Log in or sign up for Facebook to connect with friends, family and people you know. Paul du Saillant Deputy Chief Executive Officer at EssilorLuxottica Charenton-le-Pont, Île-de-France, France + de 500 relations Harness the power of your relationships with RelSci Pro, the powerful platform for identifying relationship-driven business opportunities and connections that can propel your career forward. EssilorLuxottica SA said Monday that it has appointed Paul du Saillant as new chief executive of Essilor, succeeding Laurent Vacherot as he retires. View Paul du Saillant’s professional profile on Relationship Science, the database of decision makers. The challenge is to allow the 9 billion people who will live on our planet in 2050 to have access to water, food, energy, health, education, information, etc. Browse in-depth profiles on 12 million influential people and organizations. Il Consiglio di Amministrazione ha inoltre deciso di pagare un acconto di dividendo per l'esercizio 2020 pari a 1,15 euro per azione in data 28 dicembre 2020 (ex-date:23 dicembre 2020). Paul du Saillant is affiliated with To appreciate and meet the great challenges of the 21st century, the world needs ever more engineers – “three- dimensional” engineers: high level scientific and technical generalists, experts in initiating and piloting innovative projects and with a strong international culture. Au XVIIème siècle, la famille fut connue comme de Lasteyrie du Saillant de Comborn et Antoine de Lasteyrie, marquis du Saillant fut nommé par lettre patente grand Sénéchal du Limousin. New York, NY 10001. Il est père de trois enfants et est passionné de voile. EssilorLuxottica SA, Lhoist SA, Air Liquide SA, Essilor International SAS, Essilor International SAS, EssilorLuxottica SA, Nikon-Essilor Co., Ltd. Stay informed and up-to-date on your network with RelSci news and business alerting service. Bloomberg the Company & Its Products The Company & its Products Bloomberg Terminal Demo Request Bloomberg Anywhere Remote Login Bloomberg Anywhere Login Bloomberg Customer Support Customer Support The announcement comes as Francesco Milleri and Paul du Saillant have been respectively appointed chief executive and deputy chief executive of EssilorLuxottica. These men and women will know how to respond to the issues of their age using the science and technology. Paul du Saillant devient Président-Directeur Général d'Essilor International. Paul du Saillant - fils d'Isabelle Giscard d'Estaing, épouse Lasteyrie du Saillant, l'une des trois soeurs de Valéry - a également bien réussi selon les standards républicains. People named Paul Saillant. PAUL DU SAILLANT – ESSILOR LUXOTTICA . Currently, Paul du Saillant is Chief Executive Officer & Director at EssilorLuxottica SA and Chief Executive Officer for Essilor International SAS (a subsidiary of EssilorLuxottica SA). Paul du Saillant is in charge of Research and Development as well as Quality. Article Essilux names two new helmsmen. L'origine du château remonte au XIII et XIVème siècles. Francesco Milleri, originally of Luxottica, will become chief executive with Paul du Saillant, of Essilor, stepping up as deputy CEO, the group said, until its shareholder meeting in 2021. 0Z���( 0���y?lV92���\ٌ��>Sr9i=��10�����c[���ܑ��ڑ�G{�Il�]�n����~���cZ��Ю�\�XzЂ�c:�q2���Rɨ��`P|�����]��U�=}�,�/ӏ�-�\����
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https://www.essilorluxottica.com/fr/conseil-dadministration/ Paul du Saillant is the Chief Executive Officer of Essilor. Paul Lay is the most brilliant jazz pianist of his generation. Mr. Paul du Saillant has served as Chief Operating Officer and Member of the Management Committee at ESSILOR INTERNATIONAL S.A. since November 29, 2010. Diplômé de l'École Centrale de Paris, Paul du Saillant a démarré sa carrière chez Air Liquide où il est resté 18 ans, entre 1983 et 2002. EssilorLuxottica SA engages in the design, manufacture, and sales of ophthalmic lenses and instruments. Francesco Milleri, originally of Luxottica, will become chief executive with Paul du Saillant, of Essilor, stepping up as deputy CEO, the group said, until its shareholder meeting in 2021. Del Vecchio and Hubert Sagnieres will both step back from executive roles … Paul du Saillant, Chief Operating Officer of French group Essilor, the global leader in the market for corrective glasses, speaks on April 24, 2014 during the inauguration of the Essilor Centre for... Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images Excellent harmonic imagination , diverse playing, most interesting compositions, and obvious knowledge of jazz history as well as a personal voice : Paul Lay has got everything it takes to go right to the top and make a lasting career. Mit der Entscheidung Hughes de Lasteyrie du Saillant hat der EuGH die im französischen Außensteuerrecht vorgesehene Besteuerung von stillen Reserven beim Wegzug natürlicher Personen in das europäische Ausland für unvereinbar mit der Niederlassungsfreiheit nach (52 a.F.) The Sunglasses and Readers business segment engages in the production, distribution and sale of both non-prescription sunglasses and non-prescription reading glasses. �å|�{�L%��q�٪l���7Ipӂdй^��pu-���*#��CU���rJ�@��q悴N8c�
�w�����n5{�7���Z���/[�#l���Im@��uɸ] P^�W`��?pI���ӡ�_ © 2020 Relationship Science LLC. In addition, he will take on responsibility for Global Operations starting in the first half of 2011. Since its foundation in 1829, the École Centrale Paris has followed the same calling: training engineers capable of meeting the greatest challenges of their era. Paul du Saillant is currently Chief Executive Officer and Director at Essilor and Non-Independent Director at EssilorLuxottica. Paul du Saillant serves as Chief Executive Officer of Essilor, Non-independent director of the Company. The The Gas & Services segment engages in the supply of gases, which is organized by geographical area of Europe, Americas, Asia-Pacific and the Middle-East and Africa. — Francis Marmande, Le Monde . The company was founded in 1849 and is headquartered in Charenton-le-Pont, France. 6 57�Ɍh3q_�R����┋p7uS��2ژ�'������+���F ��2��Ҙ>�C��`"8p�
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Reveal deeper insights into your organization's relationships with RelSci Contact Aggregator. It offers building materials, flue gas treatment, iron and steel, non-ferrous metallurgical processing, animal nutrition, refractories, and polymers. Parcours professionnel. Sign Up. See Photos. h�bbd```b``����`R,�Dr��]v`���&H2:��=���C������ �p����0 w�
EssilorLuxottica announced a series of organizational changes at its helm following the desire of Hubert Sagnières , its executive vice chairman, to retire. Biographie : Paul du Saillant is on the board of Nikon-Essilor Co., Ltd. and Director & Deputy Chief Executive Of Went to Lycée Jean Rostand. It offers sun lenses, photochromic lenses and anti-reflective lenses. Paul du Saillant is Co-Chief Operating Officer at EssilorLuxottica SA. Paul Du Saillant Overview Paul Du Saillant has been associated with one company, according to public records. Log In. Paul Horace Valérie Marie de LASTEYRIE du SAILLANT Marié avecMarina RAMBAUD; May de LASTEYRIE du SAILLANT Mariée avecFrançois POLGE de COMBRET; Diane de LASTEYRIE du SAILLANT Mariée avecNicolas VER HULST; Rechercher les actes correspondants Aperçu de l'arbre. Bloomberg the Company & Its Products The Company & its Products Bloomberg Terminal Demo Request Bloomberg Anywhere Remote Login Bloomberg Anywhere Login Bloomberg Customer Support Customer Support In 2008Paul du Saillant, joined Essilor as Director of Strategy. ��EE��e�s*TԑR?�2
‘Chapel du Saillant’ was created in 1981 by Marc Chagall in Naïve Art (Primitivism) style. All Rights Reserved. Expand your fundraising pool and make warm introductions to potential new business connections. He received an undergraduate degree from École Centrale Paris. Paul Saillant. The Latest: France shuts about 120 schools over virus, Net group says Wikipedia disrupted in Iran amid coronavirus, Israeli exit polls: Netanyahu ahead, but short of majority, Virus alarms sound worldwide, but China sees crisis ebbing, EssilorLuxottica : Executive corporate officers’ compensation, EssilorLuxottica : EssilorLuxottica announces organizational changes and interim dividend 2020, UPDATE 3-EssilorLuxottica wary of new COVID wave as sales recover in third quarter, EssilorLuxottica : Third Quarter 2020 Revenue // Strong recovery driven by resilient optical business, Paul du Saillant is now serving in a new board position at Essilor International SAS. Then he worked for Lhoist Group as Chief Operating Officer from 2002 to 2007. %%EOF
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��B% He was previously Corporationrationrate Senior Vice President Corporationrationrate Strategy, Member of the Executive Committee of the Company. He also heads the Europe Region. Charenton-le-Pont, France (March 30, 2020 – 6pm) – The Board of Directors of EssilorLuxottica, which met today, co-opted Paul du Saillant as a new Director of the Company in place of Laurent Vacherot, former CEO of Essilor International, who retired. The Lenses & Optical Instruments business segment engages in the production, finishing, distribution and trading of lens and instruments. Paul du Saillant devient également PDG d’Essilor International. EssilorLuxottica SA said Monday that it has appointed Paul du Saillant as new chief executive of Essilor, succeeding Laurent Vacherot as he retires. - Paul du Saillant, 51, worked at Air Liquide for nearly 20 years before joining Lhoist as Chief Operating Officer and moving on to Essilor in 2008. Laurent Vacherot retires Paul du Saillant to step in at EssilorLuxottica. Chief Executive Officer at EssilorLuxottica SA, Director & Deputy Chief Executive Officer. or. Paul du Saillant a démarré sa carrière à l’Air Liquide en 1984, dont il est devenu Senior Executive VP du groupe en 1997. Paul du Saillant ist derzeit Chief Executive Officer and Director bei Essilor und Non-Independent Director (promoted in Jun 2021 to Deputy Chief Executive Officer) bei EssilorLuxottica. © 2020 Relationship Science LLC. Air Liquide SA supplies gases for the large industry and health businesses. Biographie : Paul du Saillant is on the board of Nikon-Essilor Co., Ltd. and Director & Deputy Chief Executive Of PARIS — EssilorLuxottica has named Paul du Saillant chief executive officer of Essilor, replacing Laurent Vacherot who has abruptly retired. Paul du Saillant joined Essilor in 2008, after 20 years spent at Air Liquide, where he held operational and strategic leadership roles in the United States and Europe, across a wide range of fields including R&D and engineering. The Engineering & Construction segment designs, develops and builds industrial gas production plants for the Group and third parties. He is also on the board of Nikon-Essilor Co., Ltd. Paul du Saillant a occupé les fonctions de directeur général délégué d’Essilor depuis 2019 et de directeur général adjoint de 2010 à 2019. Laurent Vacherot retires Paul du Saillant to step in at EssilorLuxottica. Deputy Chief Executive Officer of Essilor Group Paul du Saillant started his career at Air Liquide in 1984 where he held various and became a Senior Executive VP of the Group in 1997. Photochromic lenses and instruments XIII et XIVème siècles Ltd. develops, manufactures, and polymers du remonte. 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