Using premium fuel may help but isn't a solution. I found my 951's battery dead a few days ago, so I hooked it up to the charger and noticed the fresh air blower going (with the key off). SOURCE: When I turn off the. WTF.....why would a like go OFF when the motor starts, IF there's a problem? While it’s quite rare, a car can continue to be powered up by a sticking main relay. I tried removing all a/c fuses but the blower is still running. Step 2: Change your fuel. Soooo thats my problem. As the piston moves up and down, the valves move correspondingly, in and out. As others have suggested, the most likely cause is a failed ignition switch. Ask Your Own Medium and Heavy Trucks Question. Using an incorrect spark plug can also cause dieseling. Switch key to the off position and pull out, radio and stuff stays on as normal until door opens then shuts off. LEARN MORE. To do that, unplug a 12v outlet from the constant power and connect a wire from switched power at the fuse box directly to it. Any ideas?Thanks I checked it and it is charging (13.5 volts). It’s possible you can deal with the problem with a few minor adjustments. My car stays on. You should hear the solenoid click as it opens and closes. If I take the SR harness completely out and lay it on the floor, when I turn the car to ON and then back off the power still stays on. I was sitting in a parking lot when all of the sudden my radio turned off and then the engine took its last breath and fell asleep. 1. It appears to have been the heated seats circuit. Step 1: Try a fuel additive. Remove the bottom half of the plastic shroud surrounding the steering column. After key is turned off the overhead console stays lit and the blower motor keeps running. The plastic/electrical portion of your ignition lock can go bad though most are the early 944s that are problematic (I bought 10 of those ign switches last time I ordered and only have 3 left since most of them are cracked). New models all use electronic fuel injection, which shuts down when the key is switched off. This is driving me absolutely nuts as I am in a parking lot opening and closing the door over and over. Why does my clock and radio stay on while my key is out of my ignition. If so, you are experiencing an electrical problem. If I dont start my truck every ywo days it drains my batterys the battery light is staying on when everything is off after u shut the truck off the... My battery light is staying on with the key in the off possen - 2006 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 HD I'll try it. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) To find and fix this problem, hook up the HDS, and go to the ONE-PUSH START Data List . There are a number of fuel additives on the market that are intended to help clean the carbon out of an engine while it is running. The other scenario that we commonly see is feedback from an aftermarket ignition system that utilizes an internal relay, or both a battery and ignition source to power the system. This is odd, since generally the ABS light should come on for a few seconds with the ignition ON. Here’s what you need to do: Press both the lock and unlock buttons... leaking fuel injector in the system that has to be replaced. There are two possibilities that would cause a circuit breaker to appear to have power when it is in the OFF position. The power control unit needs the park pin switch position input to switch the power mode to VEHICLE OFF (LOCK). Went out, jiggled the keys about and it went off with in an hour. Generator. I have a 2014 Chevy Silverado 1500 The radio will not turn off after I turn the engine off and leave the vehicle with my keys. View Full Version : Power stays on after removal ignition key. The next time your car gets haunted, how about reaching under dash and pulling the round black molex connector off the back of ignition swith. Without an adequate charge, a car battery will be too weak to start your vehicle when you turn the ignition key. Some ignition switch problems can result in accessory power being available even when the key is removed. Dodge RAM 1500-Maintenance & Repair. Clarks Garage Manual on the disassembly of the alternator, Pelican Parts Catalog for Porsche, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, MINI and More. How to Diagnose an Ignition Key That Won’t Turn, Distributor wrench (appropriate for your car), Spark plug wrench (appropriate for your car). They will drain the battery if they are staying on for more then the 10 minutes. You may also want to turn off Fast Boot in the Bios as well. i have had my car for months and it ALWAYS turned off immediately as soon as i turned off the vehicle. Without fuel going to the cylinders, there can be no running on. Your car is set by default to honk the horn when you lock your doors with the remote. Inspect the brushes first. Dieseling is rarely a problem with fuel injection because the fuel delivery is shut down as soon as the switch is off. 4 Answers. As an alternative, you can install a quick-disconnect at the battery ground terminal, or put a switch in the ignition key-on power wire near the stock switch. No, I haven't tried lubricating the switch. Aman10 Member Posts: 2 New User. Normally, the nav-radio will switch off when you open the driver's door. Power stays on when key off - Ignition switch toast? he isnt making this up. Step 3: Check the anti dieseling solenoid. I disconnected the switch and the power was still on. Dodge RAM 1500-Maintenance & Repair. Locate the electrical connector to the ignition switch. These are fairly common problems that people experience when using many aftermarket-wiring systems. As per your description, I understand that the light on the power button stays on even after shut down. Change in the settings. You may be inadvertently integrating switched power with the ignition key where you don't want it. $0.00 . When I can get it shut off, the next morning the battery is dead and the car won't start. If your Altima is equipped with the Nissan Intelligent Key™, you’ll find that the car warns you if you’re about to lock the key in the car. A key thing to remember is that alternators are NOT designed to charge a dead battery - their job is to maintain the correct state of charge. Re: Starter keeps turning even when key is in off position. In that case, your car has an electrical problem that needs to be addressed. Please help, i … If you keep a relay powered up long enough it will fuse internally and cause the problem you are experiencing. Hi, I have a problem , my a/c blower stays running at all time!!! Anyone know what this could be? Double checked this morning, and it was still off. The day before the radio started flashing and would not work. The directionals will also work. YourMechanic All rights reserved. How Often Should the Ignition System Be Inspected? If you're dealing with a dead battery, you're better off to bring it up with a charger first. Then take the car out on the highway and drive at speed for a while, also doing some hard accelerations. That wire is hot when the key is on and opens the valve, allowing it to close when the key is off. Some cars set the timing at idle, others set it at a high engine speed. Something doesn't make sense. If you don’t already know, check your workshop manual. So I restarted the car and turned it off again. I have tried 2 different keys and sprayed electrical cleaner in ignition switch but nothing seems to work. Per the manual for late cars, "When the ignition is turned off or the key is removed from the ignition, power is still supplied to the window switches until one door is opened." Fast boot is still on in BIOS, it's now off in Windows Shutdown Settings. These style starters stay engauged unitl the motor speed exceeds starter speded, at which point the drive should drop out. One could wire the F87 triggered key-off=power-off relay to a hacked adaptor or 12v-socket extension that plugs into an always-on socket. Carburetors, however, will continue to supply fuel as long as the engine is turning over. When I turn the key to the "off" position and take the key out, the accessory power (stereo) stays on and the van makes a "dinging" noise as if the lights are on. If you pull that and the windows still work, then perhaps it could be the relay you hear under the dash. I disconnected the ignition switch and the problem persists. I also took it off and had the store I bought it from check it. So THREE YEARS LATER, I have gotten no where, but now worse. Step 5: Check the spark plugs. the very next thing I did was google how to turn them OFF! The BCM only monitors battery life for the RAP when the key is first turned off and then for 10 minutes afterwards until it shuts off RAP. Does the engine run smoothly as though you could just put it in gear and dive away? Lincoln Town Car - Car stays running when I shut the key off Inspection - Chandler, Arizona. They should be labled batt, iso, ign and acc. It’s usually cylindrical, about 1-2 inches long and has a single wire connected to it. Step 2: Check for a power relay. I have a Haynes manual for my 90 TSi Awd that specifically states that the fuel pump should come on with the key in the "on" position, engine off, and that it will shut off after two seconds if no ignition signal is detected. I found my 951's battery dead a few days ago, so I hooked it up to the charger and noticed the fresh air blower going (with the key off). Shortly after that the battery was dead again. But, short of adding a jumper at the fuse box like he suggested you'll probably have to run a new wire. I’m pretty sure since you are reading this you must have tried all the commonly listed options on the web (fast startup, power troubleshooter, etc.). What Is the Difference Between Conventional, Electronic and Distributor-less Ignition Systems? Your Your car engine consists of a number of rapidly moving parts, including a crankshaft, camshaft, pistons, engine valves, rods and pulleys. F'd up though since it goes off when the engine starts. 2006 Silverado 2500 HD 6.0 The interior lights, battery light, radio all stay on once the truck is turned off. In order to turn the light off i have to press and hold power button for around 6-7 seconds and then it turns off. If your car won't turn off, inspect the power relay, idle speed, ignition timing, and spark plugs. The switch turns easily, without hesitation. When I turn the key on the sound stops but nothing else works. Step 1: Carburetor, or fuel injected? with key off and removed wipers, windows,radio are still powered up. I have a 2003 Caravan that is experiencing some electrical issues. One and only unknown company in my 29 plus years in arizona that did not mislead or try to sell me on something that wasn't wrong. i wanted to use it to power my IPod. Alternator is draining battery while key off and getting hot. Let me know which ones has power when the key is in the off position.Thanks G-7 is listed as "window winder." I have to keep pressing capslock button in order to complete the startup process. :frown: In the mean time all I can think of doing is … Touch the connectors together and release them. I hadn't thought of that but you're right. radio won't turn off when key is taken out of ignition Today,my radio wouldn't turn off when i took the key out and shut the door. As one of the first commercially successful hybrid vehicles, it eventually helped launch an entire hybrid industry. I have a 2003 Caravan that is experiencing some electrical issues. When I turn off engine and pull key out, car still runs. If, however, the engine fails to stop, but instead seems to go into leaping convulsions accompanied by knocking and pinging sounds, what you are experiencing is known as "dieseling.". 2012 dodge ram 1500 when you turn off the ignition switch and remove the key the power stays on. When I turn the key to the "off" position and take the key out, the accessory power (stereo) stays on and the van makes a "dinging" noise as if the lights are on. If your car won't turn off, inspect the power relay, idle speed, ignition timing, and spark plugs. So this is a strange issue. If you want the cigarette lighter socket to turn on and off with the ignition you could wire in a relay that is activated by having the key in the ACC position, like how it is on most vehicles. Since it's getting dark outside I just want to dissable the blower and check it further in the morning. P. PPrash ... 99 & up 7.3L Power Stroke Engine & Drivetrain 6.0L Power Stroke Engine and Drivetrain 99 & up Upgrades and Aftermarket - 7.3L Engine Power Strokes 1994-1997 General 7.3L IDI Diesels (Not Powerstrokes) 1988-1993. Re: Starter keeps turning even when key is in off position You didn't indicate if the motor is starting or not. Upfront, Transparent Price (4) When you turn off the key, you expect the car to stop! Turn key off and tell me which ones have power going to them. The ignition should be no voltage also. If the engine idle speed is too high, it may cause the car to diesel after it is shut off. Battery light remained on as well as the odometer. The same thing just happened to me, turn the car off, pull out the key and open the door and the radio still plays and the windows still roll. Hook up your tachometer according to instructions and check the idle speed. Take out a spark plug and compare the part number to the manufacturer’s specifications. Unless it is specially equipped, a carburetor will deliver fuel as long as there is air passing through it. 05-21-2010, 08:42 AM. Could someone please help. With that being uttered, let us get into the solutions. ... ballast tanks and manual bilge-pmp to operate when you have turned off the power and removed the key ? Disconnect the wire and turn on the key. If this is the case, solving this problem will require replacing the ignition switch element. Buick Century - Car stays running when I shut the key off - Tempe, Arizona. Power should be removed from the relay when the ignition is off. It’s usually cylindrical, about 1-2 inches long and has a single wire connected to it. The other scenario that we commonly see is feedback from an aftermarket ignition system that utilizes an internal relay, or both a battery and ignition source to power the system. Hello my lenovo laptop b40-30 isnt starting. Eight cylinder engines may idle around 600. Either your ignition switch element or a power relay needs to be replaced. Check your ignition switch. However, you can change this if you prefer. I like my room dark when I sleep. I was one of the incredibly frustrated users facing this on my Windows 10 hp laptop. When you turn off the key, does it seem as if you haven’t turned it off at all? Depending on the make and model, it can be easy or difficult to swap out. Let me know which ones has power when the key is in the off position.Thanks. That is because certain operations in … Our certified mobile mechanics make house calls in over 2,000 U.S. cities. Ive never heard of the radio staying on when the door is open and key out. Enjoyed meeting him and appreciate his evaluation of my car. You need a good wiring schematic for your vehicle and check that power is removed from the relay when the ignition switch is “off”. with key off and removed wipers, windows,radio are still powered up. That's gotta be a relay. Already had changed ERP setting in BIOS long time ago to at least stop keyboard lighting up, even though it would light up if I touched any key. They should be labled batt, iso, ign and acc. Mustang Forums. If you have a fuel injected car that is dieseling, there is a leaking fuel injector in the system that has to be replaced. 2012 dodge ram 1500 when you turn off the ignition switch and remove the key the power stays on. … SELECT YOUR VEHICLE. hi, power steering pump stays on when i turn the car off, which flattens the battery and I guess not great for the pump. Carbon buildup can raise compression in the engine and can cause hot spots in the combustion chamber that can lead to dieseling. Scroll down to AT SHIFT POSITION P and AT SHIFT POSITION P-PIN. Replace them if you find anything wrong. With new Windows update, it remains lighted 24/7. Unplug the switch at the connector and everything should immediately go dead. Now, that doesn't occur. If your engine continues to run properly after the ignition switch is disconnected, you need to locate the main relay for the fuel and ignition system. I have a 1996 Dodge Ram 1500 that has the lights stay on when the ignition is off and the light switch is off and no key in truck 1 Answer. Modern-day autos always are drawing a small amount of power from the battery, even when the car has been shut off. even when I turn the A/C off and remove the ignition key. 1979 - 1995 (Fox, SN95.0, & 2.3L) -General/Talk- Fox 5.0 Mustang Tech. Replaced ignition switch, didn, t help. 4 Answers. The gas gauge shows the correct ammount of fuel in the tank (if its full it shows full, its its empty is shows empty) but from what i remember, when the vehicle is turned off and the key is pulled out of the ignition, the needle should go back to rest at the E. Radio won’t turn off when engine off and keys out. today after I rewired the trailer plug the hazard relay began clicking with the key off. If you have a test light , i would like you to check the 4 power lugs in the front dash fuse panel. The CEL stays on. I also have the same problem that i have to press the keys other than power key to start but then again turns off within a few seconds. Trying to start on low voltage,ie low battery, jumper cables, will cause the starter solinoid contacts to weld themselves together thus causing the starter to keep running even with key off or motor running, charge the … Get a fair & transparent quote instantly before booking. The problem is after I turn off the key the alternator light comes on and stays on until I start it back up. If your car key won't turn in the ignition and your steering wheel locks it's easy to fix. It was the oddest thing, and no matter how much I turned the key on and off, it wouldnt turn the radio off. Inspected and determined repair that was needed. The passenger doors should not turn off the radio power. Recommended Communities . If you found that both of your power wires were hot in step one, but you couldn't find a power source that was only hot with the ignition switch in the accessory or run position, this might be your problem. What you can do to make sure it goes to sleep is exit the truck after turning it off, walk away for 15 minutes or so, then come back and peek in through the window to see if it has turned off. Does your car have fuel injection or does it have a carburetor? I may, but I don't think that's the problem. The best fix is of course replacement. Or a costly new pump? Yeah, next day off, I'll take the switch out, take a good look at it, and take a good look at the wiring in the area. Step 2: Check the idle speed. It may be on the back of the ignition switch itself, or it might be at the end of an electrical pigtail from the switch and be located further down the steering column. It's going to take a few minutes with the circuit diagrams to work out what might be shorted to what. Is this a simple fix – changing relay/ electrical or good clean? I have replaced the light switch, the ignition switch and battery, with no luck. This is the link I was talking about with the picture of an early. When i shut it down everything turns off except for the power light and it keeps on forever. Thread starter DemonVenom; Start date Jun 22, 2014; DemonVenom Posts: 49 … Every once in a while the engine will stay running along with all the other RAP features. It took me weeks to figure out what to do and I have not seen (using Google) any one posting the complete answer. Higher octane fuels are more stable and not as prone to the pre-ignition caused by the carbon buildup in the engine. I have to ground out the black/white wire on the ignition key harness for the power to cut off. On generators, you can can try a simple trick; remove the brush (use a magnatized flat bladed screw driver, it will make it easier when you go to re-install the brush), the copper wire that is attached to one end is usually long enough for you to rotate the brush 180 degrees. The radio is supposed to shut off when the door is opened after the truck is shut off and now it's not working. The power button light stays on for about 5 seconds and turns off. I've tried fiddling with the key and it only worked for me once. That's gotta be a relay. RADIO WON'T TURN OFF WHEN KEY IS TAKEN OUT OF IGNITION Today,my radio wouldn't turn off when i took the key out and - Ford 2004 F150 question. These are fairly common problems that people experience when using many aftermarket-wiring systems. It’s a treatment, not a cure. I started asking around and the people I spoke with seemed to think it was my alternator. Our service team is available 7 days a week, Monday - Friday from 6 AM to 5 PM PST, Saturday - Sunday 7 AM - 4 PM PST. I recall that the radio works with the key in place. Dieseling occurs when there is something in the engine combustion chamber that is hot enough to light any residual fuel that enters the engine. This would be very rare, but could be verified two ways: Remove the wire from the circuit breaker. If all return to normal, then it might point you to the switch. If the car finally powers down after the relay has been removed, replace the relay. Step 1: Determine whether you have an electrical or a dieseling problem. On a side note the EGR value needs cleaning or replacing - but that most likely is a separate issue and shouldn't effect ignition correct? Mine's even done that once or twice, too. I know it sounds stupid-simple, but have you tried lubricating the ignition switch to see if that helps? There will not be a drain after that, as all the modules should enter "sleep mode". They are the 4 lugs on right side of your fuse panel. The radio stays on even after you open and close the door - you can even close everything, lock via the fob and the radio stays on. When you turn off the key, you expect the car to stop! So when I build my new ASUS Maximus VII Hero computer and powered off for the first time and noticed all these lights still on! Gustavo was very courteous and helpful. The most popular service booked by readers of this article is Car stays running when I shut the key off Inspection. 1997 Ford F150 Engine Runs After Key Is Turned Off My Sysem Lights Stay On And Discharges Battery And When I Charge The Battery And Reconnect Dash Lights Come On Without Turning Key. When you open the driver’s door it should go off, or after 10 minutes. Looked out the window, and the display had lit up again circa 3 hours after I left the car, and 2 since i'd last checked and seen it off. Hi, my wife's computer is acting strange, some times her Monitor's (shes having 2 connected) stays turned off but windows 10 starts just fine. I recall that the radio can be no running on and accessories and turn signals still work through. Wire is hot enough to light any residual fuel that enters the engine with windows bios because windows 10 is. Staying enguaged, everything stops / turns off it’s possible you can take that may but. 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