Say "Alexa Discover Devices" or do Discovery from Alexa App. If you're getting a 'device is unresponsive' message from your device or smart plug it's probably down to a problem with DHCP being assigned by your router. You can simply ask Alexa to turn on, turn off, dim your lights, or turn smart plugs on or off. 6. Create a scene in the LIFX app (link to support page). Turning off the lights on the Lifx app works but not when asking Alexa wants too. Note: Some manufacturers listed may not be available in all countries. Make sure about, you have latest update LIFX app. That way, I do not inadvertently turn off the microphone by mistake. Controlling Scenes with Alexa. 9 comments. save. Tap on Wyze and then Disable Skill. So I am thinking I need to exchange this bulb for a new since it fall under the 2 year warranty still so if you could set me up with the procedure to do this that would be great. Tap on the three lines in the upper left-hand corner. Press and hold the button on the plug. 3. Once discovery is complete (about 20 seconds)... it will show up under Smart Home icon in bottom right corner of Alexa … Posted by 1 year ago. However, without activating the Lifx Skill, your control over the Lifx bulbs is very limited. Tap on “DONE” to finish the set up. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Disable and re-enable the skill for your smart home device in the Alexa app. delete the strip light from Govee app first and then reset the strip light. Say "Alexa Discover Devices" or do Discovery from Alexa App. To find reset instructions for some smart home devices, you can go to the Smart Home section of the Alexa app. To deregister and reset your device to factory setting, press and hold the button on the device for 12 seconds. Once bulbs show up in LIFX app, do a firmware update for each/ALL bulbs. Note: If you add more lights in future, you will need to discover devices again, for the Alexa app to be able to recognize new lights added to your account. Once bulbs show up in LIFX app, do a firmware update for each/ALL bulbs. Just say a command like, "Alexa, roll 10 d6" or "OK, Google, roll five d10," and your assistant of choice will quickly tell you the result. I sent a email with feedback from my other email address and incase you did not receive it here it is again so I would like to get the problems I am having solved quickly as possible, even if that means a phone call because I have spent well over $6000 with just bulbs not including updating my routers and other smart home product to make all of my smarthome products work seam less with your product. You may use the power button on the top to reboot Alexa, however, I often find it easier to yank the power adapter, wait about 30 seconds, and then plug it back in. We recommend: Whether you encounter difficulty setting up the device or it isn’t giving you the control you expect, try these steps to correct when the Amazon smart plug is not responding. LIFX Wi-Fi enabled LED smart lighting. Alexa always says that ST is mot responding when I try to trigger an ST scene but most of the time she actually executes it. and alexa and with numerous other smarthome devices. Additionally, Alexa takes a while to say "Okay" when completing requests that involve the Hubitat skill. I have a lot of issues with Alexa control just for Lifx only, I have a lot of smart home controlled devices such as HUE, INSTEON, WINK, SMARTHINGS and she understand all of those perfect. The lights work fine via WiFi on the native Govee app. The bulb does appear on wifi. You will require access to port 56700 to connect to Alexa Devices no longer linked to Wyze Skill. A simple restart often solves a host of mysterious tech problems. Since Alexa was not working correct I figured I would try to use the Google assistant on my android phone and it works perfect except for one thing when I connected the Lifx app to Google assistant it created a lot of doubles of bulbs so I am thinking there are some error in my Lifx cloud somewhere when it loaded these bulbs in. From that description, it sounds like the issue is with state reporting, rather than device discovery. share. report. If the Alexa App isn't responding or won't launch, force close the app and restart your mobile device, or try deleting and redownloading the app. Black Friday Deal 75W equivalent using only 11.5W Cool to warm whites: 1500-9000K Full Colour: Premium RGB LEDs Antibacterial: HEV LEDs $69.99. Please help! If not, check your internet access and remote control settings. This thread is archived. 9 comments. Alexa and Google Assistant each offer a much better way. Restart the Alexa-enabled device. When I tell alexa to "Turn off lights" or "tell lifx to turn off lights". Like with most electronic devices, rebooting can clear about 80% of issues. You can reset your Echo device using the Alexa app on your iOS or Android smartphone. All devices going offline [Updated 02-13-20] Data leak 12-26-2019. Setup video to connect LIFX Bulbs to Alexa via an Echo Show. Reset: Press the middle button on control box for four times while holding the power button. Custom designed, LIFX Filament Amber includes an omnidirectional internal LED stem for a full 360° of warming radiance, and packs the punch of full brightness at 500 lumens for functional visibility. Please help! I hope to hear back from you in a timely manner. Help & Questions. 5. Alexa app says “Device is unresponsive” Question. FREE Shipping on orders over $25 shipped by Amazon. 100% Upvoted. So the second time I disabled/renabled the skills I chose the second “Home” option in the list and now all my devices work as expected. I have set up the bridge and paired it with my Alexa app. How to Revive Your Smart Light Settings After a Power Outage. 5) Confirm you want to reset. At times I have to run it more than once as some of the devices are not set to what the scene prescribed (like a LIFX bulb not dimming) and other times it just doesn’t work so I have to run the scene from my phone. Alexa: After going through the steps to add a device, the instructions say to switch to the LIFX app and connect the bulb there as per the LIFX instructions. 2 min read. Once discovery is complete (about 20 seconds)... it will show up under … I bought a 3rd generation BR30 bulb and I am having nothing but issues every time I power the off then then on a few hours later it resets. Wait, here are the Best Solutions For The Trouble Alexa is Unresponsive.Soon, your Alexa will respond to you. So with all the money spent you can see why these issues are high on my priory list. This is the first time it has happened. Tap on “SET UP DEVICE”, you can choose a Group for KASA device or you can SKIP this step. If you have so many bulbs you are probably giving them name that are to long. Has anyone run into the above connection problem with LIFx? Works with Nest. Last night I noticed that Alexa can’t control my Philips Hue lights by scene or group. 4. Lifx Smart LED Glühbirne, WLAN, 800-a19, verstellbar Whites, dimmbar, Kompatibel mit Alexa: Baumarkt Wählen Sie Ihre Cookie-Einstellungen Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung anzuzeigen. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I was able to work around this by changing the device type to ‘ZLL White Color Temperature Bulb’ and then having Alexa forget and re-discover the Hue bulbs (I was only able to get Alexa … hide. Here are just a few things you can say to Alexa. If you have several LIFX lights, but only one is having this issue: Try to reboot the smart device and re-discover on Alexa. 5. Revoke access for the service you are having issues with. Now you can see why I am so frustrated and annoyed with this product because all that I have spent. It is true that there are many more Z-Wave and Zigbee devices that are supported; these protocols generally work better for home-automation devices than Wi-Fi, and the protocols are more standardized, so as you've read, it's generally also easier to make them work. All with your voice! I thought the bulb may have been in factory test mode and tried to take it out of that based off of your support FAQ and that seemed not to help. See if restarting your Echo solves the problem of Alexa not responding. Setup video to connect LIFX Bulbs to Alexa via an Echo Show. 1) Go to Devices. I can use the names of the individual bulbs, but nothing else. Aunt Alexa still not talking to Uncle Wyze . 4. I would at a minimum like to clean up the Z-wave and Zigbee devices so Alexa show only one. I am starting to think that LIFX is going out of business given their lack of support and lack of development fixes. Factory reset using the Alexa app. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, LIFX not playing well with ALEXA (no response from LIFX support). Further, Hubitat does support several cloud (e.g., Alexa), Wi-Fi (e.g., Yeelight), and LAN (e.g., Hue Bridge) devices. Tap on "DISCOVER DEVICES" or use voice command "Alexa, discover devices". Cloud account has authorized Alexa. As I noted above we have invented in a commercial grade network system which is the UNIFY PROFESSIONAL EDGE SYSTEM. It literally was within the span of 15 min. 07 $26.99 $26.99 Download and install any software updates available for your devices. Try this as it has solved my issue and now it works with Alexa. LIFX can be controlled locally, however, it requires a connection for features such as schedules, IFTTT, Amazon Alexa and more. Lifx sucks on support. Turn off the bulb. Sometimes things get mixed up, especially after changing around setting within the Alexa app. Go into the “Settings > Wi-Fi” menu of your smart phone for Android or "Settings > Wi-Fi > Choose a network" for iOS, manually connect to the smart devices network. Tap on Disable. A) Getting your Alexa device set-up. To enable this, go to the Skills section within the Alexa app. Everyone has trouble with them dropping off the network. Here is a follow up email and still nothing from them. That way, I do not inadvertently turn off the microphone by mistake. 2. You have now completed the setup process. How do you have 101 bulbs with no issue? I am emailing you because I am having a lot of issues with my Lifx bulbs. If the Alexa App isn't responding or won't launch, force close the app and restart your mobile device, or try deleting and redownloading the app. LIFX Mini White (A19) Wi-Fi Smart LED Light Bulb, Dimmable, Warm White, No Hub … Your Devices will now appear in the Alexa app. I have everything I c an converted to insteon. Alexa is Amazon's voice service that answers questions, lets … Press J to jump to the feed. If it is smarthome I have pretty much tried or looked into it. To get the best experience, you'll want to have an Amazon Echo or other Amazon ecosystem device that is compatible. Here's how to … LIFX Clean - Antibacterial Light. Scroll to the bottom and tap Discover devices. new LIFX … I’m on sky(uk) network and not sure if that’s causing the issue. Double check whether Kasa App can remotely control the device or not. 1. The issue I am having is when I tell Alexa to turn a light on or off she gives me the whole list of my Lifx bulbs to to turn on or off then I tell her the one I want and she cancels the command. I've installed the skill on echo. This thread is archived. Make Sure The Device Is Updated. Lifx Has stepped up their support and they do need more support for a user with standard residential equipment. Something’s I did to trouble shoot are removed all the other devices from the Alexa app and add only the Lifx app and no change. Third-party smart plugs: Unplug and wait 10 seconds. Then, re-enable your smart home device again. Within HS3, they all work fine. LIFX light bulbs can be controlled via Amazon echo or echo dot using Alexa voice control to turn on off or dim. Check the Wi-Fi connection. LIFX Wi-Fi enabled LED smart light bulbs with no hub. Works with iOS, Android and Windows devices. It's a great time to fill your house with smart light bulbs and switches -- but do yourself a favor and read this first. I have about 55 and most of the time most of them are not working. LIFX LED WiFi Lights for sale in Australia and New Zealand. Amazon Certified: Works with Alexa. Raw industrial ambiance of the past meets smart tech of today in our LIFX Filament Amber lights. Tap Discover Devices for your Alexa to find your LIFX lights. I am regularly experiencing "Device is unresponsive" messages in the Alexa App but only with devices paired to the HE Hub. Master bath, hall, living, dining is what I use. Reconnect the service in the proper location: Alexa app … Alexa App show Smart home device as "Server is unresponsive" Our smarthome device works fine when using voice control. Both options load all of my devices into Alexa as expected, but the first option loads devices that are unresponsive. If reset was successful, the bulb blinks. I have purchased over 100 bulbs from you to use in my house so I am well invested into your company. Tap on Your Skills. Disable and re-enable the skill for your smart home device in the Alexa app. 5 Your LIFX App; 6 Linking and discovering LIFX; 7 Using your LIFX light with Alexa; Troubleshooting Guide. Wyze outlet and wyze bulb don't work in Alexa. Based off my issues from items 2 and 3 its seem that Lifx is only having issues with Alexa so I am not sure if Lifx is currently working with Alexa to fix this issue or if there is a solution you can give me to alleviate this issue. We do not have standard residential equipment in our house. Since this is a headless device (no display), I wrote an Android App to to do the LoginwithAmazon stuff to get the auth_token. May I ask what make and model of router you are using? The issue I am having is when I tell Alexa to turn a light on or off she gives me the whole list of my Lifx bulbs to to turn on or off then I tell her the one I want and she cancels the command. Finally as you can see I invested into a lot of smart home technology especially invested into your product both money and time wise so I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me out with these issues. LIFX Wi-Fi enabled LED smart lighting. I am using mostly android devices. Archived. Do you have an Amazon Alexa device or Wireless Simple Set-up compatible router? I am trying to set up smart Govee led strip with Alexa, however keep getting a message saying the device is unresponsive. Alexa can also control your scenes. I have 2 Alexa and hue light. I've done firmware update on bulb. The bulb does power on and give light. LIFX can be controlled using using an installable skill as of 2018-09-12. While holding the button, plug into an outlet. Alexa gets confused if the the names are too long. Alexa is Unresponsive. I'm able to manage the bulb in android app. Disconnect your smart home device using the Disable option for your device in the Alexa app. A) Getting your Alexa device set-up. Next, open the Amazon Alexa app, go to Settings and select Connected Home. 2) Tap the Echo & Alexa icon at the top. Control your lights via iPhone and Android devices. Light Bulbs . Otherwise I guess I'll just do a factory reset. 3) Choose the speaker you want to factory reset. App seems a lot of glitches. Try saying, "Alexa, turn [group] on/off" or "Alexa, turn [light name] on/off". If your Wyze devices are showing as unresponsive in the Amazon Alexa app, try the following troubleshooting steps: Open the Amazon Alexa app. On our 10-Minute Webinar, we dug into top tips for finding and fixing Unresponsive Devices. Had to rename from Dining room, living room etc to get her to acknowledge each time. It took a few tries for the LIFX app to be able to configure the device (a few times the app was stuck in a screen saying "Preparing your device"). LIFX talks directly to the Amazon Echo when you connect with Amazon's voice service Alexa. Note: If you have a Phillips Hue V1 bridge (circle-shaped), press the button on the bridge before you try to discover your devices. report. 4. You may use the power button on the top to reboot Alexa, however, I often find it easier to yank the power adapter, wait about 30 seconds, and then plug it back in. Connect your lights with IFTTT, Amazon Alexa, Samsung SmartThings, Apple HomeKit, Flic, Nest and Google Home Assistant. So here is my list of concerns. If … Alexa won’t turn on/off the light so I checked the app and it says “Device is unresponsive” Did I miss a step? To do this, open the Alexa app and select Devices in the bottom right-hand corner. After breach, cannot connect bulbs back to Alexa. Eventually it worked, but then it started getting disconnected almost every 5 minutes or less. When you look at a device's details on the "Devices" tab of the Alexa app, Amazon sends … If I understand correctly, it sounds like a smart home device that you successfully discovered is showing as "unresponsive" when you look at the device's details on "Devices" tab of the Alexa app. On the devices that also have direct links to Alexa it will show three (Arlo Pro 3), or Two (Nexx Garage). This may cause your Alexa, Google Home, or other 3rd party integrations to fail in communicating with the light. Works better now when I can get them all on the network. I have tried the below; Reinstalled all apps. I have 101 bulbs set up in my house so I well invested into your product. Maybe Alexa is having issue with voice processing. If it doesn't, the next step is to reboot the malfunctioning Alexa device. If you have completed setup of your LIFX light, but the light occasionally becomes uncontrollable / disconnected in the LIFX app, you are experiencing connectivity issues. Disconnect your smart home device using the Disable option for your device in the Alexa app. 1. Turn your lights to Movie night from the couch, Dim the lights of the kids room, or set the study room light to blue light. Something’s I did to trouble shoot are removed all the other devices from the Alexa app and add only the Lifx app and no change. LIFX works with Amazon Alexa, Apple HomeKit, the… Connect your lights with IFTTT, Amazon Alexa, Samsung SmartThings, Apple HomeKit, Flic, Nest and Google Home Assistant. Just start with "Alexa..." "Change the lights to blue" “Set the lights to warm white" “Turn on movie night scene" “Turn on the hallway light” “Dim the living room to 20%” “Set the living room to warm white” “Make the living room gold” “Turn the desk lamp to … When the power goes out, it can wreak havoc on the smart home. 100% Upvoted. Reset both Alexa devices Alexa won’t turn on/off the light so I checked the app and it says “Device is unresponsive” Did I miss a step? Works with iOS, Android and Windows devices. hide. Echo has discovered the bulb. The issue I am having is when I tell Alexa to turn a light on or off she gives me the whole list of my Lifx bulbs to to turn on or off then I tell her the one I want and she cancels the command. LIFX and Amazon Simple Setup on Alexa LIFX and Amazon Simple Setup on Alexa . 4.1 out of 5 stars 2,393. All with your voice! Tap on Skills & Games. 5. My next step if still no response would be to post this on social media since I would know their product the best since I own a lot of it. Connecting your Amazon device with LIFX. Turn your lights to Movie night from the couch, Dim the lights of the kids room, or set the study room light to blue light. The reason we upgraded to this type of system is because the house is pretty fully smarthome. Repeat this multiple times and turn it on again. Download and install any software updates available for your devices. Check bulbs have latest firmware update. It literally was within the span of 15 min. The Candle Color has 26 customizable zones, billions of color combinations, plus a huge warm-cool white … If it doesn't, the next step is to reboot the malfunctioning Alexa device. Just got my first smart light which works with Phillips Hue. LIFX and Amazon Simple Setup on Alexa LIFX and Amazon Simple Setup on Alexa. I woke up, told alexa to turn on my bedroom lights which worked, then got out of the shower and asked her to turn the lights off and it was unresponsive. gneilson December 28, 2019, 3:40pm #2. I suspect if I did a direct connection with Alexa and Lifx I would show three devices in Alexa as well. Add the light again on the app and Alexa. Move it closer to the router and see if this solves the problem. Don't continue until firmware update is COMPLETE. After a quick set-up you can begin changing the color of your lights, turning them on and off, and more with your voice. Device shows up as offline on alexa app Registered a product as Type=Device with Alexa Voice Services. 3. I have a lot of issues with Alexa control just for Lifx only, I have a lot of smart home controlled devices such as HUE, INSTEON, WINK, SMARTHINGS and she understand all of those perfect. LIFX can be controlled via Microsoft's Cortana as of Feb 16, 2018. Restart your Alexa device and your smart home device. You can also group multiple devices together into a "Living Room" group and say “Alexa, turn on living room”. Coloured LEDs. Search for Lifx and tap Enable. With your scenes created, open the ALEXA app and SCAN FOR NEW DEVICES in the Smart Home menu. This is the first time it has happened. The brain behind Amazon's voice powered devices like Echo, FireTV etc. However when you select the device from within the Alexa App, the App says that the server is unresponsive and shows a message saying: "Waiting for