���Ѩ�l.��q��\9� ���Cm�}i>EBx;trJ���p��a=t���4>b��Ja@���xx �E�@X@oz�Ѫ�p�C�a{`��Pd`P2|k��F�כ��ϴ��~�`� It is proposed that aluminum chloride works by causing an obstruction of the distal sweat gland ducts, where the metal ions precipitate with mucopolysaccharides, damaging epithelial cells along the lumen of the duct and forming a plug that blocks sweat output [A32368]. >> �@h�A��� h���"Fh���c���91�@( Calcium chloride is deliquescent. 2715 First Aid Measures Summary of First Aid Measures Ingestion : Do not induce vomiting. Full depth reclamation When recycling roads through full depth reclamation, calcium chloride can provide a stabilized base that can withstand traffic even before the wearing … Precipitations of ceftriaxone-calcium salt, including fatalities, have been seen in newborns under 28 days old, both pre-term and full term, treated with intravenous ceftriaxone and calcium. 4" x 7" Recommended for medium pails, bottles, beakers, drums, and tubs. Calcium carbide incandesces with chlorine, bromine, or iodine at 245, 350, or 305°C., respectively, [Mellor, 1946, Vol. Compliant with the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 1910.1200 and aligned with the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS), Operating range of -65F (-54C) to 225F (107C). Injection of 5% calcium gluconate is indicated as the primary medical treatment for large burns. ��c��XW��$�xj���Oo�U#��BU�@����f��S��"��� ˜K���3p�€IVP�8Ea.sQ� First aid measures 4.1 First-Aid Measures Inhalation If inhaled, remove from area to fresh air. Durable laminate that increases the label strength and resistance. >> For use on containers that store Calcium Chloride to ensure the workplace is aware of the immediate chemical hazards that are present. Tell your doctor about the allergy and what signs you had. Calcium chloride is a non-inflammable substance. MI10432 Revision date 01/Apr/2014 4. Use with adequate ventilation. Depending on its intended use, calcium chloride comes in the form of flakes, pellets, powders and liquid solutions, each in varying concentrations. Free 2nd Day UPS for order of $100 or more. Solid products are capable of absorbing enough moisture from the air to become liquid. Calcium chloride is an economical, dependable additive for obtaining optimum moisture during construction. It is a snapshot of the hazards and protective information related to the chemical, and a summary of the more detailed information available on the SDS. View information & documentation regarding Calcium chloride, including CAS, MSDS & more. stream >> /Type /Page Durable laminate that increases the label strength and resistance. The shales don't become water wet. /Font << CALCIUM CARBIDE is a reducing agent. ��� �7G��5��7\��7=_w��#%�A�U��Ҙ��! The growing need for corrosion-inhibited deicers has prompted manufacturers to explore their production. 8" x 12" Recommended for large pails, tubs, and drums. In its liquid form, it contains from 30% to 42% of calcium chloride per liter of solution, usually sold as 30% solution. Call or Email, GH1-2943-VN-0023,GH2-2943-VN-0023,GH3-2943-VN-0023,GH4-2943-VN-0023,GH1-2943-VN-0023-5,GH2-2943-VN-0023-5,GH3-2943-VN-0023-5,GH4-2943-VN-0023-5,GH1-2943-VN-0035,GH2-2943-VN-0035,GH3-2943-VN-0035,GH4-2943-VN-0035,GH1-2943-VN-0035-5,GH2-2943-VN-0035-5,GH3-2943-VN-0035-5,GH4-2943-VN-0035-5,GH1-2943-VN-0047,GH2-2943-VN-0047,GH3-2943-VN-0047,GH4-2943-VN-0047,GH1-2943-VN-0047-5,GH2-2943-VN-0047-5,GH3-2943-VN-0047-5,GH4-2943-VN-0047-5,GH1-2943-VN-0812,GH2-2943-VN-0812,GH3-2943-VN-0812,GH4-2943-VN-0812, GH12943VN0023,GH22943VN0023,GH32943VN0023,GH42943VN0023,GH12943VN00235,GH22943VN00235,GH32943VN00235,GH42943VN00235,GH12943VN0035,GH22943VN0035,GH32943VN0035,GH42943VN0035,GH12943VN00355,GH22943VN00355,GH32943VN00355,GH42943VN00355,GH12943VN0047,GH22943VN0047,GH32943VN0047,GH42943VN0047,GH12943VN00475,GH22943VN00475,GH32943VN00475,GH42943VN00475,GH12943VN0812,GH22943VN0812,GH32943VN0812,GH42943VN0812, ANSI Hazard Identification Signs And Labels, Biohazard/Infectious Waste Signs And Labels, Housekeeping/Company Policy Signs And Labels, Machine And Equipment Safety Signs And Labels, SDS (Safety Data Sheet) Projecting Sign - 8" x 12" 3D, Warning - May Form Explosive Peroxide - 1.5" x 2.5" Adhesive Vinyl, Corrosive Base - Cabinet or Secondary Containment Sign, Caution - Biohazardous - 4" x 4" Adhesive Vinyl Label, Right-To-Know Compliance Center With SDS Kit - 20" x 30" Aluminum Board, Safety Data Sheets (SDS) Binder - 2.5" - English, Hazardous Waste (California and Federal) Label, GHS Quick Reference Chart - Adhesive Vinyl - 9" x 14" - Each (1 No. CALCIUM CHLORIDE (ALL GRADES) SDS no. Details of the supplier of the safety data sheet The addition of small amounts of certain materials to concrete to promote desirable properties is as old as the use of cement itself. 't#1s̫�BN��5�`���Z�FQ���Y&�6��Q=��4W�po���v@�x9JT�%9lr�y^��B���Ў���0��d8s���k(��ǣ���B�P�+Eo��t��;�d��%:MJ)U,Vj�;����s��O���c���-����phwj��O����|� x6 1:164, 165 1956]. 2" x 3" Recommended for small pails, spray bottles, wash bottles, and beakers. rn��Rڢ��S��4�� s M�e�V�xc`qe����w����\�Sp�Ą��`�HnPX��V��Üs����v|mvnP�r^�Xw��!��~=�A"�[ A��m�N�w��`�x���@��$qm-���S\9�M;I8$�#�?���!�|�C T�!�5�r�j�-�9Bp���-P7F0�Xt ���8�l�P�}C�����A�QȩN�����+� DB5�>� G����͹A�-л�c̪S;�Y4&���K М$���iMi!8QЎ�(D .*9T��;$�+uP9�? Rapid injection may cause tingling sensations, calcium taste, sense of oppression and "heat wave". ��;4���{=��T:��ûC �2��� ���x�{�ԧ3&r�g���N&n�A��1)���0a !�1/���r �:����p�m�Qjx��xsy��*�w���d��:͸�ћS-�a���`��ݼ��18�q��_����ǤC0t���4i&l�#J�SS���i��@T ���W�^��g��縁 p ��aF��s�Y� !�*i-g�fpsՃ `u�*{�,�V^���9r���j���7ln��&7.�\3������ ��熝��z!�2=��/D#M�1�-=ƚ���9�]NW:\T k�;���'ܴ���4��[��U�2�� �����R�a#$��n��b6-%3�f H�`�N�#�� ���y/L�cz�D�(t��6Cf�{a�0�(����D�����F�3����Ž ���'_z��-U6��ng��qԹ� u���_����zMI�{0�̪k������S�]Ç� �W��.�u���SU/�Q�8f��Z��_�C�z��tn�� ������h�R�F H*oJ��H��B��K�.� Chronic (long-term) exposure to chlorine gas in workers has resulted in respiratory effects, including eye and throat irritation and airflow obstruction. stream !�n� ��"sh!��h�2��؜* "4�� "x� .RC��B�����RX�C��=���d�)j��Ĵ[d�FQ�l�Gd���R���Hs��H��w��|8˸�)-8@'"h�;��Ј%1��O�ԙ_P-����:ϴ-Jӻ�އ�PT�����(h۶C�,Nbc2&"��\?�թ^��L�>5PeH�7�C�4���6��]h����Ԃ2}S=S��( ���;]uͧ^!�;i`B��p��j^'�*��2����9e�`�7#c0�:�# @0�� �: #��f]�+��6�`ˢ �pA�g����h�6�+��H�4h��~3��p��xM�Ma�.��K��ƽ��sp��Ø#��p��9b`�( �o�WhVCx�"�2�!����P�E��/8����ڲD{�UT�O&��Q�X}��^���)���2�]���xW��L�=�F�Jb��8j#H˟C�~C�盌��� If victim is conscious and alert, give 2-4 cupfuls of water. However, when it comes in contact with metals like zinc or sodium, it produces hydrogen, which is highly inflammable. In addition, it doesn't raise the soil's pH, so calcium can be delivered to plants without altering the soil's chemistry. MAY CAUSE EYE, SKIN AND RESPIRATORY TRACT IRRITATION. �P��"!/6)X$�B�D+ɹ8'#5F��.���LJy�w�� ����TSOo*QZ�l�ϼ5NX�G�҂T�|�ek�Ǻb���]U�Hp. Originally published 1974. Further notes are below. For skin exposure, consult with a burn specialist or plastic surgeon. ), Hazardous Waste Satellite Accumulation Label - Adhesive Vinyl, Do Not Pour Hazardous Materials Down This Sink - Adhesive Vinyl Label - 3" x 5" - Pack of 25, Caution Bilingual Sign - Keep All Cylinders Double-Chained - 10" x 14", No Gloves On Door Handles - Adhesive Vinyl Label - 3" x 5" - Pack of 25, Hazardous Chemical Compatibility Chart - 12" x 16" - Each (1 No. endobj 10035-04-08 Calcium chloride dihydrate 100% Section 3 - Hazards Identification Emergency Overview Appearance: white solid Warning! /Filter /LZWDecode The water phase of oil-based mud can be freshwater, or a solution of sodium or calcium chloride. Header Search (800) 952-1457 Mon - Fri 8:00am to 7:00pm EST; Shopping Cart 0 … Calcium chloride is an odorless, white, crystalline solid compound that is highly soluble in water. May react vigorously with oxidizing materials. Poor stability of the emulsion results in the two … Return to HazMat Table menu at top of page. Tested to withstand exposure to Acetone, Dichloromethane, Hydrofluoric Acid, and other tough chemicals and solvents. FREE Shipping by Amazon. Recommended Uses. Avoid breathing airborne product. The powdered mixture of the acetylide and iron oxide and iron chloride burns violently upon ignition, producing molten iron. << ��re@P�E�{�֌��(�َ���t�֕2� Va�bT�=��Y Dry, or anhydrous, calcium chloride is referred to by Hill Brothers’ trade name as Hi 94.Hill Brothers offers two different dry products as Hi 94 Prill and Hi 94 Powder.Both products are high purity manufactured calcium chloride with a typical CaCl 2 content of 94% and both meet the ASTM D-98 specification for Ready-Mix Concrete. /Contents 8 0 R It is capable of absorbing moisture from the air. endstream /F0 6 0 R /ProcSet 2 0 R /F1 7 0 R If benzalkonium chloride soaks or calcium gluconate gel do not provide significant relief of pain within 30 to 40 minutes, injection of calcium gluconate solution is indicated. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: CAUTION! 4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use. Keep container closed. On lawns and farms, it provides an immediate source of calcium with virtually no harmful affects to the environment. Chlorine is a commonly used household cleaner and disinfectant. Calcium chloride, because of its acidifying nature, is unsuitable for the treatment of hypocalcaemia caused by renal insufficiency or in patients with respiratory acidosis or failure. Calcium Chloride for Plants. ��" The precipitates were found in lungs and kidneys. 6.1a Toxic substances which are liable to cause death or serious injury to human health if inhaled, swallowed or by skin absorption (potassium cyanide, mercuric chloride).6.1b (Now PGIII) Toxic substances which are harmful to human health (N.B this symbol is no longer authorized by the United Nations) (pesticides, methylene chloride). Please see our information page here. This product is a/an white powder. Get it as soon as Wed, Dec 23. The Romans used blood, pig's fat and milk as additions to pozzolanic cements to improve their workability and durability. >> $59.98 $ 59. 5, 862]. This can cause clumping and caking in dry calcium chloride products, such as pellets, flakes and briquettes. Calcium Chloride Alkali Chlorides Moisture 93% <5% <4% Synonyms/ : Anhydrous Calcium Chloride, Prilled Calcium Chloride, Calcium Dichloride Common Names 4. 11 0 obj 2" x 3" Recommended for small pails, spray bottles, wash bottles, and beakers. /Length 12 0 R Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against 1.3. V.S. 1. PELLETS OF FIRE Calcium Chloride Ice Melt - 50 Pound Bag - Best Heat Generating Rock Salt for Snow and Ice – Concrete Safe - Industrial Grade, Home and Commercial Use - Works in -25° F. 4.4 out of 5 stars 291. >> The anhydrous form of calcium chloride may also be used for this purpose and can provide a measure of the moisture in concrete. ----- EPA-600/2-77-227 November 1977 MANUAL FOR THE CONTROL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SPILLS VOLUME ONE SPILL ASSESSMENT AND WATER TREATMENT TECHNIQUES by K. R. Huibregtse, R. C. Scholz, R. E. Wullschleger J. H. Moser, E. R. Bellinger, and C. A. Hansen Envirex (A Rexnord Company) Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53214 Contract No. :��УO(��(^g�I��n"� �� �l�h�H���6I�_����`��@���e�+�1,CPZ�,^[.�7>v�^���C��)�O���Ŏ��.���`�ϕ May cause cardiac disturbances. �p{-��P�0U�v��@�*���TF�2�*;p޳g�x��^�Zs0���#p��� �з�B��PQH�pƈ Tested to withstand exposure to Acetone, Dichloromethane, … If you have any of these health problems: Breathing problems, high calcium levels, or low calcium … Calcium chloride has a variety of applications and can lead to potential health risks if handled improperly. Calcium Chloride in Concrete. << 4 0 obj << My Account; Customer Service; Free Shipping for order of $29.95 and more. Calcium Chloride (6 mM) SAFETY DATA SHEET Supersedes Revision: 04/21/2015 CAS # Hazardous Components (Chemical Name) Section 15. 7647-14-5 5 - 26 Not classified Full text of H-phrases: see Section 16. /Filter /LZWDecode 7732-18-5 74 - 95 Not classified Sodium chloride (CAS-No.) HCL Labels has developed an unmatched selection of over 750 HazCom labels. ���Ѩ�l.��q��\9� If you are allergic to calcium chloride; any part of calcium chloride; or any other drugs, foods, or substances. , Dichloromethane, … calcium chloride ( CAS-No. promote desirable properties as. Contact with metals like zinc or sodium, it produces hydrogen, which is highly inflammable chloride [ Mellor Supp. Identification Emergency Overview Appearance: white solid Warning to improve their workability and durability at cost. If respiratory irritation develops or if breathing becomes difficult sensations, calcium taste sense! Mellor 2 Supp `` Code of Federal Regulations '' title 49 Section 172.101 at top of.. 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