Each clinical case scenario allows you to work through history taking, investigations, diagnosis and management. The patient should be asked if anyone else in the family has suffered from leg or foot problems. Gait disorders in children are best visualised as the child walks into the room to meet the practitioner; children often become self-conscious when asked to walk on demand. Get new journal Tables of Contents sent right to your email inbox, Articles in PubMed by Ruric (Andy) Anderson, MD, MBA, Articles in Google Scholar by Ruric (Andy) Anderson, MD, MBA, Other articles in this journal by Ruric (Andy) Anderson, MD, MBA, by the Association of American Medical Colleges. It is the least expensive of all investigations and time spent on obtaining a thorough history is rarely wasted. The systems enquiry may reveal significant symptomatology which the practitioner is either inexperienced in or unqualified to diagnose. acute foot or leg pain will walk with a limp as they try to ‘guard’ the injured part. CHAPTER 5 The medical and social history I. Reilly Chapter contents 1. The patient was subsequently prescribed stretching exercises and cortisone injections. Details of foreign travel should be recorded in case the patient has acquired an infection while abroad. Inadequate knowledge of the patient’s existing medication could lead to adverse inter-drug reactions with newly prescribed treatment. The use of questionnaires gives patients time to consider their answers and reduces the time spent in taking a medical history during the consultation. The varied needs of older patients may require different interviewing techniques. The pain of angina is tight and pressure-like, precipitated by exercise and relieved by rest, and usually lasts for only a few minutes. Are you exposed to passive smoking at home? Because it takes longer to fill the left ventricle, the pressure in the whole cardiac pulmonary system ‘backs up’, causing pulmonary congestion, reduced blood gas exchange and eventually pulmonary oedema. The differential diagnosis includes MI, angina pectoris, pneumonia, pericarditis and oesophageal reflux. Expanded Problem Focused 3. Box 5.1 The medical history and systems enquiry. Arrhythmias may present as bradycardia (slow heartbeat) or tachycardia (fast heartbeat) with varying degrees of irregularity. The ethnic origin of the patient should also be noted. The pain was on the anteromedial aspect of the plantar heel pad and had been present for some time. Lack of home support may rule out certain forms of treatment. Social history: smoking, alcohol, recreational drugs, accommodation and living arrangements, marital … The tense tired face of those in chronic pain will appear similar to those suffering from depression. Most drugs produce several effects, but the prescriber usually wants a patient to experience only one (or a few) of them; the other effects may be regarded as undesired. Chief complaint (CC) 2. Further questioning revealed that her weakness could more accurately be described as fatigue and heaviness of her legs walking to and from work. • Did you have any major childhood illnesses? Problem Focused 2. _____ Birth/ Delivery: Was the child full term? Bare concrete floors will exacerbate chilblains, whereas patients whose occupation involves standing on ladders will often suffer from chronic medial longitudinal arch pain. The questionnaire also covers details about the respondent’s schooling, family history, employment and medical history. “My dog becomes visibly agitated and starts barking after smelling my breath when I'm getting sick,” she offered quickly … This will help the Doctors to decide on the course of treatment. Summary 5. The site of penetration is usually found under the toe nail of the barefooted patient, but can occur on the plantar aspect of the foot. The social history was very helpful in this situation and can be applied to almost any patient. All registration fields are required. Patients with acute foot or leg pain will walk with a limp as they try to ‘guard’ the injured part. History of present illness (HPI) 3. Review of systems(ROS) 4. Some patients may experience particular difficulties in taking time from work to attend for treatment. Have you ever been under the care of a consultant or a hospital specialist? Social History Questionnaire Page 5 Patient’s Name_____ SUBSTANCE ABUSE HISTORY Have any of your family members had problems with alcohol and/or drug abuse?_____ Please describe who, their relationship to you, and the substances they abused._____ (Anderson), ThedaCare Palliative Medicine Service, Theda Clark Medical Center, Neenah, Wisconsin.(Schiedermayer). The systems enquiry 4. Please try again soon. The pain was aching in nature, severe and worse on exercise. To compensate for this, first the heart rate and then the volume of blood filling the left ventricle increases. Wolters Kluwer Health
Hospital records can provide this information but they are not always available. An increased risk of clinical emergencies. Inadequate history taking may place the practitioner at risk when handling tissue fluids or products. deformity and possible neural compression. 2003;163:1134–1140. Along with the chance to connect with the patient as a person, the social history can provide vital early clues to the presence of disease, guide physical exam and test-ordering strategies, and facilitate the provision of cost-effective, evidence-based care. Other less-specific systemic cardiac. Patients who participate in infrequent sporting activities may not think of informing the practitioner of these activities. Originally a native of the New World, it is now widely disseminated in Africa and Asia. Patients with. Tobacco smokers are also at greater risk of bronchitis, asthma and lung cancer. It is characterised by inflammatory lesions of connective tissue structures, especially of the heart and blood vessels, and predisposes to bacterial endocarditis. Introduction 2. Angina occurs as a result of atherosclerosis of the arteries to the myocardium and often coexists with atherosclerosis of the arteries to the lower limb. She was unwilling to compromise on the style of footwear she wore and provision of a suitable orthotic was impossible. Some of our readers have found that they are able to use the model of Medical Summary Reports with their own doctors, Case Workers, or Social Workers to help get approved. 2008;359:2748–2751. The clinician must therefore be… Drinking before 10 a.m. is an important finding as it is associated with chronic alcoholism. It touches on, and arguably helps to focus, major issues of public debate, as for example on British national character or the nature of family life. For example, aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may precipitate asthma attacks. An X-ray revealed a compression fracture to the head of the first metatarsal, which has predisposed degeneration of the joint. For example, prednisolone, commonly used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, can reduce skin thickness and impair wound healing. A patient’s medical history may include details about past diseases, illnesses running in the family, previous diagnoses, medical abstract, therapies, allergies, and medication. However, these patients are often more prone to injury because they are often not as fit and do not follow appropriate warm-up and warm-down regimens. We must role-model how to take a social history for our trainees and peers. Diseases of nerves, muscle, bone and joints may be manifested by a patient’s gait or posture. Congestive heart failure (CHF) results from the inability of the heart to sufficiently supply oxygenated blood to the tissues. The diagnosis in a patient presenting with difficulty walking will be influenced by a positive family history of a condition such as these. The patient had also noticed that climbing stairs causes a tight squeezing pain in her chest. may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed
This information may prevent the repetition of tests or treatments which have previously been ineffective. The nature of the work should be determined (what they actually do) and special footwear requirements should be noted. Individuals may be placed at risk by certain treatments, drugs or procedures that are usually considered routine. [email protected]. To determine the presence of systemic cardiovascular disease the patient should be asked if they have ever had: Ischaemic heart disease describes two clinical syndromes: angina pectoris and myocardial infarction (MI). An inadequate history of the patient’s health status may have the following consequences: With an inadequate knowledge of the patient’s medical history, inappropriate or unsafe treatment may be provided. Insect stings are also an important cause of anaphylactic fatality. following an MI patient cannot drive for one month. Its practitioners are counted in thousands rather than hundreds indeed tens of thousands if one were to include (as I would) those who fill the search rooms of the Record Offices, and the local history rooms of the public libraries, documenting family 'roots'; the volunteer guid… 800-638-3030 (within USA), 301-223-2300 (international)
Patients should also be asked if they are currently taking or have taken in the past any tablets or medicine or used any ointments or creams which they have purchased from a chemist. Family history: especially parents, siblings and children. The nature of previous podiatric treatment, the name of the practitioner, details of relevant investigations such as X-rays, and the patient’s view of the treatment’s success should be recorded. Large doses or prolonged use of certain medications can be associated with significant adverse drug reactions with relevance to the lower limb. With some types of treatment patients are required to reduce their activity level to a minimum, change dressings or administer treatments at home. For example, a problem-focused history requires documentation of the chief complaint (CC) and a brief history of present illness (HPI), while a detailed history requires the documentation of a CC, an extended HPI, plus an extended review of systems (ROS) and pertinent past, family and/or social history … Other examples of adverse drug reactions are listed in Table 5.1. Diagnosis: Traumatic arthritis. Many departments give their patients a health questionnaire to complete (see Appendix 5.1). Sickle cell anaemia may particularly affect people of African or West Indian descent. This may manifest clinically as vertebral collapse, leading to spinal deformity and possible neural compression. Comprehensive The lowest common history level met by all elements determines the highest billable E… 5.1). Patients with chronic foot disorders may shuffle rather than stride because a propulsive gait could cause more pain. Diagnosis: A tropical parasitic infection with the jigger or sand flea, Tunga penetrans. A 23-year-old man attended clinic after 6 months of working as a volunteer in India. For immediate assistance, contact Customer Service:
Use of recreational drugs should be recorded. Further enquiry elicited a history of trauma from a fall in a horse-riding accident 2 years ago. “Building” a history rather than “taking” one: A perspective on information sharing during the medical interview. Refer to the, Adverse effects of drugs affecting the lower limb, Patients should also be asked if they are currently taking or have taken in the past any tablets or medicine or used any ointments or creams which they have purchased from a chemist. A summary of life-style practices–eg, diet, exercise, sexual orientation and level of sexual activity, occupation, and habits–eg, smoking, abuse of alcohol or other substance, which may have a direct or indirect effect on a person's health. Examples of how to use “social history” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs Certain rhythms such as ventricular tachycardia predispose to cardiac arrest. MEDICAL HISTORY Pregnancy: Please describe any complications, medications taken, or other concerns experienced during pregnancy (e.g., high blood pressure, toxemia, gestational diabetes, etc.) Registered users can save articles, searches, and manage email alerts. This can be sent to the patient before the initial visit or, more commonly, before they see the practitioner again. If a patient is still under the care of a hospital consultant it is prudent to inform the consultant before any treatment is given that may affect other body systems. Format of the medical and social history enquiry. Appendix Introduction Conditions affecting the lower limb may be caused by, or have ramifications for, the patient’s general health and well-being. The following questions will reveal important information about the patient’s general health: • Are you under the doctor or consultant for any treatment currently? “So how is your son doing in college?” “Did you plant a garden again this year?”. Example of a Complete History and Physical Write-up Patient Name: Unit No: Location: Informant: patient, who is reliable, and old CPMC chart. A systematic approach to history taking will ensure that the practitioner covers all relevant areas in the enquiry process. Dyspnoea (shortness of breath) may occur as a result of pulmonary oedema. All the body systems are worked through in a set order, which can be remembered using the acronym ‘CRAGCEL’ (see Box 5.1). Step 4: Women’s Health History The range of motion of the joint was reduced, with painful crepitus evident on dorsiflexion. The central black dot is the flea’s abdominal segments. For example, upper and lower motor neurone lesions may cause an ataxic gait, in which coordination and balance are impaired. transient ischaemic attacks) or routine screening reveals a diastolic blood pressure above 90 mmHg. Medical and Health Professions; ... and employment history. ThedaCare Palliative Medicine Service, Theda Clark Medical Center, Neenah, Wisconsin. A 23-year-old secretary presented with pain in the first metatarsophalangeal joint. Ask if the visit was urban or rural and whether they had any specific vaccinations. Diagnosis: Congestive heart failure. If drugs are prescribed (or omitted) in the absence of a detailed medical history, an existing condition may be exacerbated. A patient’s occupation may be a contributory cause of the lower limb problem and may influence the treatment that can be given (Case history 5.2). Gravity will force most of the transudate to collect bilaterally in the feet and ankles. In some individuals, contact with certain allergens will stimulate the production of an antibody of the immunoglobulin E (IgE) class, which has the ability to adhere to mast cells in tissues and basophils in the circulation. If drugs are prescribed (or omitted) in the absence of a detailed medical history, an existing condition may be exacerbated. The systems enquiry is the key part of the medical history. to maintaining your privacy and will not share your personal information without
Ask if they: • have Cut down on drinking – have tried repeatedly without success, • are Annoyed by criticism about drinking habits. Social factors can be a major hindrance for patients to be healthy. Syncope (fainting) is a transient loss of consciousness. All these factors have implications for cost and litigation. A local type I hypersensitivity reaction may be caused by local anaesthetic agents but this is rare. The clinician must therefore be aware of the patient’s medical and social history as they may have implications for the diagnosis and management of lower limb problems. This condition can have a direct effect on the ability of the muscles to function under strain. zinc oxide strapping) may be known to the patient and should be noted because of the risk of anaphylaxis. Social history is quite different. Medication history: now and past, prescribed and over-the-counter medicines, allergies. Information about the patient’s previous and current drug therapy can provide useful information about the patient’s health. For example, aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may precipitate asthma attacks. Treatment is by incision and prophylactic antisepsis. Rheumatic fever is a febrile disease occurring as a sequel to group A haemolytic streptococcal infections. An increase in blood pressure is often asymptomatic and many hypertensive people do not realise they have the condition until they develop symptoms (e.g. Example of Patient Medical History Form An illustrative poem or short work of literature can be incorporated into morning report or teaching rounds. Once a history has been taken, physical examination and diagnostic tests can then be used to confirm the diagnosis and stage the severity of the condition. N Engl J Med. Chief Complaint: This is the 3rd CPMC admission for this 83 year old woman with a long history of hypertension who presented with the chief complaint of substernal “toothache like” chest pain of 12 hours symptoms include fatigue and decreased exertional tolerance. Anderson, Ruric (Andy) MD, MBA; Schiedermayer, David MD, Assistant dean for medical education, NorthShore University HealthSystem, and clinical associate professor of medicine, University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, Evanston, Illinois; [email protected]. Hospitalisations for operations or injuries should be recorded and any complications noted (Case history 5.1). Information gleaned from a skilled enquiry is the first step towards making the correct diagnosis, directing further investigations and facilitating the formulation of an appropriate treatment plan. Assistant dean for medical education, NorthShore University HealthSystem, and clinical associate professor of medicine, University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine, Evanston, Illinois; [email protected]. It is important to consider the patient’s home situation. For information on cookies and how you can disable them visit our Privacy and Cookie Policy. Have you been off work due to illness for more than 1 week in the past 6 months? Certain lower limb pathologies can be inherited or seem to have a familial predisposition, especially diseases that are neurological in nature such as Friedreich’s ataxia and Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease. your express consent. A properly taken medical and social history is concerned with the patient as a whole and not just the lower limb complaint with which the patient has presented. Treatment may fail or cause the patient’s presenting condition to worsen because inadequate history taking has prevented accurate diagnosis of the presenting foot complaint. social history. Patients should be observed from the moment they enter the consulting room. To determine the presence of peripheral vascular disease the patient should be asked if they have ever had: • a thrombosis or blood clot (deep vein thrombosis [DVT]), Only gold members can continue reading. 2 Haidet P, Paterniti DA. Some patients may experience particular difficulties in taking time from work to attend for treatment. Weight abnormalities affect the lower limb and should be noted on the first meeting with the patient. a thrombosis or blood clot (deep vein thrombosis [DVT]), Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, Central, crushing pain that radiates into the arms and jaw. Log In or, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window), Purpose of the medical and social history. Consistent with a call from the Institute of Medicine to better incorporate social and behavioral sciences into medical training, 2 we suggest that the primary tool that identifies the social circumstances of the patients, the social history, be revisited. Questions to ask are: • What do you smoke – cigarettes, cigars, a pipe? The use of injectable drugs places the patient at risk of hepatitis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Editorials of Laura Weiss Roberts, MD, MA, Addressing Race and Racism in Medical Education. Refer to the British National Formulary (BNF) or another pharmacological text if you are unfamiliar with any drugs that the patient is taking. Physicians can and must do better. Social History Assessment is the first resource to offer practical guidance about interpreting the social history. Family Medical History Form is a format that captures the Medical History of family pertaining to ailments which are hereditary in nature. The history includes 4 elements: 1. Ask the patient if they: The most important cardiovascular symptom to elicit is chest pain (Table 5.2) because of the range of pathologies responsible for its occurrence. Examples of how to use “social history” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs Questioning should follow a sequence that moves from the patient’s childhood to the present. In females, a particularly common procedure is hysterectomy, which has implications for the lower limb in that the effect on hormone balance can lead to premature osteoporosis. “The patient does not smoke and drinks occasionally.” This, sadly, is the patient's social history as recorded in too many of our medical records. Many cardiovascular, alimentary, neurological and endocrine disorders can be inherited and therefore the use of pedigree charts is particularly useful in paediatrics. Information about the patient’s previous and current drug therapy can provide useful information about the patient’s health. The past medical history (PMH) consists of information about previous lower limb problems and the treatment received, as well as details about any problems that have affected the patient’s general health. For one patient with COPD who came to the emergency department, the social history, with a simple question about pets, revealed crucial data. Self-prescribed medication is of interest to the practitioner not least because the quantities used may be quite variable, with the possibility of chronic overdosing. A type I hypersensitivity reaction, which may lead to anaphylactic shock, is of most concern. Inadequate knowledge of the patient’s existing medication could lead to adverse inter-drug reactions with newly prescribed treatment. The nature of the work should be determined (what they, Syncope (fainting) is a transient loss of consciousness. Wasting of the thenar eminence and intrinsic musculature of the hand occurs with rheumatoid arthritis and with some genetic disorders such as Friedreich’s ataxia and Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease. Further social history maybe required depending on the type of presenting complaint for example: Respiratory presenting complaint Ask about pets, dust exposure, asbestos, exposure to the farms, exposure to birds or if there are any hobbies And it should also involve the marital and living status of the patient. In the case of surgical treatment the practitioner must establish who is going to transport the patient to and from surgery and who is going to assist them through the immediate postoperative recovery period. For one patient with COPD who came to the emergency department, the social history, with a simple question about pets, revealed crucial data. These questions will hopefully prompt the patient into recollecting any previous incidents of illness or surgery. Step 07 - Social History (SH) This is the opportunity to find out a bit more about the patient’s background. Patients should be asked if they are currently taking, or have taken in the past, any tablets or other medicines, or if they are using or have used any ointments or creams prescribed by their doctor. Thalassaemia, another haemolytic anaemia, can affect patients from the Mediterranean and Southeast Asia. He presented with a pruritic, inflamed lesion with a central black dot, under the free edge of the hallucal toe nail of his left foot. History, social: An account of a patient that puts his or her illness or behavior in context. Patients on long-term steroid therapy can develop a ‘moon’ face. Please enable scripts and reload this page. When it does occur it usually follows entry of an antigenic drug into the circulation of a sensitised individual. The social history in a medical history report needs to add if the patient has any sort of tobacco, alcohol or caffeine addiction. The consultation should begin with a handshake as considerable information can be gleaned from this simple contact. Medical Summary Reports provide an overview of the your personal history, occupational history, health history, psychiatric history, and functioning. Gait disorders in children are best visualised as the child walks into the room to meet the practitioner; children often become self-conscious when asked to walk on demand. Diagnosis: Plantar fasciitis. Culture shock—Patient as icon, icon as patient. It is not known why some individuals are predisposed to anaphylaxis, though genetic mechanisms are certainly involved since there is a strong familial disposition. Although most people use the term ‘side effect’, the term ‘adverse drug reaction’ is more appropriate for effects that are undesired, unpleasant, noxious or potentially harmful. Amphetamines, like many mood stimulants, have a vasoconstrictive effect. In this example, my patient had excellent social support from her family. The patient’s facial appearance and expression is also of interest to the practitioner. Enquiry about the medical history of the immediate family may reveal a predisposition to a range of systemic diseases, a good example of which is non-insulin-dependent diabetes. Bendroflumethiazide, a useful diuretic for the treatment of cardiac failure or hypertension, can cause hyperuricaemia, which may result in gout-like symptoms. All forms of spina bifida should be noted even if the problem has been labelled as spina bifida occulta (impaired gait, pes cavus and plantar ulceration have been found to appear late in cases of spina bifida occulta). The social history has fallen into disrepair. 1 Verghese A. Having recorded disease states of which the patient is aware, enquire further about any systemic cardiovascular symptoms. Disorders of skin and nails may manifest themselves in the hand: for example, psoriasis and eczema may cause hypertrophy and anhydrosis of the skin; pulmonary or cyanotic heart disease may cause clubbed or hippocratic nails. Small plaques of brown lipid under the eyes, seen in hyperlipidaemia, are associated with atherosclerosis. The actual risk of causing a bacteraemia in a patient with a prosthetic joint (which could infect and then loosen the joint) by performing nail surgery remains unquantified but a theoretical risk certainly exists. 2. Data is temporarily unavailable. The remaining three elements (HPI, ROS, PFSH) determine the type of history for the chart, as separated into 4 levels [2,3]: 1. Practitioners should routinely take their patients’ blood pressure, not least because the stress caused by treatment or examination may provoke a clinical emergency in a patient with uncontrolled hypertension. The practitioner should be alert to the possibility of a patient developing an allergy or adverse reaction to medications used during treatment. The types of surface that the patient stands and walks on during the day can be exciting factors. It is not uncommon for patients to have taken prescribed drugs for many years with no clear understanding about why they are/were taking them. Right-sided heart failure is almost always associated with left-sided heart failure and gives rise to peripheral oedema. Causes include valvular heart disease, myocardial disease and hypertension (Case history 5.4). Cyanotic blue lips are a sign of poor cardiac function. Adequate history taking will identify those patients who have previously developed adverse reactions. Literally, her dog caused her to seek care. When patients are older, obtaining a good history—including information on social circumstances and lifestyle in addition to medical and family history—is crucial to good health care. Details of any sporting hobby should therefore be sought from the patient. Chief complaint is required for all levels of charting and lower motor neurone may... Inadequate history taking, investigations, diagnosis and management skills to the head the! He walked around barefoot and recalls occasionally having to remove splinters and small stones his... A social history is rarely wasted agents but this is rare, penetrans! So-Called weekend warrior work due to poor flexibility – the so-called weekend warrior a secured browser on the of. The area of the patient stands and walks on during the medical interview diagnostic. Poor cardiac function reduce skin thickness and impair wound healing: Determine the number of years this occurred... 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