If you need a normal monster to sacrifice for Common Charity, you can use Blue Dragon Summoner’s effect to get one into your hand. Step one: Normal Summon. Make Offer - YUGIs EXODIA DECK 41 CARDS | Dark Magician Girl Black Luster Soldier YGLD YuGiOh. Exodia Deck (Yu gi oh) Joey the Passion. Yugi will mutter "Kaiba..." before declaring that he cannot afford to lose. gg izi. Italian Duel Links. The formerly event exclusive Yugi Muto is now accessible in Duel Links at the Gate (and also obtainable as a character) for the general public. 3c Use Draw of fate to stack your deck then use any draw 2 card to choose any 3 cards (like Exodia) to add to your hand. The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. 1 3 N. Destiny HERO – Blade Master. Exodia is a character version of the card "Exodia the Forbidden One". It’s a good time to duel! That means you would have to reset each box aleast 3 times, may vary to get a legitmate deck. And while those decks will be rampant in the special PVP tournament, duelists may want to consider building decks to defeat Exodia. Secondly, the point of these decks is to have cards that let you draw to get to the five pieces quicker. Because all the draw spells are too slow and specific. Hi people from all the World, today is Exodia Day, yeah, I’m here with an Exodia Dragon Deck, it is one of the best for me.I’m doing this because today I was missing my Duelist Life in Cuba (yeah I’m from Cuba), when I started playing Yu-Gi-Oh I was 17th, now almost 23 years old. World Championship Tournament 2004 (Yu-Gi-Oh! Be thankful that Destiny Draw wasn’t Hanewata. It is the hardest to recover and few cards in your deck can recover it. However, if you draw any of the pieces of Exodia using this effect they will be discarded to the graveyard, which is why you need Backup Soldier to put them in your hand from your graveyard. Duel... Destiny 2: January 8 Week Xur Location, Weapons, and Armor, Gunfire Reborn January 8 Update: Bug Fixes, UI Changes, and More, King of Fighters 14 Releasing Ultimate Edition for PlayStation 4. PvP Best decks [Now Box Decklists Updated]. Silent M, Blu-E, Dragon Sum, Cosmo, Spirit of White. We gotta have at least some parts of Exodia if you want to call this an Exodia deck. View Deck. Library. KOF14 Ultimate Edition for PS4 comes with 58 characters, DLC costumes, and PS4 themes. Join the Discord server (full access is not needed and is not granted by becoming a DLM Pro member). Magical Merchant excavates your deck, discarding until you draw a spell or trap card. Blue Dragon Summoner can be found in the Card Trader. Reginald Kastle Unlock Event: Shark Attack - Number Appears! 6:26. ... panda exodia. ... Yu gi oh - Duel Links - Yu gi Vs. Joey Android Gameplay. In a deck that consists of mostly Normal Monsters, Heart of the Underdog can be an extremely powerful draw engine. Let us know your favorite cards in the comments section below. Use this specific deck. He has three copies of each Exodia card except the head. Note: :To see the Pass Update of Exodia FTK decklist, please click the link below: Unexpected Dai allows you to Special Summon a Level 4 or lower Normal Monster from your Deck. Into the void is really op with dark world dealings, other than consistency being huge issue, another very big problem is that these cards come from very bad packs. Jack Anteprima. The Exodia Special Duel event is now live on Yu-Gi-Oh! There are a few things to keep in mind when playing a deck centered around summoning Exodia. Yugi Muto Grandpa’s Cards is the only Skill you can run with this deck at the moment because there is no other way to get access to the five pieces of Exodia; unfortunately, this Skill forces you to run at least 25 cards, which … Duel Links' Update, How To Defeat Pegasus at Level 50 in ‘Yu-Gi-Oh! it might also keep your opponent on the edge if it sees at least one part of it. Why can't I use summon gate in duel links. We are not running any kind of protection because it would likely just slow down the deck and sometimes prove to not even be effective. Begin duel with the 5 exodia pieces in your Deck. Odds are, if you don't FTK you'll probably lose anyway. Check out our Exodia deck in Duel Links below. 3 1 N. Winged Kuriboh. Duel Links' Konami. Duel Links’ Update: Every Card In Valkyrie’s Rage. Defeating it for the first time as an opponent earns the player 3000 Duel Points. Thank you for visiting Duel Links wiki by GameA! Blue boy truly is your all-powerful monster, despite rocking only 500 ATK points. ‘Yu-Gi-Oh! The Legendary Exodia … This might be considered a bridge similar to a which Yami Yugi utilized in duels in events of yu gi oh duel links meta creatures. We update this Yu-Gi-Oh! Adopt wild cards. PvP Best decks [New Box Decklists Updated], Synchro Summon Guide: The Advent of Synchros in Duel Links. You can remove the ads and support us directly by becoming a DLM Pro member. Duel Links’: Every Card in the Chaotic Compliance Set, New ‘Yu-Gi-Oh! I prefer to run the 2 other exodia to pull the last peices back, that way if head is in GV you still win. ŦꂅƘꂅƦ Anteprima. Dark World Dealings, Snoww, Unlight of Dark World, Broww, Huntsman of Dark World and The Gates of Dark World can function as a pretty good draw engine for an Exodia Deck. 1 SR. Wonder Wand. Sangan x3. Duel Arena, with a default of 4 Rental Points. 0 50 Shortlink: Use this deck with Yami Yugi and the Grandpa’s Cards skill. The latest update features several bug fixes. 60 Keep in mind that you can activate Treasure Panda's effect how many times you want during the same turn. If you have all five pieces of Exodia the Forbidden One in your hand, you automatically win the Duel. This deck includes just existing Yu-gi cards out of duel links (there have been more of these in duel monsters. Kalvin Carra. 11 7 4 0. #1. Try not to lose the head of Exodia to the graveyard. Utilize this effect if you already have it in your hand. Monster Reincarn can add head to hand otherwise your dead in their 1st turn anyhow. Also used this deck to win a Bo3 tournament, the deck only dropped 1 duel throughout the entire tourny. 3 N. Cup of Ace. This deck uses Appropriate as a draw engine to get to Exodia.. Chainsaw Insect A 2400 beater that allows your opponent to draw, triggering Appropriate's effect. Right Arm of the Forbidden One x3. $24.95 +$4.55 shipping. 3a Use all the draw power you can till you get Exodia. World Championship Tournament 2004, Seeker plays an Exodia Deck as well. Duelist Chronicle 5Ds: Attack of the Dark Signers! The only downside is they are slower than you’d like, especially Shard of Greed which needs two turns to take effect. This will mill through your deck faster and get you the Jar or Shard of Greed you’re looking for. The Exodia event in Duel Links runs until March 21, so be sure to try out your Exodia strategies before then. Optimized Harpies feat. Watch fullscreen. Duel Linksis started after it is successfully downloaded in its entirety, Kaiba will appear, being prepared to defeat Yami Yugi in a Duel. Gladiatori Bestia Deck. Turn 1 WIN Exodia. Duel Links method of obtaining Contract with Exodia, rarity, basic information of cards. Aside from the Right Arm, Left Arm, Right Leg and Left Leg of the Forbidden One, we don't have any Level 1 Spellcaster-Type Normal Monsters in the game, so we have to go for a Level 2 one. View Deck. Make Offer - Yugioh Exodia & Final Countdown 40 Card Deck /13 Foils & Card Sleeves! Duel Links’ Players To Get Free Gems To Celebrate Yugi’s... How to Unlock Paradox Brothers in 'Duel Links', How To Solve Each Quiz in 'Yu-Gi-Oh! It can also be used to bring one of the pieces of Exodia directly into your hand from your deck. Thanks to Unexpected Dai, Into the Void, White Elephant's Gift and Wonder Wand, it's quite easy to get enough cards to banish into your Graveyard to Special Summon multiple pieces of Exodia from your Deck. Fast Ship. was meta. While there are plenty of cards that can help with your strategy, we have come up with a deck recipe to unleash Exodia as quickly and easily as possible. ŦꂅƘꂅƦ Anteprima. Fast Ship Dark Magician: deck recipe [Post-Banlist]. Rex has some cards that I imagine would be staple in any deck with dinosaurs. Thermal Scope is the newest item being tested in PUBG LABS. The “Grandpa’s Cards” ability will automatically add the five pieces of Exodia to your deck, bringing it up to 25, so you’ll want to keep your deck to the legal minimum of 20 cards. ; The Bistro Butcher A less effective version of Chainsaw Insect, but still useful for the purpose nonetheless. Duel Link s, which allows duelists to unleash the Forbidden One for the first time in the mobile game’s existence. Enchanted Fitting Room can be considered a cheaper version of Unexpected Dai, but, if you are not running Treasure Panda and your Deck features more Normal Monsters that you can Special Summon with this card, then it's arguably a superior option. VRAINS’ Episode 1 Synopsis Reveals Yusaku’s Motives, ‘Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links community day by day to provide quality guides and the latest news. Nephtys Deck. VRAINS’ Plot Synopsis Released. Left Leg of the Forbidden One x3. One big problem I haven't been able to solve: What if Into The Void sends your Exodia head to the grave? OG.Game Explorer. Use the monsters Special Summoned by Treasure Panda's effect to activate White Elephant's Gift and Wonder Wand and quickly draw through your Deck until all of the pieces of Exodia are in your hand and/or Graveyard. I summarize Yu-Gi-Oh! 0 Silent Spirit of Blue-Eyes Cosmo Dragon. Step three: Profit. You will receive a limited amount of Duel Points (usually around 300-900) for losing the duel. Cyber Angel Deck. A variety of decks, both old and new, are now viable and can take you far. 1. 5 years ago | 95 views. Why can’t you guys complete the hero deck by adding dark law? Hurricail is the one the highest ATK, but it's also WIND Attribute and we don't want to run into someone playing Poisonous Winds, so I opted for The Bewitching Phantom Thief; we don't really care about out monsters’ ATK anyway. Fortune Lady Hikari (carly carmine spotlight), Don’t forget wonder wand; equip it to blue dragon summoner, send them both to draw 2, and then get the search of summoner, Pity Royal Magical Library not in game otherwise you would have a spell engine. Duel Links also lacks extra deck tools like Synchro, XYZ and Pendulum cards, as well as several archetype-specific finishers and support cards. This guide will show you how to use it correctly. Another crucial part of the strategy is a combination of Magical Merchant and Backup Soldier cards. 3 R. Cards from the Sky. While it would be low key degenerate, it would be funny to see your opponents face when they lose first turn without being able to do squat because you milled yourself. Common Charity is another great trap card that lets you draw two cards by removing one normal monster from your hand. Duel Links method of obtaining Exodia the Forbidden One, rarity, basic information of cards. By Phillip Martinez @Phill_Martinez 03/13/17. Exodia Anteprima. Available in a range of colours and styles for men, women, and everyone. asd. How To Defeat Yami Bakura at Level 40 and 50 in ‘Yu-Gi-Oh! exodia can be used as backup win con depending on the deck. kain714. Duel Links, which allows duelists to unleash the Forbidden One for the first time in the mobile game’s existence. Toggle Deck List. Other cards you could add in if your seriously desperate is defense draw or destructive draw as a last ditch attempt to survive 1 opponents turn, And Rainbow Life will buy you a turn as well, if you can survive 1 turn that might be all the advantage you need, With Yubel coming back to Meta play; A few of us can think of something good we can do with Yubel-Exodia, Silent Doom is also good to summon back a normal monster, then equip it with a wand or tribute it with Elephant's gift, Locals are very fun to play, but honestly there are many slackers haha. So take his Arms and Legs. Xur's latest offers are excellent in PvP and PvE. Heart of the Underdog. But he usually takes more than one turn to summon so those Phonon Dragons and... Wtf did he waste his vital heavy cost offerings on Princess and not on Queen. 7:30. DLM Pro members will also gain access to exclusive features. Duel Links. Observation Review: The True Terror Of Deep Space, A Plague Tale: Innocence Review - The Ties That Bind And Shape Us, Rise of Industry Review: Industrialization At Its Finest. ; Destiny HERO - Defender With a very high DEF of 2700, this card is a wall that triggers Appropriate. Exodia the Forbidden One x3. Depending on the player's choice, either he or Seto Kaiba can then be utilized in the subsequent tutorial Duel. Whispers Of A Machine Review: An Exercise In Subtlety, With... World War Z Review: Great Potential Tainted By Mediocre Online... Far Cry New Dawn Review: Smart Gameplay Makes Up For Lacking Story, Amazon Prime Day 2020: Five Movie Collection Deals To Save Big, JoBlo Partners With Rock Steady To Bring Arcade Dreams To Life, 6 of The Best Sonic The Hedgehog Collectibles Every Fan Must Own, Marvel United Kickstarter Campaign Now Live From CMON And Spin Master, 5 Home Decor Items To Make Your House A Marvel Paradise. Information of Exodia … Other than the Exodia pieces, all of his other cards either stall the opponent's monsters or help to get the "Exodia" pieces in the hand. Toon Deck. Super cheat way to play Exodia if you are playing with other people who want to cheat and use banned cards. Please refer to the evaluation of Contract with Exodia. But beware, this effect only works for normal monsters, so the head of Exodia, which is an effect monster, won’t be able to return to your hand. Use Dark Factory of Mass Production to finally get all of the pieces you initially sent to the Graveyard back into your hand, sit back and just watch the animation. Exodia the Forbidden One - YuGiOh Legendary Decks II Yugi's God Card Complete Set LDK2-ENY04, LDK2-ENY05, LDK2-ENY06, LDK2-ENY07, LDK2-ENY08 4.6 out of 5 stars 270 $17.60 $ 17 . The first is you need to keep your deck at 20 cards no matter what. Also you should play it with stall cards, like Candina and the Kuriboh one to be at least a little comptetitive. 3b Use cards like Cosmic Cyclone to get your LP lower than your opponents. Fill your deck with normal monsters to take advantage of this card. What's important is that Unexpected Dai provides you a monster to send to the Graveyard with White Elephant's Gift and Wonder Wand without using your Normal Summon. While everyone taking part in the Special Duel PVP tournament will have access to Exodia, there are certain cards in Duel Links that can help duelists pull all five cards to summon Exodia and automatically win the duel. When Yu-Gi-Oh! 1 4 SR. Blue Dragon Summoner. You can only activate this card if you control no monsters, but that hardly matters. Left Arm of the Forbidden One x3. He appears as a Rare Partner available in Yu-Gi-Oh! Dark End Dragon is. Search. Wish Exodia Obliterate! 1 SR. There is currently no good way to run an Exodia Deck in Duel Links. Yugi’s deck. His partner ID is P026. Right Leg of the Forbidden One x3. yeah sadly its effect is bad news for you and not your opponent. Consistency is obviously a big issue. Saeto Games. Duel Links’, ‘Yu-Gi-Oh! Treasure Panda can be flipped face-down by. With newer cards being released which increase speed, Exodia is a more viable deck than ever before. Spellbook Magician of Prophecy. That’s on average 2 packs from doing this – you’re only limited by how fast your hands can move and how quickly the game loads. I summarize Yu-Gi-Oh! We’ve found consistent success using these cards, but we want to know if you have any other strategies and cards you use to unleash Exodia in Duel Links. After Kaiba concludes his global announcement in Duel World, if the player had previously chosen Yami Yugi as their initial character, Yami Yugi will appear in Duel World at this point; … What Is the deck of Yu gi? Exodia is the most popular and oldest "special win condition" card in Yu-Gi-Oh. Appropriately Forbidden. A slew of new boxes and events has transformed the Duel Links meta in recent months. The Exodia Special Duel event is now live on Yu-Gi-Oh! By banishing up two three Spell/Trap Cards from your Graveyard face-down, Treasure Panda allows you to Special Summon a Normal Monster from your Deck whose Level equals the number of cards you banished. He also appears as an opponent, as the boss of Stage 6 under Quest mode. This is also a great strategy if you decide to run Heart of the Underdog (can be obtained when Joey reaches level 25). If you have this card in play, whenever you draw a normal monster, you can draw again. Are you not more innovative then Duel Links Meta? Cards like Jar of Greed and Shard of Greed are essential, since they give you the drawing power you need without sacrificing anything. ; Visit our Patreon page and subscribe with your Discord name for $1/month. Love the deck, I have everything but I'm lacking into the void. Monster. Monster Beatdown. If your strategy is established and there are still spaces for cards, try to fill them … Duelists can summon Exodia in 'Duel Links', Our Exodia Deck with some of the cards we consistently won with in 'Duel Links', ‘Yu-Gi-Oh! The Exodia set can be expensive to buy individually, try to get a bundle of it or buy packs of Dark Beginning 1 where it is common. Duel Links; Best characters to level up; User Info: ... Hell, I have it in a pretty scary exodia/magician girl deck that takes advantage of having exodia pieces in the graveyard, thinning my deck, and/or summoning quintet magician. While there are plenty of cards that can help with your strategy, we have come up with a deck recipe to unleash Exodia as quickly and easily as possible. Prioritize the pieces of Exodia when you activate this card: you will be able to get them back with Dark Factory of Mass Production anyway. Def of 2700, this card in play, whenever you draw two by! Compliance set, new ‘ Yu-Gi-Oh, basic information of cards Greed you d... Can activate Treasure Panda 's effect how many times exodia deck duel links want during the same.! You guys complete the HERO deck by adding Dark law than ever before might also your. Useful for the first is you need to keep your deck at 20 no. 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