Please feel free to use this time to take care of miscellaneous needs if you do not have lunch duty. • Anchorage, AK 99504 • 907-742-4000 • August 2019 Dear Parent/Guardian, Welcome to the 2019-20 school year! The public school assures that to comply with the full educational opportunity goal, services for students three through twenty-one will be fully implemented by 1999. BELL SCHEDULE
7:45 – Breakfast begins 3:10 – Preschool load the bus
8:05 – Warning bell 3:15 – Parent pick-up/LEAP bell
8:10 – Tardy bell/classes begin 3:16 – 3rd through 5th grade load bus
3:17 – Kdg through 2nd grade load bus
Lesson Plan Book and Grade Book
Teachers are required to keep the following records throughout the school year. MONEY COLLECTION
Any money collected by teachers must not be left overnight in desks in the building. Teachers are expected to have plan books in their rooms during the school day, and they are to leave detailed lesson plans when absent. For many, the six-hour school day alone may be pressing the limits of their endurance and interest. Boors. School sponsors/teachers MUST handle all monies and purchases connected with the particular clubs or classes they are sponsoring. The principal may request copies of lesson plans. BES serves grades 3rd-5th. Progress Reports:
Progress reports will be issued to students in all grades every four and half weeks. All records shall be returned to the office by 4:00 p.m. daily. Kling Supplemental Handbook; Technology Acceptable Use Policy/Agreement; Substitute Teacher and Volunteer Handbook . Good grooming and dress habits are considered to be a part of the teacher’s professional obligations while at school. Learning is facilitated if students see examples of an acceptable finished product or process. Elementary School Teacher Handbook Page 1 SCHOOLS Caledonia Elementary School 268-6690 914 Caledonia Avenue Mr. Charles McCants, Principal Chambers Elementary School 268-6640 14305 Shaw Avenue Ms. No organization or class may set up an account with the bank for any reason. The faculty and staff … CURRENT Employee Handbook . These are set by default and whilst you can block or delete them by changing your browser settings, some functionality such as being able to log in to the website will not work if you do this. Student Permanent Records
Teachers are to sign and date the sign-out sheet when taking student permanent records from the elementary office. ALL PURCHASES by school clubs, organizations, and classes must be made using the District’s purchase ordering system. Mr. Donnie Hill is the designated person who oversees the operation of the management plan. Edt107 template / 2017-2018 student handbooks. Kindergarten and second grade students meet in booster groups while first grade students comprise the actual literacy groups. Powered by Edlio. If such materials are to actually be purchased, they must be properly approved. STAFF HANDBOOK. In case you are unable to come to school to write out a plan for that day, keep a daily lesson plan as a backup. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES
Fire, tornado, and earthquake procedures must be displayed in plain view in the classroom. Locate any missing students. Turn in a copy of the textbook form to the office after the first two weeks of school. Intellectually Delayed. It should be noted that all these steps will not be present in every lesson; however, many lessons include most of these teaching acts. Hands over the back of your head!” It is essential that this command be instantly understood and obeyed. The names of students known or believed to be responsible for such damage should also be reported. The school administrator promotes the success of all students by collaborating effectively with faculty, staff, students, parents, community, and division personnel. (First aid kits should be located in a visible area, preferably near the door of each room.) Available online via the Fletcher Webpage “Every organization is set up to get the results that it gets” Author unknown . The free basic handbook is a well written document that can serve as a temporary or partial employee handbook. When not in use, please do not leave the light bulb on. These items are listed below. Nor should student activities that are positive in nature be ignored by the teacher. All payments must be made by check by the school bookkeeper. The signal for a fire drill will be an “intermittent” ringing of bells. The materials should be packaged, wrapped, addressed for mailing, and returned to the elementary office. It is the responsibility of every teacher. PAGE 2
/ 0 3 4 5 6 7 : D E J K T ] ^ úèÖɹ¬šŠÉxfWHè;+ h^Ş hrê 5�CJ0 OJ PJ QJ h„. Academic School Year 2019-2020 . One School Street. Clermont Northeastern Schools has put the following protocols based on guidance from the... December: Staff of the Month Every month teachers and administrators from each building nominate staff to be recognized as The Staff Member of the Month for going above and beyond for our students and families. Smoking or chewing tobacco is not tolerated any place on school premises. Achieves Closure: This is the culminating activity of a lesson. Instruct students to “LIE DOWN!” or “CROUCH LOW TO THE GROUND!” (Legs will not be steady). Room Inventory
Inventory will be taken in the spring of each year. Move your students immediately to an open space away from buildings, trees, and overhead power lines. Valley view elementary school k-6 school handbook template. No teacher in charge of students is to leave a classroom, duty station, or any area unattended. Who have noticeable or perceived personality conflicts. Teachers should provide a progress report for all students. Adult charges are as follows: Breakfast $.75 and Lunch $1.50. Keep students in a group and seek to calm and reassure frightened students. The public school has developed a Local Compliance Plan for implementation of Special Education and this Plan is available for public review during regular school hours on days school is in session in the Office of the Superintendent of Schools. Students should not sit on top rails of slide, jump off slide, or walk up slide panel. Templates, Samples and Free Employee Handbook Resources. Included in this plan are the policies and procedures that the district must follow regarding storage, disclosure to third parties, retention, and destruction of personally identifiable information. Drills will be completed throughout the school year. Prescription medicines sent to school by parents should be sent to the nurse’s office. The program is available to a limited number of children who become four years of age before August 1st for the upcoming school year. In the library, move immediately from where books and bookshelves may fall. Each piece of information listed is available as a separate item on the CD-ROM version of the handbook—as both an HTML and a PDF file. School Board, the principal in charge of the school or his designated representatives shall develop policies by which he may delegate to any teacher or other instructional staff member of the school such responsibilities for the control, direction, and supervision of students as … In the event of student injury, escort or send the child to the nurse’s office unless it is considered dangerous for the child to be moved. Email the Human Resources Department with comments or questions. ELEMENTARY PLAYGROUND RULES
Playground Boundaries: The boundaries of the playground are designated by the fencing. A positive contact prior to any problem will help ward off negative situations. Use of Playground Equipment: The following descriptions of appropriate play activities should be enforced. Alpha Elementary School; Berenda Elementary School; Cesar Chavez Elementary School; Desmond Middle School; Dixieland Elementary School; Duane E. Furman High School; ... Staff Handbook; Addendum K: Teacher Evaluation Guidelines. The grade book will be collected at the end of the school year. Please do not email or leave messages on voicemail because they may not be checked before the beginning of the school day. Be calm, walk in line to the building exit, and move a good distance away from the building. The employee handbook template provides information about a company’s history and how it has developed over the years. Teachers must follow the school schedule throughout the day. Staff Forms ; Staff Handbook; Raymond Elementary School 434 Webbs Mills Road, Raymond, ME 04071 Tel: 207-655-8672 Fax: 207-655-8664 Contact Webmaster. Students are not allowed to push, grab clothing, or hang on basketball hoops. Phone Numbers:
Superintendent (573) 663-3591
High School (573) 663-2291 or 2292
Elementary (573) 663-2293 or 2294
Southern R-II School Board Policy/Procedures are available on our School Web Site:
PRESCHOOL: Kristie Chase
Tiffany Eddington
KINDERGARTEN: Diana Blakemore
Brittany Hime
Amber Morrison
Erin Tucker
Angie Whited
FOURTH GRADE : Melissa Barton
Olivia Bass
FIFTH GRADE: Julie Clark
Monica Francis
ART: Lindsey Eudaley
COMPUTERS: Holly Baysinger
Phoebe Guinan
MUSIC: John Kerley
PHYSICAL ED: Becky Richards
Vanessa Murray
Daryl Kelly
SPEECH: Holly Baysinger
All public schools are required to provide a free and appropriate public education to all students with disabilities, including those attending private/parochial schools, beginning on the child’s third birthday through age twenty, regardless of the child’s disability. Parent Contacts:
Teachers should make every effort to keep parents informed of their child’s progress. At the end of this time the student will be tested. If a student comes in after attendance has been taken, make sure the student has checked into the office upon arrival. A list of procedures and consequences should be posted in the classroom and discussed with the students. Teachers shall also be on hand to pick up students at the end of such classes. Students should not sit on top of bars or hang by their legs. If a cell phone is needed to make a call, please do so during planning time. Retake attendance to ensure that all students are accounted for
If you have students in the bathroom check hallway and if not there call office for assistance (do not leave or send anyone to get them). In that event, notify the principal as soon as possible. 2002 or, or Pat Ruddy, associate district administrator, at (608) 524-2016, ext. Students not actually playing on the swings should not be in and around them while others are swinging. Find us on: Facebook Twitter. Any teacher who must miss school should notify the elementary secretary as soon as possible but always before 7:00 a.m. of the day absent. Board of Education 2012-2013 *Staff will need to read and be familiar with the Student Handbook* Southern Reynolds R-II. Welcome to Oakwood City Elementary Schools! The room inventory must reflect an accurate account of all items in the classroom. After an earthquake, see that students remain in sheltered positions for at least one minute. But depending on company type, size, and state, there may be information it is required to give employees. Comments (-1) Red River High School Student Handbook. These requests will only be honored when a reason, considered to be valid by the administration, is given. Re-enter the building at the sound of the bell and return to classrooms. Communicates, consults and co-operates with other members of the school staff, including those having posts of special responsibility and parents in the interest of pupils. Of course, in many instances it may be determined that the student will perform equally well no matter what the class assignment. Each teacher should make a homework policy for their class, have it approved by the principal, and send home for parents to sign and return. Wallburg Elementary School serves K-5th grade and is part of Davidson County Schools. Anchorage School District Education Center 5530 E. Northern Lights Blvd. This is a transition year and the expectations outlined below are subject to change with new administration and the SIS computer based program. 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