice ordered that the daughters spend alternate weekends and half the school holidays with their father. If you or someone you know is impacted by sexual assault or family violence, call 1800-RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or visit and children”. However, she warns that increased judicial willingness to contemplate transferring children’s residence from “alienating mothers” to their fathers’ risks overlooking abuse by fathers and transferring the child into the care of the abuser himself. Additionally, men are awarded less support on average than mothers who are awarded support. Current beliefs and understandings are likely to be overcome by future knowledge, much as historical beliefs have been replaced by modern research. circuit judge His Honour Glenn Brasse leaping to the defence of the judiciary, Whatever analogy seems appropriate to you, the law and perceptions of fairness are perpetually changing. We write urgently to ask you to object to the President of the family court, Sir Andrew McFarlane, and Jacky Tiotto, the CEO of CAFCASS (created to protect children), endorsing Families Need Fathers, a misogynist fathers’ organisation, by speaking at their national conference on Saturday 21 November. I didn’t know if she was going to vomit or wet her pants,” Tina told me. In his judgment, Justice Robert Benjamin of the Hobart family court accepted that the father had demonstrated “inappropriate” affection towards his daughter. that the family courts are not actually biased one way or another. I stress. An inquiry deputy-chaired by Pauline Hanson – who seems driven by a personal need for vengeance on behalf of her son – is almost certainly not going to achieve the changes children so urgently need. However, despite these problems most of you have failed because you didn't take the time to learn how the system works." In my personal experience there is definitely a bias but I don’t think it’s gender based. Fathers’ rights groups across the country do not have a laundry list of specific things they want, but they are advocating for the more general position of equal treatment in the family courts. I read a In both directions. I’ll never forget sitting across from Lucy, an 18-year-old who, aged eight, had the courage to tell her school counsellor she was being sexually molested by her father. On the 11th of March, for example, a letter from Jane Fortin, Emeritus professor of law at the University of Sussex, was published. With over 40 years of family law advocacy, that started in law school, as well as comprehensive knowledge and experience in the area of shared equal parenting rights, Gene C. Colman vigorously fights against gender bias in divorce and separation proceedings. It’s nothing more than the obvious. As I explained on Friday, one of her particular concerns relates to what she called “the junk science of “parental alienation syndrome”, which she suggests is being too readily accepted by courts as a fact, when raised by fathers in response to abuse allegations by mothers. When her mother, Tina, applied to stop contact, a family report writer dismissed Lucy’s allegations, described Tina as “psychotic” and wrote in his report to the court that if the allegations should be raised again, Lucy should be ordered to live full-time with her father. Such stories are legion across Australia. Everyone knows someone who’s had a shitty time in the family law system. An example would be the one-line statement citing 8 respondents to the study claiming that ‘ The system is biased towards the mother’ (Lee, 1991, p.36) followed by no further dialogue on this issue. is that it runs the risk of pushing judges over the other side of that rope. Given the capacity for errors in human judgment, of course, there may be fathers who have heartbreakingly had access to their children unjustly restricted. Stowe Family Law LLP is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority. what is, as I say, a serious topic, which can have extremely serious consequences. In fact, perceived bias against men in family courts has, in large part, provided the so-called “Men’s Rights Movement” with momentum. This is the rot at the core of our family law system. They were, on the face of it, reasonable – judges should apply a presumption of shared parental responsibility unless violence or abuse was an issue. Until the statistics tell us that more than 4 percent of divorced fathers are seeking custody through the Family Court system, there are few men who have such experience and proof of … getting it right in every case is obviously an impossibility. The mother of our child has been granted legal aid and all the other support that comes with being a victim of domestic abuse, all with no evidence. I’ve lost count of the number of victimised parents, usually mothers, who’ve told me they are terrified to leave their violent relationships because they know that if they get drawn into the family law system, they cannot guarantee their children’s safety. seen, it’s a desperately thin tightrope that the courts must negotiate, and Also the lord chief justice for family courts is a lead supported of father for justice, so any bias that may exist is certainly not in the favour of women. Some liken the changing notions of justice to the swinging of a pendulum. In his report, former family court judge Richard Chisholm called this trap “the victim’s dilemma”, a position later articulated by former attorney general Robert McClelland: “Do I report family violence to the court and risk losing my children, or should I stay silent?”, This change in attitude was made explicit in a 2007 judgment from Justice Tim Carmody (who was, for a brief and controversial period, Queensland’s chief justice). A father already on the sex offenders register for possessing child abuse images was fighting for equal care of his daughters, aged eight and 10. See where I’m going? Children with divorced or separated parents are suffering in a “broken” family court system which has a bias towards women, according to local father Grant Bowen. Whether we like it or not. Nor am I surprised when I read that a family court judge has awarded custody of a 3-year-old girl to the father who has violently beaten her mother. Historically in family law, due … There is no excuse for an innocent man being deprived access to his children. My son turns four soon. The lack of transparency about how these decisions are made has allowed a dangerous narrative to prevail: that the system is biased against fathers. Both parties will always want more time, access, money, justice, etc. “Our research contradicted the perception that there is a bias in favor of women and that in determining custody and visitation, many judges and family service officers do not consider violence toward women relevant. The anomaly is that while the accuser may have legal aid representation, the accused, usually a man, does not.”, “Sodha refers to a “disproportionately male” judiciary, but that was certainly not the case in the central family court, where I sat. The mother was requesting he have supervised daytime contact only. It’s a can of worms that should have never been opened until we can “judge” more effectively. Parental alienation has become a huge viscous circle but it most definitely exists. If he doesn’t want to see his mother then it’s obvious the abusive perpetrator has caused it. I have put much thought into this debate as many have who work within the family law circuit and those of us men and women who have been mistreated and incorrectly judged. There is no presumption or a priori rule that even gross misbehaviour such as child sexual abuse ... puts up an insurmountable barrier in the way of having contact with a child victim.”. In 2006, despite this noted tilt against women, and after three years of what then-legal associate Waleed Aly described as “an incessant and often intimidatory campaign by father’s rights groups”, the Howard government introduced new reforms to the Family Law Act. With it, parental roles and the court’s opinion on parental roles have changed. “It became very violent,” Lucy told me, “and if I wouldn’t comply, it was brought up that I wasn’t allowed to speak about it [by the court], so maybe I should just shut up and let it happen, and no one would believe me anyway”. When presented with an individual that is allegedly a horrible person, we are all far too eager to feel like a hero and chastise the alleged perpetrator. Yes, many fathers have a terrible time in the family law system. SRA ref 469401. closer look at the topic I highlighted in my weekly review post Jess Hill is an investigative reporter who is the author of the book on domestic violence See What You Made Me Do. ‘It’s like you go to abuse school’: how domestic violence always follows the same script, ‘Yes, many fathers have a terrible time in the family law system. Prominent doctors have confided in me their horror at what they see happening to their patients in the system – especially to the children. Lucy thinks that’s because she was old enough for people to believe her. But there were other voices who agreed with Ms Sodha. I’ve spent almost five years investigating domestic abuse in Australia. Hi, Okay, all of They’re afraid their children will be at greater risk if they leave than if they stay. The remaining bias in family court is related to money. The simple and short answer is yes, there is a perceived bias against fathers but i do not feel it is a bias held only by the courts, It extends far beyond that and I hope to be able to go someway to proving that to you albeit with anecdotal evidence. Their eldest daughter had told child-protection workers that she loved her father and didn’t want to upset him, but wasn’t comfortable staying over at his house, particularly on her own. Not even at a fact finding hearing. Let me give you my example. This led to retired disproportionately male judiciary is more likely to rule against abused women They land in my inbox every week. He also believed the mother’s allegation that several years earlier she had seen the father with an erection, leaning over and touching his five-year-old stepdaughter while her pyjama pants were down, and he accepted that the mother delayed reporting it for years because she was afraid of the father. The suggestion was contained in an opinion piece by deputy opinion writer Sonia Sodha, which appeared in the paper on the 5th of March. The punishment for hostile parents could be extreme: they not only ran the risk of losing custody of their children, they could be blocked from seeing or even speaking to them for months. But there is a pyramid of harm. She repeatedly pleaded with child-protection workers not to repeat what she’d said to her father. Historically, men have seen themselves as the primary breadwinners while viewing mothers more as the caretakers of children and the home. If her husband applied for custody, she knew it was highly likely he would be granted unsupervised access. Well that’s obvious. The title says it all – “The idea that family courts are biased against men is a dangerous fallacy.” After that, those of us who toil in the family court reform vineyard know what’s coming, and Sodha doesn’t disappoint. The way you look and present yourself seems to be the strongest part of any persons case in family court. She was the recipient of three of the 2015 Our Watch Walkley awards, including the Gold award for reporting on violence against women. At the same time, other than finally meeting a solicitor that for once isn’t treating me as an abuser by default, nobody is even willing to listen to my side of the story. I am just waiting for the day that I won’t be allowed to see him again. This is to be a higher priority than the “benefit to the child of having a meaningful relationship with both parents”. in the letters column of the 9th of March. But the balance of evidence points to a system that is biased against abused women and children, not innocent, falsely accused men.”. A couple of years ago a barrister, now a magistrate, told me she stayed in her controlling and abusive marriage for 10 years after she first wanted to leave. Mothers were seen as the primary caregivers and were often given custody, especially for children age seven and younger. To ensure we are the right fit, we need to make you aware that we cannot offer Legal aid. The better the actor you are, the better the outcome. Nothing has left me more shocked – or more disturbed – than seeing the harm done to victims by the family law system. I do not even lift an eyebrow when a 2-year-old boy, who comes home from unsupervised visitation with his dad, has a diaper filled with his own rectal blood and that same child is later turned over to his father on a full-time basis. If my son says he does not want to visit his father then no court will force it. “I will never forget the first time we had to drop her back to him. highlighted in my weekly review post In 2001, a joint study by the family court and the University of Sydney found that the family law system had “tilted more and more against women, either by accident or design”. But Parental Alienation most certainly does exist. First she denies that family court outcomes disproportionately treat fathers worse than mothers. great deal about family law, and the opinions of those who use the family Sadly we are now in a situation where people that are distraught, depressed, obviously emotional and even sometimes suicidal, are being judged as having a personality disorder. The speaker continued by explaining why men lose in family court. As far as both genders complaining post court proceeding. Mothers and children get approached with unfounded suspicion, and children are suffering the cruel consequences. First and foremost, we need to make this a system that is safe for children. And whether or not the almost universal anti-father bias in our public institutions in child support, child protection and legal aid is producing the best outcomes. Many fathers we have represented can personally attest to experiencing a negative outcome in a custody dispute because of gender bias in the court system. This is the evidence. A bias, against mothers who claim abuse, exists in Family Courts in several particular countries around the world; countries where parental alienation has become a ‘thing’. Fathers who can afford high priced representation will often come out better in court. Take this case, for example, from 2010. Overnight stays were to be supervised by an “adult friend” of the father, to “address” the elder daughter’s nervousness, and the daughters should share a room for “mutual support”. Pats on the back all round in the courts and then twenty years later bailing your son out of a police cell for drugs or violence. Are remote family courts really horribly cruel? favour of one side of the debate there is another opinion in favour of the In 2007, Rae Kaspiew (now at the Australian Institute of Family Studies) found there were very limited circumstances in which a mother could challenge ongoing paternal involvement, “except in cases where the evidence of severe violence was clear-cut”. public pe rception of bias against fathers by the Family Court. Being a father trying to use the system, it would be very easy for me to say that the system is heavily biased against fathers. Of course, She says: “There is evidence of an increasing willingness in recent case law to transfer the residency of children from “alienating” mothers to their fathers. Besides, I knew that this system was actually biased against fathers, not mothers. I felt physically sick, watching how distressed she was. The legal climate is subject to change. The law requires the court to prioritise ‘the need … Rose - 14-May-20 @ 4:09 AM Celyn’s dad part: but eventually I had to leave with my 2 boys and stay at a family refuge hostel.Long story short, she was swearing at my children often calling them degrading names. I do understand that this is a serious topic and that many people have very strong feelings upon it. As can be A judge at court used my son to try and expose (I suppose) my narcissistic rage. In 2001, a joint study by the family court and the University of Sydney found that the family law system had “tilted more and more against women, either by accident or design”. For all the latest news from Stowe Family law First of all, apologies if you feel that the title of this post is somewhat flippant. A Statehouse bill would take a step in that direction. When asked why, she referred them back to what she’d told the police, but became “extremely distressed” when pressed to elaborate. The mother of our child has been granted legal aid and all the other support that comes with being a victim of domestic abuse, all with no evidence. More on that later. They seem to rule based a lot on tradition, rather than reality. He no longer practises, but has instead earned a reputation as one of the UK's best-known family law bloggers. There’s simply not enough cake to share and nobody is going to be happy when we wreck families. Submit your details below, and we’ll arrange a free, no-obligation call back at a time to suit you. Family law and it’s myriad apologists have a Pontius Pilate approach which is depressingly successful, the WRITTEN law is gender neutral, the law in practice is systemically BIASED against fathers. But even with this substantial change to the legislation, the same stories persist. Family law is no different. Over time, his molestation escalated to full-blown rape. However, society has changed. Sadly there is far too much information available to the general public and professionals about personality disorders. What is no-fault divorce - and should you wait for a no-fault divorce in the UK? This was a study on family reports – one of the most important pieces of evidence in a family law hearing – written by psychiatrists, social workers and psychologists, assessing the family dynamic and, commonly, evaluating allegations of abuse. That is not the courts. the freedom to deal with cases without any preconceptions. Anyone that has had their child taken from them will be irrational and not themselves. You can find the original Guardian article here, and the letters to which I have referred here and here. The “parental alienation syndrome” to which she refers may or may not exist as a phenomenon, but it is, sadly, true that some mothers turn their children unfairly against their fathers, just as often as is the converse.”. The vast majority of it being about men. She concludes: “A child at the receiving end of such an order might justifiably feel completely betrayed by the court system.”. So under Australian law, there should not be a family court bias against Fathers in Australia. The anti-violence campaigner Rosie Batty even told me that were it not for the family law system, she would hardly have any victims contacting her. The main issue for separated dads is that the rules that shape family life in the UK are unfair and unequal and any system of law based on those rules can only ever be biased against men. Nothing to do with gender. That’s human beings. There is no excuse for an innocent man being deprived access to his children. 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