If the line is not fused already, or there is no fuse in the panel I would suggest getting a cheap inline fuse-holder to splice into the wire. It won't make any difference. What am I do doing wrong . I really like the radio coded to Germany . My car radio will work with the ignition off and no keys in the ignition so it s not in the accessory position. (Any direct connection to the battery will normally be fused). As for the stereo not staying on when engine is off: You must log in or register to reply here. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. So my question is, is this a good solution, or did a do something stupid and tomorrow when i go to my car i will find it not starting because my battery is dead? If it is the former then you are not turning it off you are just muting it! If you figure it out let us know!! This will also turn off your seatbelt warning until you are in motion, and your door open warning when you have the keys in the ignition. They also use them for different functions on later vehicles, so you may find Acc wire is replaced by CAN network connection. Remove the three T30 Torx screws in the front of the box. That seemed like it fixed the problem, Question We have not been able to figure out how to leave the radio off like it was when the car was previously driven. At this point, you will have to push the radio button again to turn it back on......but you will probably have to let the Bluetooth resync at this time. Once you turn the key off, quickly depress the radio button (don't turn the key) to turn the radio on. Your ECU box is located on the right hand side of the engine bay. But my in-laws' '10 A6 does this every time and it's really annoying. The EVIC allows you to run various delays to keep ACC hot, or to just turn off when ignition shuts down. Car manufacturers quite often reverse permanent and Acc locations on ISO power plug. When I have one of those NPR moments, I'd like to be able to hear the rest of the story without leaving the car running, or without missing part of it while the systems restart. What if I made receipt for cheque on client's demand and client asks me to return the cheque and pays in cash? I can't say exactly, but to directly answer the question: yes it's entirely possible for you to leave your radio on and drain the battery. When you press the power button are the stations still visible on the display or do you see the Audi rings and “MMI” or “Infotaniment System”? Black is ground. (this normally varies between 3 to ten attempts) That all Audi radio devices do not apply the same principle of code entering. I don't know for how long. There are times when we don't want the radio to come on at vehicle startup. I know how to turn off the radio by holding down the volume control and it turns off the radio and screen. I have a canadian model though. I will try turning the key really fast. This may be how Fiat intended. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. What is the point of reading classics over modern treatments? And it also loses preferences (volume, radio stations, etc) Info about the connection from the car: Yellow wire - it is labeled "Battery" (on the car side), voltage is 12 when car is on, 0 when car is off. It only turned off when I ejected to faceplate. Should the stipend be paid if working remotely? I think that, for keeping the HU on ~30 seconds, I would go with a 2200uF/25v (be prepared with a 4700uF in case you don't get enough time with the 2200). It does not work on my 2010 either. If you get 0v when the car is off, this is probably incorrectly hooked up to the ACC (Accessory power) instead of constant 12v. Begin by removing the weather strip and then the plastic cover that goes over the battery, ECU box and cabin air filter housing. After you shut the car off press the power button on the radio. a bigger issue is while the car is cranking, the availible voltage is usually a lot lower than normal, and can drop down to a dangerious level for any type of computer device such as any AVIC, having the unit try to stay on while the starter is running could definitely brick your unit up. ). When you’re entering the Audi radio unlock code you need to have a few things in mind: That you only have a limited amount of attempts to punch in the correct code. In those vehicles, the radio is supposed to turn off when you either (a) open the door, or (b) it will go off when a timer clocks out, like after about 10 minutes. The OP asked for an easy way out. After a few minutes have passed, check if the radio has turned off. It … I don't know what happens if you change your MFD. Fri Oct 07, 2011 12:11 pm. However, if you really want to be able to listen to it with the car off then you would have to do something like what you have done, and splice the always on 12v to both connections on the stereo. If you absolutely must set yours up this way (I would not), running a wire from the battery to the head unit with a separate fuse inline is a safe bet. How can I quickly grab items from a chest to my inventory? I didn't look in radio coding hmm. Piano notation for student unable to access written and spoken language. Thanks for contributing an answer to Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair Stack Exchange! As for draining the battery, it's entirely possible, but that depends on the head unit, and how much power it draws when turned off. Yesterday, on using the key fob to unlock my car doors, I opened the door and the radio was playing. Why did it not work when you switched the wires? Going to drive in and need the radio to stay on the whole time without having to turn the key every 5-10 minutes whick turns the headlights on also. Is the country code menu pretty easy to find? 23 Answers. 1978 Wagoneer / 401 V8 / Alum Heads, Street Cam, Headers, EFI / Discs / It'll stay on for about an hour. Do not leave your car! Quite straight forward. Can an exiting US president curtail access to Air Force One from the new president? Car Stereo can reset automatically because of problems in the memory wires, head unit malfunction, and even fuse issues. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. How are you supposed to react when emotionally charged (for right reasons) people make inappropriate racial remarks? Tried on mine, 2011 Golf Wagon with RCD-510. rev 2021.1.8.38287, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. in the stereo world the conventions are as follows: Yellow wire is permanent 12V I've checked and it doen't stay on when I lock up, but on pushing the unlock button on returning to the car, the radio turns on. (didn't really leave it like that, i disconnected the unit, just in case :D). If you don't want to roll back or forward engage Hand Brake. Oh well, it was worth a shot. Red Wire labeled "ACC" should only have power when ignition is turned to ACC or car is running. Re: How do I turn off the Radio? 02 BMW 330i - Both my factory and new radio work fine when engine is cool, however, if u shut off the ignition, then restart the car while the engine is hot, the radio powers-up … Is that using the MFD, or vag-com? "Memory", as you correctly guess, provides a constant power to the stereo head that retains presets etc. Concert radio keeps cutting out and then switches off - posted in I.C.E and Electronics: Ive recently bought a 2006 A3 2.0 TDI with the standard 1din concert single CD /radio (I dont know the model number as the car came without the audi books). I HAVE AN AUDI Q7 2007 RADIO SHOWS MUTE WITH NO SOUND , ... My phone picks up bluetooth from my car and showes that it's connected to the car. My car stereo does not save radio station presets, Adding audio accessories that are always powered (independently of ACC), Head unit ignition switch wire has constant power, Selecting ALL records when condition is met for ALL records only. How do i keep the radio on when the car is off without having to turn the key every 5 minutes, 2010 Expedition? If the manufacturer designed the circuit to handle 5 amps, you risk blowing fuses and burning wires by overloading it. Accessing the relay is fairly straightforward. I think mine are all coded? My Solution Check the Acc with multimeter to determine when 12v Acc is present. Can I create a SVG site containing files with all these licenses? It sputters and tries to turn over but cannot start. I have tried this on my 2012 JSW. I changed my cluster to Great Britain and voila! For your 1999 Fiat Bravo, it is probably too old to have stereo CAN bus connections ( a lot of Fiats do) To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. If it still hasn't turned off, check if the dome lights turn off when the doors are shut. Again, this morning I went out to start my car and it won't start, then I remembered I left the radio on when I turned off my car last night. Maybe they can do it for me at the dealership next (last free) 30,000k service. Yes when key is in off position its 12 v, didn't try when key is removed. Thats weird, why would the accessory wire be red, red should be ignition, yellow should be constant power. I tried this once but as soon as I let go of the gear shift button the radio turned off - i'll have to try it again.. Why should we use the fundamental definition of derivative while checking differentiability? My car radio will turn off on its own after a period of time if the engine isn't running to prevent battery flattening. It is quite normal for this to be true. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. If you just turn the radio on it turns off after about 15 mins. I have tried turning off the radio and then restarting the engine (and every other combination) but still the radio turns ON. I didn’t say that it is the best way. And it also loses preferences (volume, radio stations, etc). Press and hold the power button until the Audi rings appear on the display. I still had the key in my hands and was outside the car. Your factory wiring was not designed to do what you suggest. But my car is similar to Oakminster’s: When I turn the car off, the radio keeps playing for 10 minutes, or until I open the door, whichever comes first.It is very possible that there is a way to change this so that the radio goes off when the car goes off. i say live with it or leave the car running. I have no idea what this means. If the radio turns off after a few minutes, that's normal for your vehicle. Since his vehicle is 12 years old, this would be an inexpensive way to solve the problem. I was always afraid of re-engaging the engine so I always waited a few seconds before turning the key back on. How do I turn off the Radio? The Problem: On a car that always cuts the radio off when you remove the key, it's technically true that leaving the radio on during starting will drain some additional current, but it's tiny compared with the starter motor (milliamps instead of amps). From what I was able to find the only way to keep the radio on is to put the shifter in any other location (R, N, D) and push the start/stop button to shut off. I do not believe there is a way to turn radio on prior to ignition, though not sure. Now what i did is connect both (red and yellow) wires on the adapter to the red wire that comes out of the car, this effectively makes both yellow and red wire connected to the unit always at 12 volts. The radio will stay on for about 20 minutes or so, then will turn off automatically. .I just wish it left the radio on, on shut down. I don't have an odyssey with push button start but on my 2013 accord if you want to turn the engine off but leave the radio on you just depress the shifter button while you push the start/stop button and the radio will remain on but the engine will turn off. If I turn my radio on before starting the car- drive it, then later stop and turn engine off, it continues to play. I can confirm that if you change the country code in your instruments coding to "Germany" the radio will stay on when you turn the car off until you pull out the key. If he doesn’t mind tuning the radio manually, and doesn’t mind not having a clock, then a switch in the power lead will keep the radio off. Motor Vehicle Maintenance & Repair Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for mechanics and DIY enthusiast owners of cars, trucks, and motorcycles. So first i tried to reverse the wires, red goes to yellow place and yellow to red, didn't work, no difference at all, unit only works when car is on. The "bulb with a wire in the middle" is probably a fuse. I will update this with any oddities I might find from having the cluster set to GB but the radio staying on maybe worth any weirdness at this point. How do I turn off the Radio? To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. . Conflicting manual instructions? There was some discussion on the mods sticky, with one member suggesting there is a workaround via vag-com, but he/she never actually confirmed it. This is exactly why you should have a fuse, otherwise the wire may heat up and melt the insulation, causing a short and/or fire. Probably just an MFD in another language. Keeping radio/stereo unit powered to save pre-set preferences? It only takes a minute to sign up. Haha not on my 2010!!! Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Always fuse hot connections as close as possible to the battery or other DC source. Didn't see any errors, This is weird that has worked on my '10 since day one didn't have to change anything. If you press and hold the gear shift button and then press the start button, the engine will turn off but leave the radio on. What does it mean when an aircraft is statically stable but dynamically unstable? How do I hang curtains on a cutout like this? That part's OK. At that point I'd like to be able to turn off the vehicle and have have the radio off at the next car … I have a 2010 Rav4 with the smart key system (don't have a key, just push a button to start/ stop the engine). Of the cars that I have personally worked on, none of them had a memory circuit that I would feel comfortable running my head unit off of; they're usually fused at 5 amps (sometimes 7.5 amps), where a head unit is usually 10 amps or more. Why is the in "posthumous" pronounced as (/tʃ/). The engine stopped, the radio stayed on, and a message appeared reminding me to shift into park. It can happen to any stereo. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. true, most cars do trun off ACC during the crank cycle. So if your car is running and you want to keep listening to the radio but turn engine off, you need to do the following dumb ass procedure: Put car in Gear (Drive or Reverse is fine) Hold Brake Push Stop engine Button. In my case, I parked the car, shifted to neutral, engaged the parking brake (kept my foot on the brake to be safe), and then turned the engine off by pressing the stop/start button. somehow our parking break got turned on and we can't figure out how to turn it off. ACC means Accessories. No luck... no more door chime (yay!) Are you sure the voltage is 12 V with the car off and key out of ignition? (for changing the country code to Germany). You will find bullet connectors in the Yellow and Red wires - undo and swop Red to Yellow and then Yellow to Red. The same is true with my girlfriend's car. I bought the new car radio/stereo unit, installed it, but there is a problem it wont stay on when i turn of my car. If it always has 12v, then again something is not hooked up right. ! I can't for the life of me figure out how to keep the radio playing when I turn off the engine (so I can listen to music while I wait in the car at the gas station, etc. As long as it's in the Off position I don't think you'd see a difference with the key in or out of ignition. The radio stays ON WHEN YOU SHUT THE CAR OFF! Stereo will seem to be working, but the music cuts off. I know you can put the car in ACC mode, but it turns off after 5 mins then the radio shuts off about 15 mins after that. My problem was that, after turning off the car but leaving the radio on (on ACC), when I wanted to turn the engine on, the HU was shutting-down then coming back. So, if you have an older radio and you cannot find any other reason for your radio to keep changing the stations by itself, then you may have to replace your radio with a newer one. (1) Stop the car at whatever location you so desire, and keep your foot on the brakes (2) Take the car out of Drive and put it into Neutral (N) (3) Push the Power button (4) The egine goes off and you're automatically set to ACC mode You drive around with the radio off, park the car, and when you restart the car the radio comes on again all by itself. With that everything shuts off, even radio. but radio still shuts off when you turn the key off. There should be a separate way to change this via vagcom but there is not, it is apparently tied to the rules with the cluster country code. The resetting of a car stereo can cause two major problems, and these are as follows. Once you exit the car, if you lock the car (press once on the top of the key), the car will shut off, doors will lock, radio will turn off. Red is Acc (ignition switched 12V) By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Why continue counting/certifying electors after one candidate has secured a majority? Love it! JavaScript is disabled. VCDS. How is there a McDonalds in Weathering with You? I bought the new car radio/stereo unit, installed it, but there is a problem it wont stay on when i turn of my car. I will try the change when I get my hands on a VCDS. Keeping radio/stereo unit powered on, when car ignition is off? This car is so weird. There must be a way to do this! Its all about streaming music to the radio, when you turn the car off it stops and it is an utter buzzkill. PRO LT Handlebar Stem asks to tighten top handlebar screws first before bottom screws? Which car is this by the way? My experience has been slightly different. All the lights on my car light up apart from the radio and my other issue is my mfsw buttons don't work the radio either. S3 1.8t Ming blue with ivory leather & 18"tt alloys shariain , Sep 4, 2013 In this case, you'll want to turn off your engine, remove the key, leave the vehicle, and shut the door. Like the above poster said, until you take the key out. The door chime and seat belt chime turn off but the radio still shuts off when the engine is shut down. Can you legally move a dead body to preserve it as evidence? Stereo will usually start and restart itself later. Older radios are difficult to repair because the circuit board is weak and can be … Engine so i always waited a few seconds before turning the key off policy and cookie policy it not when. 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