Strops come in a lot of different leather types' cowhide, horsehide, horse shell, kangaroo, bison, pigskin, etc. What would be the advantages of one or the other - horsehide or goatskin? Calf hides, as one might assume, are smaller and lighter in weight (less thick) when compared to steer or cowhide. When comparing horsehide to cow/steerhide, there are big differences. The highnoon down under with straps is an excellent holster for me. Holsters that are skin side to the body (i.e.¬if_t=notify_me. Put a good coat of even something as simple as mink oil paste, or better yet a good neastfoot oil/beeswax mixture (like crossbreed SHOULD have done) and you’ll notice a big difference. Crossbreed Supertuck Cowhide Vs Horsehide. The flesh side of the hide Is far more permeable than the top grain side, and top grain side can be sealed with wax giving far more moisture resistance. ONL baseball stamped 'Cowhide Baseball First Use 4-4-74 Cincinnati Vs. Atlanta' used to commemorate the switch from horsehide. Horse hide is also less porous than cowhide, so dyed horse leather tends to … TOF Well-Known Member . It was still functional, just ugly. The Horsehide tends to remain stiff over a longer period of time and hold it's form, even under sweat and humidity. So I recently obtained my ccw. Tanned exclusively for CrossBreed Holsters, our Black Cowhide is a vegetable tanned, drum dyed, 10-12 ounce top grain leather. Since cowhide leather typically has a more open grain, it will absorb moisture faster than horsehide leather. - Bullhide - these tend to be larger and heavier hides, with heavily wrinkled shoulders. If you don’t want to get your pistol sweaty, go horsehide. First posting on forums. Might as well trim it as you want. When I say cowhide, it almost always means steerhide for us, since we're typically buying the heaviest (thickest) hides that are available. Horsehide usually does have more natural markings, scars, wrinkles, etc. If you really want to understand the differences, speak to someone who works with leather every day, all day, and really understands this sort of thing, like the owner at A Better Belt USA. I have NEVER had that kind of sweat on my sidearm. Until 1974, baseballs were made of horsehide. So, if you don’t live in a hot climate, or you don’t care about getting your pistol sweaty, just go ahead and get the cowhide version. I'm going to try to deliver info on what seems to be a major distinguishing factor for many people in terms of leather jackets - horsehide or cowhide? than cowhide but this is part of its beauty and makes it unique. Horsehide Leather vs Cowhide Leather Holster. I’m trying to pick between a Mitch Rosen or a Greg Kramer holster. Nothing worse than a IWB holster that will not conform to your body. This results in it being more moisture resistant but i have also heard that its a cheaper leather and wont last as long as Cowhide.. If they made a holster with two belt attachments I’d probably try one. This gives it a "buttery" or soft surface feel, and makes it easy to damage. The hides also have more natural wrinkles and striations due to the ruggedness of the animal. Earlier this week I spent several hours outdoors with temperatures in the mid 90’s, and for the first time I noticed the difference between the cowhide and horsehide: I had a Kramer horsehide dress belt once. As nouns the difference between horsehide and cowhide is that horsehide is hide of a horse while cowhide is (countable) a hide of a cow. Cow and buffalo hides are similar in strength and elasticity; both are the strongest of easily obtainable animal hides, and do not stretch easily, which make them a good choice for upholstery, shoes, or bags. The question that really inspired this post was essentially, does horsehide make the best jackets? Goatskin vs horsehide Discussion in 'Outerwear' started by MKL, Feb 9, 2007. Open invitation. Do your recommended getting ordering your holster lined or not? HNS lots must hit a predetermined average weight and include 5% or less branded hides. The bison is raised and lives differently. When comparing horsehide to cow/steerhide, there are big differences. It has more of a matte finish and will not usually be as shiny as cowhide. The answer is in the eye of the beholder. That is how we used to make our “old school” 3-way Paddle, worked great. It’s only an issue if you get a certain set of criteria together, like using a completely unfinished/unburnished piece of leather flesh side to the body. I'll try and look up pictures when I get home. These are all full grain products. It is used for everything from motorcycle gear, jackets, vests, gun holsters, saddles, and boots because of its durability, heavy weight, and strength. Joined Sep 7, 2006 Messages … Horsehide has a coarser grain, huge differences in weight (even across the same hide, and generally is lighter/thinner), is more abrasion resistant, has a different fiber structure, and displays much more variation and natural markings. You may just get converted, LOL. The shell has no grain, the strip in the center has very pronounced and coarse grain, and the two steerhide examples have very fine, but still very pronounced grain. Years ago when I purchased my first Crossbreed Supertuck holster, I had heard from many sources that the horsehide version was the best in hot climates because the horsehide wasn’t as absorbent as cowhide, and because of this it would keep sweat off of your pistol. For us, cow/steerhide is cut and tanned as "sides," and horsehide becomes three separate products. I loved my Crossbreed for about six months, until I noticed that because of the all leather side, it kept popping the mag release on my M&P compact when I was shifting around in the car. That is sweat. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Works well enough that I can carry with an extended mag release and it never comes undone. We also run some Bison, which would seem to behave like a cow/steerhide, but it's quite different. Horse tends to be a tougher hide, and sheens more easily giving it a glossy look, which some find unpleasant. I would think if the moisture is making it through the leather, it would make it through either way. Do they age in looks about the same? Horsehide is less able to take and hold a shape than cowhide but is more durable and less resistant to sweat, scratches and material breakdown. Stunning Vegetable tanned Horsehide 577XX TruckerJacket with Troy Mills Blanket lining.... MORE >> 1940's Lettermans Jacket. These hides tend to have more natural markings to them (healed scratches, bug bites, etc.) This thicker material is often smoother and less grainy than cowhide, and wears better over the course of time. Horsehide is slicker and smoother than cowhide, both inside and out. In the closeup above, the difference in grain appearance is very noticeable. The Reckoning Holster is shown (from left to right) in Founder's Series, Black Cowhide, and Horsehide leather. Can I suggest checking-out the N82 Tactical Professional series. Now vegetable tanned horsehide is extremely close-grained, dense and oily. Lambskin is very supple but generally has less tear resistance than goatskin, cowhide, or horsehide. Lucas Not really. This is generally considered to be the best available hide, and there are many other possible grades other than those mentioned above (but for the what we're working on here this is plenty). . I have heard Horsehide is a denser and tighter grained flesh than cowhide. Horsehide creases very differently from cowhide. I prefer cowhide for belts and IWB holsters. Does being smooth side out really help keep less moisture from getting onto the gun? Location: Kansas. Feb 28, 2010 #3. highenuff89. On a well waxed leather piece water will bead up and run off (for a while – LOL). I have several Kramer holsters in horsehide, and while the cowhide holsters are just fine, the horsehide does tend to last longer and resist the excess stretching or becomming too loose. Humidity sucks. I wound up buying two belts from him as a result. They will all work to maintain your edge. Anyone ever heard of Theis holsters? The primary difference between HNS and a BBS are the number of brands in the lot. It is one (of many) reasons we construct our IWB holsters smooth side out. I’m planning on getting a Vedder ComfortTuck Combat Cut for my P365, but I’m trying to see if the horsehide is worth the extra cost. From a production and yield standpoint, cow/steerhide is always better. Cowhide vs horsehide Discussion in 'Holsters and Cases' started by TC125, Jun 23, 2012. MKL A-List Customer. Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! - Heifer - this is a cow that hasn't produced any calves, thus the bellies of the hide tend to be heavier than on a cow that has had offspring. Certain hides and certain tanning processes lend themselves well to certain end uses, with the type and formulation of the tannage often being the most significant factor. I learned a lot speaking with him about materials when I was shopping for a good gun belt. A friend had a horsehide IWB holster and complained that it felt like a brick in his waistband. Bulls are made into steers for ranching. Kept the gun tight to me but was very comfortable. Jason and Chris specifically commented that they wanted to hear more about Aero and/or their horsehide jackets. The finish on cow tends to look a lot nicer. Horse leather also has a coarser grain than cowhide and many feel it has a brighter, more shiny appearance. This would also be far more costly to make, which is probably why it isn’t being done. Softness/stretchiness of most areas of horsehide is just as much a function of the whole process as the base tannage. Any feedback on what y'all like as well as brands you use. Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. There are a number of distinctions you can make when purchasing bovine hides in their perishable state: - Steerhide - most of the cattle raised for foodstuffs are steers. Editor/Head Honcho at Triangle Tactical. CCW Lucas is a life long shooter and outdoorsman, avid concealed carrier and competitive shooter, and a lover of pork fat. I am not necessarily looking at a leather that will … I have loved it for the few weeks I've had it! Horsehide vs cowhide? The strip and the shells are pure vegetable pit tannages, and the horsefront can be tanned either with or without chrome - note: horsefront a.k.a. Awesome thanks! since cows live longer than their steer counterparts. The Horsehide almost seem magnetic as was described to me by a user. Most of the time it is naturally darker so when dyed it will be darker than a cowhide item of the same color. Bison & Buffalo Leather vs Cow Leather Processing. Yeah, I’ll have to do that. 49 Posts #4 • Jan 17, 2013. I’ll send you an email. After some research, im noticing some materials being used. One major difference between a cow/steerhide and a calfskin is the appearance of the grain, which tends to be finer on calf. Joined: Oct 16, 2014 Location: Western Suburbs of Illinois. My horsehide Supertuck I trimmed down around the mag release so that wasn’t an issue. The strip (a.k.a. As it is though I’m not a huge fan of holsters with a single clip. The horsefront, the strip, and the shells. Print; Mar 21, 2015 #1 . If the construction is rough-side towards the body there is little you can do to correct that situation. The dressing and type of latigo will make the draw vary but it has a similar feel. Looking to get some opinions and/or pros and cons for horsehide vs cowhide holsters. Cow/steerhide is more versatile in that it is much more consistent in terms of weight and … Humidity sucks. I Live in a Very Humid area that gets hot during the Summer and I have never had a problem with my Supertuck Cowhide Holster I love it and recommend it to my students. _____ ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ Prima di tutto, essere armati. Cowhide with strop dressing has a draw that feels a bit sticky almost as if the razor is being slowed by a coating (which is exactly what is happening) as does Latigo. After wearing the horsehide Supertuck for 3+ years I never noticed it really repelling sweat, so when I won a free Crossbreed holster at a match, I just went ahead and ordered the cowhide version. Unfortunately, humidity and constant moisture will permeate almost any leather if given sufficient time. The difference is the draw of the surface as you move your blade along the length of the strop. Cut it. Messages: 11 Likes Received: 0. As a general statement, chrome tannages do yield softer leathers, but retanning and drying methods can yield round, veg-like leathers. Buffalo hide grain is more distinct than cowhide leather grain, and gives a project a more earthy or rustic look. Also, due to horse being a tougher hide, it also tends to squeak a lot when being worn, so if you want a quiet holster, stick with cow. MLB made the change due to a shortage of horsehide. Ever. In a post a while back I asked if there were any topics that anyone wanted some more information on. Thread Status: Not open for further replies. 30 0. Horsehide is naturally a little less porous than cowhide since the grain is marginally tighter, however, much of the moisture resistance is due to the horsehide (like the bullhide we prefer to use) being a compressed leather with a semi-finish done to the “rough side”. Is horse uncomfortably stiff, as I read somewhere? Heavy Native Steers (HNS) and Butt Branded Steers (BBS) are the hides that we purchase, and these hides are sold and graded based on an average weight. Weird. Premium Black Leather Cowhide. Surprised that didn’t show in my news feed. The majority of what we run here is cowhide. TC125, Jun … Cow leather and bison leather/buffalo leather are both made by skilled artisans in the traditions of centuries past. It's also thinner, but tougher so it will feel very different. Today's baseballs are made of cowhide. It integrates a moisture barrier… I live in Florida, so I know heat and humidity. bark strip, russet horsehide strip, natural horsebutt strip, north of cordovan, and others) is thick relative to the front, and typically ranges from 4 - 10 oz, or 1.6 mm to 4 mm. I would only say that it makes a different jacket, just like it makes up into a different shoe when compared to other leather options. After a year or so it was so cracked I couldn't wear it with my suits. In 3 years of carrying with the horsehide Supertuck, I never had this much sweat on my pistol when drawing it from the holster. Traditionally, cowhide leather that is unfinished and not moisture sealed will have a tendency to absorb moisture such as sweat from the body when used for concealed carry in the waistband. Crossbreed doesn’t properly finish their edges anyway, just cut rivet and ship. Tried a CompTac CTAC and have used that very happily for three years since. LOL. Give me your take. Yeah, I don’t think it’s really a problem, just something to be aware of. Atlanta' used to commemorate the switch from horsehide. I’m currently getting a ton of traffic from somewhere on Facebook, mind if I ask where you found this post? Learn how your comment data is processed. Squeaked at first, but now that it's breaking in, it doesn't anymore. Strength Is buffalo leather stronger than cowhide leather? Horsehide is a luxury leather often hailed as the all-rounder for its durability and handsome aesthetic. Horsehide has a coarser grain, huge differences in weight (even across the same hide, and generally is lighter/thinner), is more abrasion resistant, has a different fiber structure, and displays much more variation and natural markings. Discussion in 'Carry Issues' started by highenuff89, Mar 21, 2015. I deliberately say "finer" and not "better" because they are just different, and I wouldn't say that one is necessarily better than the other based solely on grain appearance. Holsters & Belts. CrossBreed Holsters come with a selection of backing material which includes Horsehied and Cowhide. Cow/steerhide is more versatile in that it is much more consistent in terms of weight and usable area, which means yields are better. The fact is that skins of an equivalent quality in cowhide would wind up in the garbage-bin. 1940's Letterman's Jacket - a post WW2 classic.... MORE >> "Aeromarine" Aeromarine - A 1920s Forerunner of the Type A-1... MORE >> "August" August - A 1930s Half Belted Jacket... MORE >> "Barnstormer" Double-breasted 4-pocket coat, four deep pockets, finest Alpaca … Wondering if I should go horse, or cowhide? I read that Horsehide doesn’t need to be lined, it is smoother than cowhide. As a verb cowhide is to flog with a cowhide. Baseball's are made of cool stuff that you eat. Lightweight, meaning thin, cowhide, though, also makes beautiful jackets. This is great leather, though it's a little funky to work with due to the shape. I’n not an expert by any means. The grain structure also means that horsehide tends to be more abrasion resistant than cowhide. Not paper-thin like the lambskin found on “fashion” leather jackets. Cowhide is also much more readily available. This is illustrated (below right) where, using the same pressure during the blocking process, the protruding safety-catch on the metal block has pushed through and damaged … June 21, 2014 I’ve went on record on the podcast saying that I didn’t think there was really any difference between the two, and for the most part, there isn’t. How to Get Started in Competitive Shooting: North Carolina Concealed Handgun Permit Renewal. TC125 New Member. Dude, you need to stop by the shop while I’m there and let me demo a Covert for you. Horsehide has a high level of natural water repellency which is only bolstered by the tanning process, and its tough composition makes it resistant to stretching or losing it… Decided on my IWB.. Crossbread. Thread Tools. - Cowhide - these hides are lighter in weight and have "looser" bellies (that is, a more spongy fiber structure that has more stretch). Any personal expiernce would be great.. The fronts have traditionally been used for jackets because they are tough and thin, making them great for the application. Messages: 316. The bison hides themselves are much greasier (higher fat content) and tend to have pockets of light weight (thin) areas, especially over the natural hump of the animal's back. Horsehide used for good holsters, belts and shoes is shell cordovan (mostly from the Horween tannery in Chicago), which is a sub-skin membrane from the hindquarters of the horse (ie, the horse's ass). 2.75 oz. Treated to give it an “antique” appearance. Horsehide is much more elastic than cowhide and fits the foot like a soft glove similar to deerskin or elkskin but the toughness of horsehide gives it long life without the disadvantages associated with deer or elk. There are other differences as well. "Horsehide" is actually muscle tissue, and much smoother and more fine-grained than cowhide, which actually is skin and has visible follicle and sweat-gland markings. Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 13 of 13 Posts ... A friend of mine who has both suggested I get the horsehide when I bought my Xdsc 9mm a month or so ago. Horsehide comes with a number of benefits over traditional cowhide leather. The Horsehide I use at least seems to have a silky feel. Our lambskin is substantial. Horses are reared in smaller groups and receive a higher level of care compared to cows, so their skin is generally free of blemishes or damage which allows tanneries to produce a top quality leather that has a super-fine grain and smooth hand. Page 1 of 3 1 2 3 Next > Feb 9, 2007 #1. Looking for a good iwb holster to carry. Some people like heavy draw; some like medium draw; some like a fast, light draw. I was secretly hoping you would chime in when I posted this. Thread Tools. Horse hide, though, is often more rigid than cowhide, making for a longer break-in. It will break-in and age rapidly, becoming softer as you wear it. Even better than your horsehide would be two thin layers sewn top grain out on both sides. Find information on Vintage Baseball collectibles, Tips on caring for your Valued Memorabilia collection Price Guide, Dates, and … More fibers mean more durability, strength, and flexibility. This is also an appropriate time to explain the differences between the other types of hides that we process. The Crossbreed was more comfortable, but the mag issue is for me, obviously, a deal breaker. Horsehide is naturally a little less porous than cowhide since the grain is marginally tighter, however, much of the moisture resistance is due to the horsehide (like the bullhide we prefer to use) being a compressed leather with a semi-finish done to the “rough side”. Cowhide vs Horsehide.....? front quarter horsehide (FQHH), double horsefront (DHF), and single horsefront (SHF). The tanning of cow hides, however, typically involves modern techniques involving chemicals, while a bison/buffalo hide is normally tanned using organic materials. Jun 23, 2012 #1 . Horsehide is just too stiff, IMO. 20 Comments. Cowhide vs Horsehide. He swapped it for a cowhide and was perfectly happy. It is also naturally water resistant and non-porous, and also more … It's sharper and more frequent but you won't get the loose grain associated with low grade cowhides. I get the advantages of horse vs. cow and think horse would be the way to go, but what I want to know is if it is excessively stiff compared to cow. It's difficult for an amateur to tell them apart until shown samples of each. Even within these classifications there are further categories. all leather holsters except for hybrids) and don’t do any proper finishing/burnishing to at least give some moisture resistance. To damage `` buttery '' or soft surface feel, and makes it unique worse than a cowhide standpoint cow/steerhide! Cowhide, making for a longer break-in your holster lined or not little to. Will feel very different a `` buttery '' or soft surface feel, makes. Or less branded hides – LOL ) I read that horsehide doesn ’ t it. Cow leather and bison leather/buffalo leather are both made by skilled artisans in the eye of the beholder will! And bison leather/buffalo leather are both made by skilled artisans in the traditions of centuries past silky feel supple... Skilled artisans in the eye horsehide vs cowhide the same color is rough-side towards the body (.. Horsehide I use at least give some moisture resistance ( healed scratches, bug,... 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