Joey never said a word to his mother after that. Thousand Dragon, however, has ten centuries of experience that take all the way to 2400 ATK and 200 DEF. When he saved Atem and Greystone from vultures, he was all for running for it as he was afraid that Atem was a member of the Egyptian Court who would have Joey and his friend Tristan fed to lions. Once there, the four of them met up with Bobasa, who promised to help them. He is extremely protective of her, which he shows once by sacrificing his own life in order to ensure her safety. God it's been years. ("booya" or "all right! An image of him standing, fists at his sides, appears on a tablet in Dartz's temple to show his soul's capture. Joey played Gearfried the Iron Knight before Rex and Weevil quit after Yugi summoned Ra. He uses few Magic and Trap Cards, the ones that do mostly allowing him to power up his monsters or weaken enemy monsters. Despite Yugi's objection, Joey and Duke Duel using whatever cards they acquire in a bunch of Booster Packs. He then showed Mana a pipe that he called a snarf black. When Johnny was three, Yugi and Tea arrived at their house. When he found out that Pegasus had sent a package, including a DVD to Tag, he freaked out. He then gave Joey a hot dog. Find Joey Wheeler's phone number, address, and email on Spokeo, the leading people search directory for contact information and public records. It appeared that Joey would not survive the blast. At this point she claims he is not worth her time. Like Seto Kaiba, Joey deeply cares for his younger sister, Serenity Wheeler and will do anything to make her happy. When the storm picked up, Joey was pulled off of the ship by the wind and nearly got smashed into the rocks before being saved by Mahad. [12], A parody of him named Tatsuya Jyouchi is listed as one the players defeated by Hunter Pace.[13]. When an old man named Solomon ended up at the castle gates after being lost in the woods, Joey let him in against Tristan's wishes. Badih Abou Chakra (Duelist Kingdom, Middle and late Battle City), Fouad Shamas (Early Battle City, Virtual World and Battle City Finals), Hicham Abou Sleiman (Doma, KC Grand Prix, Capsule Monsters and Millennium World), José Gilberto Vilchis (Americas; some episodes). He feels somewhat responsible for Mai’s loss. Joseph "Joey" Wheeler[6], known as Katsuya Jonouchi (城 (じょう) 之 (の) 内 (うち) 克 (かつ) 也 (や) Jōnouchi Katsuya) in the manga and Japanese version, is one of the main characters in Yu-Gi-Oh!. Joey's a Flame Swordsman. [33] Later, Seto considers respecting Joey as a Duelist after Joey withstands Ra's attack,[18] although he is still rude both to him and when talking about him in the tournament, both when fighting for 3rd place and in his match with Yami Yugi, respectively. Yu-Gi-Oh! At the enrollment, Yugi was allowed to enter based on the 5 star rating he was given, but Joey was given the minimum rating of 1 star. Mai reluctantly admitted it was her trying to avoid them thinking she was their friend. He decided that early on, he only wanted to defeat strong Duelists to qualify, rather than do things the easy way. ), He was later released of this embarrassment, after Yugi defeated Duke in Dungeon Dice Monsters, freeing Joey. He accompanies Yugi throughout his adventures. He accompanies Yugi throughout his adventures. Associated With. A lot of viewers love Yu-Gi-Oh's Joey Wheeler for his antics but there are quite a few moments in the anime when he turns into a total BA. He accompanies Yugi throughout his adventures. After Yugi begins to show signs of life, Joey becomes excited thinking Yugi had found a way to avoid losing his soul. He declares that … Joey then helped save the same pair of twins from being trampled by the prince's procession. He was unable to but Yami Yugi jumped in protecting both from the blast. His normal outfit consists of a white t-shirt under a green jacket. Marik boosts Joey's Deck with powerful spell cards that have Yugi and Kaiba amazed. None Type of Deck. Upon recovering, he comments that Duel World looks similar to Domino City, and that he'll feel right at home as he tries to become the Duel World King. When talking to people he doesn't like, Joey uses the word "teme" (a rude form of "you" in Japanese, often translated as "you bastard") instead of his normal "omae" (a form of "you" that in context is used between friends, but can imply that the person being spoken to has a lower status than the speaker does if used incorrectly), especially to Seto Kaiba, who does not think highly of Joey. Tier: 9-C. Name: Joseph "Joey" Wheeler', Katsuya Jonouchi Origin: Yu-Gi-Oh! When Joey Duels Marik in the semi-finals, Marik links all monsters Summoned by a player to the player themselves, so that any pain the monster feels, the controller would also feel. Joey was turned back to normal after Yugi tricked Anubis into wishing himself into a yami and getting him imprisoned in the Pyramid of Light. After Yugi said the card "Heart of the Underdog" reminded him of a friend, calling Joey an underdog became a running gag that day. After Yami Yugi entered the Memory World, his friends were shocked to see that he had left the Millennium Puzzle, so Shadi used the Millennium Key to open the way to the maze of Yugi's heart so that he might try to find the door to the Memory World. Yu-Gi-Oh! He is known as Joseph "Joey" Wheeler in the 4Kids English anime and video games as well as the Brazilian and Portuguese version of the manga, and called Joseph "Joey" Katsuya in the Funimation Uncut English Anime. After Yugi brings Joey to his senses, Joey gets separated from the armor, which turns into Red-Eyes B. Dragon. After Yugi defeats Pegasus, he gives Joey the prize money for Serenity's operation. 1 Portrayals 2 Appearances 2.1 Yu-Gi-Oh! Serenity arrives in time to take the bandages off her eyes and take Joey's key and dive in to rescue him. X and Kidnapped. Yu-Gi-Oh! character. Joey and Mai meet up with Yugi at the convention. Commentaire: FIGURINE OFFICIELLE YU-GI-OH! Joey prepared to go to Egypt, ala Sam Gamgee. Joey then laughed when Atem taunted Vivian by taking a jab at her singing. When Yugi awoke, Joey revealed that he'd stolen back the box, and Yugi found out that it was an ancient puzzle, and he solved it to release Yami, who then got everybody out of the cave. Jonouchi used to live with his sister, Shizuka and would walk all around town with her. Katsuya JyonouchiKatsuya JounouchiJoey Katsuya Bien que parfois décrit comme comique, il est essentiel à l'intrigue et au thème général de la série. Kaiba emerges from the plane, and he explains how Paradius had hacked into KaibaCorp and began taking over. Joey punches Yami for moping around and losing hope, and tells him to focus on saving Yugi. Domino High School While he might not be the king of games, Joey Wheeler deserves all the praise he gets. However, Mokuba, who was one of the few spectators, is impressed by how Joey Dueled his brother. The speech pattern translates into the dub, in which it is represented by Joey (voiced by Wayne Grayson) speaking with a Brooklyn accent. While heading to the hospital for Serenity's operation, Joey encounters a group of Rare Hunters. When Joey learned that Tea was pregnant again, he slyly asked what took Yugi so long. Joey Wheeler est le meilleur ami de Yugi Muto , et sa relation avec Seto Kaiba et un peut comme Sanji et Zoro dans One Piece. Joey Tribbiani is a member of the Screen Actors Guild, having refused to follow in his father's footsteps and become a pipefitter. Only a week later, Joey met an Australian named Valon who turned out to know Mai from college, and eventually, the two got into a fight before Mai knocked both of them down and chose neither of them. Joey and Tristan then kept Bakura quiet while Yugi tried to get the Millennium Puzzle to undo what Anubis did, but he was found out anyway. His usual outfit from the second series anime consists of a long green open jacket with a raised collar, a white T-shirt underneath and blue jeans. Despite getting off on the wrong foot initially, Duke Devlin and Joey are good friends, just like everyone else in the gang, although Joey despises Duke constantly flirting with Serenity, as does Tristan. Joey claimed he was going to win back his "Red-Eyes Black Dragon". When it becomes apparent that Joey is about to win, Valon interrupts, using a fragment of the Orichalcos stone to remove "The Seal of Orichalcos". : Joey Wheeler's 10 Most Badass Moments. Has lived in: Related with: Premium Report. "Joey" redirects here. Dad left Shizuka and herself with his best friend and fellow Knight of the Dawn at the age of six and Jou hasn't seen him since. Years later, Joey realized Tristan did this because he was a true friend who would never abandon Joey.[9]. Tristan manages to find Joey and talk him into coming to the hospital. Joey's character design was overseen by Kazuki Takahashi. Select this result to view Joey Wheeler's phone number, address, and more. Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Joey is trapped in the "Flame Swordsman" card, but appears on the field, when Yami Yugi Summons him. When Kisara left, Joey begged her to stay, but she flew off, though she soon returned with an injured Kaiba. When Joey and Mai first meet, Mai cares only about winning and is rude to Joey. Joey later separates from the gang. He is astonished to see the symbol of the Orichalcos on Yami's forehead, since this must have meant Yami played the Seal on his own. He then went home to his own family. During the Dawn of the Duel arc, Joey, Yugi, Téa and Tristan go to Cairo, Egypt so that they might help Yami Yugi fulfill his destiny as Pharaoh. Power of Chaos: Joey the Passion, a really nice strategy game sold in 2004 for Windows, is available and ready to be played again! Tournament Position Duelist Kingdom Runner up Battle City Fourth Grand Championship Top 8 Kaiba declined after he is informed of Yugi's location while hunting for the Egyptian God Cards. Joey attended the Tokyo Duel Monsters Convention with Mai. Venez découvrir tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur la partie : "Battre Joey Wheeler" du jeu Yu-Gi-Oh! He couldn't believe that Kaiba and Ishizu were getting married. He then gave the prince a book for Christmas which Seto didn't care for. Serenity Wheeleris the sister ofJoey Wheelerand (mostly one-sided) love interest ofTristan Taylor. Yugi gives Joey one of his Star Chips allowing Joey to also enter the tournament. Whitepages people search is the most trusted directory. January 25[1][2] Originally featuring two large fringes in front of his ears, the hairstyle changes to a sporadically arranged taper-like and unrealistic hairstyle. The morning after next, Joey distracted the vendor while Yugi and Tristan stole a melon for breakfast. Joey was a part of the party to celebrate Tag defeating Mel Tyrone and his revenge scheme, Death-T. A close Duel wedding to Mana Tristan later dash to Kaiba 's wonds, and each his. Wonders with Yugi, and DuArt Film & video agreed to assist Yugi in a new outfit happened! Joey watched Tag 's Duel dome to watch Yugi 's help and support from and... Valentine with Yugi and attacked friends proceed on to the ground the of! 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