Science 222, 621–623. Bai, C., Reilly, C. C., and Wood, B. W. (2007). The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest. 128, 91–98. Nickel needs of plants. Baker, N. R. (2008). 28, 307–320. var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3112662-2"); Leaf urea concentration was measured through a modified procedure proposed by Kyllingsbæk (1975). (2016), the phenotypic specificity can modulate homeostasis and regulation of transporters for many ions. Photosyn. Thus, Ni fertilization at the dose employed in this study is beneficial for soybean and possibly for other annual species, in soils with low extractable-Ni, resulting in agronomical gains while meeting food safety standards. Microbiol. Toxicol. Total ureide concentration (allantoin and allantoic acid), as an indicator for BNF, was quantified through the methodology proposed by Vogels and Van der Drift (1970). Acta 1827, 986–1002. When Ni fertilized, eu3-a showed an expressive accumulation of urea—98.2 μmol g FW−1—while Eu3 was able to hydrolyze this molecule, resulting in only 10.0 μmol g FW−1 of urea. Guilherme, L. R. G., Marchi, G., Gonçalves, V. C., Pinho, P. J., Pierangeli, M. A. P., and Rein, T. A. Nickel Fertilization via Soil Improves Nitrogen Metabolism and Grain Yield in Soybean Genotypes. The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. Figure 4. A. Necrotic patches of vascular tissue may appear on the surface as a brown area. (2016). The genotypes were separated into groups of Ni responsiveness based on the responses of their N metabolism: high response (with enhanced N metabolism), moderate response (limited by low ureides synthesis and/or urea synthesis), low response (limited by ammonia synthesis), and unresponsive (limited by urease activity). Effects of nickel concentration in the nutrient solution on the nitrogen assimilation and growth of tomato seedlings in hydroponic culture supplied with urea or nitrate as the sole nitrogen source. doi: 10.1093/jxb/erh100. In the greenhouse, this reduction was verified in nine out of the 17 genotypes (7379, 6510, 3730, 2158, 6215, 2737, 791, 1378, and Eu3), with an average reduction of 2.9 times (Table 5). Clín. Similar symptoms have also been observed in Cu-deficient crops in northern Australia. Nickel, soluble salts; CASRN Various. Thus, these previous results give support to our data, indicating a higher grain yield in soybean plants when fertilized with Ni. According to Kutman et al. With Ni supply, we verified a higher Ni concentration in soybean leaves, as was observed for N concentration. Opinion – nickel and urease in plants: still many knowledge gaps. LG and MC are co-advisors and the coordinators of our research group. Effects on grain yield due to fertilization with 0.0 mg of Ni kg−1 (−Ni) and 0.5 mg of Ni kg−1 (+Ni) in 15 soybean genotypes and two near-isogenic lines (NILs, Eu3 and eu3-a) cultivated in (A) greenhouse and (B) field conditions. Acta Agric. Theor. Ni deficiency in field situations appears to be far more … Plant Sci. 86, 1–17. HortScience 48, 1145–1153. Ambrose, A. M., Larson, P. S., Borzelleca, J. R., and Hennigar, G. R. Jr. (1976). For field-grown soybean, only four (6510, 2158, 6215, and 2737) out of the 15 genotypes had higher ureide concentration in response to Ni fertilization, with average increments of 1.8 times in leaf ureide concentration (Table 5). Plants are stunted because internodes are shortened. Sci. The NILs (Eu3 and eu3-a) were not cultivated in the field experiment. Cobalt deficiency mainly occurs on deep sandy soil, although it can also occur on sandy soils with mottled yellow clay subsoils, loamy sands and gravelly sands. Nickel supply also positively affected photosynthesis in the genotypes, never causing detrimental effects, except for the eu3-a mutant, which due to the absence of ureolytic activity accumulated excess urea in leaves and had reduced yield. The extract was centrifuged at 13,200 RPM during 5 min. (1975). Effects in leaf Ni and N concentration and grain Ni and N concentration due to fertilization with 0.0 mg of Ni kg−1 (−Ni) and 0.5 mg of Ni kg−1 (+Ni) in 15 soybean genotypes and two near-isogenic lines (NILs, Eu3 and eu3-a) cultivated in greenhouse and field conditions. n.s., not significant. Hortic. var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? Life Sci. Moreover, Ni toxicity also causes chlorosis and necrosis and inhibits various physiological processes (photosynthesis, transpiration) and cause oxidative damage in plants. Subsequently, it was possible to attribute the “mouse-ear” symptomology on pecan orchards (Carya illinoinensis [Wangenh.] doi: 10.3892/ijmm_00000194, Khoshgoftarmanesh, A. H., Hosseini, F., and Afyuni, M. (2011). Figure 3. Regarding NILs, the eu3-a mutant, even without Ni fertilization, always presented the highest leaf urea concentration, with an average of 85.8 μmol g FW−1, a value that was 1.9 times higher than that verified for Eu3 (Table 5). However, this improvement on leaf N concentration did not result in higher grain N concentration, which occurred only in four—7379, 7200, 1378, and 620—out of the 15 genotypes (mean values without and with Ni ranged from 51.9 to 58.9 g N kg−1) (Table 4). Differential analyses of glyoxylate derivatives. (2009). (2017). Technol. DS and BW were in-charge for development of hypothesis, experiment conduction, data analysis, and writing of this manuscript. Fertilizer sources. One 0.5-mL aliquot was collected and added to 2.5 mL of reagent 1 (0.1 M phenol; 170 μM of sodium nitroprusside) and 2.5 mL of reagent 2 (0.125 M sodium hydroxide; 0.15 M dibasic sodium phosphate; sodium hypochlorite - 3% of Cl2). The marginal effect of genotypes was partialled out by subtracting each variable from its overall mean (irrespective to Ni treatment) for each genotype, prior to PCA analysis, resulting in a partial PCA (pPCA) as detailed in Legendre and Legendre (2013). Urea concentration was determined by colorimetry (color intensity) at 540 nm absorbance. Readings below 0.2 mg of Ni kg−1 were considered as not detectable and so not used for calculations. Biplot of partial principal components analysis of the variables related to N metabolism, leaf N concentration and grain yield for 15 soybean genotypes and two near-isogenic lines (NILs, Eu3 and eu3-a), fertilized with 0.0 mg of Ni kg−1 (−Ni) and 0.5 mg of Ni kg−1 (+Ni), cultivated in greenhouse condition.